a ni-ght w!th him finale

a ni-ght w!th him

Zeemah Writes?

?Chapter 100.


A Month Later??

Another ro-mantic, action, thri-ller or family stories @:- Pizarena.com
The day dawned blue and gold and sunny,it wasn’t too h0t or too cool, perfect atmosphere for her wedding today.

Irene was nervous, she couldn’t even eat the sandwich Christiana had prepared for them,she was so excited.

Fleur, the hairdresser c@m£ at two o’clock to tend to her hair, Marlene’s mother had recommended Fleur who was her personal hair stylist and makeup artist to Irene.

“Hey Fleur” Marlene said jovially as she walked into Irene’s room with Allysia.

They both went to get the manicures and pedicures done.

They wore matching outfits,stra-pless wine satin go-wns, glistening with crystals. Irene had made it for them and she was glad to see them looking stunning in it,they had both decided to let down their hair to their w@!sts and they wore the same color of shoes,cream. though it’s of different designs.

“plea-se you really nee-d to make her hair look different and stunning” Christiana said to Fleur who smiled.

“I will”

“Fleur is really competent,she makes my mum’s hair all the time and she had even made my royal cousin’s hair who wedded last year” Marlene smiled,she was sitting at the edge of Irene’s be-d, helping Ivory unwra-p her candy .

“Wow,I’m as-sured she’ll do a good job then” Christiana said,she was the bridesmaid .

She was putting on a warm beige color dress that hvgged her curves perfectly,her hair styled in a simple ponytail and she wore black heels,she looked beautiful.

“Mum’s still gonna look beautiful without even styling her hair” Ivory said.

She was wearing a pretty purple go-wn Irene had made for her with white shoes and different colors of hair cli-ps decorating her hair.

“Of course but she’s the bride,she nee-ds to look different and stunning” Allysia said and Ivory shrugged.

“Marlene,help Sabrina unwra-p her candy” Ivory said after seeing Sabrina struggle with the candy wra-p.

“Your daughter is so cute” Marlene said to Christiana,who smiled.

She helped Rina unwra-p her candy also and handed it to her.

“Thank you” Sabrina gave Marl a big toothless grin.

Fleur started with the make up after she was done with the hair.

It looked beautiful that it alre-ady highlighted Irene’s face. Fleur is so competent like Marlene had said.

“I’m so excited” Marlene beamed.

“About the wedding or because you’ll be seeing Damien soon?” Allysia tea-sed and they laughed.

Damien and Blaine were with Harold in his h0tel.

Harold’s parents, Mrs Neave,Mrs Nola and Blaine’s Mum were at the wedding hall alre-ady putting things to order.

Marlene’s parents and so many other dignitaries would be gracing the occasion, which means the security would be very ti-ght.

“Now,your dress” Fleur said after she was done with the simple but eye-catching make up.

Irene got to her feet as her wedding dress was fetched, of course she had made the beautiful magnificent lace go-wn herself.

They all helped her wore the dress, Ivory stood on a chair to as-sist them and Sabrina was more concerned with seeing the end of her candy.

They were careful not to mess her hair or make up as they wore her the wedding dress.

Fleur attached the long lace veil to Irene’s perfectly styled hair and they all stood back to examine the beautiful bride.

g@sps trailed from their mouths.


?The bride is coming in…

Irene stepped into the Hall with a twenty-foot train behind her and a cloud of veil covering her face.

Heads turned and g@sps filled the whole hall.

She looked like a movie star.

She walked down the aisle in stately elegance and she could see Harold catch his breath as she walked towards him. It was the most perfect moment of her life.

Tears filled her eyes, wishing her father had been here to walk her down the aisle. Knowing he’s here with her and she just couldn’t see him st©pped the tears from rolling down her cheeks.

He’s here and he’s walking her down the aisle and her mother is also seated here.

She smiled back at Harold who was looking breathtaking in his white suit with gold glitters at every edge.

His hair had been obviously given special treatment,it looked darker,glossier and curlier.

His golden eyes looked striking,they matched with the gold glitters on his suit, Harold is the most good looking groom she has ever seen.


stood beside him and he quic-kly held her hand.
He had resisted himself from running to her and pu-lling her into his arms while she was walking down the aisle.

“Are we meant to hold hands?” She tea-sed him in a whisper.

“I don’t care,you don’t know how ha-rd I’m trying not to k!ssyou right now” He said and she almost laughed.

They were both facing their guests and Irene was a bit surprised to see so much people.

The male guests wore white tie and the women wore spectacular go-wns.

Everyone looked great.

They all stared at the bride and groom adoringly.

Vogue was covering the wedding.

The press were outside begging to be allowed in,the security was so ti-ght and the wedding was strictly by invite.

Damien and Blaine looked intrigued to see some superstars they had always watched on TV.

“I think I’m going to faint alre-ady” Blaine said.

“Me too” Damien laughed.

“I can’t believe my brother is finally talking to his celebrity crush” Blaine smiled, gazing at Kelly who was in a de-ep conversation with Elena Scott,one of youngest and most beautiful Hollywood actress.

Kelly’s room is stacked with her magazines.

And it doesn’t look like Kelly is forcing the conversation, Elena is obviously enjoying his company also,she smiled and laughed at intervals.

Blaine felt so happy for his brother.

“I bet your brother isn’t gonna sleep tonight” Damien said and they laughed.

Marlene shook her head disapprovingly seeing her brother flir-t with different girls at once.

“That woman wants everyone to know she’s the groom’s mother” Harold said to Irene and she chuckled, watching Mrs Marshall welcome guests with her face lit up with smiles.

“Anyone would know she’s the groom’s mother” Irene smiled.

Mrs Marshall was wearing an expensive looking emerald green organza with high-heeled black shoes,her diamond earrings and n£¢klace looked great on her.


Marshall was looking great in his simple black suit, white tie and shiny black shoes.
Damien and Blaine were looking fly in their tuxedo, ignoring the ladies flir-ting with them from different directions.

Mrs Neave applied make up for the first time in years and it made her look so young and beautiful, she was putting on a pale blue satin go-wn,held by a tiny string of rhinestones to her n£¢k, with sparkly white shoes,her eyes were filled with love for the couple.

Mrs Nola who had been the wedding planner looked quite stunning in a simple pink dress with silver shoes, Allysia had helped her style her hair and also made her wear makeup.

Madam Perse was also seated among the guests, smiling happily.

She looked pretty but slightly overdressed, her make up was dramatic and s£xy.

She had closed down her bar for today just for Irene’s wedding, she was so excited when Irene invited her, knowing she’s gonna meet a lot of dignitaries that might probably help her business grow.

Though Irene was planning to give her some money to refurbish her bar and guest house into a bigger and more modern one.

Madam Perse threw a wad of pink gum in her mouth and then grinned at Irene when she caught her eyes.

Ryan, Tom, Rob were standing not too far from Harold, as b©dyguards and also as groomsmen. They looked great in their suits and white tie.

Tom was married alre-ady and his wife was sitting among the guests, Ryan’s gaze was on Christiana likewise hers on him, they started d@t!ngrecently,turns out Christiana wasn’t the only one having feelings for him,he confessed to have liked her also and he hadn’t even bulged or changed his mind after knowing she has a child, he embr@ced Sabrina into his world instead.

Ryan eyed Gemma, Christiana’s friend who was also seated in the midst of guests, he had liked her at first glance,she looked elegant, gentle and calm,exactly his type. And her smile was soothing even though it hadn’t been directed to him but Sabrina.

“She’s single” Ryan whispered to Rob.

“Huh?” Rob asked.

“Gemma” Ryan win-ked and Rob grinned.

Irene and Harold exchanged their vows and rings,they were declared husband and wife and then k!$$£d pas-sionately.

The hall was filled with the sound of c@m£ras,until they reluctantly moved away from each other.


had her first dance with Harold at the reception and then with Damien and Harold’s Dad.
After the dance,it was time to throw the bouquet, all single women lined up in orderly fashion un-der Mrs Neave’s direction, the men stepped aside and Harold watched his wife adoringly, waiting impatiently to take her away.

She stood on a little stool so she could throw the bouquet at them.

“If it lands on you, we’re getting married right away” Damien whispered to Marlene who laughed.

Though she wasn’t on the line with the women, Damien had just said that jokingly.

He crossed his arm over her shoulder and then pu-ll-ed her closer to him, glaring at the guys who were staring at her,not only because she was beautiful but also because she was a princess.

He gave them the ‘she’s-mine!-i-dare-you-to-come-close-to-her-and-have-your-ba-lls-ripped-off’ look and they all quic-kly turned away.

He smiled to himself satisfactorily.

Irene’s toss was stronger and higher than expected as it sailed over dozens of women’s heads who were struggling to catch it and then landed on Christiana’s che-st,who hadn’t even made any effort to catch it,her gaze locked with Ryan’s immediately and he smiled and win-ked at her.

Everyone cheered…the celebr@tion continued.

Irene and Harold lingered for a while before finally leaving the p@rty, everyone threw rose petals at them before they stepped into the Royal carriage waiting for them.

They waved at everyone before the carriage pu-ll-ed off.

They were headed straight to the airport,they had planned to spend their honeymoon in Hideout Bali in Indonesia.


“I’ve never seen a place look so beautiful” Irene said to Harold.

They were snuggled in each other’s arms,n@ked. The blanket covering them, they just finished the third round of lovema-king in one night.

“I’m actually a genius in picking out beautiful places,no one does it better than me” Harold boasted..

“Did i just say this place is beautiful..urrgh! It’s damn ugly” Irene scoffed pla-yfully and they laughed.

“We’re gonna go sightseeing tomorrow,there are a lot of beautiful places here that i would want us to visit” Harold said.

“I can’t wait” Irene said, gleefully.

“We’re finally married, in each other’s arms, far away in one of the most beautiful places in the world, a place so serene that even our minds feel at peace. I’m so happy,i hadn’t even been this happy when i made my first billion..today is the happiest day of my life” Harold said and Irene smiled.

“I’ve never felt this happy and fulfilled” She said.

“I’ve spent several nights with different men and nothing special happened, but just a NIGHT WITH YOU changed my life for good. I didn’t even know you then but i felt strangely connected to you. I hated my job then but now,i keep thinking would i have met you if i hadn’t been working in Madam Perse’s bar” Irene said.

“We would have met if we were destined to, I’m now convinced that things happen for a certain reason. I have a confession though” Harold grinned.

“Uhmm..why do i feel you’ve done something n@ûghty that you nee-d to be sp@ñked for” Irene said and Harold laughed.

“Yunno you’ve always asked me why i wanted you as my daughter’s nanny even after knowing the type of job you did” Harold said.

“Yeah” Irene nodded.

“I actually saw your journal peeping from your bag while you were washing up in the bathroom the next morning after we spent the night together. I hadn’t meant to re-ad it but it kept beckoning me so i picked it and promised to just fl!pthe pages but i ended up re-ading half of it and then i knew you hated that job,you were only doing it to take care of your family so i felt the nee-d to help you” Harold explained.

“Wow!” Irene exclaimed.

“You’re a crook” She added laughing.

He was laughing also. “I’m sorry to have invaded your privacy though”

“No,it’s fine though i would have been pissed if you had told me then that you actually went throu-gh my journal but what to do now? You’re my husband so i can’t possibly yell at you over that but you deserve some beatings actually” Irene said and Harold laughed, she sat up and the blanket sli-pped away from her bre@sts and Harold quic-kly pu-ll-ed her close before she could pick the blanket,she curled her arms around his n£¢k, crushing her bre@sts against his ha-rd che-st.

A choking m0an filled her throat as he k!$$£d her n£¢k down to her bre@sts.

“Cheers to more nights to come” He smiled as he made her l@yon her back.

He got on t©p of her and made his hands explore every p@rt of her b©dy before thrû-sting into her.

Her m0ans grew louder and he covered herl-ips with his.

Irene gave herself in totally,enjoying the blissful moment.

She’ll forever look forward to more nights with no one else but Harold Marshall because every NIGHT WITH HIM had made her feel so complete and she knows it’ll continue to be that way.

A night which is termed the darkest moment of the day had actually turned out to be her own brightest moment.

Harold Marshall had turned her darkness into the brightest star she has ever seen.

*In another’s darkest moment lays the brightness of another*


*A year Later*

Ivory sat in Irene’s workshop, rocking little Ivan to sleep in her arms while Irene worked.

Her business was booming fast and she now has dozens of workers, though she still prefers sewing in her little workshop.

It gives her the comfort any other place can’t.

She was sewing Christiana’s wedding dress,the wedding is coming up in two weeks time and Christiana is out with Mrs Nola to get more things for the wedding.

Harold had gifted Ryan and Christiana a mansion,two cars and a hvge sum of money for their wedding just like he had done for Tom and everyone had laughed when Rob said he can’t wait to get married also, he’s d@t!ngGemma alre-ady and they are actually taking things slow and steady.

Today is their wedding anniversary and they had celebr@ted it before Harold left for work. Yeah, her husband is still as ha-rd working as ever.

Their wedding is still ranked the most eventful wedding in San Francisco even after a year..

Their wedding pictures were the cover of t©p weddings magazines.

“I’ll go drop him in his cot” Ivory whispered to Irene who smiled and nodded.

Ivan’s eyes popped open the moment Ivory stood up and he bur-sted into tears.

Ivory gro-an ed and Irene laughed.

Ivan Natalie Marshall is just six months old..so cute and chubby that people st©pped to admire him everywhere they went .

He has striking golden eyes ,just like his father and he also took Harold’s black hair, Ivan’s skin is the color of liquid honey just like that of his mother and when he smiles,his cheeks dimples.

He’s an adorable baby.

And Ivory who’s now a year older acts so much like the big sister she is, Ivan is always in her arms except when he’s slee-ping in his cot or when she leaves for school and once she gets back from school, she’ll drop her backpack and go to him immediately, telling him about her day and she would laugh happily when Joel replies her with his baby chattering.

Ivory sat back on the chair and Ivan kept quiet.

His eyes started closing almost immediately.

“Seems he doesn’t want to leave your workshop” Ivory smiled.

“Yeah” Irene nodded.

“Heyyo! Babe” Harold said, walking into Irene’s workshop.

“Sweetheart” Irene stood up to hvg him.

He had told her he’ll be leaving work early to spend some time with her today.

He k!$$£d her cheeks and then herl-ips,which lingered for a while.

He turned to his children and walked towards them.

“Little Ivan is asleep” He smiled crouching in front of them.

“Shhhh…no noise or he’s gonna wake up” Ivory whispered to Harold who nodded,he k!$$£d her forehead and gingerly stepped back.

“You look tired,I’m tired also. Let’s go rest in the room” Harold took Irene’s hand and pu-ll-ed her out of the workshop.

Ivory glanced at them suspiciously before turning her gaze back to Ivan.

“And when we get to the room, we must really rest” Irene tea-sed Harold as they walked to their room.

“Yeah, a quite different rest” Harold grinned.

“Damn! You’re so n@ûghty” Irene laughed.

“I know right” He laughed.

“Where are those mischievous teens?” Harold asked.

“They went to the palace,they might be coming back tomorrow” Irene said.

“Little wonder the house is noiseless” Harold said and Irene chuckled.

Blaine, Allysia, Marlene and Damien had graduated from high school a month ago and they all applied for the same college,they are expecting their admission letter which is most likely to be positive because they all graduated with good grades.

They are the teen models for her fashion sto-re,their pictures were on the front page of Daire fashions pages and magazines,each of them rocking a piece from the sto-re and it was really fetching Irene great sales, she can’t be more grateful to have such good looking siblings.

They do switch from Harold’s house to the palace and then to Damien and Blaine’s house.

Damien had told her Marlene’s father knew he was d@t!ngMarlene and he seems to approve of it.

He still teases her by calling her detective Irene,she had st©pped the thought of being a detective because she was too emotional and soft for it,she was only lucky with Ethan’s case,besides she would like to spend time with her family.

Her fashion business is enough for her to handle.

Mr and Mrs Marshall returned to Paris alre-ady but they’ll be here for Christiana and Ryan’s wedding.

And Mrs Neave is now very close with Blaine’s Mum who was so happy when Kelly told her he’s now d@t!ngElena Scott,she imagined their wedding to be as eventful as Harold’s and Irene’s.

Mrs Neave and Blaine’s Mum keep each other’s company and discuss relevant things while Mrs Neave knit in the big sto-re Irene had opened for her,she bought some knitting machines that’ll make her mum’s work easier but Mrs Neave loves to knit with her hands once in a while and she really makes great sales every day.

Harold gifted her a car even though the sto-re is just few walks from the house, he thought she might want to go to the market and some other places.

The door opened and Harold quic-kly pu-ll-ed out of Irene.

Ivory stood by the door, staring at the both of them, Irene was glad a blanket was covering them.

“I thought you both wanted to rest” She said.

“Yes,we are” Harold said.

“Really? Do people rest on each other now?” Ivory asked curiously.

“Yeah but only couples do” Irene quic-kly said,her cheeks flu-shed.

“It’s actually called intense couples rest” Harold said and Irene stifled a laughter.

“Intense couples rest?” Ivory raised her brow. “I’ve never heard that” She added.

“Are you both n@ked un-der the sheet?” She asked.

“What! No” Irene lied.

“But your clothes are on the floor.. scattered all over the place” Ivory said and Harold and Irene stared at her, speechless and a bit embarras-sed. Irene was still trying ha-rd not to laugh.

“I..is Ivan asleep?” Harold asked to divert the t©pic.

“Yeah, i placed him in his cot alre-ady. Mum, Mrs Nola and Christiana is back and they said you should come check out the things they bought. That was why i c@m£ to get you but I’m going to tell them you both are having an intense couples rest” Ivory said.

“plea-se do” Harold said and Ivory nodded and gave them a last suspicious look before walking out of the room.

“Intense couples rest” Irene repeated and they both bur-sted out laughing and in few seconds,they were back to their intense couples rest.

They were glad they found each other and they both couldn’t have asked for a better p@rtner.

~a ni-ght w!th him ~?


Who wants we do an “Intense couple rest”??????️

How was it fahm??

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