A candle in the wind finale

Episode 17 (Final Episode)

It had been three hours now that we
had been praying but mum remained
It seemed that our prayers weren’t even
reaching the ceiling!
Was I the cause of it all?
Did I nee-d to increase my faith?
How do I do so?
My brothers still prayed on although it
was obvious that they were getting
The whole floor was filled with
perspiration and tears.
“God, I am getting tired but your word
says in Isaiah 50 verse 7 that Mr.
Douglas re-ad that ‘For the Lord God
will help me, therefore shall I not be
confounded, therefore have I set my
face like a flint and I now that I shall
not be ashamed’ we have set our eyes
like stone today and we wouldn’t want
you to drag your own holy name in the
mud because you are able to do
exceeding abundantly above all we can
ask or think” he prayed on.
If nothing, I was very sure of my
brother’s great intelligence when it
comes to cramming things.
Everything he was saying now was
what Mr. Douglas had said and he had
retained them in his own memory.
When I couldn’t even remember much!
We heard the gate opened and I ran to
the window to check.
The doors of a sleek, black car opened
and two men and a lady ran inside.
Those men!
“Dad is here” I announced and my
brothers looked up.
“Glory! Maybe God would respect his
own anointing more” ru-by said,
standing up and wiping his sweat
“Exactly, ‘cos it’s a must that mum
wakes up” Gem said
“Yeah. I hadn’t seen mum in months…I
mean long months here and never
would I be able to forgive myself if we
don’t get to see again. I won’t forgive
myself! Never!” ru-by took it personal
once more.
“For goodness’ sake, mummy isn’t even
60 yet” Gem said
“60? She is just in her early 50s and God
promised that with long life would he
satisfy us…is God then a man that he
should lie?” ru-by asked again, sharply
“No” Gem and I replied him and he
shook his head.
There was a knock at the door.
We hesitated
The knocks bec@m£ louder
They bec@m£ more ra-pid
“Who is there?” I asked
“Dad” he replied and I ran to the door.
I opened and saw my father at the door
with one fresh guy and one beautifully
hvge woman like Queen Lateefah!
“Dad” I exclaimed as I jumped into the
arms of my father.
I sobbe-d as I perceived the dew on his
Dad had gone to pray alone again!
See how haggard he looked!
Long n£¢k, his hair formed small lumps
on his head and he looked unshaved
He must have been gone for long.
He was weeping too and I realized that
there might be no hope.
God must have spoken to him.
If dad should say that it was God’s will,
that means, we would just have to
accept it.
“She’s dead?” he asked and I nodded
against his che-st
“Yes!” I replied again and dad sat on the
floor, weeping profusely
My heart melted and I knew that was
It was just too late.
It seemed that Abigail was just too
skeptical but for real, she was d–n
If dad could wail someone’s loss, that
was all.
“God gives and he takes away” he said
“No!” ru-by said as he joined us at the
door, Gem closely behind him.
“She can’t be dead! Never! God didn’t
take her away. Sickness did!… and since
the time of John the Baptist, the
Kingdom of God suffereth violence and
“…violent takes it by f0rç£!” a very
weak voice said and ru-by gave me a
thumbs up as if I was the one that had
completed it.
It wasn’t me o
I didn’t even have much verses in my
memory any longer.
So whose voice was that?
Was it this aunty?
She looked hvge; her voice should be
very de-ep!
It can’t be this uncle…
it was a female’s voice.
Nob©dy seemed to notice.
“Dad, I can’t believe you are giving up
alre-ady. Aren’t you coming from a
prayer programme? So, where is your
faith? Where was all you had taught us?
Where is your faith?” ru-by asked on
What cute audacity it was!
Dad bent his head and wept ha-rd .
“I am sorry” that was only what he said
as he sobbe-d loudly
“God doesn’t just seem re-ady to forgive
me all and erase all my sins out of my
remembr@nce. I had really failed in my
responsibility. I threw you away all in
the name of western education even
when God was saying something else. I
disregarded my wife’s advice and she
was treated like an outcast…. Like a
candle in the wind” He paused and
wept some more.
We all joined in the crying exercise.
The candle in the wind!
That really describe-d mum
It really did!
“If my wife died, it would be for God to
punish me and teach me that I should
always put my family aright before my
ministry. It would be an unforgettable
experience for me…I have been away
for about a month now and since God
still allowed her to go, then, who am I?”
he cried.
“Who are you? You think you can really
survive without the support of this
woman? You think so?” ru-by charged
at dad
“I don’t think so son. I know I would
fail” Dad replied obe-diently.
“So, why not fight for her life? Why not,
so you make all things work together
ru-by was very desperate and the hvge
aunty watched on with a very great
interest, nodding her head with great
“Why not let’s pray again? Why not let’s
call on God once more? If God could
heal mum and bring her back to life,
we have promised to serve the Lord
with the whole of our hearts. If not…”
he shook his head and dad looked up at
him, obviously broken hearted
“God is good my son no matter what
happens” he said
“Yes I know. Gideon asked for signs
from God and God gave him. I am
asking for a sign from God now to
confirm to me that he is good. The sign
I request isn’t much, eternal breath
should enter into my mum’s b©dy and
the vital organs which are faulty in her
b©dy should be brou-ght back to life.
That’s the sign I require” he said again,
his che-st rising as he spoke.
“Oh my God!” Dad cried out.
“I agree with you” the hvge aunty said
All eyes turned to her…her spoken
English command was killing!
She must have great alto…or bas-s!
“God has to raise her as only there and
then can Tony and I get married. She is
going to be the Mother in Israel that
day” she said and the fresh guy looked
at him.
He blu-shed!
Was he the Tony?
“I agree too” the guy said.
Dad stood up gently with Gem’s help.
“I agree too” dad said
“Me too” Gem said
“Me too” the weak voice said again.
ru-by looked at me and smiled faintly
“Haven’t you said ‘me too’ before? Why
are you saying it again?” he asked and I
“Does that sound like my voice? That
was not me o” I said
All eyes were on me.
“Who spoke then?” Gem asked
“I noticed that voice too when you were
saying violent suffer or suffer violent or
something…I wasn’t the one o.” I
“Maybe it’s Abigail then” ru-by said
“Or mummy” Gem said and ru-by
looked at him and shook his head
“You think we are joking here?” he
asked almost provoked.
Gem shook his head.
“I wasn’t joking either.” He said and
ru-by shook his head still.
“Let’s go downstairs and pray plea-se.
This is just an unserious boy” ru-by said
and everyone started moving towards
the stairs.
“But wait everyone.” I called out and
everyone st©pped again
“what do we want to go and pray
about?” I asked and ru-by chuckled
“See question o. I thought you said you
agreed to pray for mum” ru-by said
“Fine, I agreed but we are just like the
disciples in the bible because if I know
nothing in the bible, the day a bible
study teacher c@m£ to teach us about
this subject, I can never forget!”
“What subject?” dad asked
“The disciples were praying after Peter
was arrested and was in jail. They were
praying for his re-lease and God heard
them. There was a knock at the door
and Rhoda went to check. By the time
she saw Peter, she rushed back to tell
them it was him but they told Rhoda
that she was this or that. It meant they
were not praying with faith” I explained
in my own way
“So? What are you saying?” ru-by asked,
I never really knew how to explain
I knew I wouldn’t do well if I was a
“Why could it not be mummy?” I asked
and they all looked at me, surprised.
“What!” dad exclaimed
“When Gem said it might be mummy,
why did you think he was joking and
you even said he was just an unserious
boy? Why?” I asked, tears gathering in
my eyes
I hated it when people don’t seem to
un-derstand my point.
“Ok, you are saying mummy could be
alive?” ru-by asked.
“Yes” the weak voice sounded again
and I wi-de-ned my eyes, nose and mouth
“That wasn’t me that spoke again o. it
wasn’t me. Mummy must be alive! She
must be!” I almost screamed as I
pushed Gem out of the way and rushed
My heart jumped into my mouth!
I searched for my voice to no avail!
By the time I found it, it c@m£ out very
“Mum!” I called out.
There she was, smiling faintly, still lying
on her back
“Baby!” she called out weakly.
“It’s impossible!” ru-by exclaimed as he
jumped inside and went towards the
“Sweetheart” Daddy called out and
mummy smiled faintly.
“My love” she replied, holding her
hands towards him
“Oh my God!” The uncle exclaimed and
the hvge aunty fell to the ground and
started rolling, speaking in ton-gues
“I saw Jesus!” Mummy said faintly.
“Oh my father!” Gem rushed towards
her and fell on her too, crying profusely
“One Doctor c@m£ to me with two
nurses behind him.One nurse held a
tray that contained a new liver, lungs,
kidneys, wo-mb and all other internal
organs with about four large packs of
blood and some tubes. The other nurse
held an empty tray.”
She paused as she ru-bbe-d her
husband’s head and patted his back.
“The doctor re-moved all in my inside
and oh God! It was so rotten and black!”
she said, irritatingly.
I could only imagine
“After the removal, he used a tube and
one machine to drain all the black
blood in my b©dy after which he
re-moved the fibroid. It was very big!”
she said and I shook my head
Is God really real?
I had only watched this kinda thing on
Christian Television Channels.
“He dumped all these in the empty tray
and started transfusing blood for me.
After that, he replaced my internal
organs with the new ones and told me
to go back” she completed her tale and
ru-by who had started crying increa-sed
his cries from gear to gear.
“Oh God is wonderful!” I cried out loud.
God heard the prayers of this dirty
filthy rag!
His prayer point exactly!
“I surrender all…I surrender all…all to
thee my blessed savior, I surrender
all…” Gem sang on and we joined him.
“I will worsh!pforever, love him
forever because this God is too good o”
The hvge aunty sang sonorously and we
joined too.
“He’s too good” Dad cried too, rolling
on the ground.
He spoke weakly.
Just then, there was a loud fart from the
be-d and we all turned to look towards
the be-d.
It was mum!
She farted and it was brutal!
The uncle laughed and ru-bbe-d his
hands together.
“It must have been a really great
surgery that Doctor Jesus conducted.
After all successful surgical operations,
the patient must fart. God is beautiful!
she just farted now” he explained and I
It was strange to me.
Sure I was in the medical line and what
he explained was not new to me..
I wondered how operation would be
conducted in the spiritual realm and
then it would take effect physically this
God must be really hvge!
“Looks like she has fainted” The uncle
announced again and we all rushed
towards her and held her different
b©dy p@rts.
“Someone should switch on the air
conditioner plea-se and give me space.”
The uncle said again as he walked to
the wardrobe.
He brou-ght out two saline drips and the
intravenous lines and after injected a
p@rticular medicine in it, he set the line
in mum’s hands and he smiled at us.
“God has done what no man can do”
The uncle said.
“Oh yes! But your face looks familiar
uncle” Gem said
He smiled
“At John Hopkins?” he asked and Gem
“That’s it! I knew it” he exclaimed and
hvgged him
“You are the intelligent radiogra-phy
students in our college” he said as he
patted his back
“And you are the number one youngest
gynecologist there. It’s an honor to
meet you here holding my mum” Gem
said again and he smiled
“I never knew all these about you”
Pastor said and the uncle smiled again.
“You will know everything soon sir” he
said and looked at the other aunty who
was busy c@r£ss!ngmum’s hands.
He whispered something into Gem’s
ears and he smiled
The duo went on their knees.
“plea-se say yes Precious” they chorused
together and the aunty faced them.
She smiled and shook her head.
“Why should i?” she asked, pla-yfully
“Because God is good and so that mum
would be the mother in Israel that day”
he said and she twisted her nose to a
“Just that reason?” she asked
“And because he loves you” Gem said
“Yes I do. I love you so much. plea-se
say yes!” he cried out
Precious smiled and faced mummy.
“If mummy says yes, I will” she said
and Tony arched his brows.
“Mummy, should I say yes to Tony?”
she asked and almost like a magic,
mummy nodded, trying to adjust her
head on the pillow.
Someone who had fainted o!
All was just amazing to me
Tony and Gem screamed while ru-by
looked on, a bright smile on his face.
“Mummy said yes” Tony and Gem
screamed almost together and dad
“Alright then, I say yes” Precious said
and we all cl@pped happily.
Abigail entered throu-gh the door too
and cl@pped, a hvge smile on her teary
What was she crying for?
I could only wonder
All that had happen today really did
worth crying for though!
“I am happy for you guys.
Congratulations” ru-by said and the duo
“Oh my God, thank you because all is
falling into place for my family and
these children of mine” pastor said, his
hands clasped together as he focused on
his recu-perating wife
“When would you guys be going back
to the United States?” Tony asked
“Not any time soon. We are all done
with schooling though, so going back to
the US would be on a visit” ru-by said
and we nodded in agreement.
Tony laughed
“When are you going back too?” Gem
asked Tony and Precious looked up
“Anytime from now” he said.
Precious frowned and her face dropped.
“It seemed aunty isn’t happy about that
o” I said and she gave me a “who s£nt
you” look.
Tony smiled
“Should I stay?” Tony asked giving her
a cute look.
Precious’ face was stern
“Go!” She said
Tony smiled
“And you would be happy about it?
Really?” He asked, smiling again.
“Yes” she replied again, her face
Tony laughed.
“So, what is it with that face?” He asked
I smiled as I watched on.
Precious looked forlorn and her face
“Aunty, are you crying?” I asked and
everyone turned to look at her.
She didn’t say anything
“Awwwwwnnnn, she would miss me”
Tony smiled and it was tou-ching.
“I won’t” she retorted
“So why were you crying?” He tea-sed
” Because I don’t like long distance
courtsh!p. I like it when both p@rties
are around” she explained and we all
“Its the same as saying you would
seriously miss him my dear” daddy said
“I definitely would” she confessed
Tony covered his face babyishly
“Were you shy before?” ru-by asked, a
smile etched on his face.
“Not shy. You guys tend to start feeling
yourselves. Its that feeling that I hate”
She confessed again.
We all laughed loudly.
“You guys wouldnt even let someone
sleep” Mum muttered as she stretched.
We all rushed towards her be-d, giggling
“I think this would be a nice sh0t if
snapped” Gem said.
“Who would be the ph0togra-pher?”
Tony asked
“ru-by” Gem and I echoed.
He frowned
“Why? I wouldn’t be in the whole
scenario then? Mbanu!”
“Not to worry children. We are all
going to show in it. There is a selfie
stick in that wardrobe, Emerald, bring
it. You are the last born here” Dad
intervened and I stood up.
We started taking as many sh0ts as
It was really a time worth living and I
really felt alive like a member of a real
Mum and even we the children were no
longer candles in the wind but now, I
felt like we were like a g@soline lamp
that even the surrounding insects could
only perch on but can’t attack anymore.
All thanks to God the greatest resto-rer!


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