xxx celebrity episode 2 & 3

Written by author Nath
The day had gone dark when Vicker drove to his residence; a single furnishing bungalow without fence. One could see the headlights of his car reflecting on his windows when he arrived until he parked the black Lexus beside a hibiscus flower. The engine died down along with the light and the next sound that filled the air was a beeping security sound that started immediately he opened the driver’s door and c@m£ out with a big brown envelop.

Vicker hastily dropped the envelope on the centre table of his living room, first gr@bb£d the nearest wine from the house bar and began to drink, occasionally glancing at the envelope. He had everything he nee-ded as a man except the love of a woman due to the nature of his job. Therefore he was lonely inside regardless his luxurious bank account and handsomeness.

Nevertheless, he opened the envelop, placed a picture of Mr Williams and his family on the transparent table. His eyes caught with Cas-sandra’s beauty that s£nt a signal to his subconscious mind. “Hmm.. religious.” He murmured and drank another quantity of the wine. Just then, a knock c@m£ from the door and his friend, Mark, entered. He was black with trimmed beard.

“How did it go, man?” he glanced at the table. “Wow.. this one is more beautiful” he pointed at Cas-sandra’s picture.

Vicker ignored him then lit up a cigarette like a nervous criminal. Of course Mark could see it on his face. So he calmly asked him, “Are you afraid of this mission?”

Vicker glanced at him as smoke troop out of his nose like an incomplete combustion of g@soline g@s from a power bike with two exhaust pipe. “Not that I’m afraid, Mark. Just that I have to pl@ya different role when I’m finally in that home. I’ll pretend to be holy and good to this one.” he pointed at Cas-sandra’s picture. “Then protect my identity as a p©rn star to everyb©dy except this one.” he pointed at Sandra’s picture. “Why? Because she alre-ady know who I am. Just that she hasn’t seen me physically. Now do you know the most incredible thing?” He blew out another smoke. “I must do anything possible to win their hearts even if it takes slee-ping with the mother and the daughters.”

Mark smiled. “Do you even know what you’re asked to get from the house?”

“That’s another thing! I was told not to open it or ask questions about it!”

“What if its a time bomb or some kind of element that will put the city in a catastrophe coz that woman, Alice, is a scientist or researcher while Mr Williams is a doctor?”

Both remained quiet, critically wondering in unstable thought. Suddenly, Vicker’s phone rang, he glanced at his friend then picked it. Quietly, Mark watched and listened until he hung up the call.

“Who was that?” he asked enthusiastically.

“That was Alice. She said the man also has a smart son that lives abroad and may come back anything soon. Therefore I nee-d to strike on time.” Vicker replied.

“Smart son, huh?” Mark began to node his head like one who is smarter. He placed a hand on Vicker’s shoulder and said. “I don’t think there is anyone who is smarter than you, bro. Go into that home and do your thing. You nee-d this money.”

Both shook hands like men un-der pressure to conquer.
Back to Mr Williams residence, they all nee-ded to go to be-d. As a routine, they must as-semble in the living room to say a short prayer. Mr. and Mrs Williams sat side by side on a cushion, facing a plasma television, while the twins sat opposite each other on a different seat. The formation was like that of a king and queen with their subject. Alre-ady, they had concluded the prayer, silently waiting for the holy spirit to as-similate their supplication.

The television was turned off thereby giving the room a silent atmosphere. Only the sound of an air conditioner vibr@ted their delicate ear drums.

Mrs. Rose, the mother, looked at the twins. “You both can go to be-d now.” she broke the silence.

The twins looked at each other but refused.

The mother glanced at her husband then back to the girls whose faces weren’t smiling. Before she could proceed, Sandra said unabashedly, “We want to get something straight, Mom. Cas-sandra and I have decided to st©p this test that happens every four months.”

“What test?” Mr Williams glanced at the wife, while the twins seemed surprised.

“A vir-ginity test” Sandra continued. “Dad, are you saying you’ve not been aware?”


“Oh my God!” Cas-sandra exclaimed. “What exactly is going on in this house?!”

“You both should shut up and get into your rooms!” the mother yelled, pointing at a direction.

“Never!” Sandra stood up angrily. She was fearless and rude when necessary. “Explain to us even at school, why you had to bring a doctor to check our vir-ginity!”

The mother stood up to sl@p her but the husband held her hand, both glaring at each other. However, Cas-sandra had started shedding tears.

“This is a family” she began from the cushion as the parents never st©pped glaring into each other eyes. “Family doesn’t keep secret. I believe there’s something more than pregnancy that makes mom to do this. Why, Mom?” she sniffed in tears.

No one answered the question thereby giving space for a ghost to pas-s by. Just then, Mrs. Rose flung her hand off from the husband and rushed into her room, while others remained mute.

“Dad, you also have a skeleton in your cu-pboard.” Sandra whispered then walked out followed by her twin sister…
Vicker had tracked the family to a beach where they were having a family vacation. One could see others having fun at different places. Behind them was a forrest which indicated that the p@rt of the land was tropical. Mr and Mrs Williams sighted their daughters, having fun at a distance until suddenly, people began to run helter skelter.

“It’s a time land!! Run!!” a voice shouted from afar.

The couple saw the land shooting out as if buried bomb were set on the earth crust, killing people.

“Cas-sandra!!” the mother called on them. They ran into the forrest to see a house where they entered then locked it without knowing the resident.

Time was not on his side anymore. That prompted the race on the time land. He was shi-tless and muscular which bec@m£ obvious when he started ban-ging on the door of the same house. “Someb©dy open this door, plea-se!”

However, inside the house, Sandra surged forward to open the door.

“Where do you think you’re going to?” her mother whispered.

“Sandra, come back here!” Cas-sandra also whispered.

The young girl looked at her father, ignoring others coz only her father’s decision she would take. “Dad?” she called.

“You can open the door” the father instructed as an after thought.

“plea-se, open!!” The voice was still yelling and ban-ging.

Sandra opened the door. First, a rusty sound paved inside the room before it opened. She couldn’t believe who she saw: A p©rnogra-phy star. She recognised him coz she was a p©rn and masturbation add!çt which she had been hiding from her family.

On the other hand, when Cas-sandra saw him, she fell in love with him at first sight.

That was Vicker. He entered and locked the door behind him to see Cas-sandra staring at him like the rest of the family. Obviously, he was also carried away by her beauty but he must not forget his mission.

Mr Williams noticed how Sandra looked at the stranger then asked her, “You seem to know him, Sandra.”

The young girl startled by the question then shook her head. “No, Dad”

“Who are you and what’s happening outside?” Mrs Rose asked Vicker. They all listened to hear from him especially Sandra…..

Episode 3
Written by author Nath
Inside the small wooden house on the time land as called, Mr Williams family listened to Vicker to answer the question thrown to him by Mrs Rose. He hesitated, ma-king use of his cognitive domain because he nee-ded to pl@ysmart on the family in order to accomplish his first mission which is living with them un-der the same building, hence acquire the freedom to finally get whatever Alice told him to get from the family.

“Who are you and what’s going on outside, young man?!” Mr Williams repeated the question. Yet, Vicker said nothing only to see the twins staring at him as if conducting a staring contest. He could see love from Cas-sandra’s eyes while Sandra looked at him lvstfully and se-ductively, seeing his shi-tless b©dy and his d!¢k coild inside his swimming knicker like a donut.

“This mission gonna be tougher than I thought.” He concluded within himself then turned to the parents. “My name is Vicker. I c@m£ to have fun at the beach like everyone else. What’s happening outside is what they call the time land. It explodes like a bomb un-der the ground and…” he added vocally just to be interrupted sarcastically by Mr Williams.

“Nononse! There’s nothing like that. This is not the first time we come here for a vacation!” he paused to allow the room to as-similate the doubt as others watched him. “As far as I’m concern, this is just a set up.”

“Set up for what?” Vicker asked him and at the same time an-alysing the man as a stubborn fellow, thus still doubting the possibility of his mission.

“I don’t know. But my family is leaving with me now!” He surged towards the door.

“Dad, we may die if we step out of here. I believe we all saw the disaster before running into this place.” Cas-sandra sounded convincing.

“Are we then going to stuck in here forever?”

Nob©dy answered the question except the sound of footsteps from outside that seemed like that of a walking dead. Fear gr!pp£dall of them, listening to the footsteps until it st©pped. It was becoming scary like one of the horror movies watch by the twins. Therefore both glanced at each other. Suddenly, the door f0rç£fully broke open and three men with guns and mask entered. The twins screamed along with their mother whom they ran to.

However, Vicker had raised his hands up as one of the gunmen was walking to Mr Williams. “Men, what’s going on?” he asked but a sl@p from the gunmen sh0t him up.

“Move!!” Mr Williams was kicked on the bu-tt like a convict.

“Where are you taking my husband to!!” the wife cried.

“Daddy!” the twins yelled.

The men took away the man of the house, while Vicker looked back at others saying, “He was right. It’s a set up. I guess they’re kidnappers.”

“Kidnappers? He’s only a doctor!” Mrs Rose cried.

“What are we going to do now?” Sandra asked in tears.

Vicker looked around the room smartly to see a large metal. “I have a plan. Do you have a car?”

The women nodded.

“Now, run to it while I run after the gunmen.”

“With this?” Cas-sandra showed concerned, pointing at the metal.

“Careful young lady before I think you care about me” Vicker smiled attrac-tively at her while Sandra couldn’t say anything. “Now, go!!”

All ran out. Vicker sighted the men running with Mr Williams then pursued them. The twins couldn’t take their eyes off him as they were also running towards the car.

The sun had set when Vicker met the gunmen. “Hey!!” He yelled at them.

The men turned with one holding Mr Williams. Their masks looked scary but never frightened Vicker.

“We’re warning you for the last time, stay away!” one of them said.

“Why don’t you put down your guns and fight me like a man” he challenged…

On the other hand, the women waited patiently inside the car until they sighted Mr Williams running to them even though his big stomach couldn’t let him run properly. He met them, breathing hastily while the twins wandered their eyes if they would see Vicker.

“hor-ny, what happened. Where is the… the… the boy?” Mrs Rose asked him. As the man was trying to gather momentum for the answer, so as the girls were hopefully wishing for a positive response. But all were distracted by gunsh0ts.

“We have to leave now!” the wife added.

“No, we can’t leave him.” Sandra agitated. Just then, they also sighted Vicker running and dodging from gunsh0ts by one of the men. Mr Williams drove the car to meet up with him in a hurry, st©pped for him to enter into the front seat, surprisingly Vicker opened the driver’s door.

“What a fv¢k are you doing?!” Mr Williams asked him.

“Kicking your as-s off from the steering wheel.” he replied. Struggling, the man left the seat while Vicker handled the wheel.

“I’m no slow as-s driver. Watch and learn” he ignite the car as bullets kept flying above them and hitting the windscreen. The girls smiled at his words. The back tyre of the car rotated at a sp©t thereby pu-lling up dried leaves then sped away..
“I don’t think there is anyone who is smarter than you, bro. Go into that home and do your thing. You nee-d this money.” Mark encouraged Vicker. Both shook hands like men un-der pressure to conquer. “So what’s your plan on how to get into the family?”

Vicker brou-ght out a large paper which he spre-ad on the centre table. “Here..” he began to explain. “We gonna build land explosion and term it time land.” He pointed at a symbol then continued. “This is an abandoned house where they probably gonna run into before I meet them. We gonna hire two more men to act as kidnappers. I’ll rescue the man of the house and drive with them. I’ll make sure I drive.”

Mark glanced at him. “Why?”

“Coz I’m anticipating to work as a driver for them in order to move into the family.”

Both looked at each other with a smile….
Like James Bond, Vicker drove the family home safely still half n-ked. He climbe-d down to see the mansion which he wanted to work as a spy. It was magnificent in his eyes.

“Young man, you saved us today.” Mr Williams brou-ght his attention back from staring at the mansion. “What do you do for a living?”

Vicker must not mention acting p©rn otherwise b!ow his cover, but Sandra knew very well.

“Still looking for a job, sir.” He replied.

“Why don’t you work as a driver for us?” Mrs Rose interfered. Hearing that, the twins smiled happily coz they wanted him around especially Sandra.

“I’ll love to, ma’am.” he smiled.

The man of the house thought for a while and said, “No”. All their smiling faces dropped at the same time when they heard that…
Back to the residence of Vicker, Mark stood with him in the sitting room without saying a word. From their posture, you can s-en-se that no joy in their hearts.

“Guy, that man is a heart-ha-rd ened grove!” Vicker began angrily. “A plan that almost went according to plan just ended. He only took me inside the house, fed me and gave me a cloth then promised to give me a cheque.”

“This isn’t easy, at all!” Mark concured. “How about the fine babes there?” he smiled.

Before Vicker could answer, his phone rang–that was Alice. He put it on loud speaker. Surprisingly, they heard a background voice from the phone saying, “We’re re-ady, ma’am. We only nee-d the other element, ars£nic.”

“Hello Vicker, did you succeed?” Alice’s voice overshadowed the background voice.

“No, ma’am.”

“You’er running out of time! plea-se, find another way into that house!”

“Ma’am, isn’t it better we barge into the house and get that thing from this man at gun point?”

“He rather dies than giving it out, so proceed with this method” she hung up the call.

Mark said immediately as an afterthought. “I think I know what you’re asked to go bring from that house. I heard the background voice.”

“What’s it?”


“What’s that?” Vicker drew closer.

“Ars£nic is a rare toxic element called heavy metal that can diminish mental and central nervous system function… wait…” he looked at Vicker. “Alice wants to bring a sickness to this world that only her can cure in order to be seen as god and she’s using you to accomplish that.”

Hearing that, Vicker bec@m£ dumb…