xxx celebrity episode 15 & 16

Episode 15
Written by author Nath.
He gro-an ed like a wild animal in the trunk of a car, hitting it ha-rd to free himself like the people of Israel craving to leave Egypt. The car sped into a garage where four men c@m£ out throu-gh a door found there. They covered their bodies with air-suits like astronauts in the moon. Only their faces could be seen throu-gh a transparent face mask. They stood by the trunk, hearing the gro-an ing and hitting sound from it. One of the men held up syringe which he gauged with his eyes like a doctor about to inject his patient.

“Open it!” he commanded.

The other three men looked at one another fearfully, hearing the gro-an ing sound. It was like if they open it, they’ll be devoured by the beast of a human, affected by the current disease in the city. Nevertheless, they summoned courage and opened it. The gro-an ing human whose b©dy had been stain by blood jumped out but caught by the men and injected a drug into him throu-gh the syringe. Instantly, the gro-an ing st©pped. He coll@psed on the floor before taking him to Alice’s laboratory .

Men in the same suit could be seen in the lab working on chemicals which Alice was included. She saw how the infected victim was la-id on the be-d with his hands and legs tied.

“Take a sample of his blood.” she commanded, walking towards the man. The sound of her shoes was like that of a fimale teacher walking down a staircase in a high-hill. Just then, a female worker approached her.

“Ma’am, we have a situation.”

The short woman turned to hear from her.

“I guess there’s a mistake on the coordinate.” she spre-ad a paper before her like a teacher with an instructional material for better illvstration and un-derstanding of the concept. “The bombardment of this radioactivity is short with the number of reactant..”

“Get me Mr Williams residence on the phone!” Alice interrupted immediately, walking towards a telephone..
However at Mr Williams residence, Sandra was still embr@cing Vicker like a wife who found her lost husband. As she looked at Grace throu-gh his shoulder, so as Vicker glared at Mrs Rose for attempting to kill him.

There were ten people in the house: Vicker, Mark, Grace, the family including the gatekeeper and three other reporters; a fimale and two males.

“Sandra, come here!” the mother ordered her thereby s£nding a warning signal to her.

The girl glanced at Grace for the second time before meeting her family. Vicker stepped forward to the woman.

“The only reason I won’t have you killed is because of your daughter, Cas-sandra who saved my life. But I demand an apology right now!”

Grace wondered from behind what Vicker was talking about.

“Apology?” The woman began. “For taking advantage of my daughter or working with Alice by giving her the formula for the vaccine of what has fallen the city?”

“Really?” Vicker nodded his head as he looked around in anger. Grace could see him fli-pping one of his f!ngerswhich he normally does when he wants to carry out a deadly action. The girl un-derstood, so her breathing rate changed, looking at Mrs Rose. She gave her a signal that shows: “Apologize!” but the woman didn’t un-derstand. Just then, Vicker pu-ll-ed out a gun, aimed it at her head then pu-ll-ed the trigger! Crack! the conker jammed on the barrel letting him know that there was no bullet in it anymore. Instantly, he pu-ll-ed another gun to shoot.

“Vicker!” Grace and Cas-sandra shouted at the same time and rushed him with the same velocity, holding his hand.

“Are you out of your mind!?” Cas-sandra yelled at him.

Calmly, Grace looked into his eyes saying, “I don’t know what the problem is but for my sake, don’t do it coz I know you can. plea-se.”

Vicker’s hand hadn’t gone down neither did he look at the faces of the two girl. Alre-ady, Mrs Rose breathing rate had increa-sed and others covering their eyes not to witness her death.

“Mom, plea-se, apologize.” Sandra whispered to her.

Luckily, the house telephone rang. Vicker rushed it then picked it and put it in a loud speaker as others listened too.

“Williams..” Alice’s voice c@m£ throu-gh the phone.

Vicker recognize her voice. “It’s Vicker, Alice.”

“You have something that belongs to me.”

“Come and get it” he hung up the call.

Everyone turned to him like a messiah. He looked from Mark to everyb©dy inside the house.

“My name is Vicker and I’m a p©rn star.” He began glancing at Cas-sandra to see her reaction. Female reporter picked up her c@m£ra, recording his statement. “This home is where everything happens. Some will die and some will live, but there will be no redum if we work as one. Alice is the one who brou-ght out the disease in the city and I have the formula for the vaccine and cure at large. So what is happening in this house is; producing the cure and withstanding external f0rç£ that will come for it especially Alice’s men and..” as he was speaking, so as Mark was sharing everyone a gun. Only then did they un-derstand the gravity of what he was talking about.

“Eewwuu!” the old gatekeeper cried from a corner after giving him a gun. “Is this how I will die? God, plea-se, receive my soul in advance.”

“You’ll not die!” Mark urged him.

“When I don’t know how to fire a gun?”

“You’ll know when a bullet flies throu-gh your ear.”

“Eewwuu!” he raised his two shoulders in shock.

Mark handed a gun to Grace as the last person who refused to take.

She said, “I didn’t come here to spill blood. I c@m£ for him” she pointed at Vicker.

“And I told you not to follow me” he stepped out. “Take the gun or you’ll be f0rç£d to take it, Grace.”

The girl folded her hands. She never took the gun.

“How do we produce the vaccine and still keep our lives safe?” One of the male reporters asked. His name was Benji.

“Good question.” Vicker turned to the family. “They’ll call their son on live video call who’s studying related course abroad. He will direct us. Woman, I believe your husband had a mini lab inside this house.”

The woman nodded her head.

“Let me get my l@pt©p for the video call” Sandra ran upstairs. Surprisingly, Cas-sandra ran after her.

Suddenly, a breaking news c@m£ from the television. All attention was drawn to a female journalist who broadcasted from Alice’s lab saying, “It has been confirmed that Vicker, an xxx celebrity is the cause of the disease in the city and has the cure which he wanna use to be rich and he’s pres£ntly at Mr Williams’ residence…”

“fv¢k!” Mark exclaimed. “She has made us enemy to all.”

“We won’t only be hunted by Alice but by many.” Vicker added.

Just then, they heard footsteps from the gate. All positioned at different windows. Vicker walked up to Grace with another gun.

“Take this, now!” he skrie-ked. Grace startled then collected it.

Mrs Rose walked to him with her own gun. “I’m sorry” she whispered.

Alre-ady, gunmen had circulated the building and a gunsh0t from upstairs killed one of them which escalated the fight–that was Sandra.

A bullet broke a glas-s beside the gatekeeper who shouted, “Which bu-tton should I press?!”

“It’s not a bu-tton! It’s a trigger, old freak!” Mark answered him….

Written by author Nath.
Aminu, the gatekeeper realized that Williams’ compound had turned into a war zone. Therefore he located the trigger as directed by Mark, aimed one of the men then pu-ll-ed it. As the bullet was leaving th barrel of the gun, his hands quivered like electric shock. Fortunately, the bullet killed his enemy. He leaned away from the window with a smiling face.

“I got one person!” he happily announced.

“Good thing you found the bu-tton, Aminu!” Mark complimented without looking at him.

“But my hands were shaking like a Nokia phone!”

“Did it ring too?”

“No, it only vibr@ted!”

Mark shook his head amusingly. “Put your hands on silence then and get your f!ngersworking!”

Aminu looked at him as he also leaned behind the window to reload. “My f!ngers? What am I to f!nger?”

“f!nger the trigger and let it m0@n for you, old freak!”

They both laughed, turned to the window again, exercising their f!ngerson the trigger.

The two male reporters; Benji and Ned also fired from a window likewise Vicker. Only Grace and Mrs Rose stood at the centre of the living room.
On the other hand, inside Sandra’s room, she was the only one shooting from there, while her twin sister quivirewd beside a be-d regardless the weapon in her hands which she occasionally glanced. Sandra quit shooting when she saw her in a motionless posture.

“Cas-sandra, what are you doing? Shoot or get sh0t!”

“I don’t know how to take someone’s life.” She replied.

“But someone wants to take your life.”

Both stared at each other, hearing multi-ple gunsh0t in the air until it st©pped thereby bringing back silence in the building. Sandra looked throu-gh the window to see all the men dead. “They’re all dead.” she moved to pick her l@pt©p. She wore a bu-mshort and a polo unlike her sister who was on Jean trou-ser. She lifted the l@pt©p to leave the room but suddenly st©pped, suspiciously gazing at her sister.

“Cas-sandra, are you okay? Why did you even follow me up here?” she asked.

“To ask you a question” she replied calmly. Sandra drew closer to hear her vividly. “Vicker said he’s a p©rn star. How did you get to know a p©rn star?” she added.

Sandra kept quite.

Cas-sandra drew closer to her. “Do you watch p©rn?” she asked again.

Sandra nodded. “That’s how I knew him.” she vocally accepted, wanting to leave the room at the same time but Cas-sandra st©pped her.

“I love him despite that. I don’t know why.” she had said.

Sandra took a very good look at her sister again. She could see her heart beating fas-ter for Vicker. But how can she fall in love with the same man she wouldn’t allow any other person to take from her? Problem. Nevertheless, she said. “Who’s the girl he c@m£ with?”

“Her name is Grace, his ex.”

“Ex, huh?” she thought for a while. “Well, I love him too.” she plainly said.

“What?” Cas-sandra exclaimed. She watched Sandra leave the room, hearing her footsteps on the staircase like a gbaza queen.😆.
However, Aminu had met Mark after shooting, looking at his gun to admire the handwork of the white men. Meanwhile, Sandra had put her brother on a vidoe call, waiting for it to connect. Mrs Rose, Vicker, Grace and Sandra were the only one in front of the c@m£ra.

Benji and Ned sat at a different corner to regained their strength. They could see the female journalist, standing alone in terror. She wore a plain black trou-ser and a black jacket over a white longsleeve shi-t like a prospective banker which caught Ned’s eyes immediately. Benji could see how he looked at her. So he tapped him. “Invite her over.”

Ned smiled. “This isn’t a time for love. The city is in crises.”

Surprisingly, they saw the lady coming towards them as if she overheard their conversation.

“She’s alre-ady coming for you.” Benji joked.

The lady finally c@m£ closer to them. She was a complete example of brown skin girl with black hair. “May I sit?” she requested.

“Sure” Ned adjusted for her. She sat down beside him then flung her hair. They were looking at Vicker and co.

“What’s your name?” Ned asked her.

“I’m Julianne” she flung her hair again without looking at him. “What do you think about that guy?” She gestured at Vicker.

“The p©rn star? I wonder if this his mission will be accomplished.”

“I feel like he’s using us to get what he wants.” Benji interfered.

“Have you noticed how the three girls look at him?” Julianne finally looked at Ned who smiled.

“I guess it’s the same way I’m looking at you.” he replied, while the lady smiled.

“Does it mean we gonna stay here forever, defending ourselves?” she changed the t©pic..

Finally, the video call connected. They could see Henry, Mrs Rose’s son on the screen of the l@pt©p.

“Mom, what’s happening? Where is Dad and Cas-sandra. I heard what’s happening in the city.”

“Your father is no more.” the mother said bitterly.

Without minding the emotional feelings, Vicker spre-ad the paper for him to see. “Does this mean anything to you?” he asked.

“Those.. those are coordinate of heavy elements. Who are you by the way?” Henry asked.

“It’s not necessary. Tell us the elements and the procedure. It is a cure to the disaster that has befallen the city. Your father left it for us.”

Henry spent several minutes to explain while Sandra jotted them down. After the call, Vicker took the list of elements and other laboratory equipment required for the procedure. He stepped out in the midst of everyone.

“We shall select group of people that will go out to bring this items.”

Hearing that, Aminu’s heart skipped. He quic-kly fli-pped a window curtain to see everywhere dark.

“Go out to the vampires? It’s alre-ady dark!” he lamented.

“It doesn’t matter” Vicker insisted.

“Eewwuu!” the man placed his two hands on his head.

“Nob©dy is going anywhere tonight!” Benji stood up after challenging him. That brou-ght tension in the house.

Vicker glared at him. “What did you just say?”

Benji glared back walking closer to him. “I said nob©dy is going anywhere tonight.”

Vicker had a deadly smile then began to t©uçh his che-st as he said, “Young man, you’ll even lead the crew that will go out tonight. So you’re blabbing.” he insisted, thus rising more tension in the house. Only Cas-sandra’s footsteps, coming down from the staircase circulated the building. But she suddenly st©pped and gazed like everyone else, wondering if Vicker also wanted to shoot the man before him…..