Worth the chase episode 26 & 27




( Chaos In Earth )






Chapter Twenty Six:




” maybe if you have focus on the chaos jem all these won’t have happen ” Mr grey is starting to get furious after learning about the red jem being my heart ” how the fv¢k are we suppose to use it when its in your god damn heart ”




” Mr grey I didn’t mean for this to happen ” I tried defending myself but he won’t listen ” I was about to die and this is the only option left to survive ” he step closer to me while I move back ” sir” he look so furious, the last time he look this way he R@p£d me, taking my vir-ginity as my punishment but then it didn’t mean anything to me because I had no feelings for anyone so his t©uçh didn’t matter but it would now


Fear register in my eyes as my back t©uçh the cold wall, am tra-pped, looking back at his eyes he punch the wall several time ” who got into your skin Livy ” he hold my chin ma-king me stare only at him ” who made you hate my t©uçh ” swallowing I said nothing which only angered him more ” answer me!!!”


” Jake, I love the chaos successor ” the moment it left my mouth he punch the wall one more time looking pissed and if am not hallucinating hurt pas-s throu-gh his eyes ” I couldn’t help it ”


” are you fv¢king with me Livy ” he gro-an , burying his hands in my hair and pu-lling me closer to his b©dy ” you forgot about my t©uçh and fell for a bastard ”


” I have always seen you as my leader nothing else ” I know he won’t hurt me but why is he asking me all these, is he interested in me, he has always doubled my training and all I could think of was that he hate me for being weak


” what about me Livy ” right now the strong man that always control us is gone, all am seeing is a vulnerable man being hurt ” didn’t you think you falling for someone else will break my heart”


” what are you saying ”


” this ” before I could comprehend what’s happening hisl-ips connect with mine, I didn’t push him away but the spark I always get from Jake k!ssisn’t here. Placing my hands on his che-st I finally add pressure pushing him back ” what are you doing, st©p it ” using my hand I clean myl-ips ” you can punish me any other way but plea-se I don’t wish to hurt you, I have always seen you has my brother and leader, even when we sle-pt together it was only a punishment but now I can’t stand someone else hands on me ” he look speechless and shocked ” excuse me ” running out of his office I hurry back to my room, close the door as tears finally flow down my eyes


Falling to my knees I cover my face with my hands, what’s happening, why is everything going wrongly, I just nee-d to know the truth about all that happen to my parents, I just nee-d to avenge their death but all these isn’t happening


I miss Jake and it has just been a day without him, how will I survive




Stepping into the village I look round the place, people walking and selling, minding their own business but have no idea chaos has just arrive, maybe if I was in my previous mood I will be delighted for some blood spill but right now all I nee-d is a place to rest, eat then continue looking for Livy


Moving to a old and crack looking place I knock twice before a child open the door, maybe ten years old ” hey am wondering if I could crash in here with you ” she stares at me for awhile before nodding then stepping aside ” do you live alone???” She nod her head, I watch her brown eyes look at me with curiosity while her dark hair is lose down


Sitting down I exhale, closing my eyes I relax a bit but aware of her gaze still lingering on me ” where are your parents ” no response, opening my eyes I stare at her, she sit down just looking at me ” can you talk ” she nod ” why are you not talking ” she pick up a book and write on it


” my mum said I shouldn’t talk to strangers before she died ” looking at her she shrug and I smile ” what happen to them ” she pick up a pen and write again


” our previous house got burnt because I forgot to turn off the g@s before going to the neighbor house ” nodding I stare down at this poor child, I un-derstand how it feel not to have a family


” the only difference between the both of us is that I killed my parents ” I watch her, waiting to see fear in her eyes but nothing, the only thing I could see was sympathy ” you don’t look scared of me”


She wrote something then show it to me ” we can be family, be my new daddy ” furrowing my brows I didn’t know when I start laughing but then she look serious about me being her new father, this kid is something else


” good night kiddo by dawn I should be out of here” and hopefully I won’t see you again, I won’t want to ruin this child life by taking care of her, the only thing I will bring to her life is chaos



( Chaos In Earth )






Chapter Twenty Seven:




” this is the area we will find those wizards I will appreciate if you guys are quic-k in killing them, no talking just swords ”


” yes sir ” we all mumble together before moving into the village, the lights swift off except a p@rticular house, this brings bad memory, I know wizards will go there but then other chaos seekers move to different house and am left confused what they are doing


Shaking my head I head to the house with the light and jump in throu-gh the window, the whole place quiet, the boy head place on his re-ading table, he must have been studying and forgot to turn off the light just like I did ” hey” tapping his b©dy I watch him jump to his feet, fear emitting from him ” plea-se don’t kill me” he shuddered


” am not going to kill you, only protecting you from the wizards ” I watch confusion appear in the boys face ” this is the land of wizards, chaos seekers always come here to kill then kill some other village putting the blame on us ” I step back looking confuse


” that’s not true, wizards killed my family, they murdered my parents and then chaos seekers saw me immediately after…. ” sitting on his be-d, everything is confusing ” where are your parents ”


” slee-ping ”


” go get them, I will help you escape and you will tell me more about this chaos and wizard thing ” relief flash throu-gh his eyes as he hurried out of his room, my gaze move to what he was previously doing, drawing houses


I have always wanted to be an architect before everything went wrongly, not exactly how I plan for things to go ” we are re-ady” nodding, we walk out of the house, children running out and being killed, all these is confusing


Helping them into the forest we find a secure cave to get in then use leafs to cover it up ” explain ” sitting down the father of the boy talked instead ” wizards and chaos seekers has always been enemies, they fight and kill people putting blame on each other but then they is something everyone knows, wizards don’t go about killing for no good reasons, chaos seekers have red jem a lot which gives them power but then this red jem can also be tamed only by a wizard spell, that show how strong the wizard can finish them in a b!ow which scared them and made them decide that they nee-d to keep slaughtering us ”


” but why will chaos seekers come to a human town just to made the whole village believe that if the lights are left on by night, wizards will kill us ”


” the best way to finish a clan is to put the whole world against them, Mr grey is good in that area, when it comes to killing human parents and receiving the child to fight with him” shake my head I stand to my feet


” I don’t believe this, I refuse to believe all these, Mr grey was like a father, brother and mother figure to me, how could he kill my parents, how could he lie to my face all this time ” my anger was boiling but then I have one last question for them ” can white and red jem be together ”


” that can happen only in one way ” he exhale then inhale ” one of you have to be pushed inside the chaos river, the person must suffer drowning for three days, that means dieing for three days then the river will push him or her out, that only means the river have heard and answer your wish ”


” thank you, take care of yourself, I do have unfinished business ” not waiting for their reply I head straight to Mr grey, once I enter our layer I ignore their glares as I storm into his office, close the door


Upon seeing me he stand to his feet and move close to me ” what’s wrong” he furrow his brows confused why am acting like this ” what’s up with this bit-chy attitude ”


” d…d…did…you kill….kill my parents ” the words finally c@m£ out, plea-se the answer should be no, plea-se the answer shouldn’t be yes. He step back a little then smile ” yes ” he simply said and I had no idea when I sl@p his face s£nding him to the floor




” I will appreciate if you st©p following me kiddo ” glancing back I watch her trying to catch up with me, the bag she hung on her b©dy look pretty heavy, what might be inside


She shook her head smiling, why haven’t she try talking ” pest ” I hold her hand and pu-ll her to my side ” don’t blame me if you die okay ” she nod looking happy but then I can’t st©p to ask myself how Livy must be doing without me, where is she that I haven’t find her, what past was she talking about


That only means she has regain her memory and now want to be a chaos seeker??? How will that be possible when she has chaos in her


I just hope she is okay ” she will be fine ” the child voice scared me a bit, looking down at her I find her smiling ” she finally discover the true person that killed her parents ” she said looking so childish but feels like she has been re-ading my mind


” what are you ”


She shrug ” I don’t know, my parents always said I was born with a gift to know all ”


” why are you speaking to me”


” you’re no longer a stranger to me but my new father ” she mumble happily then her face suddenly turn sad ” but am not allow to tell you things about the future ”


” if you see future ” I st©p walking then stare down at her ” you must have known the house will burn down and still yet you did nothing to help ”


” my mum said I should never try changing the future or misfortune shall befall us ”


” your parents knew its time for them to die ” I muttered ” you must know I will show up in your house ” she smile nodding ” you are scary, what’s your name kiddo ”


” my name is Mali ”


TBC drop your comments