working as a nanny episode 43 & 44

A ?

?(The Ice Queen )?

BY: Worthy stories

Chapter 43 ?️?️

Julia has been a tough cookie but we eventually got her to talk when she was on the verge of death. I left Jayden behind to deal with her.

‘Ryan is my only family. The rest were all killed by the Italians.’ I remind myself when I remember Julia’s taunting eyes. I can literally feel guilt try to claw up my mind and heart but I try everything to suppress it.

Why should I even care? After all, my aunt’s husband, who was also Julia and Julian’s father, betrayed my dad to the Italians just because of his greed for power.

The bastard didn’t even know that he had just signed his death certificate. Too bad my aunt had to suffer his mistakes too.

That was the only information that we could get from Julia. The address she gave us was useless.

“Did you find anything else?” I ask Cole immediately after he picks up the call. I hear him let out a sigh before he mumbles a negative response just like he did ten minutes ago. I’m getting even more desperate.

“Give me your car keys.” I tell Jayden who’s talking to someone on the phone. Just as he turns to me, I see the keys and I walk towards them and pick them up.

“Where are we going?” Jayden asks as he follows me.

“FBI headquarters. They’re helping.” I state.
“I’ll drive.” Jayden says as he looks at my tummy and I immediately hand the keys to him. I don’t have the strength to argue or the mentality to drive.

I had forgotten how fear felt like for slightly more than six years. I had just gotten my son but he was already taken away from me three months later.

“Jada. We’re here.” Jayden touches my hand. I look up to find his concerned gaze on me. I immediately get out of the car without a word. Jayden follows me and we go throu-ghthe metal detecting doors but a sound stops us.

I look behind confused to see Jayden being stopped. He takes everything out of his pocket before being searched once again. I walk towards them to find a security officer holding Jayden’s car key.

“What’s going on?” I ask impatiently.
“Just give them the damn key. We’ll get it when we leave in a few minutes.” I answer when they explain to me that Jayden’s key is causing the alert noise. ‘

They are turning a small issue into something big for no reason.’ I think even though it’s slightly odd. I start walking towards Mike’s office.

“My dear Jada.” Mike greets me with a warm smile before looking at Jayden and raising a brow at me. He recognizes him from my last mission with them.

“My son.” I simply state and he smiles sadly.
“We’re doing everything we can Costa.” He replies and I stand suddenly frustrated.

“Sir. You have to see this.” Cole barges into the office and stops when he notices us. We all turn to him and look at him curiously while my gaze more of hope for my son.

“The microchip that we never found has been in the car keys the whole time. We checked the cars and everything else but not the car keys.” He says my hope suddenly diminishing.

They’re talking about a stupid microchip when the people who wanted it most are dead?
“Is this about my brother’s microchip?”

Jayden asks dumbly as Mike looks surprised. Cole nods enthusiastically.

The FBI had still been searching for the chip and Cole had been updating me at times even though it was unethical since I wasn’t pa-rt of them anymore.

Cole places his laptop on Mike’s desk as my phone viBr@tes. I take it out as I let out a breath.


My heart beats with excitement.
“Cole…” I call him and show him my phone making him grin wi-dely as he types somethings on his laptop.

“We got him. You nee-d to hurry.” He says as he sends the location to my phone and Mike’s.
It’s my old apa-rtment in LA!

“Jada. Leave it to us. This could be a trap.” Mike says and I shake my head negatively.

“Jada. I’ll go with them. I’ll protect Ryan with my life.” Jayden says walking closer to me. I look at Mike who’s ordering some men throu-ghthe phone as he takes out a bullet proof vest. My eyes dart to Jayden who lets out a breath in defeat as he turns away.

Am I that easy to read these days?
“Do you have another vest in there?” Jayden asks Mike who turns and takes out another one.

“This is the only one left. I could tell Paul to bring another one.” Mike says his eyes darting to mine. Jayden walks to me with the vest as he opens it.
“This is yours.” Jayden says making me look at his face. I turn around and wear it then he helps me fasten it.

“Some men will be sent a head of us to ensure the coast is clear and this is not a trap.” Mike says drawing our attention to him.
I take out my phone and send Sydney Kings a quick text.

“I appreciate everything you’ve done for me Mike, but my people have this.” I say but Mike lets out a long breath. He looks at me.
“Your people as in the ‘Mafia’?” He says the word Mafia with a scoff. “Jada…”

“My people, the MAFIA, will handle it.” I say unzi-pping the bulletproof vest. Jayden moves between us as if he wants to break a fight.
“Mike, you can’t be on the same mission with the Mafia.” Jayden says.

“Jayden, let’s go.” I say and leave. I can’t waste time while my son trusted me to protect him.
I walk to Jayden’s car but I realize Jayden isn’t following me and I don’t have his keys.fu-ck!

I can’t run for a long distance in my condition.I look around moving my hair back in frustration. I hear someone run and I turn to find Jayden opening the car. I get in and he starts the car immediately.

“That Cole guy had the keys.” He explains but I don’t react. I see Mike following us in his car and I let out a breath. Doesn’t he un-derstand that he can’t mix the Mafia with the FBI?

“He’s doing it privately.” Jayden explains. I feel my phone viBr@te and I look at it. It’s Sydney.
“We just got there. Where are you?”
“Ten minutes away.” I answer anxiously. “Do… Do you see him?” I ask shakily.

“No, but I’ve sent some people to check before we can enter.” He says and I cut the call.
“Is this the best you can drive?” I ask suddenly impatient. Jayden gives me a side glance and sm-irks as he changes the gears and steps on the gas.

I see Sydney and his men waiting half a mile away from the place and I get out when Jayden ba-rely stops the car.

“What’s going on sir?” I ask immediately I stand beside them. Mike’s car stops behind Jayden’s and he gets out with the same bulletproof vest I had thrown on his desk before storming out.
Sydney looks at me with a glare.

“What is the FBI doing here Candice. I thought I told you not to.” He asks with a harsh whisper.

“I’m here for Jada as her father’s friend just as I’ll always be there for your wife Mr Kings.” Mike beats me to it and Sydney looks at him in confusion.

I even forgot to tell Isabella about the information Mike told me about her dad.
“Wear this.” Mike gives me the vest and I take it. Jayden walks to us.

“Can I talk to you for a sec, before we go in?” He asks and I look at Sydney. He nods at me and move towards Jayden’s car.

“I think you should stay here and let me go in. You’re pregnant.” Jayden says and I scoff.
“That’s my son over there Jayden. I can’t just leave him while I wait here like a coward. He’s been on his own for more than six years.” I spit suddenly angry.

“I don’t think Sydney will agree when he learns about this.” He threatens and I glare at him.
“Don’t you d…”

“Sydney.” Jayden walks to him not bothering about my threat.

A ?

?(The Ice Queen )?

BY: Worthy stories

Chapter 44?️?️

Sydney glares at Jayden making him falter in his steps but continues walking to him.

Sydney made it clear that no one should call him by his name during an operation since people could easily identify him.

Or something like that, I wasn’t really concentrating when he gave out that order. As for Jayden, this is the first field mission he’s been on and doesn’t know the rule or hasn’t bothered to know.

“Don.” Jayden tries again making Sydney raise an eyebrow. “Sir.” I almost laugh of how unsure Jayden is. A car drives to us making us all stop in our tracks and look at it.

“Not again.” Sydney mutters irritatedly but his face shows amusement. Two women in leather attire and black four inch boots step out with guns.

“Sorry we’re late. Let’s get moving boys.” Isabella says with a straight face as her Italian friend, Amelia, sm-irks and co–ck s her gun. Sydney walks to the them in large steps.

“Always with the entrance, my love.” Sydney jokes giving her a kizz then muttering something only she could hear making her smile.

I remember what Jayden was doing before they came and I turn to him to find him already looking at me.

“Jada, please un-derstand. You can’t go in there. What if something happens to you?” Jayden asks and I’m sure my face is blank as I look at him.

“Why do you men always have to think that we can’t handle ourselves in there?” Isabella asks as she walks to us.

“She’s pregnant.” Jayden whispers making Isabella gasp.

“Really? This is like deja vu then. Remember that time when we fought against those bloody Italians when I was eight months preggo?”

Isabella asks animatedly making me smile. She laughs then suddenly her face gets serious.

“I almost lost my baby. You can’t do that to yourself. I’m sorry but I have to be with your man on this one.” She says moving towards Jayden. Jayden perks up when she says ‘your man’ and I almost roll my eyes which is so uncharacteristic of me. Well, this me.

“It’s clear.” Sydney alerts everyone. “We’re ready to move. You know the plans. Amelia, you’ll be with me on the Northern side, Candice, you’ll be with Tim and Jayden on the eastside where we believe your son is. Izzy, you’ll be wi…”

“I’m going with Candice.” Isabella says and doesn’t wait for a response before she starts walking towards Tim’s group where about seven men are positioned.

“I’ll go with Jada too.” I hear Mike say and we all turn to him. This might be so awkward for him being a federal agent and having to be here with us.

“No, you’ll be on the lookout for the police or other annoying people in uniforms.” Sydney says with a sm-irk but his eyes hold a challenging look.

I look at Mike who’s clenching and unclenching his fists. He turns to me and he lets out a breath.

“Fine.” He grits his teeth.
With that, we start moving.
We arrive at the place three minutes later just in time to find a woman with a veil coming out but I recognize her in a second.

I immediately point my pistol towards her head but Isabella moves in front of me.

“Don’t, we don’t even know if your son is in there.” She whispers. Ivy or C@$$y sp-ots us just in time making her reach for her gun but someone shoots her hand making her drop it.

I look at Jayden with wide eyes. I didn’t know he even had a silencer.

I try running towards C@$$y who’s trying to press on her wound as she runs into the building. I follow the blood drops to the elevator but it’s already in use. I see Isabella run up the stairs with Jayden and I follow them.

My house was on the second floor. I run to my previous house that has a broken broken door, an apologetic Isabella and a trembling couple but no Jayden. I turn immediately suddenly frustrated and with a dizziness scare.

They must have gone up. I run to the stairs and climb as fast as I can in my condition. I hear footsteps behind me and they’re much lighter to be a man’s and by the familar clink of boots it must be Isabella.

Are you okay? You look pale.” A voice that I’ve had a few times asks but I don’t answer. I can see the black sp-ots on my eyes but the will to save my son increases.

“Jada. Stop!” Amelia shouts but I don’t listen to her but I suddenly feel so tired. My shoulders get heavier.

“Let me help you.” I hear a female voice and I know it’s Amelia but I don’t have the will to push her away or tell her not to touch me.
“You’re sweating.” I hear her say but the voice sounds muffled.

“Ryan. Ryan.” I try to say but I feel like my mouth isn’t saying the correct things and I try again but the same thing happens.

I close my eyes feeling tired wanting to rest for a few minutes. It’s funny how I can somehow think but I can’t do anything. I can hear muffled voices. I somehow know that I nee-d to let go to rest my body and I try to fight it. This shouldn’t be happening right now.

I feel my body start relaxing after the struggle and I start coming back to conscious. The muffled voices start becoming clear and I can feel my body as seconds go by.

“Why would you let her come if you knew she’s pregnant?” I hear Amelia argue and Isabella says something in a low tone. My energy is drained and I have no power to get up from wherever I am. Wait! My son! Ryan. I try getting up with a struggle.

“Uh uh. I’m not letting you up this time. Someone’s coming to sit here with you and we’ll bring your baby.” Isabella says amd I start shaking my head negatively.

“Isabella is right. I can stay with you here if you want though I know you hate my guts.” Amelia says walking and kneeling closer to me. I glare at her but she doesn’t move or flinch. Isabella stands. “I’m going to find him for you.” She says and with that she turns and leaves.

“I trust her. You should too. She keeps her promises.” Amelia says making me snarl.
“Leave me alone. GO!” I shout the last word and this time she slightly flinches but recovers as fast.

“I’m sorry.” She says in a whisper and I scoff.
“What for? For your people killing my dad, mother, brother and sisters or for taking away my son and throwing him away as I live knowing he’s dead?

For setting our house on fire or for the torture I had to go throu-gh? For making me a cold and heartless bitc-h or for making me a woman with no family to go back to? You have to be clear why you’re sorry Amelia Russo.”

I spit her name just in time as a tear falls down her cheek.

“I didn’t know. I’m sorry. For everything.” She says her hands shaking and I let out a sarcastic laugh. Of course she wouldn’t know.
“I’m strong enough to go find my son.”

I say trying to get up after ignoring her words.
“I was supposed to give you this when you woke up.

Isabella went for it at an apa-rtment in the second floor.” She shows me a bottle of water but I look away trying to get up.

“Let me.” She says moving towards me making me get the strength to stand up as first as I can.

“I can mana…” My sentence is cut off by three loud gunshots, a scream and two other gunshot sounds.

My mind goes suddenly dumb making me run towards the sound but stopped by a running boy with familiar curly black hair.

“Mom.” Ryan shouts running to me. I open my arms wide and he runs to them.

“Jayden is dead.” He cries but the words replay in my mind not hearing any other thing.
Jayden is dead.
Jayden is dead.
Jayden is dead.


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