When love dies episode 37

When love dies episode 37
The airconditioned atmosphere heightened my suspense and tension, I practically boiled de-ep down with anger. I had been praying for a day like this to come, for me to unleash the hatred and pain in my heart. No Jupiter would st©p me from doing what I had up my sleeves. Ol’ boy!! Karma is a b!tch.
” Are you sure its her ? ” Mimi said ” Wait!” she pu-ll-ed me back ” What if you are wrong?
” I know its her. I am certain of it” I replied.
I tried to move, Mimi blocked my path and held me ti-ghtly , her hands cluthed onto my shoulders and she pushed me back a little. She knew what I had in mind, and tried to avoid a disaster from taking place.we had to be sure.
“Take it easy Kate ” She sighed then turned round ” at least, lets be sure ,before we act”
I had heard enough . I couldn’t get my anger constrained anymore
” Its her, I’m very sure of the face. I can’t easily forget it.”
I wanted to confront them immediately .I knew the little girl was Funmi. There was no doubt to it and the thought drove nanobots of anger down my spine.
” So what are you going to do? Mimi asked
” interrogate the child ? Like ” Hello , I’m Kate,I’ve seen you somewhere before, are you really my husband’s daughter /With another lady? ” She scoffed ” C’mon Kate, let me do this like a prof”
Elisha drew me back to seat. Mimi went forward and convinced the ladies and child (Funmi) after a short chat, to take group pictures . I could not hear anything from their discussion due to distance between us.
Mimi c@m£ back shortly and smiled.
” that was easy” she said and showed me the pictures ” Recognize anyb©dy? “she asked.
” Oh God, No—– no. no” I said ” this is not happening, I should have known. She was a fake doctor all along.”
” Fake doctor? Mimi and Eli chorused.
I clutched my fist and pushed the seat backwards , I walked straight to their table and before the lady could say “jack”, I alre-ady landed two heavy sl@ps on the her cheeks. she ba-rely recovered from that when darkness engulfed her again – a h0t sl@p to the left eye.
” You harlot, you have no shame. How dare you ? You are such a devil. ” I barked my lungs out.
The second lady ( there were two of them) was shocked and confused , she nearly jumped out of her skin. Then she t©uçhed her friend and said
” Damilola ?.. Are you OK? ”
” oh that’s the name! ” I hit her again ” say something ,you devil. Are you dumb?
Mimi had followed me and waited for any slight opportunity to damage “someb©dy” . I couldn’t believe that the lady standing before me ,had dressed up as a doctor the first time we met,when Gabriel was hospitalized.
” Doctor huh? you remember me , don’t you?” I smiled and I pu-ll-ed her shi-t ” everything about you is fake and cheap”
She tried to say something ,”Kate listen, we are in the public, you are humiliat-”
” Shut up!!!” I cut in ” You had the guts to s£dûç£my husband and even reproduce a child with him ” I pointed at Funmi ” that girl is the result of your cheap lovepeddlling huh? She is even as ugly as you are ” I hissed . ” And I’m warning you. stay off my man if you know what’s best for you.”
” Or what ? Damilola suddenly barked , her eyes bec@m£ bloodsh0t red ” Go on ! Tell all these strangers that your man couldnt resist my charm and that he left you for me. You should have chained your beast of a husband—- if you think he is such a dog-”
” You bastard ”
I sl@pped her so ha-rd ,that my palms bec@m£ red.
She retaliated with a resounding sl@p . I flung the table over ,the plates and glas-scu-ps shattered to pieces. Broken bottles littered the floor. I pu-ll-ed her hair and she dragged it back. It nearly went off. People tried to separate us. Fight had alre-ady ensued . I wouldn’t let her break free. She threw a punch . I hit her on the temple with my elbow. She j£rked and struggled.
” Kemi , do something ” she cried for help.
Her friend tried to help. Mimi and Elisha pounded her with b!ows on the back. They pu-ll-ed her to a corner and gang beat the life out of her.
Damilola gr@bb£d a bottle on the floor. She charged towards me. I dodged. She accidentally hit her own daughter.
” Arhhhhhh!! Mummy , my head o .I’m bleeding ” Funmi screamed out in pain.
I thought it to be an illusion, until I checked the c@m£ra footage again. It was really Kemi and she stood helplessly at the gate . I had given her my address but I didn’t think she’d st©p by so early, we just met .
I pushed a bu-tton from the control room to let her in, and went out to the living room. It didn’t take long before she c@m£ throu-gh the front door.
” You look like hell ” I said .I noticed her facial expressions.
She looked like whom had been tortured by Adolf Hitler himself and the Nazi’s . Whatever her ordeal was, her tormentors did a good job on her. One eye was almost blackened, and bandadges adorned her wrist. I suddenly felt pity for her.
” I got into a fight ” She began ” A crazy lady and her friends tried to end my life today , fortunately I survived ”
I was shocked and gr@bb£d her on the shoulders.
” Come here ,Sit down .Kemi, tell me what happened. ”
” It happened so fast, ” She began” Damilola and I got outnumbered , three to two. Turned out, the lady and her friends had a personal beef with Lola”
” Damilola? The one you told me—”
” Yes, my friend who is a single mom ” She cut in and heaved a sigh.
I gave her a cu-p of water and sat into the cushion, next to her. I nee-ded to hear more.
” Andy…she was a tiger, her anger was like no other ,in the end, Dami’s daughter got hospitalized”
” How? What happened? I asked.
” long story , but what I can say is that things went crazy and out of hand”
I cu-mddled her into my arms and gently brushed her hair ,but she j£rked ” ouchh , my arm, be careful”
She had twisted it and I couldn’t help but laugh.
” What’s so funny” she frowned and hit me on the che-st.
“Nothing ”
Kemi sat up and drank the water in the glas-s cu-p, her face bec@m£ moody . I couldn’t tell what she had in mind, all I knew was that she sought revenge of whatever that happened. How she’d go about it was unclear to me .
” I am so angry right now. I feel like as-sasinating that witch called Kate” she blurted out in anger.
I moved back a little and looked her in the face..
” Kate ??
” Yea,Kate . You know her?
I had no idea if it was my Kate. It could have been anyone
” Don’t worry” I said and embr@ced her” there are thousands of Kate’s out there. It could have been anyone”
” This one is really crazy ” She retorted.
Then,she relaxed on my shoulders and the chemistry between us grew even more intense ,This was more than attra-ction, it was something greater and I could feel it de-ep down in my bones.
She pu-ll-ed back and clutched her fist together .
” This so far from over ” she said ” Its very far–very far from over”.
I suddenly felt afraid as shivers went down my spine. whatever this lady had in mind ,it was evil and I would be lucky if she told me about it.