When love dies episode 12

When love dies episode 12
Money is good. Wealth is wonderful, but it could not ensure me the happiness I wanted.
The cold wheather induced in me, chilly hor-mones of July- I hate rainy seasons- Unwanted and uninvited guest which I had to bear.
I wra-pped myself in a cozy blanket, sat on the couch in the living room; my only companion – a glas-s of orange jui-ce.
The glas-s tableware, which I acquired on my business trip to Korea reflected my loneliness.
Painted walls with marble designs-polished glas-swares- in patches; luxirious spacing between the t.v on the wall and me; air conditioned and sweetened vanilla scent.
I’m accomplished,had it all, but something was lacking.
‘Am I so difficult to love? I asked my reflection on the table.
Rhetorical question indeed.
These elements of denegration and surreptitious sinisters, paraded throu-gh the corridors of my mind. Unexpectedly : the doorbell reinstated my mind to reality.
I walked non-challantly to the front door.
‘I’m coming…Bisiii? Where is she? Oh! .’
I remembered she took Funmi to school.
‘Yes, Umaru, what is it? I said .
Umaru looked wierd as always, his tarky buba and oversize cap resonated stupidity, then he replied. ‘Madam, one Oga, I say I wann see am por me’
‘who is that? Let him in’
‘OK.Madam’ he said. Dashed off to the gate, and I heard him talking to someone.
‘Oga, Madam say make I kwom inside…Eyy! No frovlem, kwam inside’
I stared from the glas-s door. Lo and behold : It was Gabriel.
My heart quic-kened, a ra-pid inflush of adrenaline to my system, this type I never felt before.
As he took steps towards me, my soul drenched with fear and I felt happiness at the same time. He sliced the air with his chocolate arms, his broad che-st made my imagination grow wi-de. ‘ oh my! I j£rked. He is so handsome.
*snap out of it* I cautioned myself*behave Dami,behave*
‘Hello Dami, ‘ he smiled and my world c@m£ to a pause. Is this for real?
‘ Hi…hello, Gabr…hi Gabriel’ I stammerred.
‘ I’m here to discuss about your proposal’
‘which proposal? Myl-ips stretched wi-de ap@rt and I could feel myself blus-h.
‘the one about…’ he began.
I sl@pped my forehead, and remembered. ‘ Oh! Yes I remember. Sorry. Its fine if you refuse’ I continued ‘ besides, I dont want to seem imposing and cheap’
I wished the heavens, I could take back the last word. My eyes popped out of their sockets.
Gabriel stro-ke his left hand behind his jean trou-sers, bent forward a bit then placed it on his blue slim -fitted
‘You see, ‘he resumed ‘ I’m not too sure about this either, but lets give it a sh0t….’
‘plea-se come inside’ I cut in’ its h0t outside’
‘wow! He exclammed’ nice place, this is like a palace’
I laughed. ‘Soon you will be its King’ . Another misplaced statement.
Terrible. Just terrible.
‘Here are the do¢v-ments ‘ I gave a file to him’ Funmi wakes up by 8 in the morning-every morning to be prescise except Saturdays and Sundays, which ofcourse are your days off….You can only leave at 9pm every work day…so if you..’
‘Whoa! Wait! I’m practically going to live here? Gabriel asked.
I raised my arms and let it slam on my l@ps, when I took a seat.
‘ The choice is yours, except you have a family alre-ady?
He was silent. ‘I will re-ad the rest, when I get home… I have to leave now’
Something is not right, I thought loudly. His face glowed when I asked about his family.
‘ oh July, wonderful July, beautiful July’ Boma sang ‘ I love the breeze, July, the rain in July, my love O! July!
‘will you st©p it plea-se’ I enjoyed the song, but her voice br@nded it ‘MIA’
Boma is nearly same age with me, she just gapped me with 3 more. A cheerful lady, and now my kitchen p@rtner in the school Canteen. Her voice marred her moderate looks.
She danced and stirred the potatoes in the pan.
‘ Katy, be happy for once ok. Let your life be made of love’
‘love? I’m a creature of love. My husband loves me so much’ I said ‘ you think I’m not lovable?
My arms kept steady at akimbo
‘Hmm. Katy, love is like alcohol when you take too much, you get drun!k’ she said ‘ we cant always trust men you know. They forget so easily, what love means. And when that happens, they grow tired of us’
I scanned every possible reason for her statement.
These few days, I’ve been getting negative vibes.
‘ yea! Thats true, but not my Gabriel… He is too good to be true’ I ticked my index f!nger in the air ,smiling.
Boma poured out the potatoes, introduced a new batch and the oil sizzled.
‘what can I say? Kate,your husband is lucky to have you. You have a beautiful heart’
I blu-shed.
‘But be careful Kate’ she continued ‘ guard him jealously, so many women would kill just to have a man in their life’
Another hint of impending doom. Like she was a priestess of choas.
I re-moved my apron, opened the freezer and took out a glas-s jar of ice water.
Gulping down a cold drink, my mind scattered in different dimensions of mindpla-y.
It was not so much fun, with my new job of baby-care.
I never enjoyed lying but now bec@m£ my backbone. Even though it gave a ha-rd time believing, Kate would still let it pas-s.
Its an awful experience, and I hated every flaws of my lying ton-gue. I just said whatever felt right to me.
‘Love, I got a new job’ I said ‘ Its a Crafts and Arts Company’.
‘ Seriously? That’s really wonderful’. She said ‘I’m happy, soon, all our debts will be cleared’
‘Definately’. I said.
I did everything to save the moment from ruin.
‘Its amazing, isnt it? I asked.
‘Yes. Certainly ‘ She said.
Her voice is crystal clear, even from a distance as far as the kitchen. She prepared dinner.
My we-t b©dy dr!pp£dof cold shower. I toweled my hair and hung the piece of clothing to dry.
‘So, what is your job description? Kate said.
‘I’m the technical head for… Maintenance and Crafts designs’ I said.
‘That’s a very vital position. Sounds like you…like you are incharge or something’
‘I’m so glad I was selected, amongst five other applicants’ I dropped in.
‘To be honest, you are one lucky man. The luckiest man I know. Think of it: Its just a few days of search and you alre-ady got that kind of work’
The smile she gave me
t©uçhed my heart softly and soothed my burning cheeks.
She carefully re-leased her arms off the bowl of rice, which was
now on the table then she went back into the cuisine (kitchen).
Her hair delighted my fifth s-en-se, like roses
gliding with the wind of
‘Gabriel’ She asked.
‘Uh huh? I replied while taking my position, set for dinner.
‘What about Tayo’s friend? His daddy-day-care job? Did he
take it?
‘No he did’nt’ I said.
‘Why what happened?
‘Kate, his conscience abhored the terms of agreement’ I lied again. The third time succively.
Kate turned. Her gaze pierced throu-gh me like rays of karma.
‘Unbelievable’ She said.
‘So there is still some dignity left in men. I thought he would
sholve his pride down the drain for peanuts’
‘Ofcourse not, besides the payment is good. The only problem is the p@rt where he hates is pretending to a little girl’
She concluded her chores in the kitchen and c@m£ out with another bowl of stew which captivated my s-en-ses and arou-sedde-ep appetite.
‘Hmmmm…Lovely” I said.
‘So thats the reason. How about failing not to lvst for the woman’s b©dy’ she said.
Silence engulved me.
‘well that might be another reason. Perhaps’
‘Or perhaps, he feels guilty alre-ady’ Kate said.
Only if she knew , that Tayo had no other friends : except me and Maxwell.
My wife switched on the fan, pu-ll-ed her seat backwards then called out to David, to come have dinner.
I walked into the restaurant without creating an awareness. He was alre-ady waiting.
The fierce look on his face scared the life out me. I could not despair- it did not matter anymore.
I nee-d his services. It was inconvinient for me. Nevertheless, we met at this five star restaurant. It was just us, and few suspicious personalities.
My identity remains paramount and I did not want to give it away so easily.
A black schurle covered my blond hair-hiding it from prying eyes.
The dark shades reduced the visibility of my my eyes.
It compliments my blouse.
Taking a seat, I brou-ght out an envelope and tossed it across the table.
He grasped it firmly, to friction its motion.
His left ear had three piercings. (he had two before). The green jacket he wore ,contrasted his sun-burned face. (He is extremely dark, a twin to the devil himself)
‘Here is the down payment’ I said.
‘I want a clean job, a very clean one.
Inside the envelope, is a picture of the subject. I want you keep track of everything about the person.
He stared at me ,peeped into the envelope and kept silent. A mute dog inde
ed ,trained to execute and do less talking.
‘Keep me aprised of every detail, you find out. Everything, and I mean everything’
‘Address; personal life; friends and family.
I hope you wont fail me this time. I hate failures. Remember that’
…. He nods his head in approval.
” Good ‘ I said.
‘ Then we shall meet again. I expect good news’ I said, alre-ady on my feet.
……I adjusted my blouse and trou-sers, about to leave…..
‘What happens if someone close to him gets in the way my investigations’ he said.
A smile began to grow on my cheek.
‘You know what to do. Just do it like you have always done’ I said, while taking my leave.