What you least expect finale

What you
Least expect 🍥🌻

A teacherxstudent r0m@nç£

💫Episode 30💫 [Final episode]
I decide to go to School today. I can’t run away for ever.

I packed my car in the parking lot and can feel eyes boring into my skin aa I step out of the car. I’m use to people staring at me like that, but this different.

I shrug it off and walk with my head up into the School. I met Camille on my way. She gave me a mockery look as she st©ps in front of me.

I said nothing as I stare at her.

“Look the little who-re is here “she cl@ps her hands.

People alre-ady start to gather around us.

I let out a de-ep breath and tries walking away but she blocked me.

“Ha not so fast.. “she sm-irks.

“Get the fv¢k outta my way ” I tried keeping my cool.

“Are you really slee-ping with Mr Gonzalez, gosh I’m so ashamed of you “she shakes her head and gave me a mock glance.

“And I think you are suspended right, oh I forgot that you’re the principals daughter. Your Dad wouldn’t wanna do that ”

Murmur begins among the people standing.

“Are you done bit-ch. I nee-d to get to clas-s quic-kly not because I really wanna leave so quic-k but because you disgust me ” I snarl and make my way out.

“We’ll see how long you are going to survive with this “she says.

“Are you re-ady to tell me why you did that to me ” I ask Camile and she scoff.

I continue “I thought you are my friend, even if you found out it was suppose to be between us ”

“You made me do it Gem, if you haven’t you don’t want me anymore I wouldn’t have done it ”

“Don’t call me Gem, people I love call me that not just a random person”

“Why are you always acting like I’m the one at fault all time. If you think I’ll apologize this time then you’re mistaken ”

“I don’t nee-d your stupid apology that you do and end up collecting something from me yet even after all I did for you still backstabbe-d me. And I call you my friend ”

“I was a good friend Gemma and you know it. You were the one that is so self centered and doesn’t even care about me or what I feel. ”

“What the fv¢k are you saying? I don’t care about you? Or you’re the one keeping secrets from me, you never told me anything about you ”

“Because you’re not suppose to know!! ” she yells.

“You will do nothing anyways, or maybe mock me ” she scoff.

“Why will I do that? ”

“I am not born in to a rich home like you, I don’t have parents. I only live in a shabby house with my grandma that can not even walk not to talk of putting food on the table. I was here because I got a scholarsh!p, I made sure you don’t know anything about it or else you’ll st©pped being friends with me. I tried everything just to stay friends with you. I do whatever you want, apologize even when I’m not at fault. I tell you whatever you did or do is good so that you’ll not get angry. You getting angry at me means I won’t be able to eat that day. Cos all those times, I tell you I lost my wallet? I don’t have a dime on me and the money you gave I keep it so that I can feed my grandma too. ”

I was shocked.

“And then I couldn’t take it anymore after what you did to br@ndon ”

“What does br@ndon have to do with… ”

“Because I like him!!” she cut me off.

“What!! ”

“No I love him. All my life. Even before you met him, I’ve been crushing on him. I was happy when you broke up with him. It was my chance you know but after I realize you might hate me just like you did with Angel. I changed my mind. I waited maybe br@ndon will just look at me. I’m beautiful too right?…. I was dying in silence. Then You made my hope chattered when he left because of what you did. Since then my heart have been full of hate and I told my self that I won’t st©p till I hurt you just like you did ” she explained in tears.

I shake my head in disbelief.

“You know me better than anyone else Camile, you know I’ll do just anything for a friend. If you let me know about your feelings for br@ndon I can just let go of the past and hook you two up some way. If I know about your status Gemma I would have help without even anyone else knowing about it. You told me your parents are rich and I believe. I have no idea what you are pas-sing throu-gh cos you never told me anything ”

“But if doing this make you feel better….you can continue as for the friendsh!pyou didn’t wanna loose, you alre-ady lost it ” I tell her, taking a step back and walk away.

I can’t believe she can be that stupid. She was pretending to be friends with me because she nee-ds me.

I shake my head and concentrate on my driving.

I got home and head to my room. As I was about opening my door, I turn to look at my dad’s door as I contemplate on going to him or going to my room.

I step away from my door and went ahead to knock on his.

He open the door, seeing me he sigh and gestures for me to come in. I close the door behind me and sit down on his be-d.

“If you’re here to convince me to accept that boy, you better leave now ” he says as he sits beside then gr-ab a magazine from the night stand.

“Dad! You know I’m change right? ”

“Yes ”

“Do you know who and why changed me? It’s Adrian ”

“Gemma it doesn’t matter, that’s why I chose him to be your pri-vate tutor in the first place. I want him to help me change you not..d@t£ you ”

“What happened to my mom?”

“I’m not re-ady to talk about that ”

“Till when then ” I arch my brow.

He sigh and drop the magazine.

“Your mother, she was my student back then when I was a professor ”

“Really? ”

Wow I never knew that.

“Yes. Something led to another, I had a one night stand with her. Two weeks later she c@m£ to me and told me she was pregnant with my baby. I didn’t believe her cos your mother… ” he paused.

“My mom is? ”

“It might hurt you” he swallows.

“Say it ”

“She was like a call girl… I mean I’m not the first person she sle-pt with for money “he was looking at me trying to figure out my reaction but I held a neutral expression even though I was shocked I never expect my mother was like that.

“I didn’t believe the pregnancy was mine but throu-gh DNA test it was proved that the baby was mine. I accepted but we both agreed on keeping it a secret. A month after you were born, our cover was b!own. Everyone gets to know about it. I was popular back then due that my Dad was a rich and noble man. I got fired from my job cos I broke the rule by having an affair with a student and dad was disappointed too. Your mother was expelled too and I think that spoiled her business so she wants to leave you with me and go somewhere else. I beg and bribe-d her to stay cos I don’t want you to grow up motherless plus I can’t take care of you alone. We ran away from home and c@m£ here to start over. Oh did I forget to mention I had a fiance when all this things happened, she broke up with me after she heard that I impregnate another woman. I didn’t blame her. I was cruel to her “he sigh.

I pat his shoulders and he smiles at me.

He continues “We got married and we both start to take care of you. My father died a year after and I was the heir to all his wealth. All his companies, house, almost everything he owned was mine and some to your aunt. Your mother even after spending my money lavishly didn’t st©p her job. I couldn’t st©p her. And I alre-ady fell in love with her you know she can be sweet when she wants to ” he laughs.

“One day she left me a note telling me that I should not find her cos she alre-ady left. I quic-kly ran to check my money and do¢v-ments. Indeed some of my money and two do¢v-ments to my father’s companies were gone ”

“So that means my mother is still alive ?”

“No, she died on the plane when she was running away “he gave a sad smile.

“Don’t think about it much, If she was alive you’ll be worser than this, she taught you many bad things that I tried to curb after she left but it seems impossible and I hate to admit that Adrian did a great job curbing it “he says and I sm-irk.

“You see ”

It was true, everything I do was what my mother taught. I can still remember her telling me to be a bold girl and talk back at anyone who tries to challenge or bully me even if it’s my father.

That word still rings in my head till now on my head. And I believe the only way to keep her memory was to act accordingly to her words.

Dad and I talked for awhile before I left to take a shower and eat. I resumed to my be-droom after that and pick up my phone to call Adrian.

Someone knock on my door as I was about to dial his number.

I gr0@nand drop my phone. Speaking of the devil. Adrian enters my room leaving me Suprise.

“What are you doing here? You know what dad will do it if he sees you ” I whisper locking my door.

“He alre-ady saw me ”

“What? ”

He shrug and l@yon my be-d, I also climb up and sit beside him staring down at his face.

“He called me.. “.he says.

“For what? What did he say to you ”

“He threatened me ” he replies and I frown.

“To leave me right? ”

“No “he l@yon his side resting his head on his palm, his elbow dung in the be-d and take my hand in his other.

“He said if I ever hurt you, he will have my head and feed it to wild animals “he smiles.

I cringe but eventually bur-st into laughter.

“He said that? ” I ask in disbelief.

“Yes and he also ask what level I intend on taking our relationsh!pto. I told him I want to spend the rest of my life with you if let me. ” I could tell he meant everything he just said and had said to my father.

“He told me, you can’t proceed to anything like marriage until after seven years, by then she will be a successful lawyer ”

Oh God, he still insist I study law.

“In my mind I was like damn! I will be 30 years old. But then it’s worth the wait. I’ll wait ” he says.

I close my eyes my heart full of joy.

“I hope you keep your promise ” I sigh.

“Gemma don’t doubt me. I love you too much to hurt you or leave you ”

I k!sshim and he reciprocate immediately.

“I want you- I nee-d you- I love you ” I raspily say and I find my f!ngersalre-ady on his bu-tton.

“You’re always bossy “he sm-irks.

“And impatient ” he adds.

“Like you are not too ” I roll my eyes.

He laughs as he Zi-p down my dress.

“Thought you like bossy men “he raise an eyebrow.
“Yes I like men who takes charge in everything especially… ” I sm-irk and bite hisl-ips.

He gro-an s softly. “You don’t wanna pl@ydirty Gemmy or things gets n@ûghty than you’ll imagine ” he says and I smile.

I was about to reply when a knock on my door. I’m angry at whoever it is.

“Gemma come downstairs and you too Adrian in five minutes “c@m£ dad’s voice.

“oh … God ” I gro-an .

“My house tomorrow ” he k!ssme r0ûghly and hungrily as I am. I don’t want him to st©p but he did.

“Let’s go “he says and I nod.

“Wait! He said in five minutes. We can do something ”

I know he was gonna agree but dad’s yell won’t make that happen.

He’s overprotective.

“How the fv¢k I’m gonna deal with this ha-rd $h!t ” he mutters trying to get his man-hood down.

I bur-st into laughter. “Let’s go ” I drag him out my room. He st©p as we are about to climb the stairs. “Hold on, you should go first. Looking at you won’t solve my problem”

“Then don’t look at me” he glares at me “Fine I’m going ” I sm-irk and walk ahead to meet dad who is watching a movie. He c@m£ back a minutes later looking better than the previous frustrated look.

What you
Least expect 🍥🌻

A teacherxstudent r0m@nç£


I rush out of the kitchen to get the door. It must be Jesse and his father. I clean my we-t hands on my cloth then open the door.

“Hi “a girl grins at me with a wave.

I raise my eyebrows scanning her up and down. She’s wearing a short trou-ser and a tank t©p. She had no make up on and has freckles on around her nose region. She’s cute.

“Who are you? ”

“Oh my name is Ariel and I’m here to see my lecturer Mr Gonzalez “she smiles.

“And why do you wanna see him? ” I ask and she looked annoyed.

“I was ask to give this to him “she points to the file in her hand.

“Give it to me ” I say.

“Why and who are you? ”

Oh the bit-ch doesn’t get it.

“Give it to him or you leave ”

“I was ask to give it to Mr Gonzalez not his sister “she says and I grit my teeth angrily.

I hate it when people think I’m his sister not wife. I don’t un-derstand why I did’nt get taller and why I still look 20 when I’m 25.

I decided to pl@yalong.

“So you like my brother? ” I ask. The question make me remember Amelia who just went back to School yesterday. She spent her summer vacation here. She’s probably in her final year in highschool.

“I like him so much, your brother is h0t. It’s just a pity he doesn’t even look at me that way ” she squeak.

“Does he look that way at other students? ”

“No, I don’t think so “she reply and I sigh.

“Listen chick, Adrian is married and I’m his wife, he has a son and there another one in here too “I points to my stomach.

“I…have no idea he’s married “she stutter.

“He is and do me a favor girl. Spre-ad the news. Let all the chicks in your School know that my husband is a no go area. ” I tell her and she nods.

“Now give me that and fv¢k off ” I say.

She gives me the file. “You’re really lucky “she mutters before walking away.

I scoff as I close the door. I gr-ab my phone and dial Adrian’s number immediately.

“My lov…” I cut off.

“Where are you Adrian! ”

“You know I’m at work, is everything alright? ”

“Aren’t you done working.? You should be home by now ”

“I want you home now!! ” I yell.

“Babe.. ”

“No objections and pick up Jesse from School ” I demand.

“hor-mones ” I heard him mutter and a laugh which is not his followed.

“I can still hear you and who are you with? ”

“Rory, you know him right ?”

“Whatever tell him I said hi and start coming “I roll my eyes and hang up.

Few minutes later, the front door open and Jesse my 2 year old son run in. His father follows , he was carrying his bag with Jesse’s lunch bag and back bag.

“Jesse you could help your Dad with those bags ” I tell Jesse who is busy with the cookies I placed on the dinning for him.

“Don’t worry babe, I can manage ” he drop the bags on the couch and move to k!ssme.

I break the k!ssand gr-ab the bags.

“I can take them, don’t stress yourself “he collected them from me but I didn’t re-lease the lunch bag instead I took it to the kitchen so that I can wash Jesse’s food flask and cutlery.

“Why do want me home so urgently “Adrian ask as he help me rinse them.

“You left your pregnant wife all alone in the house and you’re asking me that? ”

“I’m so sorry my love” he bends to k!ssmy stomach.

“Won’t you k!ssme too ” I pout.

He laughs and k!ssme pas-sionately. I drop what I’m doing and drop my hands over his shoulders de-epinng the k!ss.

“Eww “Jesse’s tiny voice make us break ap@rt.

I turn to look at Jesse who cover his eyes with his tiny hands.

“You can open your eyes now kiddo “Adrian says as he packs back his lunch bag.

Jesse open his eyes and stare at me and his father. Then his green eyes stay on mine.

“Mommy I wam muore “you could ba-rely hear what he’s saying.

He wants more cookies.

“You can not get any more cookies today. You’ve had enough “Adrian says.

My son is about to cry.

“Don’t mind your Dad, you’ll get more cookies just go up to your room and re-move your uniform put on some fresh clothes and come back for more ”

“Okay “he says and he was gone. I shake my head and laugh.

“He’s gonna get tired of eating it later on cos it’s getting too much “Adrian complains.

Adrian even though he looks older than before and added a little weight is still the handsome guy and a heartthrob I met years back. And Jesse is just like his father. Handsome and caring even though he’s still young.
He’s a strict father, always there to scold his son if he does anything wrong.

I had my daughter five months later and we name her Jessica. Jessica doesn’t really look like me he has much of dad’s look than we her parents. That’s why she’s grandpa’s girl. She always ru-b this on her brother any chance she gets just to cause a fight.

Well I don’t think I want to have more children. Jesse and Jessica’s troubles is enough to take life out of you. But what can we do.

I’m really grateful to God for everything I have and everyone in my life. Having a relationsh!pwith Adrian is what I had Least Expected but look at us now, we are married with wonderful and beautiful kids.

Hope you enjoyed my story. It was nice sharing it with you guys.

The Gonzalezs’ loves you all ❤

The End.

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