what you least expect episode 26 & 27

What you
Least expect 🍥🌻

A teacherxstudent r0m@nç£

💫Episode 26💫

I parked in front of Adrian’s house. Stepping out of my car the fresh scent of flowers hit my nostril and I smile.

A girl which I later recognize as Amelia was watering the flowers. She wasn’t aware of my pres£nce behind her yet until I cleared my throat.

“Ah everyone it’s Gemma!” she screamed dropping the watering can and running up to me. The next i know is her small hands wra-p around my legs. I pat her hair and bend down to her height.

“Hey it’s nice to see you again ” I smile at her.

“I thought you forgot about me. You didn’t come to visit as you promised” she pouts.

“Aww I was busy with School work. I’m sorry ”

“I don’t blame you, I blame Adrian for not letting me see you even when I beg him ” he scoff.

“Come, let me take you to his room ” she add holding my f!nger. I stand up and follow her.

“Where is Scott? ”

“He’s out to work ” she replies.

She st©pped by a door and push it open revea-ling a shi-tless Adrian looking h0t even though he has his back on us.

“I’ve always told you to always knock Amelia ” he turn to glare at his sister.

His eyes landed on me and he sm-irks “Oh and Amelia’s boss in “I don’t knock” business is here”

We both laugh at his joke then ended staring intently at each other.

“Uhm uhm… I’ll leave you alone so that you’ll continue your staring contest “Amelia says and began to walk away.

I look away from Adrian and stare at her small figure walking way.

How old is she again, she talks like an adult.
I didn’t realize I said that loud until Adrian answers me.

“Same question that I ask myself everyday ”

I walk in fully into the room and closes the door.

I look around his room. His room is a simple one, no much decoration. Just his be-d, his wardrobe, a table and a chair plus his room is sparkling clean. I sit down on his well la-id be-d and watch as he arrange his l@pt©p and phones on a small table. Nope I’m actually staring at his abs.

“Let me just get a shi-t on ” he says but I st©p him immediately.
“No.. don’t worry I’m not uncomfortable, it’s fine ”

“You mean you like me this way? “he sm-irks sitting at the other edge of the be-d but facing me.

“Yes, I mean… Gosh st©p messing with my mind “I laugh giving him a pla-yful glare.

His sm-irk grew wi-der. “Come here ” he gestures.

I bite my l!pand shake my head.

“How about i go see your mom first then I come back for you ” I walk closer to him and give him a quic-k k!ss.

He frown unsatisfied.

“Okay fine, be fast cos mom talks a lot ” he led me out of his room.

“That’s her room up there, knock before you enter” he tease pointing to a door.

“Aren’t you going with me? ”

“NoPe, go now ” he says popping the ‘p’ and push me away from his door.

I sigh and walk to the door. I knock on the door two times before a voice tells me to come in.

I could feel my heart on my mouth as I enter the room.

There was Adrian’s mom arranging a heap of clothes that is on her be-d.

“It’s you “she smiles when she sees me.

“Hello ma’am ”

Why is she smiling at me I thought she hates, this is weird she even offer me a sit and it’s giving me chills.

“You See dear, I know you think I hate you and you are probably Suprise cos I’m being nice “she says and I nod.

“I’ve done something unforgivable to you in the past…”

“That’s exactly why I called you here. What you did was in the past and I only believe you are change because of how my family loves you. Amelia practically adores you, my husband speaks so well of you and my son Adrian is in love with you. When he brou-ght you at the hospital, he look so happy. I don’t think I’ve seen him like that before. The past few days, I know he’s not in good terms with you, it was obvious. He was love sick, so I told to him call you and tell you to see me ” she gr-abs my hand.

“I’ve heard a lot about you the little time I worked for your father . I’m just glad you change now ”

“Thank you so much ma’am you have no idea how happy I am hearing this from you ” I thank her.

“You can just call me Mom “she smiles and continues to arrange her clothes

“Do you want me to help? ” I ask.

“Don’t worry, Adrian must be waiting for you ”

I nod and walk out of the room feeling relieved.

What you
Least expect 🍥🌻

A teacherxstudent r0m@nç£

💫Episode 27 💫
I just have to swallow my pride. I inhaled de-eply before opening the door to the kitchen.

I’m here to beg..no ask or maybe command. No that will be rude.

Gemma when do you start caring about being rude! I scold myself hitting my hand on my forehead in frustration and gently walk back out of the kitchen without alerting the maids who are busy cooking my breakfast.

All thanks to Adrian for ma-king me do this hun.

Back at his house, where I spent and will still be spending my holiday since Dad is not home yet. Well I don’t sleep there, I just said I spent almost a my day with Adrian and his family. It’s really nice to have a complete family, I do get jealous of Amelia though, she has a Brother and parents.

Well it’s okay. I accept what it is. Yeah, so back to what I was saying before that jealousy thought.

“Adrian let’s go gr-ab some food, I’m damn hungry ” I yell from the room to Adrian who is the bathroom. His bathroom, exactly I’m in his room and he just have to take a shower after many rounds 😉

Don’t mind me it’s just three or four, maybe five? Oops I lost count. And we didn’t disturb anyone in the house if that’s what you’re thinking. Yes we have the house to ourselves cos everyone is out to wherever.

“Okay “he replies.

“Be fast okay ”

“You can just go to the kitchen and make us something instead of waiting for me “he says again ma-king me shake my head.

“I can’t cook ” I tell him.

“What? You mean you can’t cook “he replies in nanosecond yelling.

“Yeah ” I reply gr-abbing my phone beside me.

The door of the bathroom opened and a dripping we-t and h0t man wra-p in a towel just on his w@!st step out. Adrian gr-ab another towel and dab in on his we-t hair. I know I just finish eating this man but I feel like eating him again.
He then re-move the towel from his w@!st and gr-ab his sweat p@n-ts on the be-d before putting it on.

“Are seriously telling me that you don’t how to cook ” he says looking at me.

“Yes don’t act surprised ” I roll my eyes.

“Of course I’m Suprise ”

“Why are you Suprise?” I’m starting to get annoyed.

“That Gemma villers can not cook “he laughs.

“And how is that a big deal ”

“Because you are a girl ”

“Are you one of those people that do this feminism thing, a female child should know how to cook and do house chores not male”

“That’s not it, everyone have to, take for example me I can cook and also do any house chores and I’m a boy ” he sm-irks.

“You are pointless “I scoff.

“Of course I have a point you just won’t admit it “he laughs and starts wearing his clothes.

I look away from him with a frown on my face. I decide to not talk to him for the rest of the day because of what he said until he started singing and dancing.

“Gemma villers can not cook iya iya o
♪ ♬ ヾ(Gemma villers can not cook iya iya o)ノ ♬ ♪

(Author: is it iya iya o or whatever. Use what it is in your head)

I want to ignore that but I just can’t. “St©p “I yell but did he st©p No.

“Adrian st©p singing!! ” I yell.

“Gemma villers can not cook LA LA LA “he continued.

“I hate you!! I’m leaving and I can have my maid cook me anything anytime I want it so I don’t nee-d to know how to cook ”

He st©p singing and look at me. “Oh is that so? “he sm-irks.

“You’re just so…argh ” I stamp my feet angrily on the ground and start wearing my clothes.

“I’m leaving you alone to continue your stupid show “I grit my teeth angrily.

“I was just joking ” he says and I snicker.

“To hell with your jokes ” I finish wearing my shoes, gr-ab my bag and storm out of his room.

“Come on Babe, my love I was only joking “he yells after me.

“Shut up and st©p calling me…. Pet names ” I yell back.

Flashback ends.

And that was last night. I left angrily but his words hits me. It always does.

I just have swallow my pride and ask this maids to help or else he’s gonna mock me again.

I open the door ma-king one of them turn to look at me.

“Ah young master plea-se be patient your breakfast will be re-ady soon ”

“Okay” I simply reply and watch them.

How do I start.

“Young master it’s not healthy for you to stay just go up to your room we will call if the food is re-ady. ”

“If it’s not healthy for me then it’s not healthy for you either so let’s leave the food to cook itself ” I say and they laugh but the laughter died the moment it start.

“Young master that’s not what we meant ”

“Look, I just want to watch you guys, I mean I want to learn how to cook ”

Their eyes wi-de-ned “Really?.. I mean yes”

“yeah, so are you gonna teach me? ”

“Of course ” “Yes ” “we will ” the three of them chorus.

“Young master will be glad to teach you ”

“Okay thanks ” I scratch my n£¢k.

“Come and stay here young master “one of them says.

I nod and comply. “plea-se just call me by my name, you are my boss now and I’m your apprentice “I smile at them.

“No matter you’re still our boss. ”

“I insist ”

“So bosses, what should I do ” I wi-nk at them.

Minutes later, I realize cooking is actually fun. Wish I had learnt earlier than this.

“Can..can I cut the onions? ” I ask.

“Okay “but be careful don’t let the knife cut you “Magi says and I nod. She also instruct me on what to do. And fv¢k my eyes!

I drop the knife immediately “I can’t see, my eyes ”

Someone dab a towel on my face. “Soorry, that’s how onion is, you will get you to it soon ”

I was finally able to open my eyes a little.
“That was mad! “I exclaimed and look at them.

I raise my eyebrows at there expression, they look they are forcing themselves not to bur-st into laughter.

“It’s okay, you can let it out “I sigh and they just re-leased it immediately. There laughter filled my ears and I couldn’t st©p myself from joining them.

T. B. C.