What dreams are made of episode 34


Chrissy was standing all alone in that p@rt of the boat, but fortunately someone had heard her scream and that caught the attention of the crew. They immediately got into action and one of the member went down to save her. With all the timely efforts, it didn’t take long and she hadn’t fallen too far from the boat.

For Chrissy the young person from the crew was a God s£nt angel and she clamped onto him as soon as he c@m£ close to her. She was losing her strengths but knew she couldn’t give up now when he had almost saved her and she nee-ded to co-operate. He held her close to his b©dy and slowly and carefully climbe-d up the rope ladder. It must have been extremely difficult for him, but like a thorou-gh professional, he did it without any complain. Chrissy did whatever she could to ease his burden, but it was ha-rd ly much help.

Slowly, they finally reached the t©p of the railings and were pu-ll-ed over inside by rest of the crew member. At some level, Chrissy knew she was safe now, but after that blood curling experience she was too scared. She couldn’t let go of her saviour. That she was chilled to her bones might be another reason of her still holding ti-ghtly onto him.

By this time, the news of her fall had spre-ad all across the yacht like wild fire. People had all gathered up in the small p@rt of the boat to look at the drama. Her being dressed in a white dress which had turned almost transparent was adding glamour to the drama to hungry eyes.

Sometime later, she had gained some s-en-se back but she was too ashamed of her state. She felt as if her horrors were still not over when she saw the hvge crowd peering at her as if she was some kind of a zoo animal. As much she wanted to ignore them, she could hear lose words, ‘how did it happen…’, what was she doing here all alone..’, ‘was she crazy… ‘stupid girl peering over the railing..’.

She could see most of them thought it was her own stupidity. In the hazy state, she couldn’t see a single face having sympathy for her going throu-gh those dre-adful moments when she thought it was all over for her.

The young man who had save her was the only one being kind to her but she felt it was more of a duty for him to care for an empty-head like. He was still holding her close to his b©dy and telling her to relax.

Just when Chrissy thought she was at her lowest, her eyes landed on Susan, standing tall in her non-existent dress. She didn’t look plea-sed and was saying something to the man next to her, Richa-rd Susshell. Richa-rd was looking at her pitifully. She felt a strong surge of melancholy de-ep inside and would have given into another wave of crying when she saw Nikloi push everyone aside to come stand right over her.

His appearance lifted her gloominess for a moment but when she the look at his face, she was suddenly filled with terror again. She had never seen him this upset. Most of the times he never showed his feelings, but this was worse than the few times she had faced his wrath earlier. She felt he must be cursing her for creating such a scene. But for the life of her, she couldn’t control her trembling b©dy.

Even before he had st©pped completely, he barked, “Where are the blankets?” As if on his cue, immediately two blankets were offered to her and the young man who saved her life. Chrissy felt heavenly surrounded by the warm comfort, easing her cold and also covering her modesty.
But when Nikloi c@m£ stooped lower to help get her on her feet, she started trembling again.

“Can you walk?” He asked her. While his voice was neutral, may be even a bit concerned, but his face continue to be drawn in a serious expression. He was too close for her to trust her voice.
She just nodded in agreement. He put his arm around her w@!st and held her close to his b©dy, supporting her weight. Just before walking away, he looked at the young man and said, “Thank you, Sam” to which Sam replied smiling warmly, “Just doing my duty, Boss”.

Chrissy was wondering if she heard him right. She had never seen Nikloi Swaroski thank anyone before. But she was too tired to ask any questions at the moment. She pu-ll-ed the blanket ends closer together and moved with the help of his support to wherever he was taking her. They went throu-gh some aisles and c@m£ in front of a small door. He opened the door and moved her in.

It was warm room with heating on and she immediately felt better stepping inside. There was a sofa seat where he made her sit and asked, “Are you feeling better?”

She nodded again and he turned away. Chrissy took into her surroundings to see it was nice cosy room with a be-d at one end and another door at the other end. Since it was warmer here, she relaxed her grip on the blanket covering her. While she was trying to un-derstand whose place it was, he c@m£ to back to her.

Giving her some clothes, he said, “There is a shi-t here which might be okay for you. The trou-sers would be too big. You must quic-kly get out of those we-t clothes”. While saying so, his eyes went down her we-t clothes which were still plastered to her b©dy and ex-posing her skin much more than she would ever want to.

She immediately turned red and moved away from his gaze.
Nikloi saw her discomfort and said, “I will leave you to change. There is a bathroom here”. He said pointing to the other door Chrissy had noticed earlier.

When she didn’t say anything, he asked, “Should I s£nd someone to help you change?”

Chrissy quic-kly replied, “No.. I..ll.. I will manage”. She didn’t want anyone else to watch her in her current state.

Nikloi quietly stepped out of the room. Chrissy heard the thud of the door and only then turned around to see he was gone. She dropped the blanket and went to the bathroom with the shi-t.
Once inside, she stepped out of her we-t dress and ru-bbe-d herself dry with the towel she found in one of the small cu-pboards.
Suddenly she realized it was his towel that she had used.

She could smell his pres£nce in the towel. She was too self-conscious but there was nothing she could do. She tried to push the images of him out of her mind. Placing the towel on the hanger to dry, she put on his shi-t.

The sleeves were much longer than her hands and she had to fold them at the ends. But the shi-t reached her mid-th!gh length and left her legs ba-re. Also that she no un-derwear on was too much for her comfort but she couldn’t complain. She was lucky to have found anything to change. If not for him, she would have been left to fend for herself in her drenched and transparent dress, she thought embarras-singly.

The fact that she was wearing his shi-t, could actually smell him throu-gh it and that his shi-t was tou-ching her at most personal places was also pla-ying havoc on her mind. It took her immense courage to not to think about him while wearing his shi-t. Telling herself to be strong, she c@m£ back in the room.

It was completely quite now and she wondered where Linda was. She hadn’t seen her for a long time. What if she had alre-ady left, she thought. She was worried but knew Linda would never leave her alone out here. Not after this disaster. And she was sure, by now, every man and woman would have heard about her terrible fall.

Not knowing what to do, she sat down on the sofa. She wanted to go home but she had heard someone say earlier in the day that the yacht was in de-ep waters and they would all reach back on shores only in the evening. She was too tired and the be-d looked too inviting. There was a duvet which she could climb into and drift into an oblivious sleep but that would be too audacious for her. She couldn’t get into someone else be-d. Especially not, Nikloi Swaroski’s be-d. So she held herself back on the sofa instead.

Sitting down made the shi-t hitch up furthermore, showing off her beautiful, creamy legs. She kept pu-lling the shi-t down but in vain.
Finally she tucked both her legs up on the sofa on one side and covered them as far as she could. This also made her much more comfortable on the sofa chair. She relaxed her head back and before she knew it she fell asleep.

There was a knock at the door but Chrissy was too de-ep in her sleep to hear it. Slowly the door opened and Nikloi stepped in to find Chrissy slee-ping on the sofa. Her head had slid on one side and was resting on one of her hands. Her legs were hanging down. She was not in a very comfortable position but still she was sound asleep as was obvious from the smooth rise and fall of her b0ss0m.

Nikloi tried to check himself from watching her when she was at such a disadvantage but he couldn’t control. Even though she had such a harrowing experience that night, she still looked very peaceful in her sleep. Though this was not the first time he was watching her slee-ping, still Nikloi felt a strong pu-ll towards her at that moment.

He went down and kneeled in front of the sofa. Softly moving a few strands of hair behind her ear, he saw her lovely, serene face. His hands continued on their own volition. He ca-ressed her cheek lightly and felt air stuck in his throat when herl-ips p@rted to re-lease a soft m0@n . It was ba-rely audible but he was too close to her face to miss it.

His hand slid further down and reached for her n£¢k. He ca-ressed her jaw line, sliding down to her collar bone. Her legs which were dangling out from the sofa were now tou-ching his legs. He had never seen her in a short dress. This was the first time he was looking at her creamy white legs. The shi-t had moved up ex-posing much of her attrac-tive legs. It was alre-ady painful to ignore. He didn’t trust himself any more. With a great degree of control, he pushed himself up and away from the sofa.

He had been careful not to make any noise, but the sudden movement was perceived by her. She slowly opened her eyes sleepily. But on realizing where she was she stood up straight at her place. He was standing right in front of her and she was immediately conscious of her attire or lack of it. She kept pu-lling the shi-t down but it failed to budge below mid-th!gh length.
Looking at her confused and embarras-sed state, he said, “I didn’t mean to startle you. I just c@m£ to check if you are comfortable”.

“I.. I.. I a..m f..f..fine”, she stuttered.

She was breathing heavily and her brea-sts were ra-pidly moving in tandem with her breath. His eyes were automatically attra-cted to the movement.

Knowing that she didn’t have a stitch on beneath that shi-t made her acutely anxious. In that panic state, all she wanted was to move away from his piercing eyes. She had always thought him as highly perceptive, having the ability to re-ad her mind, but today that same astuteness was ma-king it impossible for her to bear his gaze.

“You should sleep on the be-d. Your b©dy nee-ds rest”, he said, trying to keep his emotions un-der check. She didn’t know what was going throu-gh his mind but she was worried sick he would be able to re-ad her thoughts. Thoughts of n-ked b©dy, which wouldn’t leave her mind. It was as if she wasn’t wearing his shi-t but him around her b©dy. Her eyes went wi-de at her own imagination. This nee-ds to st©p!

She turned away from him facing the wall, nervous that he might see her visions in her eyes. Nikloi thought she wanted him gone. She was curling her toes even as she had turned her back to him. Deciding he must leave her alone, he said, “I should go now. I’ll leave you to rest”. With that he went towards the door.

Chrissy didn’t know to be happy or disappointed with his exit.
She watched him go but as he reached the door, he suddenly turned and c@m£ back to her. pu-lling her soft b©dy hurriedly in his arms, he said, “No, I cannot leave”.

With those words, hisl-ips c@m£ crashing down on hers.
