What couples do Episode 9 to 13

💚what Couples do 💚
Love, S-x, pla-ys..
Chapter Nine /ten
Lisa’s pov
After a while, Josh returned
“Let’s go.. “He said taking my hand
“Where are we going? “I asked curious
“Where you’ll be staying for now “he said
We drove on the road for a long time.. The car st©pped in front of a sky scr@p£r 🏢
We both went in
We used the elevator… We kept going up and I think we reached to the t©p : that’s the last ap@rtment before the roof
Josh and I went into the ap@rtment which was spacious
There was food alre-ady on the dinning, I was starving
“I’ve ordered clothes, shoes and many other stuff. You’ll be staying with a nurse, she’ll be here… At ur beck and call ” Josh explained
“For how long? What about ante natal care? “I asked
“Until then “he said
I was more than angry
“Am not staying here Josh… I can’t stay here “I pleaded
“You shouldn’t have hurt my heir “he said
“No no, I didn’t do anything Josh “I said crying
“Don’t even think about leaving, I’ve got the keys and am gonna lock the door while leaving ”
“Josh, plea-se… “I pleaded
He ignored me and stormed out jamming the door and then I heard keys dangle and his foot steps slightly fading away
“Miss, plea-se come have your breakfast ” a tiny voice said behind me
I turned to see a girl in a nurse uniform
She had blue eyes with long curly hair but a short height
“Am Kelly, your nurse “she said
I smiled slightly as I sat on the dinning eating my food in silence
Why do I have to suffer this??
Josh’s pov
I drove to work to continue the days job.. Don’t get me wronh but they did say, one bitten, twice shy
I still find it odd why Lisa is bent on keeping the truth from me… She did something to my baby, I just know it but she won’t have the opportunity to do it again cause I’ve isolated her
She has to cope with it
Lisa’s pov
Days went by quic-kly and I kept having morning sickness but Kelly had all un-der control. She’d give me a good mas-sage before I got to be-d , and her cooking was good
Am now four months pregnant and Josh ha-rd ly visits. Right now, Kelly and I sat on the couch together watching a movie
Since I’ve been locked up in here, I’ve almost broken records
Like 10 movies a day…. Very impressive
“Kelly, how much is Josh going to pay you? “I asked
What ever amount it is, I want to pay her double so she can help me trick him so I can elope to another country and have my baby…
“He payer me before long before he brou-ght you here “she said
Too bad..
“Kelly, do you think what Josh is doing is right? “I asked her
She was quiet and was about to speak, but she was interrupted by the door knob that riggled and the door opened, it was Josh! He looked so fresh and very cute tonight
Looks like he has been taking good care of himself but it has been like five weeks since he c@m£
I was angry, de-eply angry but seeing him was ma-king me have a big leap In my heart
Kelly stood up and exit immediately to who knows where
Josh locked the door and c@m£ for me
His eyes darted to my tummy and he smiled slightly
He knelt before me and t©uçhed my tummy slowly
Happiness and love was written all over his face
I was just stunned staring at him
Then his eyes flared up and met with mine
I quic-kly looked away
fv¢k you bastard…
Chapter Eleven
Lisa’s pov
I unlocked his phone and scrolled throu-gh his contacts checking for any unusual name but saw none, just female contacts of his employees
I went over to his messages.. My heart was beating fast. I saw a message from last two days
I tapped on it
Before I could re-ad it, I heard Josh gr0@nslowly as he turned
He is awake!
My eyes glanced at the message before I switched off the phone 📱and quic-kly dropped it back at the desk
I felt two hands grip my tummy from the side
I knew it was Josh, thank goodness he didn’t catch me with his phone cause if he did, he won’t rest until I tell him why I had his phone
“Morning… ” He said as he pressed my tummy lightly
He sat up and leaned on the pillows as he let go off me
“Morning “I said standing up and quic-kly to the bathroom
I had a cold shower 🚿 cause I wasn’t at ease
I just can’t seem to trust my husband for once
An hour later, Josh and I arrived at the hospital
The doctor ran some tests on me while Josh waited outside
I tried so much to concentrate but my mind kept drifting to the fact that Josh must have cheated on me while on his so called business trip
The doctor was done and Josh was brou-ght back into the office
“nothings wrong with both mother and child. But your wife nee-ds enough fruits …. “The doctor said and continued saying some other stuff that I didn’t pay attention to
We left the hospital..
The drive home was silent. I rested my head by the door just looking out throu-gh the glas-s cause Josh’s car had tinted glas-ses all over.
The car suddenly st©pped
“What’s wrong? “Josh asked and my heart began beating fas-ter than it was supposed to
I stuttered
“Nothing “I muttered
“Okay “Josh said and turned off the car
“Why did we st©p? “I asked sitting up right
“We’ll just sit here and think of nothing “he said
“No, no, I was just thinking about… The baby, if its a girl or a boy… If it healthy or not healthy, if its thin or fat, if its ugly or ruin “I said in one breath
Josh stared at nervous me for a while before starting the car again and he drove off without saying a word
Later in the night, I took off my clothes to have a bath. Josh was out but he said he would be back soon
I tied a towel round my che-st before going to lock the door but as I closed the door it st©pped half way and Josh walked in… I looked down as he closed the door by himself and locked it
“Good, am just in time “he said
I glanced at him and stuttered to the bathroom
I took my shower cap and wore it properly
I went to the bathtub and placed my hand on the ‘cold’ label
I wanted to have another cold bath cause that’s how I feel, cold.
“Lisa.. “I heard behind me and I turned to see Josh behind me
“If you know what is good for you, change the label “he said with a hoarse voice
I reluctantly obeyed him and turned on the ‘h0t water label’
Josh mixed the water and it was not so h0t but h0t
“Now get in “he said folding his sleeves up to his elbow and same with the other
I furrowed my brows at him
“What?! “I yelled
“I want to bath you “he said
My cheeks flu-shed red
I smiled to myself like a baby
I looked up at him, 😱 he was serious
With my hands jingling, I re-moved my towel and stepped into the bathtub
I wore my pj immediately after experiencing the crazy and embarras-sing bath with Josh
I sat by the edge of the be-d… Josh was still in the shower
I took his phone and re-ad the text, all of them were about work, Josh is clean
He didn’t cheat?
Josh was done dressing up and he la-id beside me
He k!$$£d me shortly turning to his side
He was about to sleep
I was so pushed to asking him if he cheated ..
I don’t know if this is a good idea
I tapped him
“Josh.. “I said
“Yea? “He asked
“I-uh.. I just wanted to know if… You ever cheated on me since this five weeks “I said lowly but he heard every bit of it
“Yea, I cheated “he said
I was astonished. He cheated? My suspensions were right and meaningful all along
Tears filled my eyes, he cheated
“With… With who? “My voice c@m£ out cracking
He sat up and looked at me
“I cheated with all the girls in New York “he said
“St©p pla-ying Josh “I said crying
“I can’t believe you think that bad of me “he said
I wiped my tears
“So, you didn’t cheat? “I asked
He shook his head “I didn’t cheat, I was so occu-pied with work to cheat but next time, I might cheat “he said
I hit him and he hvgged me ti-ght k!ss!ngmy hair
I love him so much
Four months later : Lisa is now 8 months pregnant
Lisa’s pov
I sat on my seat like a queen or something as Josh attended to my nee-ds
He was ma-king fruit salad 😋.
“plea-se Josh, go get me some yogurt “I said as he handed me the plate of fruit salad with a fork
He nodded and left but soon returned with the yogurt
“Is there any cranberry jui-ce in the fridge? “I asked
We were at our house now.
“I don’t think so “Josh said gr-abbing his coat “am gonna go buy it, nee-d anything else? “He asked
I shrugged
“Some really fresh mangoes “I said
He smiled before leaving
I smiled 😏 evilly 😈
I can’t wait to tell Josh to buy another delectable snack when he comes back, he’s gonna be so stressed up, he’ll go crazy
I finished the salad in no time… My phone beeped and I looked into it, a text from an unknown number…
I re-ad the text
My heart skipped.. How did who ever this is, get my number and know am pregnant?? 😕
I was even too scared to call the person
Oh, Josh, come back soon
I prayed as fear engr!pp£dme
Not so long later, Josh c@m£ in with a bag in his hands
He brou-ght out the cranberry jui-ce and tasty looking mangoes about six or five
He cleared the plate I used to eat the fruit salad and returned to sit beside me
“Tell me, are you sour? “He asked as hus hand went to my back “should I ru-b it? “He asked
I exhaled
“Am fine Josh, am just… “I paused and pas-sed him my phone so he could re-ad the message
“It c@m£ in not too long ago “I muttered
He was quiet like he was re-ading it over and over again
“What the fv¢k is this?! “He yelled
He dropped the phone on the desk
“You don’t nee-d no fv¢king prayers Lisa, you’ll give birth safely and you both are gonna make it “he said holding my shoulder as I looked into his eyes
I nodded slowly
“I believe you Josh but who could have s£nt that? “I asked
He stood up backing me
“It couldn’t have been Barbie… Infact no relation of ours knows you’re pregnant “Josh said
“… Just Kelly “I said and he looked at me
“Kelly is not fetish and she’s a christian ✝, I met her in our church actually and you’ve seen how humane and kind she is “Josh said and I agreed at once
I stared at my nails
“Lisa… ”
I looked up to see Josh staring at me
“Forget about that trash, as long as I’ve got life in my b©dy, you’re my responsibility and I won’t let nothing happen to you… I love you “he said soothingly
My heart melted and a big smiled crawled unto my face, ” i love you more Josh “I said
Josh and I sle-pt in each others arms as the night went by.
The phone I had kept by my side drawer beeped again vibr@ting the life out of me
I slowly sat up and reached for the phone. Josh sle-pt soundly beside me
I ru-bbe-d my eyes to see another text from same number
My hands began shaking
I slowly tapped on the text
My whole b©dy shook as I bec@m£ flabberg@sted by the message. heir, she was referring to my dead child… My head was spinning
All I know is, am going to meet this person
The next morning… Josh and I had breakfast in total silence, I didn’t feel like talking and so did he
I stood up to clear my plate
“I’ll do it “he said standing up too.
I gulped as I followed him to the kitchen. There was a seat kept especially for me in the kitchen so I just sit on it staring at Josh wash the dishes effortlessly
“How was ur night? “He asked breaking the silence
“It was full of discomfort cause you didn’t mas-sage me last night “I said ru-bbing my head “how was ur own night? “I asked
“Good you asked. It was scary and very confusing. “He said
“Go on. ”
“I saw you… Chasing a baby but then you caught the baby but suddenly you tripped… And fell into a de-ep dark whole… “He paused and looked at him
“And then what happened? “I asked not really bothered
“You were struggling to come out Lisa… I… I couldn’t even help you “he said
I scoffed
“That’s not scary at all… I’ve dreamt worse ” I boasted
“Aren’t you worried about the dream? “He asked
I laughed
“Wash those dishes fast Josh, the mall might get rowdy if we waste more time ” I said standing up
Our car pu-ll-ed over by the mall and I breath in that air of…. ‘LIFE ‘
It was quite a lovely day…
I wonder where the person is??
💚💚💚💚💚💚Chapter thirteen
Lisa’s pov cont
“Josh… Here’s the list of stuffs I nee-d “I said giving him a paper
“And where are you going? “He asked as his eye brows furrowed at me 😡
“Geez! Josh, I just want to use the restroom, I will join you when am done “I said with my heart beating fast
He looked at me for a while
“Meet me at the baby CENTRE in five minutes, if it el@pses, you’re dead meat ” he cautioned as he snatched the paper from my hand
I nodded and bowed slightly like a Ko-rean girl 👘
We both c@m£ down from the car and he pe-cked me before going into the mall
I was secretly happy but scared at the same time
I began my search
Josh’s pov
I let Lisa go cause I didn’t want her to feel caged all the time. She’s matured tho.
I had ba-rely gone too de-ep inside the mall when I heard loud voices of commotion coming from outside
I went to see what was happening
👥 oh no!
👥what happened?
👥an accident, she got hit
👥she’s even pregnant!!!
👥someb©dy get help before she bleeds to death!!!!
👥oh my God!!!
I heard from the crowds
I pushed myself throu-gh to see the victim. I felt a loud ban-g in my head when I saw Lisa lying on the ba-re floor
h0t Tears filled my eyes
I couldn’t even t©uçh her… No, it can’t be!!
The ambulance pu-ll-ed over and Lisa was boarded safely into it.
Lisa has been in the ER for like 30 minutes now and no b©dy is telling me anything concerning her
A lady from the crowd told me she was hit. By a car… .. Oh God, no matter what happens to Lisa, She’ll make it out alive and with my baby, if not, you’ll realize that you’ve created an animal and kept him among men