What couples do Episode 7 & 8

💚what Couples do ❤️
Love, S-x, pla-ys…
Chapter seven and eight
Josh’s pov 🤷🏿
After dinner, I left the house to see if I could bu-mp into the idiot that was staring at Lisa
Luckily I did
He brou-ght out his hand for a handshake but I ignored him
I asked him if he knew Lisa was married and he chuckled
He was finding everything funny and kept saying Lisa is a nice lady
I gave him conditions but he was proving all smart and right
We pla-yed a little game and he ended up being tied to a tree… Great!
“Am innocent Lisa “I said and she ignored me
“Just know that Carlos is a good guy and doesn’t deserve what you did to him “she said
I hvgged her from behind and k!$$£d her hair
“Let’s just forget about him “I said
We heard a loud thud and our head snapped towards the staircase… Barbie stood with
her luggage ti-ghtly clunged onto her grasp
She smiled dryly as she carted it to the doorstep
Before we could say a word, she ran upstairs again and this time returning with a bigger and heavier luggage and kept it where the other one was
She turned to us
“Anyone gonna esc-rt me to the airport? “She asked no one in p@rticular
Lisa shook her head
“You’ve done enough mess, get going alre-ady… “Lisa said
Barbie rolled her eyes and looked at me
“I’ll visit again and bear in mind that am gonna be the baby’s God mother “she blurted out
“What baby? “I asked completely taken aback
“you’ll soon find out “she said leaving…
She waved before leaving
Finally… The talkative of this house is gone
I was having a sudden urge to eat plenty more Spanish omelette.. I glanced at my empty plate and then at Josh’s half full plate
God… I wish I made more of ths meal..
“You can have mine if you want.. The way your drooling over the food is irritating “Jo sh said and I didn’t know when I frowned..
He can be an as-s sometimes..
I took his food and ate it despite the fact that it was totally mannerless and looked like I had no clas-s at all
I retired to my room slee-ping soundly unlike before
For weeks I couldn’t get enough food and when I was full I would just stay indoors resting
A day later, Josh and I went to the local market together just to get some meat and corn
“How much is this? “I asked the seller
“400 “she said
I frowned
Josh’s pov
I stood there watching Lisa and the seller argue over the price
“Am giving you 300,take it or leave it! “Lisa finally said
I interrupted though I didn’t want to
“Why are you ma-king it such a big deal Lisa? “I asked giving the seller 400
Lisa’s eyes wi-de-ned
“How dare you interfere into our business?? “She yelled
I sighed and collected the stuff we bought pu-lling Lisa’s arm as we left the market
Lisa’s pov
“Am pregnant! “Was all I could say as I stared at the pregnancy test result
“No wonder you wanted to eat the whole house up.. And you got a little cranky “Josh said behind me with a sm-irk
“Looks like my sp-erm did it again “he added and my anger and marveled feeling increa-sed
“Go to hell Josh! “I said as I folded the paper and threw it at his face
He laughed and lifted me off the ground taking me to the be-droom
“Am gonna make sure nothing bad happens to you now you’re preggy again, unlike before you got rid of it “he muttered
“We’ve been throu-gh this Josh, I told you I did nothing to the baby “I said
“Who cares… “He muttered as hus hands drifted to the back of my n£¢k ru-bbing it slowly and se-ductively
I was starting to get uncomfortable
He did say ‘who cares’
Suddenly everywhere started spinning and I fell on my back… Josh’s back was all I saw before I fell into unconsciousness
chapter eight
Lisa’s pov cont
My eyes fluttered open as the white ceiling c@m£ into view… It was blurry at first but then bec@m£ clear
I slowly sat up to find myself in a four wall.. Room! That was just white
No window, just a door
I looked down at myself, I was putting on a white short dress not even reaching my knee, then two white socks neatly snuggled up in my feet
The ordeal with Josh flowed into my mind like a river. I remember now.. Josh.. He… He was just tou-ching me..
Did he knock me unconscious?
I raced to the door squee-zing the knob in and out but the door wouldn’t open!
I began ban-ging on the door as my panicked mode bec@m£ activated
Who’s got me locked in here? 🔐
“Josh?! “I called
“Anyone? “I whimpered as I fell back on the floor with my knees facing up
°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°After an hour
The door opened and Josh walked in with a tray in his hands
I sprang on my feet as a whole new feeling of relief filled my heart
He shut the door behind him as he approached me
He dropped the tray containing breakfast on the be-d then he c@m£ close to me
His hands trailed to my cheek slightly cu-pping my face
“How was ur night love? “He asked
I gulped down nothing just air cause I was extremely hungry and my throat was dry
That was when I realized I had some tears in my eyes
“Where have you been and why am I here? “I asked
His hands rested on my w@!st and he pu-ll-ed me close to his b©dy
So close…
He k!$$£d myl-ips and it lasted for a long time.
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“Baby, you should know why you’re here “he said
“plea-se tell me “I said
“Since you’re pregnant again… Am preventing you from hurting my baby like you did to the other one ”
So his threat wasn’t an empty one.. He meant it?
But how can he lock me up here for 7 months till I deliver
I held onto his clothe
“plea-se Josh, don’t do this… “I bagan pleading
He k!$$£d me half way
“Just eat ur food, I’ll be back “he said and with that, he left locking the door🎲
Later in the night, Josh crawled into the be-d holding me ti-ghtly to himself
I hated him now so I tried so much to get away from him which was totally impossible
He kept k!ss!ngmy n£¢k cause I was backing him on the be-d and he got me ti-ghtly to himself… No escape
I was quiet all along
“I don’t care if you’re happy or not but as long as you don’t do anything stupid to my baby, then its all good “he muttered then he resumed k!ss!ngme
“Just go and cone back when I’ve delivered your baby Josh, I beg of you “I said trying super ha-rd not to m0@n
He ignored me and advanced to giving me a Hi-ckey
His hands went to my bu-tt and I flin-ched
“Enough Josh, you’ve had your fun ” I said
I tried to get free but this di-ckhead is too strong
He rolled me un-der and was now on t©p of me
“Let’s make twins Lisa “he m0@n ed into my ear
Damn it! He got me turned on
He placed himself inbetween my legs
“Let me go you over protective miniac! You as-s-hole! j£rk! “I yelled
He only smiled
“All for you babe “and with that he plunged into me like a pro and began thrû-sting in and out
The plea-sure was beyond imagination
I nee-ded this…
My m0@n filled the room and his too but Josh ha-rd ly talks during S-x.. This is the first time he just m0@n ed
After a while we both c@m£ and he re-leased all in me
I was still p@n-ting when he got up and buckled his belt
“Josh plea-se, let me come with you.. “I said
“Am gonna spend tonight with you… So don’t worry “he said
He la-id beside me and I cu-mddled him
Slowly, I sle-pt off
In the morning…
I opened my eyes hoping to see Josh but no, he was gone…