What couples do Episode 5 & 6

💚What Couples Do 💚
Love, S-x, pla-ys..
💚 Chapter five
💚Josh’s pov 💚
“Lisa, calm down, remember you’re sick “I said and t©uçhed her slowly
She gazed at me before lying on the be-d
She folded her arms maintaining a distance
A tiny knock c@m£ at the door, it opened slowly and Barbie’s head popped up from the edge of the door
“Can I come in? “She asked
I nodded and she walked in
“Its almost tine for the Competition to begin… I think you both should ho get re-ady “she said
I glanced at Lisa who was just quiet and looked back at Barbie
“Lisa’s sick, she can’t make it “I said
“How about you? “She asked
“Am gonna stay and take care of her.. We are not Coming “i said
“plea-se Josh, Lisa is getting better alre-ady.. I would like it if you were there to see me cook… As a teacher “she said
Truth be told, if i went with Barbie, Lisa would never forgive me
And also Lisa nee-ds me more
“Am sorry Barbie, but my reply still remains the same “I said
She smiled and nodded but I knew she was sad
“Goodluck “I wished her before she left
Lisa… plea-se forgive me ” I pleaded
She remained quiet
I gotta do something…
I webt downstairs and gr@bb£d my car keys driving to the grocery sto-re 🏪
Am gonna make a remedy for Lisa to cure her of the fever
Tomatoes 🍅 mushroom 🍄, and many other veggies and local leaves
Immediately I got home, I began cooking up the ingredients
Even if it doesn’t cure Lisa entirely, it would reduce the nause feeling
After I was done, I poured the stuff in a clean bowl 🍜
I carried it upstairs to Lisa’s room
“Sit up Lisa.. “I said
She ignored me
I dropped the bowl on a stool and faced her
I t©uçhed her forehead
She was alre-ady burning up
I sat her up
“Am not taking that.. I told you am gonna die this way so pls… Leave me alone with my illness “she said
“Lisa plea-se, you know you just got out of the hospital, you mean so much to me babe “I said
She chuckled
“If I did, you wouldn’t have broken your promise “she said
I cu-mddled her “am gonna make up for it.. I promise “I said
I gave her the bowl and she drank the content to the last drop
After resting, Lisa decided to take a shower
She took off her clothes right infront of me before leaving for the bathroom
I went to my own bathroom 🛀
After bathing, I c@m£ into her room.. She was still in the bathroom…. Women
I la-id on her be-d
She c@m£ out all dressed up but her hair still shimered cause it was still we-t
“How do you feel? “I asked
“, I feel better “she said sitting beside me on her be-d “thanks ”
The silence began creeping in
I would resume work soon but I was giving a br@ke cause Lisa was hospitalized and later had a miscarriage
I glanced at Lisa, she was eating her f!nger nails
” I wanna fulfill my promise now.. “I said
“no.. I don’t want you to.. “She said surprising me “just forget about it ”
“Why should I.. If we are really good now, you’ll let me ”
I pu-ll-ed her to myself taking herl-ips into mine
I cu-mpped her face as I de-epened the k!ss
My hands trailed to her pj p@n-ts 👖
I re-moved them without ourl-ips being separated
It was a totally s-en-sational make out
Lisa la-id facing the wall while I cu-mddled her ti-ghtly from behind
“I love you.. “I said
“I guess I love you too “she said
I hit her arm pla-yfully and she laughed
She slowly got up and went to the bathroom
💚Lisa’s pov💚
I went into the bathroom leaving Josh to stare after me
Am so happy we made up and once Barbie is back… She’s a goner
I opened the cabinet and brou-ght out my pregnancy test kit
I locked the bathroom door to avoid Josh catching me
I did the test and waited patiently for it to surface
Finally… I looked into it
“Its… ”
Chapter six
{Jealous hubby}
💚Lisa’s pov 💚
I looked into it
Negative!! Hew!
Am actually free.. That’s means there’s nothing to worry about
I returned to the be-droom and Josh was looking at me awkwardly
But as creepy as it got, we ended up having another round of S-x
After a while, Barbie c@m£ home and she wasn’t happy
“How was it? Was it that tough? “I asked as I shut the door
“It was one hell of a task.. But atleast I c@m£ third “she said sounding disappointed
“Wow.. You did great, never knew you could be this good at cooking ”
She snapped her head at me
“And what do you mean by that? “She asked clearly offended
“Don’t get me wrong cousin… But you went into cooking just for the money 💰, you can’t even bake a cake right.. Your veggie sauce… The worst!!! “I said “Josh was the one that should be getting all the glory cause without him, you should have been disqualified immediately you turned on the burner “,
She squee-zed her face
“Its useless being here with you… Am gonna go tell Josh all the yummy stuff that happened “,, she said running up the stair’s
I hope she leaves soon
Like a prayer, my wish was granted, she’s leaving tomorrow
Right now we are just coming back from shopping 🏪 we bought the stuff she wanted to take back to her ap@rtment in LAS VEg@s
On our way back we bu-mped into the new neighbor that just moved in a week ago
I didn’t know him much, I just saw him once the day he was raking the garden at the far end of the estate
His muscular and has a very friendly character… Such a nice person
He was washing his car and had only a light singlet on and a short
Barbie just had to wave at him.. Maybe she likes him alre-ady
She dragged me along as we both went to were he was practically walking past him
“Hey.. “Barbie said smiling
The neighbor nudged his head as a sign of returning the greeting
He began smiling at me and I smiled back
He kept looking at me with a slight smile
Barbie began introducing herself to him but he wasn’t paying attention, he just fixed his eyes on me… Like he was admiring me or something
I think Barbie noticed the stares he was giving me cause sge st©pped talking
She pu-ll-ed me by my arm and we walked away
When we got to our doorstep, I yanked my arm off hers
She was looking very mad
“Be gentle with me, am a person for crying out loud! “I said alre-ady pissed off
“Forgive me… “She said opening the door and we walked in with the stuff we bought
Josh sat there on the couch just operating his phone
I sat beside him and k!$$£d him lightly on thel-ips
“How was the shopping? “He asked
“A bit rowdy i guess “I muttered
Barbie sat opposite us staring
“Dear Josh, you’ll never believe what happened just now “Barbie said
I leaned on Josh’s shoulder waiting to hear Barbie run her big mouth 👄
“On our way in, we met some guy who kept staring at Lisa ”
I flin-ched
“He was giving her those killer eyes… Infact! He wanted to r@p£ Lisa with his eyes”
Barbie has killed me ❄
Josh glanced at me
“Who’s the person Lisa? “He asked calmly but I know de-ep inside he was… Angry
“Forget about it “I said
Josh was still staring at me
Huh, I might as well tell him
“His the new neighBor “I muttered
“But he was just being friendly… That’s all “, I said holding his arm
“Okay… “He said
“Just okay? “I asked suprised and suspiciously
He ignored me
“Inlaw, I think its good if you confront him and show him that he’s not permitted to stare at Lisa “Barbie said
Shut it you! “I yelled at her
Josh patted my back
“Its Okay babe, its all good “he said with a hoarse voice
Later early in the morning… the noise coming from the commotion outside woke me up
I turned to my side to see Josh eyes closed but I knew he was awake
I poked him but he didn’t move
I went to the balcony and looked downstairs to see what the noise was about
I saw the NEIGHBOR tied to a tree… Gosh and he was putting on his bo-xer only
I nudged Josh to wake up with so much curiosity
“Wake up now you untruthful pretender!! “I yelled and he finally opened his eyes and sat up
“Morning to you too wifey “he said
“What on earth did you do to Carlos, the new neighbor? “I asked
“Oh, we pla-yed a little game last night and I WON “he said
“What game are you talking about? “I asked
“Am hungry alre-ady… I’ll answer your questions when am full and got the strength to “he said carrying me in his arms as we left the room
What are my gonna do with him…