What couples do Episode 20 & 21

💚what Couples do ❤️
Love, S-x, pla-ys…
Chapter Twenty ✨
Josh’s pov cont
I went straight to my room cause I was extremely tired.
Lisa la-id on the be-d with her eyes wi-de open. She was quietly staring into nothing.
I la-id beside her and cu-mddled her, we were facing the ceiling.
“Josh, am… Sorry… “She said as a tear escaped from her eye.
“Am a horrible mother.. I can’t take care of my own son..
“I let him starve… He didn’t want to eat and there was nothing I could do about it ” she said and began sobbing.
I brou-ght her close to me and k!$$£d her.
“Don’t say that honey… You’re doing great. Just cause zac misbehaved doesn’t make you a bad mom. Besides all this happened cause of that wrench, Nora.. “I said
“yea… “Lisa interposed “Nora, the nanny… She suffocated me… If I remember vividly ”
“She’s no good… I got her locked up for now, we can decide on what to do about her later… But for now, Lisa you have to eat “, I said.
She sat up .
“No, am not hungry ” she retorted.
“Oh come on babe, don’t act like zac now ” I said ru-bbing her skin.
“Am not gonna eat ”
“I’ll feed you.. “I offered.
She shook her head. I lifted her up and carried her and we left for the kitchen.
I dropped her on the kitchen table, then I turned to prepare a simple delicious meal.
I dumped the food Nora made in the trash can before cooking. I simply cooked Spaghetti. I added some left over minced meat in the fridge.
I served Lisa and I and we ate to we were filled up right there in the kitchen.
After that, I carried her again and we went upstairs. I took her straight into the bathroom.
I proposed we bath together but she declined. I pressured her till she gave in and we bath un-der the cold shower.
When we were done, she stepped out first rushing to get her clothes. I stared after her we-t back as she left.
It would only take a miracle for Lisa to ever decide on her own to give me b!ow job, much more S-x.
Am always the one ma-king the first approach and she likes it that way.
After putting on my short, I joined Lisa on the be-d and she turned off the light.
“Hey! How do you expect me to see your pretty face so I can give you your goodnight k!ss”I asked.
“Don’t, I don’t nee-d your k!ss”she said.
She rolled to my side.
“, but you very much nee-d mine cause you’re way to vulnerable to bad dreams.. ” she said s£dûçt!velyand crashed herl-ips on mine.
After a short k!ss, she turned to her side.
Lisa’s pov
Josh has been pretty supportive, he deserves a k!ss.
I turned to my side to get a shut eye.
Everywhere bec@m£ quiet.
“Lisa… I can’t sleep “I heard Josh say behind me.
“After all the stress zac has put us throu-gh? “I asked
He scoffed.
Hmm, I hope is not what I think it is…
Josh better sleeps.
I closed my eyes ti-ghtly and scolded my mind to sleep.
A week later, I woke up from not so early in the morning and went to zac’s room to check on him.
Presumably, he was alre-ady awake.
I walked into his room. I met him slee-ping. He was breathing in a funny way.
I smiled at his and turned to go but then, I noticed the tiny sweats visible on his forehead.
I t©uçhed him on his forehead, his b©dy was super h0t and he was burning up.
I panicked. I rushed back into my room and got on the be-d. I knelt beside Josh and shook him.
“Wake up… Zac’s h0t, he’s burning up… We nee-d to take him to a doctor or something “I said in one breath.
Josh woke up and ru-bbe-d his eyes.
“Go get zac, I’ll get my car keys. “Josh said and I obeyed.
Zac’s b©dy was so h0t, I was even scared of caring him.
We arrived at the hospital and the doctor began attending to zac due to the fact he knew Josh.
The two mothers who were with their children looked angry and but the nurse explained to them.
The doctor prescribe-d some drugs for Zac.
“He’s teeth are coming out gradually but he got a serious fever. “The doctor added.
We went home.
As zac sle-pt on the couch, I waited for Josh to return.
After a while, he returned with a file binder in his hand.
He looked quite unhappy.
“Josh, what is it? “I asked when he sat beside me.
He k!$$£d me on thel-ips. His hands remained on my cheek cu-pping my face.
“Lisa, I was promoted, am… Am gonna be leaving for a while “he said. It dropped like a heavy load in my heart.
He’s leaving me?
Chapter Twenty one 🔮
Lisa’s pov
“I don’t un-derstand Josh, where are you going to, huh? “I asked.
“California, but I don’t know how long. Lisa, can you cope without me? “He asked.
My eyes welled up but I tried not to cry.
“Yes, you can go. “I replied.
I reached for zac and t©uçhed his forehead, it was warm. I took the bowl with water and towel and went to the kitchen.
I was just sad. Am now gonna handle everything alone. I hated this idea of having a baby from the start.
Well, I just had to deal with it since the baby is alre-ady here.
I started ma-king dinner with h0t tears streaming down my cheeks.
After we all had dinner. I put zac to be-d before going to my room.
I saw Josh busy with his l@pt©p. I slowly la-id beside him just seeing his back…
🎵The smell of your skin lingers on me now
🎵 you’re probably on your flight back
🎵 To your hometown
🎵 I nee-d some shelter of my own protec-tion, baby
To be with myself and center
Clarity, peace, serenity
🎤i hope you know, I hope you know
That this has nothing to do with you
Its personal,myself and I
We’ve got some straightenin’ out to do
And am gonna miss you
Like a child misses their blanket
But I’ve got to get a move on with my life
Its time to be a big girl now
And big girls don’t cry
Don’t cry
Don’t cry
Don’t cry
I tucked myself in. Josh saw me and shut his l@pt©p and joined me in the be-d.
“Flight’s tomorrow “he said.
“Yes whatever “I said turning to my side.
Josh tried to hold me but I shoved it off.
“Am sorry “he muttered in my ears.
I went to sleep leaving the world behind.
………. Next day
Josh was all packed up and re-ady to go. He carried zac and k!$$£d his forehead.
“I’ll miss you “he said to him.
I took zac from his hands and headed for the door.
Josh rolled his luggage to the door. He left and I shut the door.
I dropped zac on the floor and stooped as tears flowed uncontrollably.
I bent my head and wept. Zac said something and I raised my eyes to see him crawling…!
Zac was crawling.
I was amazed cause I hadn’t noticed this since.
I took zac into my arms and showered k!sses on his face. He just made me smile. He struggled to get down and I let him.
He began crawling round the living room ma-king car sounds. So… He thinks his a car.
I pla-yed with him for a while before he bec@m£ hungry and I fed him and the next thing was him slee-ping.
I was bored and all I had as company was the TV.
…………………….. A month later
Zac tried again and he stood perfectly this time, myl-ips went agape! My own baby is standing alre-ady..
I took ph0tos of him to capture the moment.
My phone rang and I checked the caller, it was Josh. I picked it up and put it in speaker.
“Where are you j£rk?! “I yelled.
He promised to be home before lunch and his still no where to be seen.
“I swear am very close to you mote than you can imagine. “He said.
I got excited.
“Where? ”
“In our be-droom “he replied.
“What should I do to you if I get there and you’re not there? “I asked
“You’ll cut the S-x and we’ll just do forepl@y”he said.
His crazy.
“Who’s having S-x with you?? “.
I disconnected the call and carried zac and we headed upstairs.
I walked into my room. I dropped zac to stand on his own. I looked around.
“Josh? “I called.
I went into the bathroom and looked around, I returned back to the room. I was startled but happy.
“Josh! “I yelled and hvgged him. He had zac in his other hand.
“Lisa, what did you feed zac, he’s standing “Josh said.
I laughed.
“A whole month Josh, you’re so cruel “I said.
“Don’t worry Lisa, I’ll make it up to you tonight. “Josh grinned at me.
I wiped the tear in my eye.
…………………… Night
I went to my be-droom. Josh was unpacking his box. When he saw me, he grinned.
“St©p being so dirty Josh… Will you ever get matured? “I asked.
“I don’t know. Come here “he said.
I c@m£ to where he was reluctantly and he pu-ll-ed me to sit beside me.
“Who are you to lecture me about my S-x life huh? “He asked and began tickling me.
I began laughing in no time.
“Who am I… Am your wife”I managed to sat in between laugh.
“Lisa, do you remember what happened the second time we met? “Josh asked and I nodded. He st©pped tickling me.
“Some guys were trying to r@p£ me that night, I was coming from a p@rty as school “I said.
“I never told you this but, after I saved you from them, I wanted to r@p£ you too “he said and I laughed.
“Why didn’t you do it? ”
“Cause there was no be-d around “he whispered in my ear and I laughed.
“Enough dirty talk, if zac ever grows to become a pla-yboy… I’ll end you “I said.
Josh laughed and carried me to the be-d and dropped me. He la-id beside me.
He k!$$£d me and held on to me.
As he proceeded, the doorbell rang from downstairs.
Josh sighed.
I got up but he held me back.
“don’t go, let’s continue ”
My eyes wi-de-ned. I ran out of the room.
I opened the door.
It was Barbie! Oh Jo, she’ll kill me cause I haven’t called her since and worse, she knows nothing about the baby.