What couples do Episode 14 & 15

❤️what Couples do 💜
Love, S-x, pla-ys…
Chapter fourteen
Josh’s pov
I gro-an ed angrily as I saw the time on my phone screen, its been two God damn hours!!! And my Lisa is still in there and I don’t even know if she’s alive or not
I ban-ged on the door angrily like a phsyco
Male nurses began to clvster around me trying to calm me down
The door opened afterwards and a short white nurse stepped out and I could see some blood p@rtly stained on her white gloves
“plea-se sir let us do our job… You’re wife… She went into labour immediately she woke to consciousness “she tried to say in one breath
She went in shutting the door
Lisa is in labour???
I raised my head a little to see a mug kept before my face
“Coffee sir, it will help you stay awake “a voice said
I gr-unted angrily and took the mug from her
I didn’t have appetite but I f0rç£d myself into finishing the whole content into my mouth in a single gulp.
I handed the cu-p back to the lady who looked calm and kind
She took it and left leaving me to stare after her flat shoes that looked so much like the one Lisa had and normally wore during this pregnancy times…
I know Lisa, she’s not yet re-ady to conceive this child… Not yet
She nee-ds me by her side encouraging her so she can push the baby out without much pain.
oh Lisa…
Carol’s pov
Mom walked into my house and I trailed after her worried and at the same time angry
“Mom… We’re horrible people.. “I muttered as tears flowed down my eyes
“If anything happens to her, I’ll never forgive myself ”
My mom twirled and I *felt a heavy sl@p rest on my cheek 💢
“You insolent fool* … You should be sad our plans got ruined rather here you are sobbing like a baby…
“I wish that car hit you instead! “Mom yelled
“You better think of something cause I didn’t come all the way here from Colombia 🇨🇴 to waste my energy and go back a loser “she said
She stormed out to her room with her dress sweeping the floor as she left
…… My mom is a priestess and practices idol worsh!pping. When she found out I was disgraced by Josh by my friend, she c@m£ down to US for revenge
She pu-ll-ed everything together and her plans was just to deceive Lisa and make her leave Josh after delivery pf her baby
As stupid as it sounds, my mom never gives up…
I was there hiding when Lisa was looking for the anonymous person s£nding strange messages to her
Unfortunately, she wasn’t too careful and some stupid driver lost control and hit her
My mom gr@bb£d me by my collar and we left the scenery
My mom is a true devil
Lisa, plea-se forgive me..
Josh’s pov
As I sat by the waiting room, ru-bbing my sweaty palms, I suddenly heard the cry of a baby…. My baby
I got up in excitement… The voice slowly died down
Then I noticed my tears… I’ve lost a first child… Not another one
The door opened after a while and the nurse lady stepped out with sweat all over her forehead
“Congrats mr Josh, you have a little junior, though the baby was premature that’s it c@m£ not on its due time, he is very strong and healthy just like 9 months due babies “she said and my heart lit up… A boy..
Lisa’s pov 😌
I Woke up in a strange room and began searching the room with my eyes
Whoa, am in a hospital
I sat up to see my baby in Josh’s hands standing beside the be-d
All his concentration were on the baby that he didn’t notice me awake
I tried to peep to see what the baby looks like… My w@!st was hurting more so I gave up and la-id back down
I huffed…. But then I cleared my throat
“Oh Lisa, how are you? “Josh said and sat beside me on the be-d. He brou-ght the baby to my view and all I saw was a mixed version of Lisa and Josh
“He’s… Pretty “I said
“He’s handsome Lisa “Josh objected and I laughed but the pains wouldn’t let me laugh for long.
The room bec@m£ quiet
“Um…. Lisa, do you remember the accident? “I asked like it had been on my mind all day
She nodded
“Just like your dream “she said
The baby yawned and our stares drifted to him
He’s so tiny and cute 💖
“Name? “Lisa asked
I was even expecting her to bring up a name so we can argue over it
I scratched my hair with my free arm
“Alex? “I asked cause that was the first name that crossed my mind
“No! That’s a girl and boys name “she said
“How about, Zac “I said
She smiled “perfect name! ”
❤️what Couples do 💜
Love, S-x, pla-ys…
Chapter fifteen
Six months later
Lisa’s pov
I la-id on my be-d b!tt!g my f!nger nails… What’s taking Josh so long?
He promised to mate with me tonight but here he is about to break his promise again
After the birth of Zac, Josh has been keeping his distance from me and all he thinks about is Zac. He would take him to be-d, sing for him… Most times sleep off on zac’s room which leaves me hanging.
I never imagined Josh being so into this kid that he even forgets about me.
I rolled on the be-d severally as my thoughts were ma-king me exhausted.
Or is it that am no longer S-xy? I looked at myself. I ba-rely added weight after giving birth to Zac so am still slim.
I j£rked from the be-d and dragged my feet to the door. I ti-p toed to zac’s room and peeped throu-gh the door. I was stunned to what I saw, Josh and Zac on the be-d together slee-ping peacefully… Ahh! What did Josh see on this child?
I returned to my room disappointed and sle-pt off.
☀Morning ☀
I woke up when I heard the shower running. I scratched my eyes and I saw clearly now.
Josh must be bathing..
I went to my baby’s room and carried him in my arms as we headed for downstairs.
Zac ha-rd ly cries. His just too cold for my liking but whenever he’s with Josh, he will laugh like Josh was the funniest man on earth. 😒
I dropped him on his stroller which was in the kitchen, then I moved over to the kitchen table to wh!pup his breakfast.
He was staring at me for a while but then began talking in his baby language
Gu gu GI.. Dada la lu pupu…
His song filled my ears
Just then Josh c@m£ rushing downstairs.. He was all dressed up for work
“Morning Lisa, “he said taking his phones which lined up on the table
“Hold ur greeting you…. j£rk! “I yelled
“Am a dad not a j£rk… And am sorry about last night, Zac was awake so I couldn’t just leave him awake “he said and my eyes darted to Zac who was b!tt!g his f!ngers
I glared at him for a while
“But babe, I just got a text, I nee-d to be in CIA do right now… Its important “he rushed his words
“So, you’re leaving me alone with this… “I paused before I curse my son
“Yes Lisa, but just for three days… I’ll be back soon “he c@m£ over and f0rç£d a k!sson nyl-ips
How did he know I wouldn’t let him k!ssme??
He k!$$£d Zac on his head and left
“So, its just you and me big guy “I said referring to Zac
I fed him and bath him, then I dropped him on my be-d and surrounded him with his toys before having my own bath.
After I was done dressing up, I turned to see Zac busy with his toys… Hmm, I’ll just leave him alone.
I turned on the TV in my room and all channels weren’t doing anything delectable to watch.
I was suddenly bored.
My attention shifted to Zac who didn’t even care if I was watching him or not
He kept hitting his power ranger toy with a dinosaur like he wanted to trash it.
Hmm 😏
I knelt infront of him
“Oh Zac, smile for me… “I sang…
He wore a big facial expression. Just staring at me like I was a witch or something.
How did Josh win his heart??
I tried all possible styles… I must make him smile much more laugh
I tickled him, the way he reacted made me stunned, : he kicked me with his tiny legs which he had a sandal on.
My face hurt. But I didn’t give up.
I danced
Made funny faces 😚😪
He didn’t react to it rather he looked at me like I was just Misbehaving
I la-id beside him tired
He looked into my face closely
He was super cute and had lovely redl-ips
“I love you.. ” I said and then acted like I wanted to bite his ear
A big smile c@m£ on his face and he giggled
I acted like I was gonna chase him and he laughed as he crawled around the be-d acting like he wanted to escape from me real bad.
We pla-yed together for hours and that was when I knew I had the cutest baby on the world and he means everything to me