©Aaron A.A


When Chris gets out of his car his mother comes tearing out of the house to meet him.
He turns to walk towards the house, and that is when he sees his mother running towards him.
She is ba-refoot, and is still in the dress she had worn in the morning.
Her hair is undone and wild, heavily peppered with grey. Her face is free of makeup, and her eyes are hvge with her tears. Chris st©ps with shock.
She begins to cry as she reaches him. She st©ps within tou-ching distance, and to his horror she suddenly falls to her knees and raises her clamped hands to him.
Oh, my son! I’ve heard everything! Oh, Chris, plea-se forgive me! Forgive me, my son! I was so terrified when we couldn’t reach you! I have called the police, son! I thought I had lost you, and I couldn’t forgive myself!
(lifts her to her feet.)
plea-se, Mom, get up! plea-se don’t kneel before me!
It was her, my son! Elaine! She showed me pictures that I thought were Effe, terrible pictures that made me so scared, angry and confused! That’s why I did what I did! I’m sorry, my son! My foolishness has made you lose the one woman you love! plea-se forgive me! Oh, God, how you must hate me!
Chris embr@ces her ti-ghtly. After a while he steps away from her and looks at her.
You carried me in your wo-mb for nine months, Mom. You laboured to give birth to me. You brea-st-fed me, and changed my diapers, cleaned my poopoo and taking a lot of jazz from me, and I know you love me. I know that everything you do, whether wrong or bad, it is because of the love you have for me. I can never hate you, Mom. Never. You’re my mother.
Oh, Chris, my dearest son! We were so wrong to arrange a marriage between you and Elaine. My marriage to your Dad was also arranged, but it worked out for us. We were so happy until his death! I thought it could work for you too, but how wrong I am now! Elaine’s parents called. They’re all so sorry! Oh, Chris, What a terrible thing I have done to you!
Terrible, yes, but I don’t blame you. The fault is all mine. Now, let’s go inside, okay? I love you, always will. What’s done is done, Mom.
But I have denied you any chance of finding happiness, my son, in a very cruel manner. The pain I see in your eyes now shall be the cross I shall carry to my grave! How can I forgive myself?
Tonight, Mom, don’t let us talk about this, okay? I will take it a day at a time. It will be ha-rd , yes, but it can be done. Let’s go in now.
She puts her arm around him. He puts his across her shoulders, and they walk in silence.
When they enter the living-room Michael is just putting down the telephone receiver.
I called the police, Madam. I told them Chris is home now.
Thank you, Michael.
Michael stares at Chris. Chris walks forward, and just then tears begin to roll down his cheeks again.
He t©uçhes his cheeks, looks at his we-t f!ngersand tries to smile.
I can’t believe this, man. I’m crying again! It feels like a damn dam has opened in my soul, man! I never thought human beings have so much tears in them! Ever heard the cliché that men don’t cry? I’m breaking that saying straight into the record books tonight.
Behind him his mother puts both hands to her cheeks, and her face cringes with pain. Michael puts a hand on Chris’ shoulder.
A man’s tears are always true, bro. Let them flow. They will heal that messed-up heart.
You know, I’ve always been an only child, right? I mean, I have never really been bothered about being an only child, you get me?
Yeah, bro. I get you.
But, you, Mike, have always been there for me. Tonight I nee-d a brother, man. Tonight I can’t get throu-gh the hours alone, and there’s no one I’ll like beside me than you. I don’t wanna get drun!ktonight, because if I do I’ll never st©p drinking; I’ll become a drun!k, always waking up in gutters. Yeah, some $h!t like that. I nee-d a brother, Mike. I nee-d a brother tonight.
It will be an honour, bro. Your words are the sweetest thing any human being has ever uttered to me.
I’m going up to take a bath and cry my heart out, man. You lock up and come upstairs. Let’s pl@ysome video games together and watch some Kung-Fu movies, man. If I get throu-gh tonight, I believe I can make it.
I’ll be right up, bro.
(gently to his mother)
Get some sleep, Mom. I will see you in the morning. Good night.
His mother is speechless. Her tears are drenching her.
Chris clim-bs up the stairs with his shoulders sagging and his head down.
Oh, God! I have destroyed my son, Michael! I have hurt my poor son so badly!
(hvgs her gently)
Get some sleep, Mama. He’ll be just fine.

To be continued

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