Waking up married Episode 26 & 27

(My husband is a billionaire)
Pen name: Aspiringcliche
Stella’s P.O.V
It’s been a couple days since I found
out that I was pregnant. I begged Daisy
to not say anything who agreed. Right
now, Calvin and Layla were dropping me
off to the airport. Mom and dad were in
work but the two were free.
“I’ll see you guys soon,” I said as I
hvgged them both.
“Um, Stella. Can I ask you something?”
Layla asked me.
“What?” I asked her.
“I’m gonna go get some Starbucks. You
guys want anything?” Calvin asked us.
“I’m good,” I told him.
“Can you get my regular plea-se?” She
“Yeah. Be right back,” Calvin said before
leaving us.
“Are you pregnant?” She asked me.
“What are you talking about?” I asked
“I saw the test in the bathroom a while
ago,” She told me.
“You can’t tell anyone,” I told her.
“Is it Jasper’s baby?” Layla asked me.
“Of course it is. You just can’t say
anything for now. You can’t tell mom
and dad,” I told her.
“What about Calvin?” She asked me.
“No. Just don’t say anything. plea-se,” I
told her.
“Fine. I don’t see why you want to hide
it,” Layla said.
“Just for now,” I told her.
“Here’s your drink,” Calvin said before
coming back and giving Layla her drink.
“Thanks,” She said.
“Well I have to go. I’ll see you guys
soon,” I said before hvgging them
“Bring back Jasper next time,” Calvin
told me.
“Alright. Bye guys,” I said before walking
to the gate.
Jasper picked me up from the airport
which made me happy and relieved to
see him. I noticed some paparazzi
ma-king me a little sick.
“Hey. You okay?”
“Just a little nauseous from the ride,” I
told him.
“Well let’s go home then and I’ll take
care of you. Come on,” Jasper said.
After we got my things, we headed
towards the car which was re-ady for us
outside. However, we had to pas-s the
“Jasper! Do you have anything more to
comment about the robbery?”
“Will you two be moving somewhere
else now?”
“Stella! Why were you in California?”
As soon as we got inside the car, I
leaned against Jasper. He put an arm
around me as the car drove off.
“That was overwhelming,” I told him.
“I know. You’ll get used to it soon,”
Jasper told me. I nodded before out at
the window.
Stella’s P.O.V
I had to tell him. I’m going to tell him
right now. Jasper was in his office in the
penthouse. I walked over to the door
and knocked on it.
“Come in.”
I walked inside to see him doing some
paperwork. Jasper looked up at me
before smiling.
“Hey. What’s up?” Jasper asked as he
st©pped and leaned back against his
chair. I walked into the office more.
“I nee-d to tell you something and I’m not
sure how to tell you,” I tell him.
“What’s wrong?” Jasper asked me. I
took in a de-ep breath before sitting on
the chair in front of him.
“Jasper… I’m-”
His phone rang ma-king my anxiety go
up a little more. Jasper looked at me
before answering the phone.
“Hello? What!?” Jasper turned on the TV
ma-king me turn around.
“Leaked do¢v-ments and emails have
been re-leased about Jasper Kline paying
his wife to be married to him and
dangerous plans for his future,” I heard
the TV said. I looked back at Jasper
who looked shock as well.
“Oh my god,” He said.
“Jasper?” I asked.
“fv¢k me,” Jasper said.
I heard my phone ring ma-king me look
down to see my mom calling me. I
looked up at Jasper as his phone
started to ring. I got up before walking
out of the room.
“Tell me it isn’t true. Are you only
married to Jasper because he paid
you?” Mom asked me.
“If it is true, I swear to God, if you don’t
divorce him and come back home, I’m
going to get you personally,” Mom said.
“Brianna, give me the phone honey,” I
heard my dad say. “Andrew, no.”
“Brianna. Let me talk to her,” He told
her. My mom let out a sigh.
“Stella. It’s your dad. Is this true?” My
dad asked me. I looked up at Jasper’s
“I’m not going to confirm nor deny
anything at the moment. I promise I’ll
tell you later,” I tell him.
“Okay. plea-se talk to us though. Okay?”
Dad said.
I sat on the couch as I watched the
news. Killian Coldwell was arrested for
reasons unknown. I heard footsteps
ma-king me look over to see Jasper walk
over. He sat on the couch next to me.
“br@dley told me that Killian drun!k
confessed that he hired some people to
rob us and to steal information for him.
br@dley got it on tape and s£nt it to the
police,” Jasper told me.
“Really?” I asked him in disbelief.
“Yeah. He asked for us in return was if
something like that happened to him,
we’d be there,” Jasper said. I nodded
before breaking eye contact.
“What were you going to say in my
office?” Jasper asked me.
“Nothing. I think it can wait a little
longer,” I told him.
“Stella,” I felt Jasper hold my hand. I
looked over at him,” What was it? You
can tell me anything.”
I stared at him for a while. Thinking
about whether or not if I should lie or
not. At the same time, I can never lie to
“I’m pregnant,” I told him. Jasper’s eyes
wi-den. I couldn’t tell if it was good or
“You’re pregnant?” Jasper asked me. I
nodded at him. Jasper pu-ll-ed me close
to him before hvgging me ti-ghtly.
“I promise that I will love you and this
baby with everything. You both will
come first before anything else. I
promise,” Jasper said before giving me
a k!ss. I pu-ll-ed away for a bit.
“Wait. So you’re not upset?” I asked him.
“Stella, I’m hopelessly in love with you.
I’ve fell for you throu-gh the time we’ve
been together and I’m so happy that you
are the one to carry our child,” Jasper
told me. I smiled softly before he k!$$£d
my cheek.
“I love you,” Jasper told me.
“I love you too,” I told him.
(My husband is a billionaire)
Pen name: Aspiringcliche
# Final
Stella’s P.O.V
I stood with Gwen from the sidelines as
Jasper had a press conference. After
the incident, Jasper had to clear things
up. I looked over to see the press re-ady
to hear what Jasper had to say.
“Are you nervous?” Gwen asked Jasper.
“A little,” Jasper said.
“Don’t forget, you have lunch with your
family after this,” Gwen told him.
“I know.”
“Good luck,” I tell Jasper. Jasper gave
me a small k!ssbefore walking out.
“Good day everyone. I will be taking
questions on the occurrence that has
happened recently,” Jasper said.
Everyone’s hands went up to be chos£n.
Jasper pointed to a man in the front.
“What are you planning to do with your
company now?” The man asked.
“I plan to invest in technology and to do
more in economics,” Jasper said.
“Wouldn’t this cost millions of dollars?”
The man asked.
“Yes but I plan to start off slow. The
emails that’s been leaked were just the
planning and ideas that we just thought
ahead. Next question?” Jasper asked.
He picked a woman in the middle of the
“One of the leaks were about your
marriage. Is this true?” She asked.
“Yes it is true. I had married my wife the
first time being drun!kand in Veg@s and
the second time for the public,” Jasper
“Is she just using you for money?” The
woman asked.
“No. My wife intends on studying to
become a teacher,” Jasper said.
More questions c@m£ and Jasper
handled it professionally. I felt proud of
him. When the conference was done,
Jasper c@m£ back to me and Gwen in
the sidelines.
“How did I do?” Jasper asked Gwen as
he wra-pped his arm around my w@!st.
“Good. Now, you nee-d to head over to
your parents’ house,” Gwen said.
“Thank you, Gwen. I’ll see you
tomorrow,” Jasper said.
I felt nervous going to Jasper’s parents’
house. Before, they didn’t know about
us being in a somewhat fake
relationsh!p. Now they do. We went to
their large mansion before walking over
to the front door.
“What if they hate me?” I asked him.
“They won’t. They loved you before and
it shouldn’t change after what
Jasper said before ringing the doorbell.
Thomas answered the door with a smile
on his face.
“Hey guys. What’s up?” He asked.
“Well a lot but I’m sure you know about
it,” Jasper said before walking inside. I
followed him.
“Yeah. Hi, Stella,” Thomas said before
hvgging me. I felt a little shock. I
hvgged him back before he pu-ll-ed away
and looked at Jasper.
“Lunch is re-ady so let’s go,” Thomas
We went to the backyard where the
lunch was re-ady. I saw Candace and
Carolina on their phones. Cheryl and
Harold were talking until they saw
Jasper and I.
“There they are!” Cheryl smiled.
“Hi guys,” Jasper said.
“Let’s have lunch now shall we?” Cheryl
said. I sat next to Thomas and Jasper.
Lunch went fine until Caroline said
“So are we going to talk about the
elephant in the room?” Carolina asked.
“Caroline!” Cheryl said.
“It’s fine mom. What do you want to
know or say?” Jasper asked.
“Well, we’re disappointed that you did
this and dragged this poor girl into the
world of no privacy,” Harold said.
“I knew you guys would be. Go on,”
Jasper sighed. “However, Stella, you’re
a nice girl. You make our son happy. We
haven’t seen him this happy since he
was a kid,” Cheryl told me. I smiled over
at her. Jasper held my hand and gave it
a small squee-ze.
“So are you guys in love? Like do you
guys have real feelings for each other?”
Candace asked us.
“Yes. I’m lucky to even have Stella,”
Jasper told me.
“And I’m lucky to have Jasper. I know
that the incident was bad but I would
never use Jasper for money. I’m
planning on ma-king my own money,” I
told them.
“That’s good to hear. Set up a good
example,” Cheryl said.
“So you guys are okay with our
relationsh!p?” Jasper asked.
“Of course. I think you and Stella are a
perfect match,” Cheryl smiled.
After lunch, we wen’t inside just talking
with his family. I sat next to Jasper as I
talked to Cheryl and Jasper talked to
“I think I’m in a mood for some wine.
Stella, do you want any?” Cheryl asked
“I’m good. Thank you though,” I tell her.
“Are you sure? The wine I’m about to
drink is perfect and I think you’ll love it,”
She said.
“Mom she can’t drink,” Jasper said.
“Why’s that?” Harold asked.
“Well, we wanted to tell you guys a little
later but, Stella’s pregnant,” Jasper told
“Oh my god. Really!” Carolina and
Candace asked in sync.
“Yes,” I nodded.
“Congrats you two. You’re going to let
me babysit right?” Thomas asked.
“Right. Like I’m gonna let you babysit,”
Jasper joked before ruffling his hair.
“Oh my. This is so sudden but I’m very
happy for you both,” Cheryl told me.
“Thank you so much for being
accepting,” I told her.
“You’re p@rt of the family now. How can
I not be accepting?” Cheryl asked me. I
smiled before hvgging her.
One Year Later
Stella’s P.O.V
“When was the last time you and Jasper
went out?” Daisy asked me.
“What?” I asked.
“She’s right. When was the last time you
and Jasper went out?” Sarah asked me.
“I don’t know. Bruce has kept us busy,” I
tell them.
“You nee-d a d@t£ night,” Sonya told me.
“And get some from Jasper,” Mallory
“Again, Bruce has kept us a little
occu-pied,” I told the girls.
“Excuses!” Daisy scoffed jokingly.
“Why don’t you two drop off Bruce at
your parent’s house for the night and
you two have a d@t£ night,” Sarah
“If Jasper’s up for it,” I said.
“He’ll be up for it,” Mallory told me.
After my get together with the girls, I
went back to the h0tel. I walked inside
the room to see Bruce and Jasper
asleep on the be-d. I smiled softly before
walking over. I k!$$£d Jasper’s cheek
and Bruce’s forehead.
“Hey,” Jasper’s voice was a little raspy
as he woke up.
“How was hanging out with the girls?”
Jasper asked, sitting up.
“Great. They said we should have a d@t£
night,” I told him.
“I said we should if you’re okay with it,” I
told him.
“I’d be glad to go on a d@t£ with you
tonight. If your parents are okay with
watching Bruce,” Jasper told me.
“I know they’d be glad to watch Bruce,” I
told him.
“Alright. You, me, d@t£ night,” Jasper
said. I smiled before k!ss!nghis cheek.
My parents and siblings were glad to
have Bruce over. Layla practically
kicked us out after I had to double
check that Bruce would be okay.
“So where are we going?” I asked
“I was thinking of a fun d@t£ so, I
thought of Santa Monica Pier,” Jasper
“Yeah. Come on,” Jasper said.
We walked along the pier a little. Jasper
and I pla-yed a few games before going
to Third Street Promenade. We walked
around before going to a small
“I miss this. Just going out, enjoying the
view,” I tell him. Jasper k!$$£d the t©p of
my hand ma-king me blus-h.
“Me too. We should have our parents
watch Bruce a little more so we can go
out,” Jasper said.
“But at the same time, I miss him,” I
pouted a little.
“I know. But for tonight, let’s just enjoy
the mood,” Jasper said.
At the end of the dinner, we walked
around a little more. There was a small
band performing a nice jazz song which
Jasper pu-ll-ed me over. He placed a
hand on my w@!st and held my hand
with his. I placed my hand on his
shoulder before we started to sway to
the music.
“I’m so glad I married you. I can’t
imagine my life without you now,”
(My husband is a billionaire)
Pen name: Aspiringcliche
Eighteen Years Later
Stella’s P.O.V
I was cooking breakfast until I heard my
oldest daughter yawn. I looked over to
see her in her pajamas.
“Morning, sweetie,” I said.
“Morning mom,” Paisley yawned.
“How was your sleep?” I asked.
“Good,” She said.
“Don’t forget, we’re going out today,” I
told her.
“Alright. Where’s dad and Bruce?” Paige
asked me.
“Probably out,” I told her.
“Really? It’s ba-rely even seven thirty,”
She told me.
“You know how your father and brother
is on practicing sports,” I told her.
“Morning!” I heard Jasper yell.
“Speaking of who,” I said.
I saw Jasper and Bruce walk in. I smiled
as they walked into the kitchen.
“Good morning, sweetie,” Jasper said,
trying to lean in for a k!ss.
“Shower first, k!ss!nglater,” I told him.
“Alright. I’ll be back in a bit,” Jasper said
before sneaking in a quic-k k!sson the
“Jasper!” I said.
“Love you.”
“You should shower too, Bruce. You
smell like a gym sock,” Paisley said.
“She’s right sweetie. You stink as well,” I
told him.
“Mom,” Bruce whined.
“Go!” I ordered.
He ran upstairs while I continued to
cook. Paisley walked over and started to
help me out. I heard walking ma-king me
turn over.
“Good morning, Winnie,” I said to my
youngest daughter.
“Morning mom,” She said.
“How was your sleep?” I asked her.
“Good. When I walked out of my room,
Bruce pas-sed by me and he smelled,”
Winnie said, cringing a little.
“He does smell,” Paisley nodded.
“Winnie, can you get the table set?” I
asked her.
“Okay,” Winnie walked over to get the
plates while Paisley and I finished
Once the boys were done showering, we
all sat together as a cliche family. I sat
on one end of the table while Jasper sat
on the other side.
“Okay, since we cooked and got the
table re-ady, you boys have to clean the
table,” I told them.
“Sounds fair enough,” Jasper said. I
smiled as I sipped my coffee.
“Can we go to the beach later?” Winnie
asked me.
“Of course,” I smiled.
I sat in the chair, un-der the umbrella as I
watched my two daughters pl@yin the
water. I saw Bruce surf in the waves,
enjoying himself. Jasper sat next to me
as he held my hand. He k!$$£d the t©p
of my hand ma-king me look over at him.
“Everything alright?” I asked him.
“Yeah. Just appreciating you,” Jasper
“Why’s that?” I asked.
“Cause if you had never said yes to
staying married to me, I wouldn’t have
been who I am today,” Jasper told me. I
leaned down to give him a k!ss.
“I love you,” I told him.
“I love you too,” He said.
“Who would’ve thought that we’d make it
this far with three beautiful children?” I
asked him. Jasper smiled at me before
giving me another k!ss.
Thank you all for re-ading this story! I
Jasper told me.
“You’re so cheesy. I love it,” I tell him
before hiding my face on his che-st.
Jasper chuckled before holding me
close to him.
The end