Waking up married Episode 24 & 25

(My husband is a billionaire)
Pen name: Aspiringcliche
Matured content ahead!!!
Stella’s P.O.V
Jasper’s beach house was amazing.
The back p@rt had a bridge that had a
way to lead over to the beach. I looked
around as Jasper brou-ght in all the
“You like?” Jasper asked me.
“Like? More like love. The interior is so
beautiful,” I tell him.
“I give props to Candace. She helped me
on this,” Jasper smiled.
“Candace helped you with the layout?” I
asked amazed.
“She really knows her stuff,” I said.
“Yes she does. Why don’t we have a
walk on the beach together?” Jasper
asked me.
“I’d love that,” I smiled.
We had our shoes off as we walked
along the sand. We walked by the water
as we held hands.
“This is beautiful,” I tell Jasper.
“I’m glad you like it,” Jasper smiled
down at me.
“I’m getting a little hungry. Why don’t we
go back and I’ll cook food,” I tell him.
“I’ll help you. Come on,” Jasper said
before walking with me back to the
At night, I wanted to do a little
something for Jasper. I put on my
lingerie I got before the trip. It was a
black lacy br@ with matching p@n-ties. I
opened the door to see Jasper talking
on the phone.
“I’ll be back in the office soon. Right
now I’m with my wife and-” Jasper
st©pped talking when he saw me.
“I’ll call you tomorrow,” Jasper said
before hanging up.
“Hope that wasn’t important,” I tell him.
“Just business but,” Jasper walked over
to home,” I think I should pay a little
more attention to my wife.”
Jasper leaned down to k!ssme. I k!$$£d
him back as he wra-pped his arms
around me. I wra-pped my arms around
his n£¢k as we k!$$£d. Jasper’s hands
went down to my bu-tt before giving it a
“Jump,” Jasper muttered. I jumped up
before wra-pping my legs around his
w@!st. Jasper walked over to the be-d
before laying me on it. He hovered over
me as we k!$$£d.
I took off his shi-t before he started to
undo his jeans. He pushed that and his
un-derwear down as well. I could feel his
ha-rd member press against my th!gh
ma-king me m0@n out.
Jasper undid my br@ before taking a
n!ppleinto his mouth. I let out a loud
m0@n as he su-cked on it. Jasper’s hand
went down to my heated core. I felt him
slowly pu-ll down my p@n-ties ma-king me
gr0@nin frustration. I quic-kly took them
off. Jasper pu-ll-ed away from my brea-st.
“Eager?” He asked me.
“Very,” I tell him lvstfully.
Jasper gave me a k!ssbefore going
down on me. I engaged my f!ngersinto
his hair as I felt him eat me out. Every
time that Jasper would svçkon my cl!t,
I felt like I was in heaven.
“Jasper. I’m… gonna ¢v-m,” I m0@n out.
Jasper continued to eat me out. It
brou-ght me to the edge of my Orgasm.
What made me ¢v-m was when he stuck
his ton-gue in me and swirled it around a
bit. I m0@n ed in plea-sure as he li-cked
me until I was done.
I fli-pped us over letting me on t©p. I got
down to his member who was still and
ha-rd . I took the ti-p in before ma-king my
way down. Once I reached down, I
started to bob my head up and down. I
su-cked on him as he m0@n ed out.
“Stella, wait,” I st©pped. I pu-ll-ed him out
with a popping sound. I looked up at
him as he brou-ght me up a little more.
“I want to ¢v-m inside you,” Jasper tells
I nodded before straddling his w@!st. I
loved my self down until he was
completely in me.
Jasper’s hands went to my h!ps. He
helped me bounce up and down on him
in a fast pace.
“Jasper!” I m0@n ed out.
“Oh god, Stella,” Jasper said, throwing
his head back a little.
I felt my high come up again ma-king me
bounce on him more. I held onto the
headboard for support at this point.
“Jasper… I’m about to ¢v-m again,” I
breathed out.
“Me too,” Jasper said.
His thrû-sts were a little sloppy but I
loved it. Jasper hit my g-sp©t ma-king
me ¢v-m all over him. Jasper thrû-sted a
little more before re-leasing himself in
me. I let out a small m0@n . He
continued a few more thrû-sts before
st©pping. I got off him before crashing
down next to him. I turned to look at
I leaned upwards to k!ssJasper. He
pu-ll-ed me closer to him before climbing
on t©p of me.
“Round two?” Jasper asked me. I
nodded before he k!$$£d me once more.
I woke up alone in the be-d. I sat up as I
looked around the room. Last night tired
me out. I looked over at the clock to see
that it was alre-ady 10:20 am. I gr@bb£d
my p@n-ties and Jasper’s shi-t from the
floor before putting them on.
I walked downstairs to see Jasper
cooking brunch. He was in some new
clothes. I walked over to him before
wra-pping my arms around his w@!st.
“Good morning,” Jasper said.
“Morning,” I tell him.
“I’m almost done. Why don’t you set up
the table?” He asked.
“Okay,” I tell him before k!ss!nghis
I got the plates before putting them on
the table. I got the utensils as well as I
put them by the plates.
“I hope you like omelets,” Jasper said.
“I’m not a picky eater,” I tell him.
“Good. Cause bon appetite!” Jasper said
as he put the food down on the table. I
let out a small chuckle before sitting
down with him.
Jasper and I spent the whole day at the
beach before coming back inside the
house. It was only four p.m. but we
wanted to eat and relax.
“Join me in a shower?” I asked Jasper.
Jasper smiled before wra-pping an arm
around my w@!st.
“I love to,” Jasper said. The phone rung
him look over.
“Answer it,” You nudged. Jasper walked
over before answering the phone.
“Hello? Yes this is he… What?! I’ll be
home as soon as possible. Thank you
chief,” Jasper said. I stared at him in
“What happened?” I asked him.
“We’re been robbe-d,” Jasper told me.
(My husband is a billionaire)
Pen name: Aspiringcliche
Stella’s P.O.V
I looked around at the penthouse to see
most of our things stolen. I sat on the
couch as Jasper talked to the police
men. I could feel myself get a small
“Stella, you alright?” Jasper asked me
as he sat next to me on the couch.
“I just can’t believe we got robbe-d,” I tell
“Me neither,” Jasper told me.
“I mean, I get that you’re a billionaire but
how did they even get throu-gh the
security from downstairs?” I asked him.
“They must’ve been very clever,” Jasper
told me. I sighed before leaning against
him. I felt my phone buzz ma-king me
look over. I took my phone out to see
my mom calling me.
“I’ll be back,” I told him.
“Alright,” I walked over to the kitchen to
talk to my mom.
“Hello mom?”
“Stella! Are you alright? We saw the
news,” Mom told me.
“We’re fine. We weren’t home at the
time,” I tell her.
“You know, for an expensive penthouse
complex, they sure have terrible
security,” Mom said. “Mom, st©p. The
police are investigating this right now,” I
tell her.
“They better,” My mom said.
“Mom, let me talk to her,” I heard Calvin
“Fine. Your brother wants to talk to
“Stella! We heard what happened. You
guys okay?” Calvin asked me.
“We’re fine. We weren’t home at the time
so we didn’t get hurt,” I tell him.
“Oh thank god. Mom and dad were
worried,” He tells me.
“I can tell.”
“Can you come visit us so we can ease
up a little?” Calvin asked me.
“Let me talk to Jasper and we can see if
we can arrange something,” I tell him.
After talking a little longer, I had to say
bye to him. When I hung up, I walked
over to Jasper who was sitting on the
“Jasper,” I said, sitting next to him.
“Calvin asked me to come visit him back
in California so my family can rest about
what happened,” I tell him.
“Okay. However, I can’t go with you
because I have to deal with the things
that got stolen,” Jasper told me.
“I un-derstand,” I tell him.
“I’ll arrange a plane and a h0tel for you,”
Jasper told me.
“I can stay with my parents,” I tell him.
“Are you sure?”
“Of course,” I nodded. Jasper nodded
before k!ss!ngmy head.
Stella’s P.O.V
I was sick to my stomach. I kept
throwing up into the toilet since this
“Stella? Are you in here?” I heard.
“Give me a moment!” I said. I flu-shed
the toilet before washing my hands. I
brushed my teeth again before walking
“Daisy!” I said happily. She ran over to
me and hvgged me. I’ve been back in
California for about three days.
“I heard what happened. You alright?”
Daisy asked me. “We weren’t in the
penthouse when it happened but we’re
alright,” I tell her.
“Are you feeling okay? I heard you
throwing up in the bathroom.”
“Probably something I ate” I tell her.
“Well since you’re back, we have to
hang out with the rest of the girls.”
“I’d love to do that,” I tell her.
“Great! Let’s go get some lunch,” Daisy
told me.
We went to a restaurant that was nice
and simple. We sat in a booth that was
hidden away a little. I ordered a salad
and water.
“How’s New York?” Daisy asked me.
“It’s nice. A lot different than here,” I
“How’s your relationsh!pwith Jasper?”
Daisy asked me.
“Good. He’s so nice but I wish he could
be here,” I tell her.
“At least he’s treating you right,” Daisy
“I can’t believe I drun!kmarried him,” I
said with a chuckle.
“Me neither,” Daisy said.
When we walked out of the restaurant,
there were paparazzi everywhere. I
looked around in shock.
“Stella! What’s it like being married to a
billionaire?” “What do you have to say in
regards of your robbery?”
“Stella! Where’s Jasper?”
“Stella, come on,” Daisy said before
hurrying me over to her car.
When we got inside, Daisy started to
drive off. She made sure that no one
was following us before parking in an
empty parking lot.
“That was crazy,” She told me.
“I think I’m going to be sick. Again,” I
said. I got out of the car before hurrying
over to a trash can. I threw up in it
before looking over.
“Woah. Stella, I think we nee-d to get you
home,” Daisy said, hurrying over to me.
“I’m so sorry,” I said.
“You have nothing to apologize for.
Come on,” Daisy said before helping me
to her car.
As we drove by, I saw a tampon
advertisement that made me question
something. I looked at my phone to
check my period app. I noticed that I
was a couple days late.
“Daisy,” I said.
“We nee-d to st©p by somewhere,” I tell
“Okay, where?” She asked me.
“CVS,” I tell her. When she parked, I
handed her some money. “What do you
nee-d?” She asked me.
“A pregnancy test,” I tell her. Daisy
looked over at me in shock.
“I’ll be back,” She told me before leaving.
I took the test at home. Daisy stayed
with me, wanting to find out if I was
pregnant or not. I sat on the edge of the
bathroom tub while Daisy leaned
against the sink.
“This is going to be so big if you are
pregnant,” Daisy told me.
“I’m so scared right now,” I tell her.
“You don’t nee-d to be scared. I mean,
you’re financially secured, you have a
husband who we both know is the
father for sure, and you have supportive
friends and family by your side on this,”
Daisy told me. If only she knew why I
was scared.
My phone rung, letting me know that it
was time to check. I looked at the test
to see a positive plus sign on it.