Voice for the poor 4 episode 1 & 2


Who could this be? My heart began to pound out from my che-st.

We both rushed outside and it was my father Mr Augustine Ebo Arthur.

What a surprise Mr honorable minister! Why on earth would you sneak here to eavesdrop our conversation?
And who in God’s name directed you here? In fact, how did you know I am here? I asked so many questions unhappily.

Calm down Brenda, what matters is I’m here.
I inquired from your colleagues in school and no one seemed to know your whereabouts.
I inquired further whether they knew your best friend in school, and someb©dy mentioned Isaac Osei’s name to me. That was how come I traced him to this village to make enquiries about your whereabouts.
Fortunately or unfortunately, I met no one in this compound, but I could hear voices from this room. Just when I got closer to knock, I heard your voice and the confession. He explained.

And you think it is polite enough to do that? To gossipy listen to someone’s conversation? I asked unhappily.

I’m sorry my daughter, plea-se forgive me. He pleaded.

What is happening here RM, who is he? Ike asked.

From his mission, you will soon know who he is. I responded.

We offered him seat, and he began to unveil his mission.

Brenda, I am here to rightfully as-sume my position as your father.
I don’t belong to the presidency, I have willingly la-id down my position as the sports minister of this country.

I don’t nee-d that position anymore, the only thing I nee-d right now is you.
What is riches without happiness?
Brenda, I have come to terms with your policy, “you can never enjoy peace if others lack peace. Their unpeaceful lives will live to torment your peace”

I nee-d you now my daughter, plea-se let’s join hands together to fight for this nation.
This fight for justice was what my v!rg!nheart yearned for, until your mother c@m£ into my life to break it with deceits and pain. He narrated.

Wow, God bless this day! God bless the day I had a father. God bless the day reality overtook fiction.
Welcome into my life daddy. I responded happily.

Ike, this is my biological father, your inlaw. I introduced.

They both exchanged plea-santries.

Now listen to me carefully Brenda, my life is at stake!
Immediately I resigned, the president knew something was amiss because I have most of his secrets.
The first lady knew her position in this country is shaking because of a reason you alre-ady know. He narrated.

Yes I know about the first lady’s secret daddy, but tell me about the president’s.

Brenda, can I trust this gentleman here? He asked.

Daddy, it’s unfortunate you see three people here, but the truth is that, we are only two.
He is me, and I am him. If you are afraid of him, then you are afraid of me.
Note daddy, he is the male version of your female gem, Brenda. I responded.

That’s great to hear my daughter.
Anyway, I have an audio containing the voice of the President who once confessed to me why he murdered the wife of one of the ministers. Daddy explained.

Really? What did he say his reason was? I asked.

Well, he had an affair with the woman. And when the relationsh!pwas reaching it’s peak, he realized the minister was a threat to the love he and the woman shared, so he decided to rip the minister off his position.
Out of anger, the woman threatened to tell her husband everything that was happening, that was why the president quic-kly hired as-sas-sins to murder her in cold blood.

This is serious daddy. Anyway, I have a tape here that captured the faces of those who were contracted to murder the woman.
I believe if those people are arrested, they will be coerced to mention the name of the President who s£nt them.
I also believe this audio will be so helpful. I responded.

Brenda, what about the first lady? What should we do to her? Daddy asked.

First of all daddy, in order to capture the president in his weak state, we have to s£nd him the video of you ma-king love to his wife on his matrimonial be-d, but note, your face will be blared in the video to keep you safe from social attack.

That will easily break the strong bond he share with his wife, and it will prevent them from planning and guarding against subsequent attacks. I responded.

This is a wonderful idea my daughter.
Now tell me, which media house do you suggest we s£nd the video to? Daddy asked.

Come on daddy, don’t forget most of the media houses work to get money instead of good name and the well-being of the society.
If we leak this video to them, they will rather blackmail the first lady to extort money from her.
Let’s leak it to social media with a fake account. I suggested.

This is brilliant Brenda!
The president must watch out for us! Daddy responded in pain and revenge.


The president must watch out for us! Daddy responded in pain and revenge.

Daddy, in all these, I must complete school before we begin. I nee-d full time to concentrate on this mission. I as well nee-d much knowledge in law to face the president in court, in case those murderers are arrested. I stated.

How soon will you be out of school Brenda?

I have just one semester to complete daddy, but in the mean time, in order to keep you busy till the final execution of our mission for justice, I want you to gr-ab an evidence against a hospital that is selling patients blood to ritualists.

There is a guy called Ezekiel whom you can use as a stepping stone to achieve your target. I explained.

Alright Brenda, but how do I do this? Daddy asked.

You will disguise yourself and go in there as a critically ill patient.
One thing about them is that, they lack time to do as-sessment on their patients, so they will immediately admit you into the intensive care unit for their wicked intentions.
That is when you are going to strike. I explained.

Count this done my daughter. This country must work again. My father responded.

Wow! I’m amazed at all the narrations and confessions from a father and her daughter. God bless you both. Ike stated.

And daddy, I must say you have such an amazing daughter.
I never knew such a humble soul could come from a home of riches and power.
The daughter of a minister and a first lady of this country, could dedicate herself to pain, hunger, destitution and suffering, all because she wants the betterment of others.
I just can’t believe this! You are indeed a wonderful creature from a wonderful creator!
God bless you Brenda. Ike expressed his gratitude.

God bless you too for accepting her into your home when you knew she was a nob©dy.
Men like you are rare, and a family like yours is real. Daddy thanked him too.

Daddy, since the city is a risk to your life, I suggest you stay in this house with us. My parents will be more than happy to see you here if they return from the farm. Ike suggested.

That is a handsome proposal from a handsome son inlaw, and I gladly accept it. Daddy responded happily.

Soon, Ike’s parents and his brother returned from the farm, and we did the official introduction. We happily conversed as one big family.

Days pas-sed, and it was time for school. Ike informed me of going to the next town to pay our fees into the school’s account.

Ike, how do you give me money without ma-king me work for it? I asked unhappily.

Brenda, don’t forget you helped my brother every morning to feed the livestock. That is work enough to get paid for.
Don’t forget that, it is throu-gh the sales of this livestock that I am paying for the fees. He responded smartly.

You are such a smart dude Ike, I won’t just mind you. I responded in smiles.

Days later, we packed up and left for school.

Learn ha-rd my children, I wish you the very best. And I also as-sure you that, by the time you return from school, the evidence from the hospital will be lying down waiting for you. Daddy stated.

We wish you well daddy, stay safe. Ike responded.

We got to school, and lectures began.
My relationsh!pwith Ike bec@m£ the talk of the school, we were seen almost everywhere, walking hand in hand and eating together.

We went to the school canteen to thank my madam for her help throu-ghout the previous semester.

She also thanked us and wished us well.

Everyone was happy, except for Sheila who was still stalking Ike.

RM, Sheila is really getting on my nerves and I don’t even know how to handle her gently any longer. Ike complained unhappily.

Ike, there is something I want you to do.
I learnt Sheila’s father trusts her so much to be a vir-gin.
Anytime she comes to your hostel, record your conversation with her, begging you for S-x, and s£nd it to her father. I suggested.

Wow! This sounds more than perfect, but how do we get his father’s address? Ike asked.

Ask her and she will give it to you. She is so dumb due to how she is lvsting after you. I responded.

Thanks my role model, you are such a genius. Ike complimented happily.

To be continued..