voice for the poor 3 episode 9 & 10


Madam, plea-se if you don’t mind, I will like to attend to other customers, kindly don’t hesitate to call me when you regain your appetite, in other to serve you the cheap food you were salivating for. I responded and walked out on her.

They roared in anger and walked out of the canteen.

Brenda, see me in my office right away. My madam called.

I just knew that was the end of my employment at the canteen.

Brenda, what happened between you and those ladies? Madam asked.

I narrated everything to her.

You are such a wonderful br@ve woman.
These ladies have been disturbing my ears with their riches, and no one has ever dared them in this canteen.
Thank God for dealing with them throu-gh a strong woman like you. She praised.

I was so surprised.
Madam, why couldn’t any of you tell them the truth that their attitudes were inconveniencing you? I asked.

Brenda, they are daughters of ministers, and the last time someone had a problem with them, the person got arrested. She responded.

For what charges? I asked.

Do I even know? The police only arrested the lady and tortured her. Madam answered.

Wow, I can’t wait to be their guest. I responded confidently.

Days pas-sed and when I was returning from the canteen one day, I was confronted by two young guys.

Stand right there young lady. They commanded.

Brenda, do not fear, stay strong. I thought.

Are you Brenda? They asked.

The person who s£nt you should have included a ph0togra-ph.
The next time you are going on any as-signment, get your facts right to avoid landing into trouble. I responded.

Wow, you are the perfect description of the so called Brenda. One of them stated.

Well, if you care to know, you’ve stepped on the lion’s tail, and it is here to bite you.
The next time you step on it again, it will not bite you, but rather, chew you. He added.

Before I could utter a word, they pounced on me and gave me a merciless beatings using the hook of their belts.

I twisted my leg in an attempt to struggle with them.
I wailed for help, but there was none, I la-id down in tears and prayers.

Minutes later, I saw a gentleman walking towards my direction.

Helloooo sir, plea-se help me. I can’t stand. I pleaded.

He run and gave me a helping hand.

What happened? Who did this to you? He asked sadly.

plea-se just help me out of here. I will answer all questions later. I responded.

He carried me on his back and took me to his hostel.

Madam, I’m sorry for bringing you here, but I don’t have any option, because, the ladies’ hostel is a no go area for me. He explained.

No problem sir, what I nee-d is help, and my quest for help shouldn’t inconvenience you. I responded.

He helped me tract my twisted leg till it felt better.

Madam, you have to sleep in my room, it is late and I don’t think you can walk alone. He suggested.

And where will you be slee-ping? I asked.

I will perch with my friend in the next room, if you don’t mind. He responded.

That’s alright, thanks for the help. I responded and bid him goodnight.

The next morning, he supported me midway to the hostel.

Thanks so much sir, God bless you. I said.

And bless you too my role model. plea-se stay out of trouble next time. He responded.

Before I could ask further questions, he had walked away.

Role model? That means he knows me alre-ady.
He seem to be a man of few words, yet, communicates a lot.
Anyway, such is life. I thought and limped to the hostel.

Days later, I bec@m£ better and resumed work at the canteen.
Whiles serving the customers one afternoon, I saw my good Samaritan leaving the premises.

Hello sir, how are you? Sorry I couldn’t come back to thank you. I said.

Yes I un-derstand how it feels to blend work with lectures.
Anyway how are you doing today? He asked.

Very fit as you can see. I responded.
Why are you leaving the premises? Didn’t you come to buy anything? I asked.

I c@m£ to buy something with nothing and you know what that means. He rhetorically asked.

No tell me, what is the meaning? I asked.

I’ve left my wallet in the hostel and I’m going back for it. I will be back later to eat. He responded.

Alright then, I will be right here waiting for you. I responded.

I’ve heard you my role model, see you soon. He responded in smiles and walked away.

Why do I seem to like this guy? What is so special about him?

Not now Brenda, plea-se stay focused on your mission in this school. I thought.

To be continued…


Not now Brenda, plea-se stay focused on your mission in this school. I thought.

I waited for several minutes, but the guy never c@m£ back.

Brenda, what are you still doing here? I thought it’s time for you to close. Madam asked.

That’s true madam, but I have nothing serious doing in the hostel, so I decided to stay back and help. I lied.

You of all people have nothing doing in the hostel? Not even learning? Anyway, I hear you. Madam responded and walked away.

I closed and went back to the hostel sadly.
Why didn’t the guy come back? Did something bad happen to him? I thought.

Days later, I met him on campus hurrying for a lecture.
Hello friend, how are you? I called.

Hello role model, I’m doing great, yourself? He asked.

Very well, just that, I didn’t see you again as promised. I responded.

Sorry about that, I had something important to attend to. He stated.

Something important than seeing me? I asked.

Not at all, seeing my role model was the most important, but I failed to prioritize, plea-se forgive me. He apologized quic-kly.

I was dumbfounded by how he showed maturity for not dragging issues with me.

Role model, are you with me? You seem abs£nt minded. He interrupted my thoughts.

Yes I’m with you, but may I know why you call me your role model? I asked.

That is a long conversation for another day, plea-se discharge me and let me attend my last lecture for the day. He pleaded.

Not until you tell me your name. I responded.

Alright dear, my name is Isaac Osei, you can call me Ike for short. He responded.

Sure! Ike is so cool for me. I stated.

And I prefer to call you role model or RM for short, instead of Brenda Tieku. He said.

You know my name alre-ady? I inquired.

RM, remember you promised discharging me when I tell you my name, plea-se let’s talk some other time. He pleaded humbly.

Alright then, have a sound studies. I bid and he walked away.

I stared at him as he walked away. Seconds later, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

Hey you! I can see you are bent on crossing my paths.
Why in God’s name are you staring at my crush in that s£dûçt!vemanner? It was the minister’s daughter.

Your crush? What a loose talk!
Anyway, I received your message for stepping on your so called lion’s tail the last time, and I intentionally gave you the winning chance, but the next time you try that thing again, you won’t like me!

And about the crush thing you are blurbing about, I dare you to win him with your money! I dare you! I responded angrily.

You dare me? Then watch me!
Oh so you knew I was behind your useless beatings right? Then be prepared for more. She threatened.

Sure I will, but br@ce yourself to meet me in court.
I promise to make you and your so called minister of a father the headline of insults on every media platform. I threatened back and walked out on her.

I couldn’t sleep that night, I kept tossing on the be-d thinking about Ike and his gentle nature. His infectious smile, and his respectful talk.

The next day after lectures, I hurried to the canteen to work.
On arrival, I saw Ike eating at one corner.

I approached him happily.
Hello Ike, we’ve met again. I said.

Yes RM, I c@m£ around to have lunch and to see you, but you were nowhere to be found. He responded.

I’m here now Ike, now tell me why you call me role model? I asked.

Come on dear, don’t forget you just c@m£ in. You are supposed to be working, and not the other way round.
plea-se get to work, we will talk more when the time is convenient. He said.

When will the time be convenient? When? I asked sadly.

What am I seeing in your eyes RM? Don’t tell they are tears.
Come on listen, I promise to personally make time for you. We will talk more ok? He convinced.

Now be a good girl and get to work. He added.

I started serving the rest of the customers but kept stealing glances at Ike.
I couldn’t simply take my eyes off his simple and gentle self.

After he had left, madam called me to her office.

Brenda, let me have a word with you. She said.

My heart skipped a beat. Is Madam coming to fire me for boycotting work for the personal chat I had with Ike? I thought.

To be continued…