v!rg!npr©st!tût£Episode 13 & 14

(😱 The crazy slut is a vir-gin? 😱)
🍭 Episode 13
Kate’s pov
I ran towards him and squat. “Eric! Eric!” I called as I shook his b©dy.
He blacked out again. I took out my phone and called the ambulance.
10 minutes later, the ambulance c@m£ and took Eric.
I called my sister that I will be coming home late. The doctor attended to Eric and as-sured me that he’s okay.
I sat beside him on the be-d. “Eric, have you ever say to yourself that one day you will regain your memory?” I asked even if he can’t hear me.
I continued. “Did you remember the day we met at the club asking me how much for a night and I said am not re-ady maybe another day.” I chuckled holding his hand ti-ght with tears blurring my vision.
“Even when you said three million, still I declined that. Not wanting you to sleep with me. Do you remember the day I c@m£ to the h0tel and you almost sle-pt with me with f0rç£ but I had to beg you” I said again.
His hand held my hand ti-ght as he closed his eyes the more.
Eric’s pov
The more she talk, the more I remember things. The day I met her at the club, the day I almost sle-pt with her in the h0tel.
She keeps talking and I keep remembering. She’s ma-king me regain my memory back. My head is spinning now and it hurts more than before.
I remembered the day I c@m£ to Nigeria to look for her, the day I finally saw her on the street.
I remembered everything. But one thing I haven’t remember. The day I had the accident.
My eyes fluttered open and stared at crying Kate. Her name was Kate. The Kate I had been dying for.
The kate I can’t do without thinking of her everyday. She’s right here with me. She made me remember everything I had lost.
“Kate” I called out
“Eric… Do you remember me? I mean you remember Kate, yes me Kate” She said coming closer to me.
“Kate, do you love me?” I said with seriousness.
She stared at me for a while. “Yes Eric, I had realized how much I love you since I left you.” She replied.
I struggled to stand up from the be-d. “Kate, am sorry I couldn’t remember you. I never knew we were close like this. Kate thanks for bringing back my memories.”
“It okay Eric, this wasn’t supposed to happen but at least you’ve regain your memory back” She answered.
“This wasn’t supposed to happen? How? I don’t un-derstand” I said in confusion.
“Well, I and my sister are actually running from someone” She replied.
“My uncle and also he’s Jane’s dad”She added.
“Wow! I guess you will have to explain that to me cause am curious. I might help”
“Am gonna explain that to you. Let me call the doctor to attend to you” She stood up but i held her hand down for her to face me.
I k!$$£d her ha-rd before leaving away with her cheeks tomato red.
The doctor did a check up on me and told me I had regain my memory so fast. He gave me some pills to use and I gladly took it.
Kate explained everything about her uncle to me. It made me boil in anger. How can a human do this.
fv¢k! And the mother fv¢ker is after my Kate and her sister. He should just get re-ady cause his jail term will make him regret what he had done to those people he killed.
I hate the fact that am gonna go home tomorrow afternoon, I just feel like going home with Kate.
I stared at her beautiful face, and smiled. If only she knew what I had gone throu-gh when she left for a year.
It really to-re my heart seeing her leave that day but she’s here again. Am not gonna let her go again.
“Kate, am feeling sleepy and I won’t be able to sleep well if you don’t sleep beside me” I pouted patting the space on the be-d.
The be-d was big enough to contain the two of us.
“Huh? Eric you are so cunning. Am not slee-ping beside you today, I rather sleep on the couch there” She pointed to a big chair at the corner.
“You are not going anywhere Kate.” I replied and took her hand.
I drew her to my self, ma-king her rest on my masculine b©dy. I grinned at her frowned face and k!$$£d her pas-sionately.
The k!sswas intense and h0t that I wish I could k!ssher for long but we have to catch our breath.
She hit me pla-yfully and rest her head on my che-st. Finally, she sle-pt beside me at last.
😈Uncle Andrew’s pov 😈
“How can you tell me you didn’t find them.You said they are in Nigeria and I had to come from my hiding place in Russia to this place.” I growled.
“Am sorry sir. When we got there, the receptionist told me they had gone with their bags no longer in the h0tel.” He replied.
I threw the glas-s cu-p on the floor, shattering into pieces.
“Someone is giving those girls information. I nee-d that traitor and when I eventually catch him, I won’t think twice before killing him” I yelled.
“Find any possible means of getting those girls to me. I will also s£nd my boys in Russia” I added.
“Yes sure” The boy said and I dismissed him.
My two kiddies am coming for you! Make sure you get your as-s re-ady.
Kate’s pov
The reflection of the sun light throu-gh the window to my eyes made me open my eyes.
I looked around and wanted to stand but a hvge arm pu-lling me back. Eric’s arm.
I smiled at his handsome slee-ping face. He’s just too handsome.
“Are you gonna stare at me forever for a forever?” He asked though his eyes were closed.
“No, am going home Eric. My sister is waiting for me”
“Ohh! Tell her you won’t be home till tomorrow. You just nee-d to take care of me at home” He said with a pouting mouth.
“Seriously? Okay let me call her if she’s satisfied with that”
I called my sister and she said no problem that I can go with Eric to his house.
……… … …4 hours…….
I opened the door and entered his living room. Wow! He got a wonderful house!
“I guess the house is more attrac-tive than the person standing here” I heard Eric say and I giggled
“Now to your room, you’ll take your bath, change into a good clothes and come eat dinner” I said and walked to the kitchen to start cooking.
Eating the food like he haven’t eaten since 5 days. He look cute while eating.
“The food is delicious and….. ” He gave me a thumb up instead.
After eating, I took the plates to the kitchen and c@m£ back.
I walked to where he was standing at the window and hvgged him. He turned to me and gave me a light k!ss.
“Kate, do you know how much I love you?” He said and my b©dy shivered.
“I love you that I can’t do without you in my life Kate. Am just attra-cted to you in a way that I can’t even explain myself.” He added, leaning in to k!ssmyl-ips.
I reciprocate, and held his n£¢k with my two hands. He left myl-ips to my jawline, my n£¢k as I shiver.
His hand went to my w@!st and drew me closer to himself, I m0@n ed when his hand moved from my w@!st to my bo-ob s squee-zing softly.
His second hand raised my h!pup and traced hisl-ips from my n£¢k to myl-ips.
This is getting too much than I expected. Kate come back to your s-en-ses. I just nee-d to tell him this.
I withdrew from him and looked into his face.
Eric’s pov
There she come again, she’s always trying to st©p me. I want her now. I really do and I can’t wait.
“Eric, I nee-d to tell you something” She said.
“Okay, say it am all ears”
I could s-en-se she’s nervous but why?
“Am still a v!rg!nEric” She answered.
“What?!” I yelled.
Am sure I didn’t hear that well. Of course I didn’t. She’s still a what?
I stepped back still shocked as I stared at her face.
Is she saying the truth?
🍭 Episode 14 🍭
Kate’s pov
He blinked his eyes and stepped back. I knew he won’t believe me just like that.
“Kate are you saying the truth? I mean this is ha-rd to believe. You can’t just be a pr©st!tût£and a vir-gin….. This is confusing” He said and sat on the couch.
I went to him. “Eric, I know that’s ha-rd to believe but you nee-d to believe me now. Am saying the truth” I replied.
I continued by explaining everything to him, from the drug to how I take their money and other valuable things.
All he did was stared at me shocked and surprised. I chuckled before clearing his throat.
“Kate, do you know that you’re amazing? Well I believe you and why do I? Since you never allowed me sleep with you.
I almost wanted to ask if it was going to your first time and you do run away or even plead when it comes to someone forcing you” He said and raised my head up while I looked de-ep into his calm eyes.
“Whether you’re a v*rgin or not, I will love you till death do us ap@rt. I will never let anyone hurt you nor any of your family member.
I will take care of you, I will make you feel on t©p of the world and make people treat you like a queen. We will get married, get our own kids and grow old together. No one will separate us. No one. Not even your uncle, Andrew.” He said that and all I could do was cry.
He had alre-ady made me feel on t©p of the world. His words were tou-ching.
“Eric, no one has ever said those words to me. You really made me special and speechless. I will love you too till my last breath and no one will ever separate us” I said and hvgged him gently.
That day we had fun but no se-x, I will be leaving Eric’s house cause my sister will surely be waiting for me.
“I wish you just stay here and not go” Eric pouted.
“Huh? Well sorry to say, am leaving. My sister is waiting for me so till will meet probably in your office” I win-ked before running so he won’t st©p me from going.
I got home and met my sister in the kitchen cooking pancakes. I went to her and helped her in cooking the rest.
She received a call again about uncle Andrew. His boys are in Russia too?
This man won’t st©p until he finds us and we are re-ady for him.
My sister went out for to get some foods stuffs and also maybe she could get a job too.
6 hours later…..
And the time is 6pm now and sister Jane hasn’t come back. Is she okay?
I got a call and pick it up, It was an unknown number.
“Who’s this?” I asked.
“Wanna see your beautiful sister?” The man replied and I g@sped.
Wait….i hope it not what am thinking, they kidnapped sister Jane? Hell no!
“What have you done to my sister? re-lease her now if you don’t want trouble. I don’t want to know who s£nt you even if it that bastard that called himself Andrew just re-lease her to me.” I snarled.
He chuckled. “You even have the guts to call our boss by his name. Well that’s not the problem now all we nee-d is you specially.” He replied and I rolled my eyes even if he can’t see me.
“Am not coming and I will make sure I take my sister away from you. You son of a bit-ch!
Tell that boss of yours that he should be re-ady cause what he’s gonna face, he won’t be able to bear it” I growled and smashed my phone on the rug.
Arrhhhg!!!!This is really war. Sister Jane has been abducted by those hungry chickens. I won’t let that man kill me and my sister.
I nee-d to call Eric and tell him this.
I called him and he told me that he will be coming to my house right away.
Some minutes, he c@m£ and sat down on the couch. A hvge man entered that his pres£nce and masculine b©dy are ma-king shake in fear.
“Kate, he will be working with us and he’s also going to be your b©dyguard for sometime. So Matthew, let get the phone number tracked down.” Eric said.
I never told him I nee-d a b©dyguard. I just pray they don’t t©uçh my sister.
Jane’s pov
I opened my eyelids and looked around me. I was tied on a chair and my mouth covered with a piece of cloth.
I remembered when I was coming back from the grocery sto-re and noticed someone following me and before I knew it, I blacked out.
A man walked in and I stared at his face. He was sm-irking.
“Hey pretty, you’re awake. I guess you must be hungry. Let me get you food to eat.” He turned back again and c@m£ with a plate of food.
I ignored the food and faced him. “My father s£nt you right?” I said.
“Your father? I don’t know who’s your father baby girl and eat your food before it gets cold.”He said softly.
“Andrew s£nt you Huh?” I asked again.
“Ohh! So you’re the boss daughter” He bur-st into laughter and continue talking.
“Wow, I never did a job that involves parents and their children but your father surprised me”
“Whatever! Just tell him not to hurt Kate, you can take me instead. He won’t know what’s coming for him” I replied with anger.
“Come st©p saying ru-bbish little br@t, and you think you will be able to win your father? You can’t even win me not to talk of my boss which is your father.” He laughed and I only watched his throat.
Am thinking of how his death would be. By hanging? Shooting? Accident? Or what?
I ignored the laugh and faced down before he stood up and went out of the room.
Kate’s pov
Minutes of tracking, the man hasn’t found anything yet. Have been nervous and scared of what they would have done to my sister.
“I finally got the location!!” The man said and I leaped for joy.
I was so happy. Finally.
“Good, call Henry to bring the cops over to that location now!!” He ordered and the man obeyed him.
We are winning this case little by little. Uncle Andrew we are really coming for you.