Untamed Libr@rian episode 4

Untamed Libr@rian
Episode 4
“Do you feel comfortable with wearing all these your grandma clothes? Even my granny dresses more than you do” Alan said the second night after their d@t£. They were having dinner at Clara’s house. She dropped her fork and looked him in the eye “what are you trying to say? That I’m too poor to buy muself good clothes or that I don’t have taste in fashion? She said with fury burning in her eyes. “Hey calm down baby,i was curious that’s all.” He shrugged. “Well, I tried wearing colours but I just didn’t look good in them so I decided to stick with somber colours.” She said with a shrug. Alan laughed.”Let me tell you the truth,since I’ve got a good eye with colours you would look good in virtually all the colours. You nee-d a total makeover Clara, then you’ll see how beautiful you really are. Come here Clara let me k!ssyou”. She got up from her seat and went to sit on his l@ps with her arms around his n£¢k. He k!$$£d her long and ha-rd with his arms moving up to ca-ress her Bosom “hmmn baby I want you” he whispered as he placed k!sses down her face and n£¢k. “But…I gotta be a gentle man and not make love to you too soon.” He said as he continued c@r£ss!ngher Bosom. “plea-se Alan,take me now” she cried to him as she trembled to his t©uçhes. Alan st©pped abruptly and carried her to her be-d “plea-se try to un-derstand Clara I don’t want you to think it is only se-x I want from you. t©uçh me Clara” she t©uçhed his Joystick and was wi-de-eyed to see that it was ha-rd .He really wants her. ” You see what you do to me? I take cold showers just because of you Clara. plea-se don’t let us start what you might regret in the morning” He stood back and watched her with hungry eyes as she dressed for be-d.”Sleep well my Clara” and k!$$£d her fore-head. Then he went away. Clara sighed de-ep and fantasized about how ma-king love with Alan would be. She imagined him k!ss!ngher and carre-ssing her b©dy slowly, she t©uçhed her b©dy and imagined Alan’s hand travelling throu-gh her b©dy. She fiddled with her Bosom which was still ha-rd from Alan’s t©uçh and brou-ght out her r0m@nç£-Machine which she hasn’t used in a while. She used her f!ngersfirst and inser-ted it inside her we-t core then she began f!ngering herself with the r0m@nç£-Machine too vibr@ting outside her core. She continued like that and her Orgasm hitted her with her m0@n ing in plea-sure. When she finished,she was surprised by her actions and blu-shed pink even though there was no-one to see her. The r0m@nç£-Machine was a gift from a long-time friend though this night was her first night of using the toy, she was kinda plea-sed with herself for bringing herself an Orgasm which she has never had before p@rtial thanks to Alan too because he left her arou-sedand thinking of him Unclad. She went to sleep and had a dreamless sleep.
It was saturday morning with Alan ringing the bell of Clara’s house.She opened the door with a sour look on her face ” you must have a good reason for ma-king me wake up at this hour or you are going to get hurt” “ooooh look who is happy to see me this bright morning! We’re going shopping! Isn’t it cool?! But first let me make you some coffee cos I know you’re not yet with me” Clara looked at Alan with a I’ll-get-you-back-for-this look and went up to brush her teeth. She c@m£ back down and saw the coffee brewing with bacon sizzling on the stove. She went to pour a cu-p for herself and downed it,she was taking her third cu-p and feeling back to normal when she was gr@bb£d and k!$$£d “good morning beautiful” Alan dropped her with a big grin on his face and went back to frying the bacon. Clara looked wi-de-eyed but recovered pretty quic-kly to say “someone is in a chirpy mood this morning” she sat down to eat the bacon and scrambled eggs that was being served by Alan. “Yea because we’re going shopping at the city” Alan said as he sat down to eat his own food. “Uhnn? But I hate shopping!” She pouted “I hate it too but I know it is going to be fun all the way. So be quic-k and g get dressed or should I help you dress?” Alan inquired with laughter in his eyes. “No thank you I’m perfectly fit to dress myself” she finished eating and went up to have her bath and dress up with Alan clearing the plates used for eating into the dish-washer. She got down few minutes later and they got into the car and drove to the city.
Alan parked at a mall and they both got down and went in. They entered a women’s clothing sto-re and Alan took her to a specialist who looked at the colour of her eye and skin colour and told her the colours she can wear which were virtually all colours. Then, both of them started checking the clothing racks to see the clothes that will look good on Clara. Alan choosed some for her and she also choosed some. Her hands were full with clothes and Alan told her to go into the dressing room to try all the dresses. He sat down and waited for her to model the clothes for him. Clara c@m£ out of the dressing room dressed in a chic white blouse and an orange Sk-irt “so?” She asked. “Pretty”. She went in again and c@m£ out wearing ti-ght-fitted jeans and a mid-riff blue t©p. “Good. It brings out your blue eyes” she smiled at him. As she was coming out to pose for him, Alan got ha-rder and tried covering it up by cross-legging his legs and also taking a magazine on the table to cover it. Clara not knowing what was happening c@m£ out wearing a sea-green long curve-fitting dinner dress with off-shoulders. Alan swallowed and found that he was speechless and looking with wi-de-eyes “goodness, you look beautiful,ton-gue-tying all you just nee-d is a pearl n£¢klace to complete your look” he said.
She blu-shed pink and was jumping inside knowing that she just made Alan kevlar drool. “Thank you, but I think I nee-d to get out of this dress so as to not stain it.” She c@m£ back out of the dressing room wearing the jean and blue t©p and packing the dress she first wore into a bag. Alan looked at her admiringly and they went to the desk to pay, Clara brou-ght out her card just as Alan brou-ght out his.”I’m paying Clara.” “No you’re not I’m the one to wear the dresses not you.” “Ok let’s do it like this, we’ll split the bill. I’ll take the larger cut and you’ll take the lower cut.” He decided. “Ok you win Alan let’s pay.” The sales woman looked at them amusingly and she tagged and packed all the clothes. She said the price and they splitted it together just as they agreed. They moved on and went to the lingerie sto-re. “Hey! You can’t come in here with me. Go away this is a pri-vate business.” Clara told Alan. “I’m not going anywhere honey bun,I’m following you we-ther you likw it or not.” He said mockingly. Clara sighed and walked in to the sto-re. She saw some beautiful matching br@ and p@n-t but they were too expensive. Alan saw where her eyes were going and made a note to order for a whole set for her.Clara bought some new nighties and some not very expensive undies. They got out and Alan pu-ll-ed her to as st©p at a jewelry sto-re. He went over to a diamond br@celet with pink trimmings which was in a case and told the attendant to open the case and bring out the br@celet. He took Clara’s hand and clasped it on her wrist “knew it would fit your wrist” he said to no-one in p@rticular. He told the attendant to keep the ru-by n£¢klace for his mother whose wedding anniversary was around the corner. “No,No,No I can’t. I can’t take this, it is too much Alan! You don’t have to buy me this, it is beautiful but not for a woman like me” she complained. “And what type of a woman are you talking about? I bought it because I knew it would suit you. if you like lost it or give it to a person but don’t you return it to me. Can’t I buy jewelries for my woman? I could decide to deck you in different types of jewelries,because you’re my woman!” He said to her even though she still looked uncomfortable. “Ok but what if I lost it or something?” She asked. “It’s upto you because it is yours now.” “Thank you Alan. Really, Thank you”. She said and k!ssHim.