untamed emotions episode 43 & 44

( Would you still love me…?❤️)

CHAPTER 43&44 (Not edited,, expect errors)

By, Cas-sie B.



Blake eyes never left the entrance as students trooped into the clas-s. Eleanor isn’t in school yet and he just couldn’t wait for her to arrive.

” Elle, just when are you coming? I’m so bored” Lily m-oaned.

Jason went to sit beside her and she look at him

” Why are you here?” She asked.

” To keep your company” he simply replied.

” Since when did you start caring about me?” She looked away from him and place her head on the table.

” Today, I think” Jason said.

She raised her head to look at him and sighed.

” Just go away, I’m in no mood for jokes right now” she muttered.

” I wasn’t joking. You’re waiting for Eleanor, right?” Jason asked.

” Yea, if I had known she’d be late like this, I would have come late also” she pouted.

Jason’s eyes flic-kered to her li-ps and he quickly looked away.

” She’ll be here soon, just chill” he muttered.

Drew joined them.

” Hey” he greeted Lily

” Hi” Lily smiled.

” Buddy, you okay?” Drew asked Blake whose eyes never left the entrance.

” Waiting for her, right?” He asked again.

Blake nodded absentmindedly but quickly snapped his head towards him

” Who? I’m waiting for no one” he muttered.

Drew chuckled.

” I gat you, dude”

” Seriously, I’m waiting for no one” Blake said, trying to convince him.

” Oh, I see. She’s here though”

Blake quickly looked at the entrance and Drew laughed.

” And you aren’t waiting for someone. Keep fooling yourself” he laughed.

Blake gave him the ‘fu-ck you’ sign before looking away.

Eleanor entered the clas-s with Rhett beside her and Blake’s joy knew no bounds.

” Finally” he mumbled.

” She isn’t in school yet. She promised she’ll be in school today” Rhett said when he noticed Vera’s absence

” You know if I were you, I’d ask to come and stay with us. What if those girls ends up killing her? The girl is so fragile and she nee-ds someone to care for her. I pity her though” Eleanor muttered.

” Do you think so? Will mom and dad agree to her staying with us?” Rhett asked.

” Don’t worry, I’ll take care of that” Eleanor smiled.

” Why are you suddenly acting nice, I still hate you” Rhett said.

Eleanor chuckled.

” I hate you too for waking up before me” she stuck her tongue at him and went to her seat.

” Elle! I miss you so much” Lily pouted and Eleanor smiled.

” Same here, Lil” she faced Blake.

” Good morning” she muttered, shyly.

” You look good today” Blake said instead and her face flushed. She cleared her throat awkwardly before looking away.

Drew signalled Jason and they both laughed

” What’s funny?” Lily asked, raising a brow

Jason whispered something into her ear, she gasped.

” Really?” Her eyes twinkled in excitement.

” Yea” Jason smiled.

” Can I see you during lunch? I have something to tell you” Blake said to Eleanor.

” What?” She asked.

” You’ll know then” he muttered.

Eleanor’s eyes went to his face and she gasped when she saw his red cheek. She tou-ched it lightly and he cringed.

” What happened to your cheek? Why is it red?” She asked.

” It’s nothing” Blake said.

” Your Dad?” Eleanor asked slowly.

Blake removed her hand from his cheek, smiling at her.

” I’m fine, you don’t have to worry” he tou-ched her hair softly.

? Blake tou-ched her hair and he’s smiling at her, seriously?

? When did they become so close?

Blake ignored the students.

” Jeez, being single is so boring?” Jason Gr0-ns.

” Then go and look for a girlfriend” Lily retorted.

” Will you be my girlfriend then?” He asked.

” Stop fooling around” she snapped.

” Tch!” Jason’s eyes met with Drew and he glare at him when he saw Drew mocking him.



” Momma, when will we be visiting Daddy again?” Gold asked Pierce as she dressed her up for school.

” When do you want us to go?” Pierce asked, combing her hair.

” Today!” Gold screamed, Pierce chuckles.

” Okay Princess, I’ll inform your dad” Pierce said.

Gold pecks her cheek

” Thank you, Momma. I love you”

” I love you more, baby” Pierce muttered.

Charlotte joined them

” Are you ready?” She asked.

” Yes” Pierce look at her.

” Are you okay? Your face kinda look sour” she said

” I’m fine” Charlotte said.

” Are you having a ha-rd time at work? Is it Arthur?” She asked

” I’m just going crazy here, Bes. He’s a dic-khead but I still find it ha-rd to get him out of my head” Charlotte Gr0-ned.

Pierce giggled.

” That’s the symptoms of love, I can smell it”

” Lo, what? Stop teasing me, okay?” Charlotte said.

” So, is that what’s bothering you?” Pierce asked and Charlotte nodded.

” You can’t seem to get him out of your head, right?” Charlotte nods.

” You find yourself thinking about him all the time?” Charlotte nods again.

” You suddenly wish to see him cos you miss him a lot, right?” Charlotte nods again, not getting where she’s going.

Pierce snapped her fingers.

” Bingo! You’re in love, bestie. You’re in love with Arthur!” Pierce screamed.

” Hey, keep it down. I’m not in love with him” Charlotte said but de-ep down she knew she’s lying.

” Yes, you are. Charlotte, don’t you worry, Arthur is a good guy and I feel safe that you’re with him. Gosh, I can’t wait to be your bridesmaid. How will your first kid look like? Will she look like you or Arthur?” Pierce teased.

” Pierce!!!!!” Charlotte screams.

Pierce giggled happily.

” I’m not in love with him so cut the crap off” Charlotte glare at her and grabs Gold’s hand.

” Let’s go, kiddo”

” Bye, Momma” Gold waved at Pierce before they left the house.

” When will she stop denying her feelings?” Pierce muttered. Her phone rings and she smiled before picking it up.

” Hi, Baby” she smiled.

” My heartbeat, how was your night?” Louis asked and Pierce’s cheeks went red.

” It was cool, yours?”

” Bad, I miss you” Louis pouts.

Pierce chuckled.

” I miss you more”

” How’s our little princess? Has she gone to school?” He asked.

” Yes, she said she misses you”

” I miss her too. When will you come to my house? I’m missing you both badly”

” Do you want us to come today?” Pierce asked.

” Sure, you don’t nee-d to ask. But, when we’re shooting the movie today, I’mma make I’m gonna ki-ss the hell outta your li-ps”

Pierce laughed.

” Seriously?”

” I’m serious. Don’t be late, okay?” Louis said.

” I won’t. I love you”

Louis smiled.

” I love you more, Pumpkin”

They talked for a while before finally ending the call.

Pierce stri-pped off her clothes and went to the bathroom to have her bath. Knowing tomorrow is the day they’re gonna reveal Gold to the world is giving her chills.



Charlotte entered the office and drops her bag on the table. Her eyes went to Arthur’s table and she sighed de-eply remembering Pierce’s words.

” Am I truly in love with him?” She asked herself and shrugged it off.

” I’m not, I can’t” she shook her head and exhaled.

She say on the chair and starts her work immediately.


” Why isn’t he here yet?” Charlotte wondered, staring at Arthur’s table. She checked the time on her wristwatch.

” This is past 12 and he isn’t here yet, this is so very unlike him” she just couldn’t help but to get worried.

” What if he’s sick? Or he had an accident like the last time?” She gasped loudly.

” Why can’t I just stop getting worried about him?” She mumbled after a while.

” He’s fine. Maybe he went out, stop worrying, he’ll be here soon” she as-sured herself.

She exhaled loudly and continue her work, glancing at the door at intervals, expecting Arthur to walk in.



” You wanted to see me” Eleanor said to Blake as they got to an empty clas-s.

Blake closed his eyes and took a de-ep breath before opening it back.

” I love you, Eleanor” Blake blurted out.

Eleanor was shocked.

” I know it sounds awkward to your ears but that’s the truth. I love you, I can’t get you out of my head. I know it’s too early for this but believe, I love you so much” Blake said and Eleanor couldn’t believe her ears.

” I…” Eleanor trailed off, she just didn’t know what to say. A part of her is so happy Blake loves her but the other part is shocked and surprised

” Give me a chance to prove my love for you, Elle. I promise not to break your heart, I’ll protect even from my Dad” Blake said, staring de-eply at her.

” I’m shocked,,, I,, don’t know what to say” Eleanor stuttered out.

Blake moves closer to her.

” Just say you love me too, please” he whispers.

Eleanor gazed into his eyes.

” Blake” she whispers.

Blake cu-ps her cheeks in his hand.

” Even if you don’t, I can make you to love me. I really want you to be my girl…” Eleanor didn’t allow him to finish his sentence.

” I love you” she muttered in a low tone, shocking the hell out of Blake.

” Say that again” he muttered slowly.

” I love y…” Blake slammed his li-ps on hers making her finish the rest of her words in his mouth.

He pulled her more ti-ghter to him as he ki-ssed her more ha-rder with Eleanor clinging to him ti-ghtly. He Thr-usted his tongue into her mouth exploring each corner, Eleanor m-oaned slightly into his mouth.

After the hot ki-ss, they broke the ki-ss, breathing heavily.

” I love you so much, Elle. I love you” Blake said

” I love you too Blake” Eleanor replied

Blake ki-ssed her forehead and hu-gged her happily, stro-king her hair.

Eleanor held him ti-ghtly, smiling too.



” Cut! That was great!” Director Choi said, clapping his hands.

” Let’s redo Sierra’s make-up” he said and a lady rushed to Pierce.

” Louis, you’re so good at what you do. I must say you’re the best actor I’ve ever seen” Director Choi said to Louis.

Louis smiled.

” Thank you” he shook hands with him.

Hazel walked to them.

” Hazel, what are you doing here?” Director Choi asked in surprise.

” Why? I’m not supposed to be here?” Hazel asked.

Director Choi sighs. Hazel faced Louis.

” I’m sorry about the last time, it won’t happen again” she said.

” It’s fine” Louis replied not staring at her.

” There’s an interview going on tomorrow, will you be there?” Director Choi asked Hazel.

” Sure, I wouldn’t wanna miss it for anything” Hazel smiled.

” Please excuse me” Louis excused himself and went to the dressing room.

The make-up artist greeted him and he asked her to excuse them.

” Why are you here? What if someone sees us together?” Pierce asked immediately the make-up artist left.

Louis went closer to her.

” No one will, you’re so beautiful and I’m glad you’re mine” Louis smiled.

Pierce stood up.

” Stop teasing around and leave. Let’s not risk anyone seeing us”

Louis ignored her and pulled her closer to him.

” Just a minute” he mumbled and pressed his li-ps to hers.

Pierce closed her eyes and gave in to the ki-ss, the ki-ss was slow and gentle.

” Baby, promise me you won’t leave me ever again” Louis whispers, breaking the ki-ss.

” I won’t, not ever again” Pierce muttered and Louis smiled before ki-ssing her again.

They disengaged immediately they heard the sound of heels coming closer to the room, Louis went far away from her.

The door opened and Hazel entered. She crea-sed her brows seeing Louis there.

” So that’s everything you nee-d to know about the interview, let’s talk later” Louis said before leaving the room.

” Why are you here?” Pierce asked trying to calm down her racing heart.

” We almost got caught” she thought.

Hazel walked closer to her.

” I know you’re hiding something, Sierra and I won’t hesitate to find out what that is. And then, I’ll make sure I destroy you” she smiled.

Pierce scoffed.

” Sure, go ahead. That’s because you have nothing to do other than prying into other people’s private life. Do whatever you want, sickening bitc-h” Pierce said.

Hazel’s eyes wide-ned.

” What did you j,,,”

The door opened and the makeup artist entered.

” I love your movies Sierra and I hope to be like you one day” Hazel said and faked a smile before going out of the room.

” Fake bitc-h” Pierce cussed.

” Can you finish the make-up fast?” Pierce asked and the lady nodded.



Charlotte was going crazy at each moment, Arthur wasn’t at work yet and it’s past noon already.

” Gosh, I can’t take this anymore” she stood up and carried her bag before leaving the office. She went to the receptionist.

” Do you know where the Boss stays?” She asked.

” Why do you wanna know?” The receptionist asked.

Charlotte roll her eyes.

” He asked me to submit a file to him today and he isn’t here yet” she lied. To be honest, she’s so worried about him and she decided to go to his house.

” Oh” she wrote the address to Arthur’s house and gave it to Charlotte.

” Thanks” Charlotte went out of the company and boards a cab straight away.

She got to the address and came down from the cab. She paid the driver and walked to the gigantic gate.

” Whoa! Someone really lives here?” She wowed, knocking at the gate. She was allowed to enter after explaining to the security that she’s here for work.

She entered the house, a maid directed her to Arthur’s room and she thanked her.

She got to Arthur’s room and gasped when she saw his state. He’s shivering even after covering himself with a thick duvet.

” Boss!” She screamed and quickly rushed to him.

” Boss, are you okay? Are you sick?” She asked.

Arthur opened his eyes weakly.

” Charlotte” he mumbled.

Charlotte placed her hand on his forehead and withdrew it immediately. He’s burning up!

” Boss, you’re burning up!” She exclaimed.

Arthur Gr0-ns, the headache and the cold wouldn’t leave him

” I should get you something” she tries to go but Arthur caught her hand. He drew her to him on the bed, Charlotte eyes wide-ned.

” Don’t go, stay with me please” he whispered, hu-gging her.

” Boss” Charlotte called slowly, his whole body was hot.

” Please stay” Arthur whispered again.