unexpected emotion finale

(Tales of Meteor City)

(Final chapter)

By, Naomi Cindy B..

**Biko don’t copy or repost my story, Na God I take beg you**


Kayla found it ha-rd to close her eyes

“Where’s that coming from?, Eleven?, The prince?, The prince is k!ss!ngme?, Is he drun!k?, No, he’s not reeking of alcohol, is it a mistake?, No he’s too smart to make the mistake of k!ss!ngordinary me” she thought as Eleven fed on herl-ips.

She made to pu-ll ap@rt but he held so ti-ght , ma-king that impossible

She calmed down and decided to respond to the unexpected k!ss

It continued for some minutes and when Eleven figured it out that she melted alre-ady, he st©pped, slowly disconnecting theirl-ips

He looked de-eply at her face and she stared too, having hundred questions on her face

“I…. Why did you…

That was interrupted with another k!ssfrom Eleven and she responded immediately, more like she liked it the first time it happened

She held unto his robe at the back this time around as his hand circled round her back

They lost their breaths and had to break it to catch their breaths

They stared at each other for so long before Eleven proceeded to hvgging her ti-ght

Just like Andromeda said, immediately after the k!ss, he felt his heart beating wildly for her

It happened so fast, too fast than he can imagine, like they’ve been together for years

“plea-se, will you stay with me forever?” He said

Kayla sniffing his b©dy, he’s not drun!kand he doesn’t look like he’s joking


He held her face in his hands

” Kayla plea-se, I don’t want to lose you too” he said, tears coming out of his eyes alre-ady

” You’ve loved me for long?, Is that it?” She asked

“Ion know how it happened but all I know is that right now, I love you” he said, still holding her face

Kayla found her heart thumping dangerously too

She held her che-st surprisingly

“Why is this beating so fast?” She asked herself

” That’s exactly how my heart is beating too, ra-pidly and fast, like it’ll fall anytime soon, Kayla plea-se, just give me hope” he said, searching her eyes

” Prince..

“Just say something plea-se” he said

She held her che-st still and smiled

She hvgged him Immediately

“I… Ion know what to say” she said

He stro-ked her hair and smiled

“Is that a positive answer?” He said

She looked up at him

” Who knows” she said

He smiled wi-dely

“I love you” he said, k!ss!ngher hair…


Six months later***

“One of these days, I’ll become a father though not without too much troubles, what I experienced in the past seven months is hellish” Kingston said, Carrying Iris on his l@ps

She stood and smiled

” I’m hungry,I want to eat apple” she said

“I’ll tell the guards to get it” he said

“No, get it yourself or I’ll not eat” she replied

He sighed and stood.

He went de-ep into the forest to pluck as many apple as he can

He c@m£ back with it and it was served in a plate

“Too bad I lost my appetite for Apple,I now want gr@p£s” she said

Kingston smiled and went into the forest again to get it

He c@m£ back after fourthy minutes and emptied it into a plate too

“I want mangoes” she said

Kingston breathed incoherently for some minutes before rushing out of the house again

Eleven and Eragon has almost laughed out their kidneys

Iris has been a whole lot of trouble since her pregnancy

Lillie and Kayla joined in the laughter too

As for Kayla and Eleven, guess what they are now?, Sweet couples

Eleven finally found what he has been looking for

Kingston c@m£ back with wild mangoes and poured it on a plate again

“Don’t tell me you’re not eating again plea-se” Kingston said, breathing heavily

Almost immediately, a guard rushed in

“The empress!, She’s not breathing anymore!” He said in a rush

The emperor was told and her b©dy was packed up

She’s dead

After a year of agony, it’s nothing compared to what she made Jin pas-s throu-gh though but it’s still great that she pas-sed throu-gh something

She was buried though not even a tear was shed at her burial

They got home and as Iris made to sit,she held her back and protruding belly at the same time

“Oh no!, It hurts!, Kingston!” She screamed

He quic-kly rushed to her, holding her as she continued screaming

” I think my water just broke” she said in obvious pains

Lillie and Kayla took her from him, taking her into a room

The midwife was contacted and she c@m£ in a jiffy

The labour started in full swing and her cries can be heard for over an hour

Kingston can’t take it anymore,he bur-sted into the room

“Oh Kingston , plea-se hold me” she said in pains

Kingston held her hand and she almost broke it as she held ti-ght

“Just more effort plea-se, try darling” Kingston said

“Yes, I think we’re getting a double” the Midwife said as Iris pushed again and a baby’s cries can be heard

She was held up and Kingston’s face lightened up

It’s a girl

“Just a little bit more and we’ll get the second one” the midwife said

” I still have another inside of me?” Iris said, holding Kingston again

She pushed with all she has and that one push brou-ght out the second girl…

She was taken away by the midwife helpers to bath together with the second one

Iris breathed ra-pidly as her placenta c@m£ out and she’s being dressed up

“You did it pie,you did it” Kingston said happily, k!ss!ngtheir interlocked hands

“You don’t know how much I love you Kingston” she replied

” I love you more dear, you did it I’m so glad!, I’m so so glad, and sorry for the pains dear, I’m so sorry” Kingston said

” It’s worth it,we got our babies” Iris replied, sitting up

Thanks to her powers,the pains dissappeared immediately and the opening at her V healed up instantly

Eleven c@m£ in

“Congrats bro, congrats Iris” he said

“Congrats!” Kayla and Lillie chorused, coming into the room too

Jin c@m£ last

“Queen to be, congratulations, for giving birth to my granddaughters” Jin said

Iris smiled and bowed in respect

“So I won against Eleven and Lillie, I got two girls” Iris said

They both smiled

They left the room and went to the open chamber when the bathed and dressed babies were brou-ght out to them

They were handed to them, one to Kingston and one to iris

Their eyes wi-de-ned

“Diamond!” They both screamed

They’re both too identical and you can’t know one ap@rt from another, if they look so much like Diamond when they’re still young like this, how much more will they look like Diamond when they’re older?

Eleven smiled at what he’s seeing

“One will be Diamond and one will be Gold” Kingston said

” You just re-ad my mind” Iris replied

So like that, Diamond c@m£ back in two

Is God not wonderful???…

Eighteen years later, Seoul Korea***

“Morning pie” Kingston pe-cking Iris immediately he woke up beside her

“Morning sunshine” she replied, k!ss!nghim lightly
He pu-ll-ed her closer and de-epened the k!ss

They smiled at each other before getting off be-d to brush

Then their noses caught the smell of food

They looked at each other and smiled

Their twins are at it again, just like late Diamond

Diamond and Gold are the best cooker in the world and they are both in love with the guitar too, they’re eighteen and it’s not surprising that they also have the blood of the Phoenix, automatically, Iris is the new Phoenix

Carson and Skylar have two children alre-ady..

Liam, seventeen years old

And Bora, she’s fifteen

Then Isla and Cole, they got married too and had a child

Mark, he’s fifteen, same age as Carson’s second child

Lillie and Eragon are not left behind, happily married with a daughter… Tammy who’s also fifteen, he doesn’t have the blood of the Phoenix, maybe because Lillie bec@m£ a phoenix by mistake

Then Kayla and Eleven, they’re married and blessed with children too… Diamond didn’t just come as Kingston and Iris’s children alone

He also c@m£ as Eleven’s children

He had twins with Kayla too, all boys, and they damn look like Diamond, they’re ha-rd to tell ap@rt too … Handsome dudes, they’re also fifteen, Max and Rex, that’s their names… despite the fact that they’re fifteen, their cooking ability is more than cuisine standard

Happiness is everywhere and never found wanted too

Andromeda kept travelling and exploring the world of a Monk, and at the same time, living as Iris’s dad

Emperor Jin is still alive, getting younger everyday and stronger too

Maybe he turned an immortal, who knows

Meteor is still as prosperous and peaceful as you’ve imagined

Iris and Kingston actually c@m£ to earth to spend two months,that’s how they do, spend two months on Earth and the next two months In Meteor till the year will end

They c@m£ out of their room and truthfully, the twins are setting the table alre-ady

“Tada!, Mum and dad!, We made a delicious delicacy as usual” Diamond said, rushing to hvg Iris and Kingston together

“Good morning Daddy and mummy” Gold said as she hvgged them both too

” Morning princesses, how was your night?” Kingston said

“Fine daddy” they chorused

” Why is there so much food?” Kingston asked, staring at the full table

” Auntie Lillie and uncle Eragon… Auntie Kayla and uncle Eleven are visiting today with their children” Gold said

“they never told us!” Kingston said

” It’s meant to be a surprise between us but I told you alre-ady, pretend like you’re surprised when they arrive” Gold said

A talkative like you might have been suspecting

” And also, auntie Skylar and uncle Carson…. auntie Isla and uncle Cole, they’re also coming with their kids, so we have a full house” Diamond said

” But we We’rent told that too” Iris said

“It’s meant to be a secret ” Diamond replied

And truthfully, Lillie and the rest from Meteor landed in the living room right in front of them

As if it’s planned, Carson and Skylar c@m£ in with Isla and Cole with their children instantly

“Really an houseful’ Iris muttered as the children mingled with each other

Especially the two twins

“I still can’t believe that twins from different parents can look like just one person” Cole said, looking at them

” Me too” Skylar replied

“Welcome Everyone, we should eat before it get cold” Eleven said

Always eager to eat the twins food

They sat round the big table and ate to their satisfaction

Thereafter, the two set of twins got their guitars and pla-yed just like Diamond will do

Eleven stared at the crystal with him and it shined…it shines anytime he smiles…

He looked back at the two set of twins and smiled again

Kayla held his hand and he k!$$£d it

Everyone cl@pped after they finished pla-ying

“A big family picture!” Gold announced

They all c@m£ together, standing in position as Gold set the automatic c@m£ra that snaps with just cheers..

They all stood in front of it

” Cheers!” They all chorused and the ph0to cli-cked

Happy memories, that lasted happily ever after…


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