unexpected emotion episode 29

(Tales of Meteor City)


By, Naomi Cindy B

**Don’t copy or repost my story Na God I take beg you, write yours Biko**


“Victory at last!” Kayla shouted as Eleven and Eragon c@m£ back, she made to climb down but stepped on her long robe, she almost fell but thanks to Eleven who caught her

“Be careful next time* he said

She nodded

” Ring the bell round the whole Meteor!, Emperor Jin Minho is back!, He’s taking back his throne, today is gone alre-ady, tommorow will be the celebr@tion day, everyone should be here, and tell them also that the palace will be recruiting new guards, reliable ones, and the pay is hvge, here is my orders, disseminate it round Meteor City! ” Jin ordered

The remaining scanty palace guards left to do as he ordered

“We’re visiting the earth soon” Kingston said

“Yes, our victory c@m£ so easily I’m so excited!* Iris said

“Me too, should I follow you guys to earth next time?” Lillie said

” Sure, you’ll meet my friends, Isla and Cole, Kingston’s friends too, Carson and Skylar his fiancee” Iris said

” I can’t wait! ” Lillie said

” Come here royals” Jin said

Kingston , Eleven and Lillie went to him

“Iris?, Eragon?, Kayla?, You think you guys are not p@rt of us now?, You’re technically p@rt of the royals, come here” Jin said and they all rushed to him, hvgging him together

Andromeda watched from a far distance in front of palace and smiled wi-dely

“It ended in Joy” he thought

“Oh!, It’s Andromeda!” Iris exclaimed, climbing down to meet him

” Is there any far distance your eyes don’t see?” Andromeda said

“No” she replied and hvgged him

” Can I call you dad from now on?” She said

*Why? ”

” I badly want to call someone my dad too” she replied

Andromeda smiled

” Of course”


“Yes” he replied, looking at her more closely

” Is there something on my face?” She asked

He smiled

“No, but inside you” he replied

“Inside me?”

“Yes, two living things” he replied

” You’re here again with your riddles, ion un-derstand” she replied

“You’ll un-derstand soon” he replied

Kingston c@m£ over with Eleven

” The royals, I’m proud of you all, I was expecting a war, but disappointedly, it’s just simple” Andromeda said

” Disappointedly? ” They all chorused

“I mean, I was expecting some swords fight so heads will roll and blood will flow, but it’s just easy, awkwardly easy because even if it’s ha-rd , who is Aurora in front of the two Phoenix daughters, she was just too blind to realize she’s not a match, too bad she realized late” Andromeda said

” I know right?, But she’s down now, that’s what matters” Eleven said

” If we want to visit earth again when you’re not around, how do we do it?” Kingston asked

” Just pick writing materials and write down Seoul, Korea… The number of your house and the street, then close your eyes, you’ll find yourself in Korea by the time you open it” Andromeda replied

” Whoa!, Easy” Iris said

” I know right, and Kingston, plea-se take care of her, I have a small gift for you” Andromeda said, di-pping his hand into his slingback bag

He brou-ght out a paper and gave it to Iris

“That’s your mother’s picture, I managed to draw her before burying her twenty years ago, and would you love to go see her grave? ” Andromeda said

She nodded.

They all followed him behind as he took them to the place in the forest

“Here” he said, pointing at a p@rticular place that has a lot of mirror on t©p of it

“Was she selling mirror before her death?, Why are there mirrors allover? ” Iris asked

” Because, that’s how the grave of a phoenix will always be, it’ll naturally produce mirrors every month
I placed one of the mirror in the cave with you back then” Andromeda said

” I still have it” she replied

” That was the first mirror her grave produced, it’s not a common mirror, it can see the future, use it well” Andromeda said

Kingston and Eleven just watched from afar

Iris went on her knees and tears fell from her eyes despite how ha-rd she fought to st©p it

“Mother, how are you doing?, How lame, am I expecting you to hear me?…. I wish I saw your face before you died , I wish I hvgged you and called you mother, I wish I met you and you taught me how to cook, I wish you didn’t die mother” she said, shedding tears as she bent there

” And I’m so happy to tell you that she’s down, I mean the one who did this to you, she’s down in a disgraceful manner, I have much to say but…. I don’t think my tears will let me, they’re so stubborn…. I’ll go now mother, I’ll go but I promise to come here frequently …. I love you mother” she said

Andromeda held her up and she wiped her tears

They left there immediately and she visited the cave

She ran throu-gh it and jumped just like the first time

“She’s one bunch of joy, you’re lucky” Eleven said

Kingston chuckled

” I know, thanks” he replied and looked at him

He saw sadness on his face

He’s thinking about Diamond again

He patted his back as he made him rest his head on his shoulder…

Minutes later, Andromeda broke the news of his travel

“Haeboji ( father), you’re traveling?, How many days? ” Iris said

” Not days, months, I’ll come back when you’ve finally delivered” he replied

” Delivered?, Deliver what? ” She asked naively

” You’ll be aware soon, just take care of yourself, Nova plea-se,she nee-ds extra care” Andromeda said

” Sure” Kingston bowed

Andromeda faced Eleven

“Eleven…. Don’t worry, the right one that’ll stay with you till old age is right beside you, when you meet with her on a rainy night at the balcony at the back of the palace, if thun-der strikes three times, she’s the one, if you want her to stay forever, k!ssher immediately and you’ll find your heart beating for her instantly, this is all I have to say, goodbye” Andromeda said and started walking away but he suddenly looked back

“Traveling to earth with pregnancy is dangerous, don’t do it!” He said

“who’s pregnant?” Iris asked

Eleven smiled, he got it

Kingston bec@m£ suspicious too

Andromeda smiled and turned his back again

” Goodbye father!,come back soon!” She waved

She sighed after he’s out of sight

She took out her mum’s picture and opened it

“Whoa!” She exclaimed

“She’s… Pretty just like you” Kingston said

“You both look alike too” Eleven said

“Mother” Iris whispered, ru-bbing her hand on the drawing…

Three months later*****

“Mr Christ©pher, he told me to see him in his office and when I got there, you nee-d to see how he was trying to do funny things” Isla complained to Cole who listened with ra-pt attention

Maybe if they have a third friend, she’d have detected that they have feelings for each other but since there’s no third friend, their feelings are unknown to no one but in their hearts

Cole spranged up

“He did what!” He said, anger obvious

“I never said he did anything, he made pas-ses at me and I rejected him, he laughed out loud after that and told me he was just joking, he said he just wanted to see if I’m as serious as I look, he said he’s not one of those slimy pedophilic lecturers, he even showed me the pictures of his wife and children, he’s happily married” Isla said

Cole sat, calming down, they’re actually together in an empty corner clas-s

He sighed

“I thought as much” he said

“By the way, you looked jealous when I first said it” she said, moving closer to him, searching throu-gh his face

” Of course I’m…. I’m.. I’m not” he replied defensively

“Yes you are” she replied, moving closer still

“I’m not” he said again

She pinched his cheeks

“I’m glad to have a protective bestie” she said, their faces so close

She made to draw away but she found out she can’t

She kept staring at him and he’s doing the same thing

He suddenly Started leaning in too and she drew back till her back hit the wall

He held her cheek and rocked it

She held his hand as he did

“To say the truth, yes… I was jealous, cos… I… Love you” he said

Isla eyes c@m£ wi-de as he covered the remaining space and k!$$£d her affectionately

She responded without thinking…


“I said it!, You’re pregnant with my baby!” Kingston screamed as the palace doctor confirmed it

“congrats sister” Lillie said

“So I’ll have a baby brother” Eleven said.

“It’s a baby sister” Iris and Kayla chorused

They stuck hands

“I want a baby boy too” Lillie said

“You’re on my side, gimme your hand” Eleven said and stuck hands with Lillie

” Whichever it is, I’m ok” emperor said

Meteor City is doing fine now like it has once been

Aurora’s shout and screams of agony c@m£ again.

She has been shifted back to her room and she’s on her be-d unable to stand again

It’s the first day of another month, her pain day, coupled with the poison in her b©dy, she must be feeling the highest pain in the world right now

They turned deaf hears to her shouts and continued chatting

Lillie followed Iris out discreetly

“I actually want to ask something, are you still adding poison to her tea? ” Iris asked

Lillie smiled

” I found out I’m not as wicked as I’ve thought, no…. Since she was Captured, I’ve never added poison to her tea, I give her ordinary tea, you know I thought we shouldn’t turn diabolical just because of someone’s deeds” Lillie said

“that’s just it, I love you fated sister” Iris said, hvgging her

Eleven and Kingston faced each other and smiled, they’ve actually been listening to their conversation….



“I really think I nee-d to go see Carson and Skylar but I don’t want to leave you” Kingston said, ru-bbing iris’s belly slowly

She’s enjoying it so she placed her head gently on his che-st

“I can just follow you” Iris said

“Didn’t you hear it when Andromeda said it’s dangerous with pregnancy? ” He said

” So , this is what he meant” Iris said, smiling

” Dummy, now you know, ya three months pregnant” he replied

She looked up at him

” You can go, but you can only spend two days, Kayla and Lillie will take care of me” she said

“really?, If you tell me not to go, I won’t go” he said

” No, it’s Carson and Skylar we’re talking about, go see them for two days, say hi to Isla and Cole for me too” she said, pe-cking him

” I love you pie”

” I love you Mr Frankie” she replied

“It’s been long since you called me that” he said , stro-king her hair

” So you liked the name, you were just acting” she said

” Anything you call me, I like it” he said

“Fool” she said

“I love it” he replied

“Dummy, idiot, Dumbo, monkey” she said

“I love them all” he replied, smiling

” I love you my king” she said

“Yes, I’d rather be your king than to be the king of a nation” he said

She smiled and snuggled closer as her eyes closed

He k!$$£d her forehead before drifting to sleep too, leaving her to sleep on his che-st…


Next day***

“OMG Kingston is that you!” Carson exclaimed as Kingston opened his office door, coming in

“Bud” Kingston said, hvgging him ti-ght

“After three whole months!, I kept delaying my wedding cos of you I was expecting you to come back before doing it, we fixed it for tomorrow again and I was thinking if you don’t come today, we’d have to shift it again but here you are, I love you buddy! ” Carson said, hvgging him again

” I’m sorry I kept you all waiting, I had to settle some things, and big news, Meteor is doing good, father is fine now, I met my sister and the biggest, Iris is pregnant with our baby” he said

Carson’s face lit up

” You don’t mean it! ”

” I’m for real bro!” He said

They hvgged again

” What of Skylar?”

” She’s out with her friends*

” Oh”

“We must go drink, tonight is my bachelor’s night, let’s start it right now” Carson said

” You’ll have to give me an hour, I still have to go see Isla and Cole then Danny” he said

” Danny, that guy is just awesome, you trusted a good person, your casino is doing fine, you trained him well” Carson said

” I trust him, I’d be right back, one hour” Kingston said

” One hour” Carson replied..


“Oppa!” Isla exclaimed immediately Kingston showed up in school

Luckily he met them in front of a clas-s..

Isla hvgged him ti-ght

Cole did the same

“I believe you both are still good friends” he said

Cole held Isla

” No, good lovers, she’s now my girlfriend” he said

“For real?, God I’ll die of happiness today, come here you two” he said, hvgging them together

” Big news, Iris is now pregnant with our baby and she s£nds her regards”

” OMG I can’t wait to see her again” they both said

” Once she gives birth, we’re coming to spend a lot of time here” he replied

“you’re both attending the wedding right? ‘

*Sure” Isla replied

” I’ll see you guys” he said before leaving to see Danny at the casino

It’s doing just great, thanks to Danny, finding a guy like him who won’t betray is rare

He kept all the money he has been ma-king since three months safe in the bank

Kingston hvgged him

“I love you bro”

“Much love boss” he replied

“Danny, don’t hesitate to spend, wait… I’m giving you eight hundred dollars from the money, just feel free” Kingston said

” Eight hundred dollars? ” Danny said unbelievably

” Sure”

He hvgged him happily

” A boss like you is rare, I wish you won’t leave anymore” he said

” Don’t worry, I’ll come spend much time when my wife gives birth, by the way, you’re not coming to Carson’s wedding? ” He asked

” I’ll come” Danny replied

” Then see you there* he said

Next day**

The wedding is one of a kind, Carson and Skylar are both adorable couples anyone would love to imitate

Kingston smiled throu-ghout

So now officially they’re Carson and Skylar Robinson


He left for Meteor in the evening of that same day..



“Rainy night huh?” Eleven thought as he scooped the falling rain water with his palm

Just like he once did with Diamond

He misses her

The rain kept pouring heavily and he kept inhaling the cool breeze

Someone suddenly t©uçhed him from behind

He freaked out

It’s Kayla, she laughed out

“You scared me!” He said, holding his che-st

“I’m sorry, I planned to come here to scoop some rain water with my palm” she said, standing in front of him and collecting the rain water with her palm

He started imagining her as Diamond and he almost held her but c@m£ back to himself

“You do this too?” He asked

“Yes, a lot, I love rains” she said

“I love rains too” he replied, finding himself smiling

He continued collecting the water together with her

Then thun-der strike sounded heavily

Kayla freaked out and almost fell but he held her

They stayed like that as it sounded the second time

She buried her face in his che-st in fear

“Andromeda’s words” Eleven thought nervously

It sounded the third time and Kayla hvgged him in fear

“She’s… She’s… The one?” He asked himself, still holding her

Kayla nervously let go of him

” I’m sorry prince, I was just nervous, I’m so sorry” she said, bowing

He kept staring at her

“I think I should go now” she said and started walking away

“No” Eleven said and pu-ll-ed her back by the arm

“No, stay with me… Forever” he said , crashing hisl-ips on hers