un-dergrounded demons Episode 37


_______💫😱 The Revenge😱💫________

😈💀Chapter Thirty-Seven

Brou-ght by Chris Val 💈✨


°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° California °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°

💥⚡💥⚡💥 Jack POV 💥⚡💥⚡💥

I got to my room after the day lecture, I felt a little bit happy about what Ajax told me

I just wished it was true because I wouldn’t want to be seen as a bastard

I dropped my backpack on the be-d and sat down

Ajax has alre-ady told me that he was planning on something which I don’t know
I was only waiting for his call back

“Better don’t give yourself a ha-rd time” I heard the ghost boy saying as he appeared before me

“I am seeing you as fake” I said while he laughed

“What do you mean?” He asked

I looked at him with a mean face
Although without anger

“I thought spirit do know everything”

“Are you sure of what you claimed to be?” I asked
He couldn’t st©p laughing

I didn’t know if it was funny

“Wait, what do you want to know?” He asked
I thought he was re-ady to tell me the truth

“About my father and mother”

“Is Ajax my brother?” I asked

“That’s too many questions”

“Ajax has told you that he would look into it , so why are you bothering?”

“That’s not an answer” I said

“Am sorry but you have to wait for Ajax plan because I don’t know” he replied

I suspected that he was only hiding something from me

Just then, my phone began to ring
It was Jane

Why would she be calling
But I had to pick it up

“Hey Jack” she said


“I know how depressed you always are whenever you think a lot that’s why am calling”

“Who told you am thinking?”

“Don’t even think of lying because I un-derstand situation” she said while I smiled

She hasn’t changed
Always worried about someone else

“I just un-derstand that my life was just created with lots of things”

“I have been pas-sing throu-gh a lot, right from childhood, I also have strange gift that I ha-rd ly sleep at night, so my life is always on mess” I added

“St©p saying that Jack, I feel bad here, I felt like I am the cause” she said

“I didn’t say so, am just pouring out what is heavy in my heart” I responded
From the other end of the phone, I heard a knock on her door
Although it wasn’t loud but I could tell that it was a knock

“Hold on, let me check who is there” Jane said as silent took over the phone

“Oh Mark” I heard Jane calling the person who knocked

“I didn’t see you at school and network was bad so I decided to check on you” I heard a male voice saying

“Oh, I was just weak, that’s why” Jane responded
I wondered if she has forgotten that she was on a call

“Okay, I get something for you” the male voice said
I had to wait for them to finish their talk
For that, I had to place it on a loud speaker and dropped it on my be-d

“Oh thanks” Jane appreciated

“Seems like you are on phone call, this one you place your phone on your ear?”

“Oh yeah, Jack is on the line” Jane replied

“Oh, let me speak with him” the guy said

“Hey Jack”……..

💥⚡💥⚡💥Mira POV 💥⚡💥⚡💥

I was in my car watching Jack and Ajax discussing

After when Jack left to the school dormitory, Ajax c@m£ to meet me in my car because he has alre-ady told me to wait for him

There, he told me that he has something that he was planning

“Before I arrived that morning, did anything happen between you and Jack?” He had asked earlier in the day before asking me to wait for him

Of course no
He said that he noticed something going on but he wasn’t sure

So had to look into it

He also asked me to visit Jack when I was free in the day because he wouldn’t be around

He nee-ds to check something

So after when I was done with my freshening up
I drove straight to the school dormitory following the second gate

I parked and headed to Jack’s door

I knocked and waited for some minutes before he opened up

He was on a phone call and it was loud

“Come in” Jack said referring to me

“Is that the rude guy?” I heard a female voice asking from the other end of the phone

“No, but a girl” Jack replied

“Is that Mira?” The female voice asked


“plea-se give her the phone”

“Okay” Jack responded, handing the phone over to me

“Who is that?” I asked by then, I was alre-ady holding the phone

“Jane my sister” he replied

“Hi Jane”

“plea-se shift from him and reduce the volume we have some gossip to go on with” Jane said
That made me smile

She was funny

I looked at Jack with one kind of “I don’t care” eyes and did exactly like Jane told me
Jack shrugged and walked to the be-d while I stood at the door post

“Go on now” I said

“Have Jack told you anything that is unusual since he arrived?” Jane asked and I looked at Jack

He was just looking at the ceiling

“No, is there any problem?” I asked

“Not really but I think that his heart is being troubled” she replied
I looked at Jack again
He seems focused

“Do you have any idea?” I asked

“Not like that but I will like you to do something for me” she said

“It is my first request” she added
I wondered what it could be

“Okay, go on” I responded

“Jack nee-ds attention at this point”

“Anytime he is troubled, he ha-rd ly eat or focus” she added
I just wished she could tell me what really happened
Maybe I could know how to go with him


After the call went down, I walked to give Jack back his phone

“So am now a t©pic” he asked
But I could tell that he was only joking from his look

“Wrong” I said

“What then did you guys discussed?” He asked

“It is a discussion between two women, so take it off your mind”

“Stubborn” he said while I laughed

“Do you have any food here because am starving?” I asked

“I don’t have unless I hear what you guys discussed about me”

“Hey, don’t use such to starve someone o”

“She is alre-ady scared” he said and laughed

“I have some stuff but it is not yet prepared” he added……

💥⚡💥⚡💥Ajax POV 💥⚡💥⚡💥

I was ma-king a plan on how to pres£nt Dad with the news at hand

He wouldn’t just accept it like that unless I gave him some reason

After much planning, I called my Dad and picked up immediately

He was the type who always care for his family

We all have the same heart but mine goes extra mile

We don’t like to joke with any of our family members but mine was that I cared for both my family and others

“Hello Dad”

“Why are you calling by this time? Don’t you have lecture?” He asked
Maybe he didn’t check his time before asking

“The lecture time is alre-ady over Dad” I said laughing

“I mean to say studying, must you study only when it is lecture time?” He asked
That is the way he wanted to use and escape his mistake
I laughed
un-derstanding it

“Dad, you won, I agree” I said
I could hear him chuckling

“How is school going and Axel also?” He asked

“None of them is bad Dad”

“Okay, I know you must be calling for something, which other fee is that?” He asked while I smiled
He doesn’t want to waste time to provide for us, what we want

“It is a good news” I said

“Good news?”

“Yes, Dad, guess what?”

“Hey, don’t pl@ywith guessing, I have never been good in that” he said while I laughed

“I think I have found your lost son”.

“What do you mean?”

“My brother who you said that my Mom ran away with” I replied

“Incredible, don’t pl@ywith me” he said
I thought I was joking

“Dad am serious”

.”how do you know that it is him?”

I explained to him exactly like Jack told me without leaving any pin

“This is still unbelievable”

“I want you guys to come home this weekend” he added

“Okay Dad”

“I want to check something” he said as the call went down

“Wow” I said jumping up from where I sat

“I thought it would be ha-rd ” I added
The next thing was to meet Axel

I know he wouldn’t believe it……

💥⚡💥⚡💥Axel POV 💥⚡💥⚡💥

On Wednesday evening, I was walking around the house with my Bluetooth headphones that was pla-ying music

My neighbors wasn’t around

The A gangs has left to their various ap@rtment
ma-king everything boring

I had to keep myself busy with music

As I was walking, I sighted Ajax throu-gh the fence
He was ri-ding with his bike

I was sure that none of his friends were living close to my ap@rtment

That means he must have come for me

The gate was opened by him as he walked in
Meaning that his bike must be outside
I re-moved the Bluetooth headphones in order to hear him

“Hey dude” he said walking closer to where I stood

“I thought I would meet A gangs here but thank God, they aren’t here” he added

“Are you here to fight me then?” I asked while he smiled

“Which you know that I can, but am here for something else more important” he replied
What could that be?
Only him know that

“Let’s sit down” he added
We walked to my own room

“Do you remember what Dad told us about Mom who we weren’t lucky to see how she looks like?” He asked, by then, we were alre-ady sitting
I vividly remembered it

“What about that?” I asked

“I have met with him”

“Which him?”

“Our brother, you know that it was only Mom’s corpse that was found”

“Yes, I know but how did you meet him”

.”where?” I asked
I have been dreaming to meet him one day

I only felt that he was still alive but how I would meet was what I never knew how

But the opportunity was coming

He began to tell me story about Jack

“You are still far, how does it show that he is the one?” I asked after he was done with his talking

“How could you even think of that?” I asked

“I found the two stories, related” he replied

“He is from Mexico mehn” I said

“Remember, Dad didn’t tell us where Mom ran to, because he didn’t know” he responded

“He can be, just clean it off your mind” I said

“Don’t worry, I have contacted Dad”


“Yes and he asked us to come over, this weekend” he replied

He always conclude something at first thought

There was a great different in those two stories………

💥⚡💥⚡💥Mr Smith POV 💥⚡💥⚡💥

Here you come guys, the main engine

Don’t blame me of my past
I was too straight forward to make the money after receiving some insults from those I took as friends

But we don’t have to be all round evil, that’s why I employed Mr Noah


It was Friday evening and I would be expecting my three children home with the new guy Ajax thought that could be their elder brother

I called their elder sister Tessy, so that she would come back as well

To witness the whole thing

She also tried her best to know if she could get an idea, where the boy would be, after her mother’s corpse was brou-ght home

She was so happy when I told her about what Ajax brou-ght


I had to wait at home for their arrival

Tessy was the first to arrive

She was so excited because it has been a long time since she visited
Due to her work

“Are the guys back?” She asked after hvgging me

“Not yet but very soon” I replied

After some minutes later, Ajax and one guy walked inside the living room where I was chatting with Tessy

“Tessy” Ajax called with so much joy
It was just like a reunion of family

The other guy greeted me first before Tessy

“He is the one, right?” Tessy asked

“Yes” Ajax replied

“Look alike, no doubt” Tessy said

“plea-se come and sit close to me” Tessy said

Over happiness was just taking over her
She couldn’t control the joy

“Welcome to your home” Tessy said while the guy smiled

“What is your name?”

“Jack” the guy replied

“Jack, Ajax and Axel, well no much different” Tessy said

“What about Axel?” I asked

“He will definitely come but I don’t know the time” Ajax replied

“Is he aware of this?” Tessy asked

“Yes” Ajax replied

“He must be very happy because he always dream of a day to come for this opportunity” Tessy said

Just that minutes, Axel walked in

One could ha-rd ly hear the sound of a car when it drives into the compound
But there was nothing to worry about because we had gateman

“Dad good evening” Axel greeted me

“Evening, welcome” I replied

“Good evening Tessy” he greeted
Tessy responded him

“He is back” Tessy added

“Who?” Axel asked

“Your brother” Tessy replied
Axel hissed and walked upstairs

I was surprised
Ajax didn’t tell me that he wasn’t happy about it

“What just happened?” I asked
Ajax breaths out heavily first

“That’s what am seeing” he replied

“Am coming” Tessy said and walked upstairs…….

💥⚡💥⚡💥Axel POV 💥⚡💥⚡💥

I didn’t know why I wasn’t happy about my longing brother

Maybe because I hated Jack alre-ady
I still wouldn’t accept the fact unless they carried out a test on him

I walked to my room for some cool off when someone knocked at my door

It wasn’t locked but I didn’t want to attend anyone

“Am slee-ping!” I shouted but the door was pushed opened and Tessy walked in with a stick

I had to jump up from the be-d
She hasn’t changed

For over two years ago

“Why did you disrespect me?” She asked with her angry face

“I was so angry with that guy that’s why”

“Seems like you guys had some fight at school?” She asked

“Not like that but I never liked the guy” I said

She dropped the stick and walked to my be-d

“Better come down there” she said and sat

I smiled and got down

“Can you just pretend that nothing has happened between you guys, whenever you are with Dad?” She asked
That was a request

“Let’s try and see” I responded while she smiled

“You are still that Axel” she said

“I am hungry, let me check if the dinner is re-ady” she added and stood up

“Me too” I replied

I locked my door when she walked outside

I went to take my bath


It was time for dinner, and Jack was s£nt to come and inform me

I knew that it was Tessy plan


Tessy served the meal and began to battle with the food

Ajax and Jack were just busy, eating and discussing but in a low tone

I was kinda jealous though

“I find it difficult to doubt it because you look like Ajax somehow even in character” my Dad said after observing whatsoever that he thought

“He must definitely have one character from Axel because Ajax has yours while Axel have Mom’s own” Tessy said

Was she actually teasing me?

“Am just observing it” my Dad said
I meant to stand with my food but Tessy’s eyes wasn’t friendly

“Okay fine” I said and sat back
Ajax couldn’t help the smile…….

💥⚡💥⚡💥Ajax POV 💥⚡💥⚡💥

Our family will be great if Jack later become p@rt of us

I was just watching the whole scene and it was funny

“Why would you all buy this story of Jack being our brother without legal confirmation?” Axel asked
Jealousness couldn’t let him be

“I know what you are talking about but don’t worry, by tomorrow, we will go for a DNA test”

“I have contacted the family doctor and he said that he will make a chance for us” my Dad replied
I knew that I doesn’t make mistake with my plan
Jack must be the one


After dinner, I looked out from my window after arranging my room, maybe Jack will sleep in my room
Jack was outside the balcony without his phone

That means he must be thinking

I walked down to meet him

Company of one another reduces lots of stress

“Thinking” I said as I brou-ght a seat closer to him and sat down
He looked at me and smiled

“Am just worried” he said

“About what?” I asked

“Axel might be right and I will be seen as one kind human being”

“Or Axel might still not like me if I eventually turned to be his brother” he added
He was seriously thinking but I know Axel
Just like Tessy

“Axel love anyone that is his family member, no matter what, he doesn’t joke with them, that’s why he respects me at school” I said

“I know that once this appears to be true, Axel will change his mind towards you but me and you will be in the place he keeps me in his mind” I added

I just nee-ded to give him a strong heart


The following day, it was the appointed day

We all went to the hospital for the test

We were taken into a special room for the kind of respect they have for us

The doctor called Jack and they went inside the hospital room

Jack later walked out as we waited for the doctor

“Is it painful?” Axel asked
We all turned to look at him with a surprise look but he bur-st out laughing

That means he was only mocking Jack

“Don’t mind him” Tessy said and looked at Axel who bec@m£ quiet immediately

Few minutes later, the doctor walked out with a paper on his hand

“To start with, that mark on his head wasn’t on him when they were delivered” the doctor said

That doesn’t mean anything

“And according to the test I made on him, he is not your son, Mr Smith” the doctor added

My eyes wi-de-ned when I heard that
It was fruitless

“I said it” I heard Axel shouting
