Unconditional love episode 6

Months pas-sed and Jeremiah remained the same, I once caught Alicia ma-king out with a guy on the couch one afternoon when I left school early and I hadn’t told Jeremiah about it. Bertha kept haras-sing me each chance she got and my friendsh!pwith Amos continued and grew stronger, Sekela had become so fond of me that she’d cry each time I left her with aunt when I went to school because I knew she’d be taken very good care of than leave her home with Alicia. It was visible that Jeremiah was cheating again which made Alicia frustrated and lash out at everyone.
One evening he returned from work and didn’t talk to anyone, he took Sekela from me and went with her to my be-droom while I prepared supper and Alicia watched TV then later got up and took out a bottle of alcohol and started drinking, one could tell that she was depressed. I went to call him for supper when I was done but he was speaking to someone throu-gh the phone and my instincts told me to eavesdrop on him
Jeremiah: what do you mean you’re pregnant?
***he listened***
Jeremiah: you’ll ab-ort that thing because I knew that the barrier was broken that’s why I gave you the morning after pill but God knows what you did with it
***he listened***
Jeremiah: are you stupid? which house are you coming to live in? you’ll pl@yfar from my wife and kid for your own safety
I knocked and he dropped the call then I got in and took Sekela from him asking him to join us for supper which he did, we all ate in silence and I left the table heading straight to be-d. I woke up feeling unwell the following morning and I decided to miss clas-ses and stay in be-d, I felt the nee-d to puke and quic-kly ran to the bathroom where I let it all out until I had an empty stomach then I dragged myself back to be-d feeling light headed and had no energy to do any chores so after resting for some time I went to the living room and asked Alicia to help out but she lashed out at me blaming me for Jeremiah’s behaviour and I went back to be-d and called my aunt to find someone who was looking for work which she did. An hour pas-sed and a woman c@m£ in and started working then I took a nap.
I woke up in the afternoon and heard people quarreling outside but let them be because I wasn’t in the mood of dealing with them, I took my bath so I could visit the clinic and went to the living room where Alicia c@m£ running to me
Alicia: Mumba, what’s wrong with Jeremiah kanshi? (I shrugged my shoulders) a form c@m£ here saying she was pregnant for him
I attem-pted to leave but she held my hand
Alicia: plea-se we’re in this together so let’s put our differences aside and work together, we can’t let another girl come in and she’ll get much attention from him since she’s pregnant
I don’t know what c@m£ over me but o laughed at her, I laughed so ha-rd that even my tears c@m£ out and she got angry
Me: excuse me
I walked out with her busy screaming that I was naïve, I got a taxi which drove me to the clinic I was lucky that there weren’t a lot of people so I didn’t take long seeing the doctor. He ran some tests on me and told me that I was 7 weeks pregnant ma-king my heart beat st©p, I went to aunt’s shop after the session and Sekela was excited to see her I told her what was happening and she told me to leave him and move in with her but I told her that I’d give it a thought and spent a little time with her because the odour of the domestics didn’t do me any good.
I got home and was welcomed by a loud laughter coming from the house but the voice sounded familiar…
I boldly walked to the living room where I found Bertha stuffing her face with food and Alicia was beyond angry while Jeremiah looked like he wanted to cry, he attem-pted to speak when he saw but I raised my hand indicating him to st©p and walked to my be-droom where I got on my knees and prayed for God’s strength and protec-tion. I went to the kitchen after getting changed to prepare Sekela’s food then Jeremiah joined me closing the door and we heard Alicia and Bertha quarrelling and throwing insults at each other
Me: I don’t know if it’s your wives or side chicks or boo-ty calls but they’re disturbing the peace of this house especially that we have a child in here listening to their insults so you netter attend to them before they stain my living room with their dirty blood
He walked away defeated and I thought it was the best thing for him to do because I wasn’t going to listen to his stories any longer.
I went to school the following day and it was just a waste of time because I didn’t get anything that was said and when I went to the libr@ry to study I was just starring sat my books rather my books were starring at me as I thought of how Jeremiah and I had grown ap@rt and how messed up our marriage was, I stood up and went out for some air I sat on a bench where I got lost in thoughts until I felt a hand t©uçh my shoulder. I didn’t nee-d to turn because I knew that it was Amos and he joined me then Bertha walked by minutes later as I was leaning on Amos’ shoulder
Bertha: babe, give me your key i nee-d to pack my belongings coz I won’t let this low life use my stuff
Amos: Bertha you……..
Bertha: you took my key back, I’m not causing any trouble and promise to return it
He handed her the keys and she left, I didn’t didn’t tell Amos anything about what was going on at home even though he insisted that I told him what was bothering me. Jeremiah kept calling but I never picked up his calls then he s£nt me a text saying his mother would visit the following day and I still never replied, I spent the rest of my day with Amos and it helped less£n my worries then went to get Sekela at aunt’s shop when clas-ses were over and went home where I found the two sl@yqueens arguing on who would cook so I pas-sed them and bathed Sekela then did the same. I prepared Sekela supper and fed her then also cooked for two, Jeremiah got home then took his bath and c@m£ to the dining room for supper being followed by the two and they both frowned when they saw two plates on the table
Alicia: what’s the supposed to mean?
Me: husband and wife’s club, the side chicks club are able bodied fools with access to the pots, stove and food of course so all they’ve got to do is cook
The smile on Jeremiah’s face was priceless
Bertha: Jeremiah, I’m carrying your baby and you don’t even know if any of these will conceive yet you starve me
He threw a K20 note at her
Alicia: that doll she’s carrying isn’t the only thing that nee-ds to be fed
Bertha: you think I’ll survive on a K20? what sort of nons-en-se is this?
I instantly lost my appetite and went to be-d, I got up early the following day and cleaned the house then prepared breakfast for everyone, mother arrived and I excused myself to take a shower before the meeting began, I pu-ll-ed out from my wardrobe a grey maxi dress, red chitenge and pink coat since it was cold then l@ythem neatly on the be-d and went to take a shower. I was on my way to my be-droom when I finished and Alicia was in her be-droom yelling at Jeremiah and I eavesdropped on them
Alicia: you won’t make me your house help today, its high time your mother knows that I’m your woman no wonder you’re bringing dolls here
Jeremiah: Alicia plea-se I’m alre-ady pressured I don’t know how to explain the Bertha issue so don’t pour fuel to the alre-ady burning fire
Amos: that’s your baby to nurse but that woman must know my position in this house
I left the place with Jeremiah pleading and went to my be-droom and I was surprised when I reached the door and it opened with Bertha starring at me with fear then I pushed her back inside and strangled her n£¢k
Me: what did you want in my be-droom?
Bertha: I… I… I got lost as I was on my way to Jeremiah’s be-droom
I ti-ght£ñed my grip and she started coughing with her eyes popped out then I let her go and she rushed for the door catching her breath then I kicked her bu-tt with her yelling in pain. I tried composing myself then Jeremiah c@m£ at the door saying everyone was settled and were waiting for me so I quic-kly lotioned and got dressed then went to the living room and found everyone seated….
To be continued…