unbreak my heart episode 27

{ Melt into me… }

By: Chidimma M.🥀


âš  Don’t Copy Or Repost plea-se âš 



Valentina slowly rose up to a bright morning. She looked at the time on tge little clock on her be-d stand and saw it was 8AM. Gosh, she sle-pt for so long…!!

She wanted to call Iris but had to st©p herself when she remember it must be 4AM in New York.

Speaking of calling, where’s her phone. Valentina searched her be-d but couldn’t see her phone. Thats when it dawn on her that it must have fallen in Ricardo’s room.

Valentina la-id down on the be-d as memory of last night invaded her mind.

“I’m scre-wed.. How will I face him? What c@m£ into me!! I should have pushed him away when he k!$$£d me but no, I k!$$£d him back too. I was indirectly taking advantage of his drun!kstate… How will I face him. Valentina you are in big mess..” Valentina kept whining on and on while rolling on her be-d like a kid.

She sat up with her hairs pointing in different direction. Her thought drifted to how he t©uçhed her, this was actually the first time someone has t©uçhed her like that.

“St©p thinking about that. Instead think of how you’ll face him today” Valentina said to her mind and stood up from the be-d.

She went to the bathroom to freshen up…


Ricardo walked out of his bathroom with a towel tied round her b©dy. He st©pped on his tracks when he felt something vibr@ting on the floor.

He looked down to see it was a phone and it’s not his. He picked it up to see Tina displa-ying on it.

“Hello” He picked.

“Cardo!!” Kristina spranged up from her be-d when Ricardo picked Valentina’s phone

“Kris?” Ricardo furrowed his brows.

“What are you doing with Valentina’s phone? Don’t tell me you two…”

“That’s not what you think Tina” Ricardo replied.

“I will make as if I believe” Kristina sm-irked.

“I’m not really in the mood for your teasing. Will call you later” Ricardo hung up and looked at Valentina’s phone.

Honestly, he didn’t know what to feel. One p@rt of him really regrets k!ss!ngher but the other actually loved it.

Ricardo ruffled his hair and kept the phone on the be-d then went to dress up.


“Good morning boss, I c@m£ to take my phone and I’m sorry about yesterday. plea-se don’t fire me” Valentina said and shook her head.

“No, it’s not good!” Valentina said to herself. She was actually standing in front of Ricardo’s door.

“Morning boss, last night I dropped my phone in your room. Sorry about last night, it will never happen again” Valentina said and then nodded.

“Yeah that’s better!” She smiled.

“Morning…. Ahh!!!!!” She screamed when Ricardo opened the door to his room. He was surprised to see her standing there.

“M…morning boss,,, I c@m£ t..to” Valentina began stammering.

“You must be here for this” Ricardo handed her her phone.

She slowly collected it and looked at him. Ricardo avoided her gaze and walked away…

Valentina looked at him, surprised. She shrugged and followed behind him…

“Gosh, the first test was so ha-rd !!” Charlotte gro-an ed.

Iris chuckled…

“Well you nee-d to get re-ady for we are writing chemistry test in the next hour” Iris said.

“Not chemistry….” Charlotte whined loudly.

👥 Look, the three h0ttest girls in school are coming.

👥 I love Kimberly’s new hairstyle.

👥 If they can just b!ow a k!ssat me, my life will be complete.

Iris chuckled when she heard the last comment.

“Looks like we are becoming popular without knowing” Kimberly said.

“Well popularity don’t interest me” Iris shrugged.

“Hey Iris!!” Luca called coming to them.

Iris smiled and waved at him..

“I was going to revise chemistry. Wanna come?” Luca asked.

Iris looked at Charlotte who looked down. She looked back at Luca and shook her head.

“I can’t… Have to do something with Kim! Just go with Charlotte, bye!” Iris said and pu-ll-ed Kimberly away.

Charlotte was left surprised. She didn’t know what to do.

“Well guess its you and me. Let’s go froggy” Luca patted her hair and led the way.

“Look who’s calling me froggy, you look like a masquerade” Charlotte yelled, following behind him.

Kristina got out of her car with a smile on her face. She closed the door to her car and made to walk out of the parking lot buy st©pped when she saw Logan standing not far from her.

It’s been almost a week now that they haven’t exchange any word ever since she told him her reason for acting the way she did.

Logan walked to her with a smile on hisl-ips, he hand was behind him…

“Logan” She called, honestly she missed him trying to flir-t with her.

“You called my name. Here, for you” He said and stretched a rose to Kristina.

Kristina looked at the rose and then at him then back at the rose before slowly collecting…

“From the way you’re looking at me you must have missed me. Well don’t think I’ve quit, no I was just thinking.” Logan said and leaned on her car with his hands in his pocket.

“I was thinking of what I really feel for you, whether it was just lvst or love. Well my heart finally c@m£ to a conclusion” Logan said and stood straight then took a step closer to her.

Kristina took a step back till her bu-tt hit the car. Logan placed his hand on the car caging her.

“I c@m£ to a conclusion that I’m not giving up on you Kris… Call me a fool but you’ve been in my mind all these while. No matter how much you shun me way I’ll always keep trying till I win back this heart of yours.” Logan said and pointed at where her heart was.

Kristina just stared at him, not knowing what to say.

“I’ll try by all means to win back this heart of yours and you know why?” Logan leaned more closer till theirl-ips were just inches ap@rt.

“Because I love you” He whispered and took a step away from Kristina. He looked at her for a while before leaving.

Kristina looked at the rose in her hand and then at him walking away.

“What did he just say?” Kristina asked to no one in p@rticular, unsure of what she heard.

“And that’s all about the nitrogen cycle” Luca concluded.

“Wow, it was so damn easy!” Charlotte smiled.

“Yeah” Luca looked at the time and it was almost time. He began packing his things …

“It’s almost time, let’s get going Charl” Luca said.

“You like Iris don’t you?” Charlotte said sadly.

Luca looked at her and ached his brows.

“I saw the way you look at her each time you see her” Charlotte muttered and looked up at him.

“Well,,,, I don’t know” Luca said lowly…

Charlotte held his hand and placed it on her che-st.

“Luca, this heart beats only for you. I was supposed to tell you this a long while now but I was scared… I love you Luca, for a long while now.” Charlotte said, pouring out all her heart.

Luca just stared at her with a look of surprise on his face. What should he say now?

Charlotte stood up to her toes and leaned closer to him such that theirl-ips were just inches ap@rt .

“Just give me a chance to prove to you how much I love you. Just one and I’ll make you fall for me” Charlotte whispered.

Luca stared at her face for a while then closed his eyes and took a step back.

“I’m sorry Charlotte, I only see you as a friend nothing more” Luca said slowly.

He carried his books and looked at her with a sorry look before leaving.

Charlotte sat back down on the chair and smiled hurtfully as a drop of tear fell from her eyes.

“I saw this coming” She whispered and wiped her tears but another fell.

“But why does it still hurt so bad?”

She looked at the time and stood up then wiped her tears and carried her books then left fighting back her tears.

Three days slowly ran by like it was nothing to them. Nothing that special happened ap@rt from exams and other stuffs

“Finally!! Thank goodness those freaky exams are over” Kimberly gro-an ed walking out of the school.

“Yeah me too” Charlotte replied.

“What’s wrong Charl you’ve been unusually quiet these days” Kimberly asked.

Charlotte sighed and looked at them.

“I told Luca about what I felt for him and as expected he turned me down” Charlotte blurted out.

“Oh,, sorry baby girl” Iris said sadly.

“Let’s just forget about it. Who want to come to a pajamas p@rty tonight at my house!!” Kimberly asked.

“Me!!” Charlotte exclaimed.

“Well I’ll have to ask for my mom’s permission but well I know she’ll agree so I’m in” Iris smiled too.

“Okay cool!! Have to run back home to prepare all what we nee-d” Kimberly said when she sp©tted her driver.

“By Kim Kim!!” Charlotte waved.

Kimberly entered the car and not too long after Gavin walked to the car. He looked at where Iris and Charlotte were standing.

Gavin smiled and win-ked at Iris before entering the car. That made Iris frown…

“What was that?” Iris wondered.
PARIS, 06:13PM**

Ricardo got down the car and began walking to the entrance. Valentina got down too and frowned while looking at Ricardo.

For the past three days he’s been snubbing her around. Each time she’ll try to engage a conversation, he’ll start talking about business.

Ever since the k!ssincident that’s what has been happening and honestly that angers Valentina day by day.

She isn’t even angry because he’s snubbing her, she’s angry at herself and more at him. Angry at that darn night!!!

Valentina marched angrily to the entrance. Myles and Minnie where busy discussing with Ricardo and laughing till they sp©tted Valentina.

“Nanny Tina!!” Minnie exclaimed and made to run to her but Valentina walked pas-s her in anger. She gave Ricardo a very dangerous glare that even s£nt chills to Ricardo’s spine. She marched upstairs and slammed the door to her room real loud.

“What have you done dad?” Myles asked, he noticed the angry look Valentina gave to him and honestly, it disturbs him.

Could it be because he was ignoring her during all these days? Well he did that because he doesn’t know how and where to start from to explain things to her… Maybe that wasn’t the best idea.


Valentina walked out of the bathroom and ru-bbe-d her cream. She wore an oversized sweaters with a white bu-mp short then brushed her hair and allowed it to fall freely.

Valentina wore her sli-ppers and walked out of her room heading downstairs. She st©pped on her tracks when she almost bu-mped into Ricardo.

She looked at him and then looked away then made to walk away but he caught her by the forearm.

Valentina yanked his hand off her and glared at him.


“What? Now you’re calling me by my name?! After when I was just trying to help you out but you k!$$£d me and t©uçhed me then you ignored me for three good days!! Why?! Is it because you were disgusted in k!ss!nga poor girl?! Is it because you were disgusted in tou-ching a poor rat like me?! Huh!! Ricardo I’m talking to you!!!” Valentina yelled angrily…

Valentina leaned on the wall and swept her hair backwards then sighed trying to calm down her anger.

She looked at Ricardo one more time and made to leave but he pu-ll-ed her back then caged her against the wall.

“I’m sorry” Ricardo muttered, looking down.

“Huh?” Valentina blurted out.

“I’m sorry for ma-king you feel bad, sorry for getting you angry. I’m sorry” Ricardo said and looked straight into her eyes.