Unattainable Perfection episode 1 & 2




* Beauty,they say lies in the eyes of the beholder.

But what happens when no eyes behold your beauty?

Alexandra Wallace has lived all her life fighting to achieve perfection just so she can can be accepted amongst peers and society.

But fate seems to have something else in sto-re for her as she keeps bouncing back to her deserted self.



With time, depression and self esteem bec@m£ Alexa’s daily meal as she continues to struggle to achieve an unattainable perfection.. In course of her struggles, William Wilson, in an attempt to save Alexa has the tables turned around as he is falsely accused of r@p£ and s£nt to jail.

After being re-leased from jail, an enraged William is determined to have his revenge on the Wallace family and thereby,disguises himself their new driver.

But then what happens when William Wilson begins to discover dark secrets he was never meant to discover? William Wilson is torn between the bridge of revenge and love whereas Alexa is slowly drowning,drowning in her unquenchable quest to achieve the unattainable.

William Wilson and Alexandra Wallace.

Two broken souls.

Two disoriented lives.

A darkened heart and a drowning heart.

. When both meet, will it become the start of a new dawn.




(Her hopes, His revenge)



Episode 1


The dark clouds hovered over the skies, the weather changing ra-pidly as thun-der rumbles dangerously.


Lightening strikes.


s£nding shivers down her spine.


Strong wind blew, against every creature and building in it’s way.


People rushed helter skelter searching for a place to hide their heads.


Such impending heavy rain hadn’t befallen the town in a long time.


As crazy as it may sound, she liked it.


She liked the sound of the roaring thun-der and frightening lightening.


Because it rid her of her sorrowful thoughts.


It rid of any ounce of loneliness embe-dded in her heart.


So she stood, her feet strong and firm un-der the smooth marble floor of her room’s balcony.


Waiting. Waiting for the woman who was soon going to take her mother’s place.


The woman whom she was soon going to address as stepmother.


She cringes at the name.


She continues to stay still, not minding the way the strong wind blew her hair into her face.


Her gaze was intent.


As she continued to stare at the large bronze gate throu-gh which the woman and her daughter will walk throu-gh.




She stays quiet.




the de-ep yet cool voice calls out to her again.


She doesn’t budge.


The person sighs behind her.


“Alexa honey


. I’m doing this for you”


Alexandra scroffs at that.


Why couldn’t he just say he was doing it for himself.


After all it had been just a year since her mother died and he was alre-ady bringing in another woman who had a child and was pregnant for him alre-ady.


She scoffs again, c*ressing the silver pendant around her n£¢k.


“Alexa love, plea-se try to un-derstand


. I’m doing this for you. I want you to have a mother figure in your life. Someone you can share you’re sorrows with”


Alexa let’s go off the railings she was holding on to and spins around to stare at her father, her eyes blazing with fury.


“I have you for that father. I have you to share your sorrows with. I don’t nee-d a second mother. Why don’t you just admit you nee-d another woman in your life so we can get over this?!”


She points an accusing f!nger to her father.


She was seventeen, not a kid who nee-ded to be brea-st fed and had her diapers changed.




“No dad”


she steps away from him, shaking her head.


“ba-rely a year after mom died and you’re alre-ady bringing in a new one. That’s okay. You love her and that’s why you married her. Cool. I’m okay with that just don’t expect me to go down there to welcome her with a smiley face because I’m not good at pretending dad.”


She turns away to stare into space. Just then, the gate to the mansion opened as the gateman hurried to open them wi-der.


A pick-up filled with numerous bags and suitcases drove in.


Well, talk of the devil and she appears. Alexa stares at their belongings.


They looked like an entire extended family’s belongings. But no. They were just three.


A mother and children.


Alexandra soon hears retreating footsteps and she knew her father was going down to meet them.


She scoffs and looks away.




Alighting from the pick-up, she inhales heavily rolling her eyes and admiring the mansion before her with sheer greed.


Finally, after fifteen solid years, she was going to live in this mansion.


Finally she was going to enjoy the luxury she had waited so long for.


Finally after being the mistress and lover for fifteen godamn years, she was going to be the wife.


The owner of all the Wallace’s properties.


She turns to stare at her fifteen year old twin boys who had alighted as well and gawking at the beautiful house before them.


She grins.


“Yep. That’s right kids. This is gonna be your home from today”


Everything was hers now. Everything.


The money, the luxury, the fame, the power.


Every fv¢king thing.


Now all she had to do was to get her soon to be husband to give her the power of attorney and sign off all his properties and bank accounts into her name.


Now that won’t be so difficult will it? Seeing as Henry Wallace was so in love with her.


So much so that he was re-ady to marry her just a year after his wife died.


She sm-irks.




The hvge glas-s door slides open and talk of the devil.


Henry walks out towards them smiling.


She smiles back but then frowns when she notices his first daughter, Alexandra walking behind them, a de-ep scowl on her face.


From all indications, Alexa didn’t like her new stepmother.


Well she didn’t like to have a step daughter as well.


Because she didn’t want sharing the property with anyone.


She watches as three maids stroll out and begin to carry their belongings inside. “Alexa honey, come say hi to your stepmother and brothers”


Henry gestures to his daughter who frowns de-eply.


She watches with keen interest.


If things go on like this, Alexandra will make things difficult for her.


Plastering a fake smile on her face, she beckons to Alexa.


“Aww Alexa baby. You’re so pretty. Much more than you father had describe-d you. I promise I’ll treat you like my own and not like my step daughter. Come love”


she flutters her eyelashes.


Alexandra hesitates for a moment before walking past her father to hvg the woman.


Once she hvgged her, the older woman whispers into her ear.


“I’m gonna treat you like a princess”


Alexa frowns s-en-sing the negative vibe.


Why did she feel as though the woman didn’t mean any of what she just said? Her smile, sweet talks. Was so fake.


She could s-en-se it.


Everything about her was fake.


“Everything about you screams suspicion. I really hope you’re here for the right reasons, if not I’d make my father divorce you fas-ter than he married you. Watch your back”


Alexa sneers before she breaks away from the hvg.


She turns to find that her father and the twin boys who arrived with her supposed stepmother were talking and laughing, strolling into the house.


She frowns.


“It was nice meeting you dearest stepdaughter.”


Alexa hears the woman say.


She turns to find her grinning evilly.. What the… Before she could bring herself to form audible words, she suddenly felt herself being pushed r0ûghly.


Losing her balance, Alexa t©pples forward.. She was falling.


But not before she set eyes on the broken pieces of one of the flower pots aligning the lawn. Her eyes wi-den as she tries to still herself.


But then she felt someone push her ha-rder again and she fell ha-rd .


The broken pieces of flower pot dug into her eyes.


Her own blood splashing into her face.





(Her hopes, his revenge)


Episode 2


**** 5th August,2017. Aston Villa, Accra, Ghana. 8:00pm.


She stares at her reflection in the dressing mirror, letting her f!ngerstrail over the two hvge ugly scars just above the flesh of her eyes.


She cringes like every other time when she sets eyes on the scar on her face,disfiguring her.


The scar that had managed to disfigure her once perfect and flawless face just about a year ago.


One month.


One more month and it was going to be exactly a year after her dad had brou-ght in that woman.


A year after her stepmother had deliberately pushed her ma-king her land face first on the pieces of broken flower pots.


She could vividly recall how she had screamed when the rou-gh object pierced into the delicate flesh above her eyes.


She could vividly recall how her own blood had splashed onto her face.


Alexa sighs heavily, running her f!ngersover the scars again.


It was a miracle the broken pieces of pots hadn’t directly pierced her eyes seeing as the scars were located just a little above her eyebrows else she would have gone blind by now.


Only God knows how long she had to stay at home for her wounds to heal.


The wound was de-ep.


So de-ep it had to be stitched twice.


And now,all that was left of it were two ugly scars parading on her once perfect face.




The high pitched voice interrupts her thoughts and she snaps back to reality turning to face her two best friends..


“God girl! I’ve been calling you for minutes now. Don’t tell me you spaced out again”


Sophie queried adjusting her purple wig.


“We nee-d to leave. The p@rty’s began alre-ady”


Lydia chimes in Zi-pping the boots she wore.




Alexa sighs getting off the dressing chair and staring at her reflexion.


Cringing in disgust immediately.. She hated how she looked now.


She used to be perfect, pretty, slim and curvy in all the right places.


But now, due to her wounds she had locked herself up for weeks, months even and now she’s gained weight.


Such ugly weight she’s gained.


It made the little self esteem she had left fly out the window She ru-bs her belly.


The belly that used to be so flat was now bulging.


Fat sticking out in all the wrong places.


Her face looked bloated.


Her once pretty arms were now chubby looking and her th!ghs were starting to ru-b together when she walked.


All because during those times she had been suffering from depression, food, mostly junk foods had been her escape.


She spent all her time eating and eating just to while away time so she wouldn’t have to think of how people made fun of her facial scars anytime she stepped out.


Ugh! Scarface.


That’s what people called her with.


“Alexa come on!”


Sophie whines and she sighs again.


She picks up her scarf,wra-ps it over her head and pu-lls it down to cover her forehead where the scars were.


“Finally! Come on!”


Lydia drags her as they exit her room and descend the stairs silently and successfully ma-king it out the house. ****




This is not my thing.


It never was.


It never has and never will be.


I pu-ll down the scarf over my face as I sit near Lydia and Sophie in the club.


I didn’t want to come but they f0rç£d me to.


I li-ck my dryl-ips, fidgeting with my red dress.


This dress used to look so good on me back then.


But now, it looks like I’m wearing a dress meant for a ten year old.


I sigh.


The music in here is too loud.


This place is too crowded and sweaty.


I hate crowded places.


It triggers my anxiety.


And I don’t have my antidepressant pills with me.


Oh God..


“Hey girl,you okay?”


Lydia asks me and I nod.


“I’ll go get you something to drink yeah? To calm your nerves”


she tells me and I silently thank her.


She comes back later with two glas-ses of white liquid I presume is water since it’s colorless.


As for Sophie, she’s alre-ady on her second beer since we got here.


“Here Alexa. Relax”


Lydia hands me the drink and I take it.


My hands are shaking.


I realise.


Too many people are squishing themselves into the dance floor.


Oh God.


I li-ck myl-ips again.


I think I’m going to have a panic attack again.


Clutching the glas-s, I ti-p the contents into my mouth, gulping down everything at a go.


I grimace when I feel the liquid burn it’s way down my throat, ma-king bubbly s-en-sations in my belly.


I feel strange.


This liquid tastes strange.. I shake my head.


The s-en-sation doesn’t st©p.


“Ugh.. I.. I think I nee-d fresh air”


I tell my friends and dash out without waiting for a response.


The cool evening breeze hits me as soon as I step out.


I begin to take in de-ep breaths, to steady my ra-pid heartbeat.


“Careful. You’ll hurt yourself”


a sweet, cool yet de-ep voice says from behind me.


I ignore it and keep focusing on my breath exercise.




I hear the voice again and this time, I feel his pres£nce before me.


Lifting my head, I come face to face with the most handsome face ever.


His eyes.


I’m mesmerized.


“Can you hear me Lady.


Lady becareful!”


He screams this time and that’s when I hear a squishing sound.


I look at my hand and realise I’ve been clutching the glas-s ti-ghtly all the while and I just crashed it with my palm.


I wince as I feel the shreds of glas-s pierce into my palm.


“Here let me check it”


Mr cutie gr-abs my hand and begins to pu-ll out the broken pieces of glas-s in my palm.


I don’t even feel the pain as all I’m interested in is his handsome face.


And how his biceps and muscles stretch with every of his movements.


“You’re so h0t”


I blurt out.


fv¢k! Did I just say that.


The drink Lydia gave me must contain alcohol.. Mr cutie st©ps dressing my wounds and stares up at me, surprise and wonder flashes in his his.


He chuckles, his eyes twi-nkling.


God! This man.


“Even your laughter is so h0t.”


I say again and he grins.


Okay, what’s wrong with me?


“Your eyes. They’re pretty”


I continue.


Oh Lord.


What happened to me today?


What gibberish am I spewing?


Mr cutie grins wi-der.


“And you have pretty eyes too. I love them”


he says and I frown.


“I’m not pretty. I’m always mocked anytime I step out. See”


I lift my scarf to show him my ugly scars.


Okay, why am I telling my secrets to a stranger? I stare at my right hand.


And why do I suddenly have ten f!ngers?


“These scars prove nothing. They just repres£nt the past. You’re pretty, believe me. Your eyes, they’re so blue. Are you a half cast?”


He asks with wonder and I grin sheepishly.


“Yes. My mother. She was from Chile. She was white and my dad is a Ghanaian. I inherited her blue eyes”


“They suit you”


Mr cutie, since I do not know his name c*resses my cheeks and I shudder.


I instantly begin to feel h0t.


My insides are burning.


What’s wrong with me? I feel we-tness between my th!ghs and I press them together.


I bite my l!pha-rd .


Why do I feel like I want to have se-x?


I feel dizzy.


“What’s your name?”




he tells me.


Oh dear Lord, what’s happening to me? His voice.


It’s alluring I lean closer to William.




She stood in the dark, watching as the medicine took it’s effect on her.


She smiles pu-lling out her phone when she feels it vibr@ting against her bu-m shorts..




she speaks into the phone twirling her hair as she watches them.


“You got the girl?”


“Yep. I’m watching her.”


She pauses, frowning


“But there’s this guy with her”


‘Well separate them then.


. I nee-d her today. Tonight.”


“Uh OK. I’ll try. She’s drun!kanyways”


“I do not care Lydia. Whether she’s drun!kor not. Get her away from that guy and bring her to me. Failure to do so,and you won’t be able to t©uçh a single cent of that money, got it?”


“Sure. But wait… How do you know her father is going to make her the sole heir of the Wallace properties?”


Lydia asks


“Go do your work and st©p prying your nose into matters that do not concern you. Curiosity kills the cat”


the voice thun-ders.


“Okay fine. I’ll bring you Alexa but keep my money re-ady”


she replies and hangs up.



