Truth of the heart episode 45 & 46




It was hours after the burial. A small group of people sat in Lwipa’s livingroom. The women sat on the floor in one corner, while the men sat on chairs that that been brou-ght in specifically for the discussion. Lwipa sat with his head low, hidden by both his hands. The felt like he was living a dream, unable to fully accept that Wezi was really gone.

“He killed my sister.” Nyembezi said with bitterness.

Lwipa looked up then and saw the hate Nyembezi’s eyes harboured for him.

“Shhh..” one of Wezi’s aunts shushed him. “You cannot be ma-king such accusations.”

“Its not an accusation. Its a fact!”

“Do you have any proof of this?” Lwipa’s grandfather asked.

“I’m sure most of you know how he treated my sister. But because he feeds you, none will admit it out loud.” Nyembezi said matter of factly. His statement made most of those pres£nt uncomfortable, failing to look at each other in the eye.

“Marriage is complicated. They may have had their differences but is that surely why she killed herself?” One of Lwipa’s aunt said after silence.

“She was depressed because she was barren. Everyone here knows how much she wanted a child. But she was not able to. I think it bec@m£ worse when she found out Lwipa had a child in his school years whom he located by the Grace of God.” Cathy said. People nodded in agreement.

“I think the reason she killed herself is clear. She failed to cope with not being able to bear a child. Therefore we nee-d not prolong matters. We ask you our inlaws to cleanse our son so that he can be set free.” Lwipa’s grandfather said.

“Free from what? That murderer will never be free.” Nyembezi pointed at Lwipa, who’s head remained low.

“BEZI!” Misozi, Wezi and Nyembezi mother finally spoke.

“Awe Ma! This man is not good.” Nyembezi protested. “I tried to tell her to leave him. I tried. But she loved him too much. All for what? For him to keep treating her like a pile of dung? I should have tried ha-rder..”

“There is no nee-d to point f!ngers.” Cathy said casually, gaining herself approval nods.

“I apologize for my son. You all know that he and Wezi were twins. Therefore her death has disturbe-d him more than any of us..” Misozi adjusted herself on the small mattress she sat on. “I would like to find out what happened the day she died. Was there an arguement? Did she give an indication of wanting to kill herself? I had spoken to her the morning before and she seemed fine. So I’m wondering of anything happened afterwards. This is not to put blame on anyone, but to just try to un-derstand what happened.”

“Its sounds like you want to blame my son!” Cathy spoke before anyone else could.

Misozi stood up. “Then there is nothing more for us to do here. I will get my daughter’s belongings and we shall leave.”

“It has not come to that!” Lwipa’s grandfather tried to calm the tension.

“I hope for your sake Lwipa that you did not contribute to my daughter’s suicide.” Misozi motioned to Nyembezi, who stood up and followed her out of the livingroom. Their other relatives remained seated, unsure of what to do, unable to decide whether to support Misozi, or the person who supported their financial nee-ds.

“We nee-d to talk about cleansing Lwipa to re-lease him from his late wife’s spirit.” The grandfather said, bringing the discussion back to order.

Nyembezi returned suddenly, walking up straight to Lwipa. Lwipa looked up just as Nyembezi was throwing a punch, knocking him off his seat.

“I hope you burn in hell!”

Kasiwe let out a small chuckle as she re-ad the message Naomi had just s£nt to her. As usual Naomi was complaining. This time it was about Jefferies pushing her to go for a weekend.

“But you also and your man issues.” Kasiwe said laughing after calling up Naomi. “You have a man re-ady to spoil you rotten and you are here worried about a man who who left you? Like seriously?”

“We are still married Kasi.” Naomi said on the other end. “How will it look if I go? Besides that will mean I have to… to..”

“Have S-x with Jefferies? But of course you have to service him! Girl its every girl’s dream at the h0tel to have a piece of that hunk. If I wasn’t happily married, inwould definitely have tasted that man.”

“Kasi you are mad.” Naomi laughed. “I’ll talk to you props when you get here this afternoon. There’s a client who is asking to see me.”

“Ok babes.” Kasiwe made a face at the phone as she hung up.

“Who are you chiding to have S-x with me?” Jefferies pu-ll-ed Kasiwe down into the covers and ni-bbled on her ear.

“My dearest bestie of course!” Kasiwe laughed.

“You are a strange being.” Jefferies laughed.

“Nope. Just want to prove to the whole world that Naomi is not miss perfect as she let’s out to be. Neither does she have the perfect marriage.”

“But is there any such thing as a perfect marriage? This is why I have chos£n not to indulge in that facade.”

“She had the perfect marriage. Perfect man.”

Jefferies raised his brow at her. “Perfect man! Better than me?”

“She doesn’t deserve him.” Kasiwe said more to herself.

“Ok, that’s one way of killing the mood.” Jefferies complained as he guided her hand to his groin.

Kasiwe laughed out, pushing all thoughts of Naomi away. “Well, let’s not waste this erection.”
# ~Truths_of_the_heart

Kasiwe was head over heels with Derek when they first met. She was working as a cook at a fast food in town and he was a regular. It was obvious that Derek was rich. On their first d@t£ Derek took Kasiwe for a helicopter ride from to chisamba, where his family owned a farm. Kasiwe met his family the very day. Derek’s parents where both retired, his younger sisters both at secondary school. They all doted over her, ma-king Kasiwe feel special to Derek. They had a whirlwind r0m@nç£. Within a year of their meeting the two got married. Kasiwe was sponso-red to culinary school in Paris to work with the best chefs. During the time, Kasowe felt like she was on her second honeymoon. Paris was like a dream. They dined in the best restaurants, shopped in the best sto-res and visited various locations across Europe. In their second year of marriage, the two welcomed their daughter. It was during Kaswie’s pregnancy that the cracks begun to show. Kasiwe was confined at home while Derek travelled all in the name of business. It bec@m£ worse once their daughter was born. Derek’s time at home reduced drastically that at pres£nt he spent less than a week in a month.

One thing Kasiwe could never complain about was lack of funds. Her account was credited weekly. She recieved a new phone and car every year despite not knowing how to drive. Derek brou-ght her expensive clothes, perfume, shoes and accessories, most if which she would either give to her family or friends, or sale them off. Kasiwe had on countless occasions tried to talk to her husband but it never worked. It wasn’t long before Kasiwe discovered his numerous girlfriends across the country, and then in the countries he went for business.

Kasiwe had complained to her mother in law over his abs£nce. Her response was that as long as Derek was providing for all their nee-ds then there was no reason to complain. Kaswie had to come to terms with her loneliness. It was then she decided to find a job to keep her busy. Derek’s reputation made it easy for her to get work. She worked in a few restaurants before being employed as Head Chef at The Ivory h0tel. It is there that Kasiwe met Naomi.

Kasiwe and Naomi had come into work ~carrying the same handbag. They hit it off instantly, sharing a common interest in fashion. Eventually their conversations bec@m£ more perso~ nal, with talks about marriage and their husbands being discussed. It was then that Kasiwe bec@m£ envious of Naomi’s marriage ~. Unlike her abs£ntee husband, Mwamba was all over Naomi. He found time to see her at lunch, s£nd treats and~ trinkets for no apparent reason, as well as plan out ~activities for them to do over weekends and holidays. Kasiwe decided to start ma-king up stories to make her life seem better. This in turn made Naomi think Mwamba was lacking as compared to Kasiwe’s hu~ sband.

“Stay the night.” Said Jefferies.

“No strings attached, remember?” Kasiwe pu-ll-ed her sweatshi-t over her head. “Besides Derek might be coming this weekend.”

Jefferies laughed loudly. “For no strings attached you seem to enjoy this little arrangement more than I do.”

“Well, I nee-d my physical nee-ds met somehow. Why not with a man scared of commitment.”

“I’m not afraid of commitment. I just enjoy having options. And my freedom.” He sat up in be-d. “So you really dont mind the fact that I’m itching to have a go at Naomi? Her being your friend and all?”

“I’m actually looking forward to it. Can I ask a favour?”


“Can you record it?”

Jefferies’ eyes popped out. “You truly are insane!”

“I’m serious.”

“You want ME to record a video of me ban-ging Naomi? Like for reals? And then get arrest for p©rno?”

“You dont have to show your face. I just want proof of her having S-x with another man, period!”


Kasiwe smiled sweetly. “I have to go.”

Jefferies remained thinking about Kasiwe’s request. Surprisingly the thought of him recording the encounter got him excited.



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