truth and lies episode 30


(Be my girlfriend, Alyssa)

Episode 30

Writer: Faith Lucky.

Alyssa’s pov continues:
My eyes dilated in shock as I looked at Mico who was staring at his mum.

“And who are you?” She asked inquisitively, referring to me.

“Mum it…it was a game” Mico chipped in.
“What game are you talking about? And why is your shi-t on the floor, Angelo? What the heck is going on here?” She asked, placing her hand at akimbo.

“It’s Karen’s fault, aunt” Angelo replied, taking the shi-t from the floor.

Then, I stood on my feet.

“G…good evening, ma” I greeted with my head bowed a little.
“Yes. Good evening. And who are you? nd why did I find my son k!ssing you?” She replied ane asked.

“She’s my friend mum” Mico replied and also stood up.

“Like I said, we were just pla-ying a game. If they were really something personal going on between us, you should know I wouldn’t do it in front of your daughters”.

She sighed with dissatisfaction.
She looked young and pretty and Mico really looked exactly like her.

“But Mico…”
“Mum” he cut her off and went to her, embr@cing her.

Then she smiled.

“Come on mum. I’ll walk you to your room” he told her as he took her handbag from her and held her by the w@!st.

She chuckled and pla-yed with his hair and stated walking to the room with him.
She really pampers him a lot.

Thank goodness I was saved. I was kind of scared Mrs Virigilio might end up throwing me out of the house.

I returned to my seat and just then, Mico’s dad walked in with a briefcase.
But he was on a call and he just waved at the kids and took the stairs.

“We’ll be right back, Alyssa” Karen said as she stood up with her sisters and took the stairs.

Then Michael and Angelo also smiled at me and took the stairs.
Okay; what are they up to?

Mico’s Pov:
Thank God I was able to convince mum and make her forget what she saw.
Angelo will not kill me.

But why did I have to k!ss her in the first place?

Well, I knew my brothers and I didn’t want her to take off her shi-t.
And I felt she was a little shy doing it. So, that was why I decided to help her out.
But it’s not like I regret it anyway.

I walked out of mum’s room and immediately I stepped out, I found my siblings standing there.

Okay they’re definitely up to something.

“Fine; what now?” I asked, expecting the worst.
“When are you ma-king her your girlfriend, Mico?” Karen asked, crossing her hands.

“Yes, Mico. It’s quite obvious you love her. So why the delay?” Olivia also asked.

“Come on, girls…”

“Let’s cut to the chase, kid brother” Octavia cut me off.
“You love her and we like her. She’d be a perfect match for you”

Immediately, Karen brou-ght out a ring box from her trou-ser pocket and my eyes deemed.

“Here, Mico. We saved up for this. You’re popping the question tonight” she said as she for-ced the box into my palm.
I chuckled.

“Hold on; is this a joke or something?” I asked.
“It’s not a joke, Mico. We’re damn serious.”

“Listen, if you don’t do it, we’re going to tell mum you’ve been disguising yourself as a commoner before your birthday” Olivia said and I scoffed.

“Are you seriously trying to threaten me to make someone my girlfriend?” I asked with disbelieve.

“Yes, Mico. If you want to call it that, no problem. But one thing is for sure, you’re ma-king Alyssa your girlfriend tonight” Karen replied and walked away while Octavia and Olivia followed afterwards.

I looked at Angelo and Michael and they both shrugged and also walked away.
This people has got to be kidding me.

Alyssa’s Pov:
It was alre-ady late and I think I nee-ded to go home.

After a while, the Salvato-res returned to the sitting room at the same time and I wondered why they had left in the first place.

Mico returned to his seat next to me and I kind of felt nervous, remembering what he did.

It still looked like film trick to me and I wish he could say something about it.

Suddenly, it started raining heavily and I got stuck. I looked at the time and it was alre-ady 8 pm.

Karen turned on the TV and pla-yed a comic movie – blackish.
Gosh! It was damn too funny and we couldn’t stop laughing.

We got carried away by the movie and the next time I checked the time, it was alre-ady after 9.
And it was still raining.

“It seems you’re stuck here Alyssa” Olivia turned to me and say.
But I nee-d to get home.

I kept waiting for the rain to subside even until it was 10 pm.

Oh, God!
How do I get home?

“It’s be-dtime, guys” we heard a voice and we turned to see Mrs Virigilio climbing down the stairs.

“Oh, mum; come on” Karen groused.

“Alyssa?” She called and my heart leapt.
“You’re still here?”

“It’s the rain mum” Octavia cut in.

Just then, their father also Walked in, holding a gl@$$ of wine.

“Is the visitor still here?” He asked, staring at me and I felt a little weird and stood up.

“y…yes sir” I replied, bowing my head a little.
“But, I’ll…I’ll be on my way now” I added.

“Oh, dear; it’s raining and it’s late. You might just run into danger” Mrs Virigilio said and I wondered if she had really called me ‘dear’.

“Yes, obviously. She might have to spend the night here” Michael said and I flin-ched.

“Yes, obviously. So who’s room is she staying?” Mrs Virigilio asked and a short silence ran across the room.

“Any idea?” She asked again and Karen cleared her throat.

“Uhm…she could sleep in OUR room” Octavia said emphatically, looking at Mico.
Okay, what the heck is going on?

“Yes. OUR with a missing Y” Angelo said, also looking at Mico and I almost laughed.
Are these guys crazy?

“What missing y?” Mr Virigilio asked.
He probably didn’t catch the joke.

“Oh, it’s nothing serious, uncle. It’s just the y that’s close to z” Angelo replied, stretching his b©dy and Karen laughed.
“Well, I’d suggest that y remains hidden.
Now go upstairs to your room immediately” Mrs Virigilio said as she took up the TV remote and turned off the movie.

Then she held Mico’s hand and started walking in front with him.
He placed his head on her shoulders like a baby and she pe-cked him as they climbe-d the stairs together.

“You know, girls, sometimes I think we were just adopted” Karen said to her sisters and I laughed.

“Well, to me, I’d say God was trying to create someone else when he mistakenly created dangers” Angelo said and busted into laughter with his brother as they climbe-d the stairs.
I stood like a statue in the girls room as they la-id on their different be-ds.

“Come on, Alyssa” Karen said.
“It isn’t like we don’t want to share our be-ds with you. It’s just that, there isn’t enough space to contain both of us”

“Yes Alyssa; same here” Octavia also said.
“I’m feeling kind of hot and sharing my be-d with someone might probably make me suffocate.”
But the AC was on.

“Same here” Olivia also said. “I love lying with my legs and arms spre-ad wi-de. I don’t like sharing my be-d with anyone”.

I opened my mouth a gaped as they all la-id on their be-ds comfortably.
Are these ladies kidding me?

“B…But, you told your mum…”
“Yes we know” Karen interpolated and sat up.

“Listen to me, Alyssa. I have a better idea. Why don’t you go to Mico’s room? He stays alone and his be-d is very big and wi-de. And alternatively, he also has a long couch in the room”.


Olivia and Octavia sat up immediately as well.

“that’s such a perfect idea, Alyssa. I’m sure you’d love it!” Octavia exclaimed happily.
Then she stood up from the be-d with Olivia.

“Come on darling. There’s no room for second thoughts. You and Mico are just friends, right? There’s no nee-d for negative thoughts” Olivia said as she started pushing me out of the room slowly.

“Yes, Alyssa, I’m telling you. You’d love it…”

I was just speechless as they continued pushing me and finally succeed in pushing me out of the room.

“Go look for the missing y” Octavia whispered and win-ked at me before closing the door.

Oh, God!
What have I gotten myself into?
What sort of ladies are these?

I exhaled and looked left and right.
The entire p@$$age was quiet and I sp©tted Mico’s room by the left.

I can’t stay out here. What do I do now?

I stood motionless for a while and after some time, I started sauntering to Mico’s room.

I walked slowly and nervously until I finally got to the door and that was when I bec@m£ stuck.

Hell; how do I knock?

I brou-ght my hand close to the door and tired knocking, but couldn’t.

Okay. I don’t think I can do this.
I’m not doing this.
But what do I do now?

I turned around and placed my hand on my head. I’m so doomed now.

I was about walking away when the door suddenly upended and I turned and saw Mico.
Oh, heavens.

He was putting on a jeans short and a white Tshi-t together with a gold chained n£¢klace.
But how did he know I’m here?

I gulped nervously and turned to face him.

“Alyssa. Is there a problem?” He asked, still holding the door.

“Uhm…not really. I just…” I paused and looked around.
“Your sisters wouldn’t let me share the room with them” I said and he arched his brows.

“Seriously?” He asked, sounding a little surprised.
“Yes. They all suggested I c@m£ to your room.”

He chuckled and bent his head.

“Okay. Do come in, plea-se” he said and made way for me to go in and I did.

God; this is so so weird, I swear.
And I think my hands are alre-ady hitting up.

I heard him close the door and I walked nervously to the long couch in the room and sat on it.

There was a big flat screen TV in the room and about three laptops were on the neatly arranged be-d.

The lights in the room were low and gleam and a sweet scent filled the place.

There was an AC in the room -of course- and the electric fan that was on wasn’t too high or low. Just moderate.
I think I’m feeling dizzy alre-ady.

Trust me; if I have such a room, I won’t even be going to school. I’ll just be slee-ping day and night.

“So my sisters asked you to come to my room?” Mico asked as he arranged some things on the table.

“Yes. They wanted me to look for the missing y”.I replied and he laughed.
“They’re crazy” he said with laughter.

Mico’s Pov:
Okay, Mico. It’s now or never.
I know my sisters definitely did what they did to create an opportunity for me and I can’t afford to lose it.

I looked at Alyssa and she was just staring around the room.
Gosh; she’s pretty. Why do I nee-d to do del@yin doing this?

I took in a de-ep breath and ru-bbe-d my palms together and walked over to her.

“Alyssa” I called and she looked at me with those grey like eyes of hers.
I could see a shy lady in her.

“Can you close your eyes for a second, plea-se?”

Alyssa’s Pov:
I flin-ched at Mico’s request.
Why does he want me to close my eyes?
What for?

“plea-se?” He said again and I itched my head and dallied for a short time.

“Ok…okay” I stuttered and shut my eyes.

I didn’t hear a word for about five seconds.

“Open them” he said and I opened them curiously and…what?

Oh, my God! It was a ring!

I saw Mico holding a ring, kneeling in front of me.

Wait; am dreaming or what?
What is happening?

“Alyssa” he called softly and held my hands.

“I…I know this looks funny” he paused and scoffed.
“But…the truth is; I love you, Alyssa. And…I’m not sure how you feel about me, but…I want you to know I really love you and…I’d want to make you my right hand woman.

“Be my girlfriend, Alyssa; plea-se” he concluded with a cute but nervous smile.

I opened my mouth in shock as myl-ips shook for words.

There’s no way this is a dream.
its really happening.

Mico Salvato-re was asking me to be his girlfriend.

Alyssa Ramos?

How did this happen?

This has always been my dream.
Yes, just a dream; a fantasy.
But I never imagined it’d happen.

My Mico?

“Alyssa?” He called and to-uched my palm and that was when I realised a tear was rolling down my cheeks.

How can I be the girlfriend of Mico Salvato-re?
Am I really worthy at all?

“What do you say, Alyssa?” He asked and I sniffed and looked and the ring.

“I love you too, Mico. I mean, I’ve…I’ve always loved you. But…”

“If you don’t accept this, my sisters are going to kill me by morning” he cut in and I laughed with tears still rolling down my cheeks.

“it might sound crazy to you, but…I’ve always dated you even before we met” I said ruefully.
“So, I think you’re proposing a little late”.

We both laughed lightly and he used his fin-gers to wipe the tears off my face.

Then he took out the ring and sli-pped it into my fin-ger.

Oh, God!

“Sorry it’s late” he said with a smile and k!$$£d me.

It was a snogging k!ss and this time around, I reciprocated.

Although, I’ve never k!$$£d before, I didn’t care if I had done it properly or not, just as long as I didn’t bit hisl-ips.

We unlocked from the k!ss and next, he embr@ced me.

“Thank you Alyssa” he said calmly and k!$$£d my forehead.
I smiled and looked into his face.

I can’t believe this has really happened.
I just bec@m£ the precious Mico Salvato-re’s girlfriend.

Whom would’ve thought of this day?

Next, he carried me up in his arms and took me to the be-d and for a stupid reason, my heart started thumping fast.

He turned off the lights, leaving just one blur purple light which was meant to be the slee-ping light.
Then he climbe-d the be-d and snuggled himself next to me.

“Are you feeling cold? I could turn off the AC” he said and I shook my head.

“It’s okay this way” I replied and he smiled and covered our bodies with the duvet.

He wra-pped his hand around me and held me ti-ght and I slowly placed my hand on his che-st.

“I love you” he said in a muffled breath.

“I love you too” I replied with a wi-de smile and he pe-cked me on the hair.

Alyssa’s Pov:
I woke up the next morning and found myself lying all alone on the be-d.
I stretched and yawned and just then, Mico walked in; ma-king a call.

“Yes. I’ve paid for everything alre-ady . so I wouldn’t want any obstruction.
“Okay. Bye” he said on the phone and ended the call.

“Hey” he called and pe-cked me on thethe cheek and I smiled.

“Good morning” I replied a little shyly.
He looked into my face for a short time.

“I’ll take it your night was lovely?” He asked and I smiled and nodded.

“Uhm…I nee-d to leave now” I said.
“I nee-d to get re-ady for school. Remember the contest is taking place this morning”.

He nodded and stood up and went to a drawer in the room.
Then he returned with a phone packet.

“Here; I got you a phone” he said as he handed the phone to me.

“I collected it and brou-ght it out and wow! It was 10× more beautiful than the first one.

“Everything necessary has alre-ady been done for you” he said and I turned on the phone and discovered that everything was really in it – a registered sim, the schools group chat…everything!

“Thanks” I told him with a smile as I admired the phone.

Then next, I stood up from the be-d and walked out of the room with him and as we did, he held by
he held me by the w@!st.

Gosh! I guess you’d have to get used to this, Alyssa.

I can’t believe I just had a boyfriend; my first lover.
What’s it going to be like?
We walked into the sitting room and met his mum and sisters there.
Oh-oh. His mum.
I always kind of feel nervous around her.
But she seems to be kind.

“Alyssa, you’re awake” Karen said immediately she saw me and stood up with her sisters.

“How was your night, Alyssa?” Olivia asked and brou-ght out her hand for a handshake and I kind of wondered why.

“It was fine. Good morning” I replied with a smile and noticed she to-uched my ring and smiled.

“Good morning, ma” I said to Mrs Virigilio, bowing my head a little.

“Good morning dear. how was your…hold on; I thought Alyssa sle-pt in the girls room? Why’s she with Mico?” She suddenly asked and my eyes deemed.

Karen itched her head and everyb©dy kept quiet.

“Has everyone suddenly lost their ton-gues?” She asked inquisitively.

“You should talk to your daughters mum. They chased her out of the room” Mico replied and started walking out of the room with me.

“What?” I heard Mrs Virigilio exclaim.

“Mom it’s not what you think. We just s-ent her to check if Mico was slee-ping…”. Octavia tried speaking.

“Keep quiet.
By the way, Alyssa. It was nice meeting you” she said and I suddenly felt ecstatic.

I turned and smiled at her.
“Thank you ma” I said with a slight bow.

“And I love your new ring, Alyssa” Karen also said and I chuckled and faced the door which Mico had alre-ady opened.

“What about the ring?” I heard Mrs Virigilio ask but I couldn’t hear any other thing as I finally walked out of the room with Mico.

“Your family’s so lovely” I told him as he held my hand and walked me to the garage.

“Yes. Well, maybe” he said and shrugged.

We got to the garage and I found two men standing beside two flashy cars – red and blue.

“Hurry up so you don’t get late for the contest, okay?” He told me and I nodded.

Then he held my cheeks and gave me a snogging k!ss on thel-ips.

Oh, my!

I can’t believe I’m really the one doing all these things with Mico.
Few weeks ago, would I have imagined it?

“Bye” I said with a smile and walked into the red car which had alre-ady been opened for me.

The driver closed the door and took off and the blue car drove behind us.
But why does it nee-d to follow us anyway?

I sat at the back seat and smiled, remembering all that had happened the previous night.
I wish I could make it repeat itself.

I looked at the ring and blu-shed.
Oh, my God!
I just bec@m£ Mico’s girlfriend!

Isn’t this a dream?
Seriously, I feel like screaming!

I to-uched my cheeks and giggled and the driver turned to look at me.
Goodness; I’m so happy.

This is a dream come true for me.
Mico’s mine.

I brou-ght out my new expensive cl@$$ic phone from my bag and turned it on.
Then I logged into the group chat and…what???

Our pictures were trending everywhere – Mico and I – and it was noted we were dating.

Holy Christ!

How did this spre-ad out so soon?

The cover photo of the group chat had even changed to our picture and it was the picture we had taken during the prom night.

Then one of the pictures I saw was from last night incidence when he had k!$$£d me during the truth or dare.

This is definitely the work of Mico’s sisters.

I kept strolling down and the students comments were amusing:
? Oh my God! They’re such a perfect match…

? Alyssa’s so lucky…

? Awwn. Mico proposed to Alyssa!

I kept re-ading them in disbelieve and couldn’t stop smiling.
Probably in the next few hours, the news is going to be all over the country.
Jesus Christ!

Ordinary Alyssa who’s mother sells Sli-ppers? And who’s mother for-ces to hawk rice cakes sometimes?
What am I going to do?

How’s it going to look like if the girlfriend of Mico Salvato-re is seen hawking in the street?
Or trekking to school?
Oh, God!

I was carried away by my phone and didn’t even care to check where the car was going.

Suddenly, the car stopped and I lifted my head and saw myself in an unfamiliar place.
Why did the driver stop?

I looked throu-gh the windpw and noticed a dazzling mansion was standing in front of us.
The house was very big and beautiful and looked like an hotel.

Then the driver hunned the car and the big gate was opened for us and we drove in.

Wait; exactly is going on?
Where are we? And why?

I pondered as the driver drove in the vast compound and parked in the garage which had about two cars in it.
Then he c@m£ out and opened the door for me and I stepped out as well.
I was about flooding him with questions, but immediately I took a proper look at the house in front of me, I bec@m£ speechless.

It was a two sto-rey building, painted in white and pink and decorations were too cute.
It could almost be compared to Mico’s house, although Mico’s house was still unbeatable.

But why did we come here?

“Wh…why did you bring me here?” I turned to the driver and ask and he looked at me and smiled.

“Sir Mico asked us to bring you here. This is your new house, ma’am Alyssa” he replied and I flin-ched.

My eyes deemed and my heart gave a mighty leap.
What was he talking about?