truth and lies 2 episode 7 & 8

(Sign it)

Episode 8

By: Faith Lucky.

Alyssa’s Pov:
I opened my eyes weakly and felt pains all over my b©dy.

I tried moving and noticed I was tied up and was la-id on the floor.

I gro-an ed in pains and felt a hand drag me up, ma-king me sit up.

I tried forcing my eyes open and immediately, I felt a strong slap on my cheek.

I g-asped and finally opened my eyes and that was when I realised Jeremy and his brother and some other guys were in front of me.
And Jeremy’s brother had been the one who hit me and was squ-atting in front of me.

“You bit-ch!” He rasped and hit me ha-rd again on the cheek and I felt blood coming out of my mouth.

Then he held my face rou-ghly.

“The nerve of you to think of escaping. What? Is it because you actually had an opportunity to stay in a room? Huh?
Do you think we entertain our hostages?

“The only reason you were kept in a room was because Jeremy wanted it that way.
Do you know what we really do to people like you? We don’t feed them. We tie them up!” He said and hit me ha-rd on the tummy.

I mo-aned in pains as I felt my whole system twisting.

He stood up and kicked me on the che-st and just then, Jeremy c@m£ up to him and held him.

“Hey, that’s enough. plea-se” he said lowly and held his hand.

I coughed and blood c@m£ along with it. I was alre-ady weeping.

How could something like this happen to me?

And…And Mrs Houston;
where’s she?

I can remember she was the one that had brou-ght me here.

Could it mean she was actually…
Oh, God!
But how’s it possible?

Jeremy was able to control his brother and he started smoking from his tobacco pipe.

I was so scared. What do they really want with me? How do I get out of here?

Just then, the door opened and Mrs Houston walked in with some docvments.

My eyes glistened at the sight of her as the whole thing seemed unbelievable to me.

Mrs Houston was really involved in this?

“Alyssa” she called as she stood in front of me and myl-ips shook.

“Mrs…Mrs Houston?” I called faintly.
My heart was tearing ap@rt.

She just smiled and didn’t say a word.

“You…you’re behind this?” I asked and she nodded with a sm-irk.


Then she paced front a little.

“You see, Alyssa; normally, I hold no grudges against you. But unfortunately, you have something I want so badly” she said and I bec@m£ more confused

“I…I…Mrs…I…I don’t know what you’re talking about” I stuttered and she scoffed and dropped to a crouch in front of me.

“I don’t really blame you, dear. There are so many things you’re unaware of.
I guess you have no idea your father left a hu-ge fortune for you before his death”.

I g-asped as my eyes dilated in shock.
What is she talking about?
What father?
And want fortune?

I can remember my father leaving my mum and I, telling us he had gotten a hu-ge opportunity somewhere and promised to be back. But that was the last time we ever saw him.

“Your father was once a close business @$$ociate of mine.” She said.

He had worked really ha-rd and owned the Open Heart enterprise”.


My father was the owner of the open heart enterprise?
The same place Mrs Houston was actually the CEO?

“He had willed the company to your name as his first and legitimate child. But, at that time, I had been trying to kill you and your mother. And finally, you ran away.

It was good for me back them because, when your father finally wanted to return home to you, he couldn’t because by then, you were nowhere to be found.

“But I didn’t really give him much opportunity to look for you because I killed him not long after and cunningly took over the company.

“Things were going on pretty well, but not until I saw you again in Mico High and I quic-kly tried to kill you.
Although, all my attempts failed back then, but I later figured it was probably for my own good because I realised you nee-ded to sign the docvments first to my own name.

“Not entirely my name, but Samantha’s.
I want you to will it to her.”

I couldn’t tell if I was still breathing or not because at that moment, I couldn’t feel myself anymore.

Scalding tears were pouring down my cheeks as I looked at Mrs Houston with my mouth agaped.

Is this a dream or something?

Could this be real?
December 9, 2019 by Dejay1
Mrs Houston has been the secret enemy all these years?
She was only a wolf in sheep clothing?

But…she had been so kind; so sincere.
How can this be possible?

And to think my father had actually left such a hu-ge fortune for us…and all those years, I felt he abandoned us.

I and my family lived in agony, not knowing he had prepared something big for us.

Mrs Houston was actually reaping something that was sewn for me.
How could this happen?

How can she be so heartless?

Oh, God!

I bent my head and wept bitterly.

The agony was unbearable.
I can’t believe my father is dead and I have always dreamt of being with him again.
Even if I had felt he abandoned us, I still loved him and had always wished to see him again.

But, he’s dead!
He’s gone!
Mrs Houston killed him. She took my father away from me.
And all for what?

One of the men in the room c@m£ up to me and untied my hands and Mrs Houston gave the docvments to me with a pen.

I looked at it and more tears kept pouring from my eyes like rainfall.

My heart was broken. And I don’t think it can ever be fixed.

“Sign them, Alyssa” she said to me and I sobbe-d more.

This is the reason my father lost his life.
He worked so ha-rd for it, yet, he lost his life.

I looked into the docvments with tears still running down.

So, she really wants everything to be hers?

There’s no way I’m signing this.

My father lost his life because of it and I’m not going to sit back and give it all away to a traitor.

It’s better I die than sign these docvments.

I looked up at her and she was staring back at me.

Then, I threw the docvments on the floor.

“I’m not signing them” I said and she flin-ched.

Let the worst happen.


Alyssa’s Pov:
She scoffed and stood up and one of the men in the room picked up the docvments.

“You really think it’s a game, don’t you?” She asked and looked at Jeremy’s brother.

“Don’t worry, Mrs Houston, we’ll take it from here” Jeremy’s brother said as he approached me with three of his men.

I looked at Jeremy and he just to-uched his head and walked out of the room.

“I’m giving you an opportunity to do this peacefully, Alyssa. Don’t throw it away” Mrs Houston said and I scoffed with tears.

“How could you be so evil?” I asked tearfully.

“You killed my father and made us believe he abandoned us.
How can you be so heartless?”

She didn’t say a word and immediately, Jeremy’s brother c@m£ up and kicked me ha-rd on the che-st.

I gro-an ed in pains and fell on the floor with my legs still tied.

Then the next thing I felt were beatings all over my b©dy and I didn’t know what was happening to me.
I p@$$ed out.

I felt someone pouring water on me and I je-rked and opened my eyes and found myself still tied in the room.

Jeremy’s brother and his men were still in front of me and he was squ-atting in front of me.

I can’t believe I had actually p@$$ed out.

Every p@rt of my b©dy ached so badly and I could feel bloodstains everywhere.
I felt like a corpse.

“Whoever said there was space for a nap” Jeremy’s brother asked and brou-ght out a pocket knife.

I whimpered and looked at him.
How can someone this cute be so dangerous?

He brou-ght the knife close to my eyes and my heart skipped.

“If you don’t sign the docvments,” he said.
” I’m going to pluck out one of your eyes; and the next…and then, your fin-gers one at a time, then your toes and finally ,your heart”.

He made the knife tou-chmy face and then he pressed it lightly on my skin and moved it downwards and it made a little cut on my face.

I whimpered as a tear c@m£ rolling down.

No; no matter what they do, I’m never going to sign those docvments.
I won’t.

He moved the knife back to my right eye and made it tou-chmy eye socket.

I shivered as I felt it’s sharp edge about to pierce into my flesh.

Just then, the door opened and Jeremy c@m£ in.

“Wait” he said from the door and everyb©dy turned and looked at him.
I also looked at him with tears and wondered what he had to say.

“You…you don’t have to do that” he said.
“I know a way we can still make her sign the docvments”.

I arched my brows and was puzzled.
What was he talking about?

His brother stood up and faced him.

“I’m all ears, Jeremy” he said and Jeremy sighed.

“Just give us a minute” he replied and I heard his brother scoff.

He turned and looked at me and back to Jeremy.

“You have just a minute to do whatever you want to do” he said and left the room with the others boys.
It was just Jeremy and I.

What could he possibly have in mind?

He drew closer to me and dropped to a crouch in front of me.

He tried tou-ching my face, but I retreated.

What does he want from me?

“Alyssa” he called in a pained voice and bent his head.

“I’m sorry this had to happen to you. Believe me, I never planned any of this”.

I looked at him and scoffed.

Is he really trying to apologise to me? At a time like this?

He rose his hand to my face and cleaned off a little bloodstain on myl-ips.

It hurt as he to-uched it.

“Just do what they want, Alyssa, plea-se. Else, my brother’s going to torture you a lot and you won’t be able to stand it.

“Just sign the docvments and I’ll look for a way to get you out of here”.

My eyes glistened with more tears as I looked at him.

“Take a look at me, Jeremy” I said weakly and tearfully.
” Am I not dead to you alre-ady?

“No matter what happens, I’m not signing the docvments”.

He exhaled and to-uched his forehead.

Just then, the door opened and his brother c@m£ in again with some boys.

“Time up, Jeremy” he said and Jeremy turned and looked at him and then back at me.

“If you don’t sign the docvments, Alyssa” he said icily.
“The first thing you’re going to see in the next three hours is an image of Mico’s corpse”.

My eyes gleamed and my heart gave a mighty leap.


Oh, God!

He stood up and stood in front of me.

I g-asped and looked at him.

“You…you won’t” I said fraily.

“I was able to abduct the repres-entative of Manilla right un-der their very noses.
How difficult do you think killing Mico’s going to be?

“We have spies everywhere, Alyssa, who are just waiting for our call.
Even his guards and the people around him doesn’t stand a chance because like I said, we have spies everywhere”.

I looked at him as he spoke so coldly.
He seemed so confident.

God, this cannot happen.
They can’t do this.

“You don’t have to involve anyone else. You have me alre-ady” I said ruefully.

“Then do what we want” he replied and I bent my head and sobbe-d.

“You have just ten seconds to make up your mind, Alyssa. And after that, if you don’t chose wisely, you can be sure you’re never going to see Mico again.
His corpse will be s-ent to you in exactly three hours.

“One, two…”

“Jeremy plea-se” I cried pathetically.

“Four, five…”

“You don’t have to do this. Keep him out of this!”

“Seven, eight…”

“plea-se, Jeremy, I’m begging you. Don’t make me do this. plea-se”

Hot tears were dropping like rainfall.


“No, no, wait!
I’ll do it!
I’ll do it, plea-se. Just don’t hurt him. plea-se, I’m begging you” I cried just as he was about turning around.

I couldn’t hold it anymore.
I couldn’t let them kill Mico.
I can’t let him die because of me.

Oh, God!

Jeremy sighed and one of the boys holding the docvments c@m£ to me and handed them to me with a pen.

I collected them with tears and couldn’t believe I was really going to do this after all.
Mrs Houston was going to take over everything.

Why did this have to happen to me?

I opened the docvment and finally signed it.
I wept as I did so.

They collected the docvments from me and I noticed a look of satiation on the face of Jeremy’s brother.

I placed my head on my knees as I heard them leave the room.

My life was a disaster.
Why was I created in the first place?
Why didn’t I just die from childbirth?

Why me?

Jeremy’s Pov:
Oh, God!
Thank goodness Alyssa agreed to sign the docvment.
Trust me, my brother would’ve carried out his threat of plucking out her eyes and I didn’t want that to happen.

I c@m£ out of my room and looked for him.

What’s he going to do with Alyssa now?

Is he really going to kill her?

I looked around and found him on a p@$$age with some other boys, ma-king a call.

I stood and waited for him to drop the phone.

“I’ve s-ent the docvments to Mrs Houston and I’m going to complete the transaction with her now” he told me when he ended the call he was ma-king.

Tonio was there as well.

“Uhm…bro, what about Alyssa? What do we do with her now?” I asked nervously, in-serting my hands in my trou-ser pocket.

“Well, she gets killed tonight” he replied and I heaved.

“B…but, she alre-ady did what we asked for, right? Why don’t we just let her go?” I asked and he chuckled.

“What re you talking about Jeremy? What do you mean let her go?
I told you right from day one it was code red”. He said.

“I know, but I was just thinking there should be no nee-d for that” I said.

“have you gone crazy, Jeremy? You really want us to let her go when she’s seen our faces alre-ady?”

“I…I can talk to her not to say a word. I’m sure she’d oblige.
plea-se, just give a thought to it”

He looked at me with disbelieve and probably couldn’t believe I was the one pleading for a victim this way.

It was really strange.

Immediately, he brou-ght out a gun.

“We kill and dump her tonight” he said and my eyes drooped.
“And you’re doing it” he added and pushed the gun into my hand.


Oh, God!

Tell me this is a dream.

“Now” he said impatiently and signalled me to move
But I delayed a little before moving slowly.
Why does this have to happen?
He ordered two boys to follow me and I saw him whisper something to Tonio who also followed afterwards.
I guess he must have told him to “do it if he doesn’t”.

I walked nervously.
I’ve never been this nervous about doing something in my life before.
Why does it have to be me?

How can I kill Alyssa?

Alyssa’s Pov:
I sat on the floor, still crying my eyes out.

What’s going to happen to me now?
What will they do to me?

I was still there when the door suddenly opened and Jeremy walked in with some boys.

Oh, my God!
He had a gun with him.

They drew closer to me and two boys held me up, ma-king me stand.

My breath was alre-ady heavy and unsteady.
Do they really want to kill me now?

I kept breathing heavily as I looked at Jeremy and he pointed the gun at me.

So this is really happening?
I get to die after all?

“Jeremy” I called tearfully but he couldn’t even look at me.
He just lowered his gaze while looking at me.

So, this is how I’m going to end up?
Dying in an unknown place with no one ever getting to know the cause.

I’m going to leave my family- my friends – Mico.
I’m going to leave everything and die so shamefully.

What did I do to deserve such a life?

Now I un-derstood the meaning Maja’s dream on the day I was about coming here to Davao.
I had disregarded it, but it was indeed a revelation.

Her dream was coming to p@$$.
I’m all going to miss them.

I looked at Jeremy and his index fin-ger was placed on the trigger.

Tears were still pouring from my eyes.
At least, this will be the last time I get to cry.
I think I’ve cried enough alre-ady.

I looked at Jeremy and the gun and finally, he pu-ll-ed the trigger.

To be continued.