To live forever Episode 34 to 36

💗 To Live Forever 💗
📘 Chapter 34📘
Written by: Tamara Blair
💖 Claribel’s P.O.V💖
“Shannon,what do you think i should get for Adrian’s birthday because am lost here”
Adrian’s 19th birthday is in a week’s time and i have no idea what to get him,he always gets me the best gift but i can’t seem to think of something to get him,he literally has everything.
“I know what you can give him that will b!ow his mind”
“You decorate your room with roses, then you ru-b ice cream all over your ba-re b*obs, then let him li-ck it off” She said and i bur-sted into laughter.
“Wait.. Shannon,were you serious about what you said?”
“Of course,i am..i did it on Isaac’s birthday and he went crazy,he wanted to eat me up”
“Did you two know”
“Yeah,that” i said and she laughed at the fact that i felt uncomfortable saying the word.
“Yes,we did..i mean what did you think it would lead to.
Have you and Adrian finally done it?”
“No,he doesn’t bring it up and am a little scared, I heard first time is so painful”
“It is but it’s worth it especially if you do it with someone you love”
“Well,i really love Adrian but I don’t think am re-ady for all that, i will figure out something to do”
“Oh my goodness, Edward is sooo handsome” i said the fifth time since I and Adrian started watching the movie.
I knew he found it annoying anytime I crush on a male celebrity,i heard him gr0@nsoftly.
“I know you are purposely ma-king me jealous”
“No,am not,am just admiring someone, being in a relationsh!pdoesn’t make someone blind”
“That’s true,you are right,babe, so that means it’s not a big deal if i admire Stephanie from English clas-s, She’s h0t and I think she likes me”
I stood up from his b©dy.
“What? You said it’s not a big deal”
“You know Edward in twilight and i can never cross path but you and Stephanie are in the same clas-s,am warning you,Adrian,if she comes close to you,i will rip her hair off” I said and he chuckled.
“Don’t worry am all yours,babe..move closer to me”
I smiled at me and c@m£ on t©p his b©dy again,his hands went around my w@!st.
“Adrian,can i ask a question?”
“Sure,go ahead”
“Why haven’t you tried
“To what?”
“It’s nothing,forget it”
“No,tell me”
“Okay,why haven’t you tried to have se-x with me?”
“I don’t know” He answered with a shrug.
“Maybe it’s because you don’t find me se-xually attrac-tive enough for you” I said and he started laughing.
“Why are you laughing?”
“Because you think i don’t find you attrac-tive se-xually,Claribel,you don’t know how many times i try to resist myself from you, Whenever you walk out from the bathroom with just a towel on and your hair is dripping we-t.
Or those times,you wear just shorts whenever am around,when you are in just your br@ and p@n-ties and your a*s jiggles when you try to put your jeans on,or that wonderful moment your towel fell down your b©dy,Claribel,you drive me insane.
But i know you are not re-ady, that’s why am not coming on to you”
“Wow,that was amazing,Adrian..I love you”
“I love you..and whenever you are re-ady,i will be here, waiting to take you on a trip to heaven” He said and we both chuckled.
Adrian’s birthday is today and I hope he likes what i planned for him.
“Are we there yet?” He asked with a blindfold on his eyes.
“Almost and would you quit your whining,you sound like a baby”
“Speaking of baby,did you crash my car?”
“No,just because i don’t drive, doesn’t mean i don’t how to” i said ma-king him chuckle.
“We are here,you can re-move the blindfold”
He re-moved the blindfold and looked around,we were at the garden but i decorated it with lights and pictures of when he was little and pictures of him with his dad.
I also put a small tabel for us to have a ro-mantic dinner.
“Do you like it? If you don’t i can just….
He k!$$£d me before i could finish talking,he pu-ll-ed away and hvgged me.
“I don’t like it,i love it..thank you”
“Adrian, Don’t thank me,i did it because i love you.. Happy birthday,hunnie”
“Now, let’s eat”
We sat down facing each other,we prepared to eat our food.
“Okay,i know you don’t and can’t take alcohol, that’s why i got wine,i did my research and it won’t affect you”
He stared at me for sometime.
“What did i ever do to deserve you? You are just so wonderful”He said and i smiled.
We spent most of the evening, eating and talking about different things,am glad i was able to make him happy.
“I miss him” He said as we both stared at the picture of his dad.
“I know you do..What was he like?”
“Funny,honest, ha-rd working,he always made i and my mom happy.
When he found out about my heart condition,he acted like he wasn’t affected,he put up a strong face so that i won’t feel scared but i knew he was afraid of losing me.
He and my mom were always doing like newlyweds,they both acted like two teenagers,whenever i would ask why he acted like he just met my mom for the first time,he would tell me that there are millions of women outside there but one woman can make you so internally happy,She will be the only thing that mattered to you and time will st©p when you meet her.
I thought it was all a fantasy story until i met you,Claribel”
He hvgged me ti-ghtly from my side,then k!$$£d my hair.
“When he died,i felt my world and the world of my mom crumbling,she took it so ha-rd ,i watched her cry herself to sleep,it was horrible”
I noticed he waa trying to keep himself from crying,i hvgged him,his head la-id on my shoulder.
“I love you” He said into my n£¢k.
“I love you”
📘 Chapter 35📘
💖 Claribel’s P.o.v💖
“I can’t believe i allowed you to take me ice skating” Adrian gro-an ed for the umpteenth time.
He kept whining about how he hated ice skating.
“It’s not that bad,we are going to have fun, let’s go skating”
“I don’t know why i always do what you say”
“Because you love me” i said and k!$$£d his cheeks,i dragged him to wear our ice skates.
Some girls of our age kept giggling when they saw Adrian, I gave them a ha-rd glare, they walked away.
“bit-ches” i said and Adrian chuckled,after putting on our skate shoes,we stood up and headed to the ice.
Adrian was finding it ha-rd to walk,i couldn’t help but laugh.
“We haven’t even started and you are alre-ady ma-king me laugh”
We got to the ice and in less than five minutes,Adrian fell down three times ma-king me laugh.
“You are enjoying this, aren’t you?”
“Yes,very much..okay,just hold my hands and you won’t fall”
We held hands and he was getting better at it,we ice skated for a while.
“Am so hungry” I said as we got off the ice.
“We’ll pas-s by Mac Donald’s on our way home”
“Okay,let me use the bathroom for a minute”
I walked away from him,on my way to the bathroom,i sp©tted some girls drooling over Adrian from a distance, Pathetic.
“Oh,am so sorry” i said as i bu-mped into someone on my way out of the bathroom.
“It’s okay”
The voice was British just like Adrian’s own,i looked up and it was a guy with blonde hair and hazel eyes,he had a tattoo on his n£¢k.
😍 Adrian’s P.o.v😍
Claribel was taking too long to come back from the bathroom,am alre-ady getting so uncomfortable with the way the girls were staring at me.
“Don’t you have something else to do other than staring at someone you don’t have a chance with” I snapped at them, they walked away.
What’s taking Claribel so long?
Just as i was about to go look for her,i saw her walk out with a guy,i think i know that guy.
They c@m£ closer and i saw him clearer,Oh my goodness, I know him, It’s Jace.
What’s he doing here and what is he doing with Claribel?
📘 Chapter 36📘
Written by: Tamara Blair
💖 Claribel’s P.o.v💖
“Well, Thanks for walking me out,my b©yfri£ndis waiting for me” I said as i and Jace, that’s his name, walked out.
“You have a b©yfri£nd?”
“That’s sad,i was alre-ady thinking of asking you out” Jace said and i giggled.
“He’s also British like you,so you can say British guys have a thing for me”
“You got that right”
We walked to the sp©t where i left Adrian but he wasn’t there,i looked around but I couldn’t find him.
“What’s wrong?”
“Am looking for my b©yfri£nd,i left him right here”
“Do you want me to help you check?”
I got interrupted by the vibr@tion of my phone,i checked and it was a text from Adrian.
*Am outside* The text message said.
“I just got a text from him, he’s outside so i have to go”
“Okay,you want me to walk you to the door?”
If Adrian sees me with a guy,he would probably punch him and i don’t want to risk his face.
“, thanks but mu b©yfri£ndis the jealous type and there is a big chance that he would want to punch you”
“I un-derstand, I would also be jealous if i had someone like you with me”
I walked over to Adrian’s car,he was leaning on it.
“Did you hate skating so much that you left me inside?”
“No,i just got uncomfortable with the stares i got from those girls”
“Fair enough”
We climbe-d into the car and zoomed off,the drive was awfully quiet, Adrian is supposed to be pla-ying loud music in attempt to annoy me.
“Adrian,we just pas-sed Mac Donald’s” I said as he drove past it.
“Oh.. sorry,i wasn’t focusing”
“You seem so distant with me,did i do something wrong?”
“No,no, it’s nothing”
“Oh..i forgot to tell you that i met a guy who is also British like you,he was really nice..his name is Jace.
He also wanted to ask me out”
He halted the car immediately ma-king our bodies move forward.
“What’s wrong? Why did you st©p the car?”
“He asked you out?”
“He wanted to but don’t worry i told him I have a b©yfri£nd”
“Did you tell him my name?’
“No,only that you are British like him, that’s all” i said and he heaved a sigh of relief.
“Is something wrong, Adrian?”
“No, let’s just go and eat”
😍 Adrian’s P.o.v😍
What the hell is Jace doing here? I thought he said he would never step foot into America so why is he here?
I can’t get my mind off it one bit,am here with Claribel but my mind but my mind is somewhere else.
“If you really didn’t want to eat with me,why did you bring me here?” Claribel’s voice jo-lted me back to reality.
“ sorry,babe,i just don’t feel okay”
She c@m£ closer to me and t©uçhed my forehead.
“Did you take your pills today?”
“Yeah,i think it’s just that ice”
Few days later.
“What do you mean by he is acting weird?” Shannon asked as we walked down the school hallway.
“Ever since we went to that ice skating place,he hasn’t been himself,he is always lost in thought”
Shannon wanted to say before Isaac arrived,he k!$$£d her on her cheeks.
“Isaac,can I ask you something?”
“Have you noticed anything weird about Adrian lately?”
“Yeah,have you?”
“Well,i noticed that he is always thinking about something,he ha-rd ly focuses”
The way Adrian is behaving is ma-king me so worried,i just hope it has nothing to do with his health.
“Here he comes” Shannon said as Adrian walked towards us.
He k!$$£d my cheeks, then myl-ips.
“We’ll leave you two alone” Isaac walked away with Shannon.
“Why are they acting weird?”
“No, you are acting weird, Adrian.. Tell me the truth, what’s going on? Is it about your health?”
“No, it’s not,am perfectly fine”
“Then what are you hiding from me?”
“Am not hiding anything”
“Are you sure?”
“…Yeah”He pu-ll-ed me closer to himself,i just hope everything is alright.
After our talk the other day at school, everything went back to normal,i am heading to Adrian’s house to spend the weekend.
I got to his house,i sp©tted him talking to a guy from a far,i couldn’t see the guy’s face because he had his back turned against me.
I walked closer, Adrian saw me and i saw the shock expression on his face.
“What are you…
I know that voice,the guy turned around and it was Jace,but what is he doing here talking to Adrian?
“Jace,you know Adrian?”
“Yeah, he’s my friend”
He sm-irked at Adrian, who just looked away.
“What are you doing here?” Adrian asked as he moved closer to me.
“Your mom called me and told me that she will be out of town for the weekend and suggested that i stay with you”
“Adrian,is she your girlfriend?”
“No, she’s just my friend” Adrian cut me off.
Why the hell did he just introduce me to Jace as his friend?