To k!ssa prince Episode 35 & 36

🌠To k!ss
A Prince 💏
(Just one freaking mistake changed her life, FOREVER)
Written by Author Jedi
Chapter 35
Karina’s POV
With a slow pace, I walked into the house set aside for me, it was a house different from the one I and George stayed.
“You’d be here till we finds the truth from George when he wakes up” one of the guard said and I breathed without saying any word, I just sat on the couch in there totally exhausted…
Just one just one k!sshad really changed my life in different angle..I wish I hadn’t take that dare, maybe all this wouldn’t have happened,
Well, I don’t regret k!ss!nghim, no other man had affected me like him, he had really made me experience what love really feels like..
How would he feels now, he took the bullet for me and it all turned into another thing, everyone in that restaurant couldn’t say what happened…
Why??..does it means that no one saw it??
I took out my bag and searched for my phone but it wasn’t there…
“Where is my phone?” I asked the guards standing outside..
“It was taken by the king, he doesn’t want you to make future plans to bring him down” the guard replied with a scoff and I couldn’t just hold the smile, I can’t st©p smiling at their foolishness…
Someone is really after the king and he thinks i am the one, or an agent…
I was sure of something, that person behind all this is really a powerful person, how could he set up all this just to get me out of the King’s life,
I had once thought it was Julia but I am mistaken, the person is really wealthy to make my own friend go against me..
I just nee-d to wait and watch how things go on…
As much as I badly wants to cry right now, I still wants to stay strong…the very fact that the king and queen couldn’t believe me was what kept piercing my heart, I can’t wait for my George but seriously, I feel bad about the whole issue, the person doing all this may attack George but I pray he never to that…
I walked to the bathroom to clean up feeling really bored, I badly nee-ds George, I don’t feel complete without him..
I pray all this ends soon
Sylvia’s POV
“Its time…the king would even be looking for you, so go and be with him…you know all to say so he would employ you, so go fas-ter we have no time!!..” That stupid Xavier commanded and I glared at him wishing so much that I can beat him, I wish I can smash his head..
You can’t tell how all this is ma-king me go gaga…
I was just been used to carry out evil, evil which I really detest…
I never thought of a day like this, a day when I’d work for someone to bring down the king…
My only hope now is Angel, I guess Xavier doesn’t know she is one of Karina’s best friend, she had been pres£nt throu-gh everything happening, she was there when I spoke against Karina..right now, she is even around the hospital where the prince was watching out any suspicious movement..
I took a cab and head to the palace fully aware that Xavier was watching me throu-gh the surveillance c@m£ras in the street..
Finally, I got to the palace…
“Woah!!!! she comes!!!” The queen screamed and hvgged me ti-ghtly..
“Good morning your Highness..” I greeted forcing out a smile
“You can’t tell how happy I am that you c@m£, I was even about s£nding some guard to look for you!” She cooed and pe-cked my forehead..
“Oh, here I am ma’am..” I mumbled with a bow..
“Let’s get in, the king is also wanting to meet you, really you are a saviour” she said in glee and i kept forcing smiles which doesn’t want to come.
Why would I smile when I’m here to ruin the king and nine of them is aware of that…
“Wow!! comes our hero..come and hvg me” the king said with a happy smile
I obliged and they ushered me to sit with them in the sitting room…
“We can’t thank you enough! saved my life and the life of my household, if not you, we wouldn’t have known that she is a green snake in a green gras-s..she must be disappointed in you because you said the truth, but don’t worry at all, I’ll take you as my own child..” The king said and I smiled sheepishly
“I’m really proud of you, I thought you would cover the truth like every other person..” The Queen said fondling my cheek ma-king me smile.
“Pls king, i have a plea, I want you to do a favour for me?” I breathed and he arched his brow..
“Say it out dear..” The queen coaxed
“Okay…plea-se can I be made a maid here, I have no family, they all dies in a plane crash, trying really ha-rd to fend for myself, just make me a maid here, I’d be very grateful…” I said and they both laughed
“Hey, guess you don’t really know how we now love and trust you for that single act of are coming over immediately” The king replied immediately..
I smiled and bowed
“Thank you so much..I’m very grateful!” I g@sped..
“You deserve it dear..” The queen said and held my palm pla-ying with it..
If only they knew what is looming…
“Hey, Sylvia you are there alre-ady right??” Xavier said into the phone as he called…
“Yes, plea-se do this fast, I nee-d to return back to my normal life” I gritted
“Calm down…not so fast..I want five death in the palace and it should be the king who killed them…” He said and I cringed
“Are you kidding me???”
“Oh babe, this is the business…the king would have a little banquet for his t©p officials, all you have to do is to poison the foods and one more thing is to make the king add the salt in the food…after the poison had killed those men, we would spre-ad the picture of the King adding salt as the time he added the poison…” He explained and my heart glitched..
“Oh..that is too bad!! would I even make the king add salt to the food??…”
“No silly question, do as I say or I wouldn’t hesitate to kill this old people here and also kill you too, don’t joke with me!!!” He growled and I flin-ched
“Okay…okay..” I stuttered in great fear…
“But…I heard that the Prince is recu-perating..” I said
“Really?? soon?…okay, I’ll s£nd message to Dr Ken so he would cause a hvge complication on him, he has to be totally in coma” he said and I nodded
Hi Seli +233556834109 to be added you to the platform
“Okay then…bye…”
He hung the call and I quic-kly dialed Angel’s number which I knew off head..
“Call the cops to the Prince ward now!!..” I said into the phone before hanging up..
Angel is my hope now, pray she succeeds..
🌠To k!ss
A Prince 💏
(Just one freaking mistake changed her life, FOREVER)
Written by Author Jedi
Chapter 36
Sylvia’s POV
A de-ep sigh escaped myl-ips as i dropped the phone on the be-d..
I can’t allow anything happen George, he is the only hope now and if he should be harmed, Karina would never come out of the mess she is in…
I had intentionally told Xavier about George recu-perating so i would know what his intention is for him…
You can’t tell how shocked I am when he said he would cause the complication with Dr ken, he wants him to be in coma till he had finally destroyed the king..
I can’t allow that to happen, Karina is out there feeling pains, I can’t forget how teary her eyes was, how pained her heart was when I spoke against her, she may had had some hope when she heard I am the eyes witness.
I nee-d to make her happy again, she nee-d joy in her life,
Sitting down on the be-d, I felt a rush of terror sweep throu-gh me…
What???..I arched my brow and buried my face into my palm, something had just crossed my mind now,
The bouquet that would go on tomorrow night…
The bouquet that is gonna take the life of five innocent officials who had their own family and people who loved and care for them..
So I would be taking life?..I Sylvia would kill someone??..really, was I trying to do that!!!
This really left shiver running throu-gh all my b©dy ma-king me feel chill, right in my imagination, I could see the men suffocating on the floor as they struggle for breath…
One of them had his eyes on me and I could feel my heart glitched…his eyes was exuding pain and rage like it was warning me on what would befall me…black blood was dropping out profusely…
Omg!!!!…tears couldn’t st©p dripping, my heart couldn’t st©p getting ti-ght£ñed, my conscience couldn’t st©p accusing me for committing murder, the guilt swept all over me ma-king my legs wo-bble..
“Sylvia!!!!!!” A voice screamed into my memory j£rking me off from my memories..
I cringed as I got back my s-en-ses with that imagination still repeating itself…
“You are lost!!!” The queen who just got in a exclaimed as she stared into my face…
“You are even crying!!” She g@sped and held my palm..
“What happen??” She asked and I sniffed before sitting on the be-d…
“plea-se ma..can the bouquet be canceled?” I ask and she shook her head….
“Why are you asking that??” she asked ma-king me took de-ep breath, one thing was really ringing in memory,
Tell the king and Queen the whole truth..
I don’t know if this was even possible, what if Xavier has an eye on me.
I feel like going mad now!!..I see my self as a witch…
“plea-se dear tell me everything, tell me your problem and I would do everything possible to solve it all for you” she purred hvgging me closely, that made me cry more..
I opened my mouth to spit out the truth but a lump quic-kly held my word, I just felt like some way some how Xavier is watching so I ended up not saying anything….
“I..just feel pity for the Prince, I also miss my dead parent” I breathed knowing fully well I was lying..
“I’m sorry the prince would be fine I’m sure of that..” She said and I smiled
“Okay ma’am” I grinned trying ha-rd to push back the thought of the bouquet from my memory…
Dr Ken’s POV
I rushed to the Prince ward with my regular smile which always did well in hiding my real identity, I was really surprised how fast the Prince was recu-perating…I got to his ward and saw his f!ngersmoving…
So soon!!!..
I stood there staring at the Prince as he struggle to wake, it was just like someone was urging him to wake, he must be really wanting to wake and turn everything around but I’m really sorry he isn’t waking anytime from now…
My boss Xavier doesn’t want that to happen so I nee-d to weaken his cells cause a tumor in his system leaving him in coma for months…
I looked around to be sure no one was watching before bringing out the ampoule and syringe…
I set it all and was really about to inject the content into his vein when something strange happened…
A bullet was sh0t straight into my leg giving me a very sharp pain that left my whole b©dy shivering…
The syringe fell off my grip and I bite my lower l!pto absorb the pain…
“So you are here to make him fall into coma, you have met your doom…” I heard the sound of someone from behind.
I turned and saw it was the cops…
“What have I done???” I growled breathing ha-rd ..
“Are you trying to frame innocence? were about harming the Prince!!..I swear you would regret your action!!” The head of the cops gruffed and ordered his men to bundle me up..
I can’t believe this is happening…like seriously, was I just caught???
Oh gosh!!!
George’s POV
It was just like a tiny voice in my memory but one thing was sure, I can recognize the voice, it was that of Karina…
Her voice was calling my name and I could feel strength seeping into me, one thing about the voice was that it was exuding pain and agony..
Slowly I was getting strength, I could feel the pain of the bullets but I can’t st©p smiling at the pain, the pain I got saving her, it was a painful plea-sure…
I am very happy she would see me as a hero…I saved her life from death, I took the bullet to save her life, I am sure she would now see how much I love her…
I smiled broadly before trying what I haven’t done for so long which Is to open my eyes…
To my surprise, my eyelids fluttered and finally opened, my vision was at first blurred but later got cleared and I could see my environment, I was in the hospital…
I looked around and there was no one around, I sat up and smiled again ..
Where is my Karina???
I nee-d to meet her and look into that eyes again…
To be continued
The Prince has woken up!!😍😍