To k!ssa prince Episode 29 & 30

🌠To k!ss
A Prince 💏
(Just one freaking mistake changed her life, FOREVER)
Written by Author Jedi
Chapter 29
George’s POV
Karina was alre-ady asleep when I s£nt the message and now I’m alre-ady set to leave for the h0tel, I pray she believes me..
She may be there now.
“Hello have you seen her?” I asked James which I just called..
“Omg!!..bro, she is here!!..she believed you??” He announced and I felt joy surge throu-gh me..
So she could be this stupid and I never knew…I think she is being obsessed and doesn’t want to miss any chance with me,
I quic-kly put a call to her…
“Hello George plea-se don’t tell me it was all prank, I can’t see you..” She sobbe-d and I laughed inwardly.
“You can’t believe my stupid wife is just being annoying, well I have put her to her place and I am coming right now!!” I said into the phone I could hear her squeak..
“George it seems really untrue that you are back but I just believed you because I love you..” She purred
“Yes, that’s the kind of woman I love, the one that would trust me…” I said and she chuckled
“I can’t wait any longer plea-se come..”she squealed and I hung the call
I laughed as I head out, I pray my lovely wife doesn’t wake up before I comes back..I can’t leave her all alone…
James really got it right when he said I should trick Julia this way, i had really thought she would call me a liar and wouldn’t come but I was mistaken she is more foolish than I had thought…
I got into my car and drove off to the h0tel..
” ohhhh, George you are so sweet!!! ” she m0@n ed as I pound her like a b**h..
She was j£rking and squir-ting calling me all sort of love name
My eyes was closed as I tries to c-um immediately seeing that her phone had alre-ady been taken…
She was too busy with my d***k to see when James c@m£ and took the phone, I had to have se-x with her so she would be lost, I was even feeling guilt remembering my wife at home..
I can’t wait to c-um and dump this slutty b**h..
A hvge smile escaped myl-ips as I sighted James bring back the phone throu-gh the window..
He win-ked at me and I got the message, the video had been deleted..
Finally, I c-ummed with a gr0@nwhile she m0@n ed loudly and held me ti-ght
We both l@yon the be-d exhausted…
“I thought you were joking when you said you were coming, I never knew you didn’t love her..” She smiled fondling my cheek..
“I didn’t love who?” I asked sitting up..
“Karina!” She replied and I laughed at her with sarcasm…
“I just tricked you b***h!!” I scorned and her eyes wi-de-ned
“What???” She raised her brow
“I am married to Karina and I love everything about her, she is so great, I just used you..” I sneered and she fumed and gr@bb£d her phone.
“You what??..used me??..I guess you don’t know what awaits you!!!” She growled ma-king me arch my brow
“What are you saying!!” I asked
“I c@m£ prepared, I knew you may dump me again so I have something to show you, I have a video that would destroy that stupid Karina!” She seethed and I squee-zed my face framing I knew nothing..
“I was about s£nding the video of Karina having se-x with Josh to the world, I paused doing it because you s£nt those message, well…I think I nee-d to s£nd it now since you were just lying!!!” She threatened and unlocked her phone while I smile at her stupidity
“What??????????” Her jaw dropped as he eyes popped out…
Julia’s POV
Tell me I’m daydreaming..tell me it isn’t real plea-se, I think I’m having an eye problem.. I can’t see the video..
I looked up to George and he was sm-irking..
“Where is the video, I can’t wait to see it trends…” He grinned and I felt my blood pressure rise, there was no doubt he knew what happened to it..
“Where is the vi..deo??” I kept asking myself as I searched throu-gh my phone..
“Its gone…I nee-d to leave then, my wife would be really in nee-d of me” he sm-irked and walked to the door..
“George I hate you!!!!!!!” I screamed but he didn’t even glance at me…
“I’ll come back at you, son of a b***h!!!!” I shouted in frustration..
“Oh let’s I forget…I have a video to show you” he grinned and brou-ght his phone to my view…
The se-x which just had was displa-ying with his face blurred…
“I guess you don’t even care if this trends everywhere…” He laughed and walked away leaving me drained…
I packed myself and left the h0tel, I can’t believe I’m dumped again…
I got out of the building and made to enter my car but four boys walked to me..
“How can I help you all??” I asked with a frown
“Our boss wants to meet you..” One of them said with those hoarse voice that sounds scary..
“I don’t know any boss, plea-se let me go!” I pleaded
“He nee-ds you right away and you are going with us now!! excuse or we would take your life..” He threatened and I felt drained
“Okay let’s go” I gave up and followed them,
I pray this isn’t the end of my life…
Xavier’s POV
I can’t st©p fuming as i pace up and down my large room, it angers so much to see that everything was going fine in the palace…
After all they did to me, I can’t forgive the king or his queen, I can’t even forgive every single person there in the place including his son…
You can’t tell how bittered I am right now, well…I have now come back to strike..
I am back to wipe them all, every single Royal blood there..I will destroy his kingsh!p…
Why on earth would he jail me for twenty years..yes I did wrong but why twenty years.. He shattered all my dreams and left my future bleak…
I c@m£ out worthless….
My name is Xavier I was once the chief guard of the palace before I did something awful, it was really bad but I never expected the king to be that inhuman as to s£nd me to jail for good twenty years, he didn’t even wanna know if I was alive…
Well…I can’t bear it, I’m back more stronger and powerful, he wouldn’t know what struck him…
It has been three years since I was re-leased after serving the whole years without mercy…
You can’t tell how angry I am now, the fact that he is still the king ruling Monaco is one of the thing that is really getting on my nerves..
I want him dead and forgotten, I want to shatter his royalty, I can’t wait to see him writhe in pain as I torture the daylight out of him before killing him…
I would even frustrate his life entirely before taking it, he would know that someone he hurt in the past is back to strike…
You may be surprise how I got the power to attack the king..okay, I’ll tell you..
After being re-leased out of the prison, I had no where to go to, all my family and friends had deserted me..
I had to move around in the street…
There in the street, I got to meet someone who connected me into exporting of ha-rd and confiscated drugs, I was expert in the job and before two years ran out, I was now a multi billionaire with many thvgs working for me..
The king must have forgotten my existence but I’m gonna remind him of all he did to me..
I’d start with his son the Prince and his wife, they would be the first to taste my wrath..
Just then, one of my men walked in with his head bowed..
“Sir she is here” he said and I nodded
“Bring her in…”
A young lady was bundled in with her mouth gagged..
“re-lease her mouth we got to talk…”
They obliged…
“So what is your name girl?” I asked forging out a smile
“Why I’m i here!!!..take me away from this place!!” She kept screaming and I got pissed off…
I took out a gun and sh0t very close to her leg ma-king her scream at the t©p of her voice..
“I’m not here to joke, listen….”
“OK sir!” She bowed frightfully
“We found out that you are really working on getting the Prince, I think you love him and wants to be his wife…” I paused and stared into her eyes
“What about we helping you get him while you help us get the king..” I said and I could see her cringe….
“We’d kill Karina ma-king you have the Prince for your self while you make the palace vulnerable for us to pene-trate…” I said and she shivered…
“Deal or no deal???” I sm-irked while she stare at me in horror
Julia’s POV
“Deal or no deal?” He repeated and I swallowed ha-rd , I was too afraid to even say no, at least I would get George which I couldn’t get by all means..I think this is an opportunity…
I looked up to him and he urged me to reply…
Karina would be killed, I would have the Prince, I will make the palace vulnerable for them to pene-trate….
Ohh…I took a de-ep breath before staring at him straighly…
“Deal” I muttered
Chapter 30
George’s POV
You can’t tell how glad I am now after being successful in deleting that video, it had been one of the thing troubling but right now I feel so free..
I walked into the house and Karina was awake sitting on the be-d with her arm folded…
“Where did you go?” Was the first question she threw at me..
“I went to clear it off…” I sighed and sat beside her
“Clear what??” She asked
“The video Julia had, that video of Josh trying to pu-ll off your cloth..” I shrugged and she smiled..
“Ohh, you deleted it???” She g@sped covering her mouth with her palm..
“Yeah, James helped me and we tricked her and took her phone wiping off every video there” I said and she looked into my eyes with her eyes we-t in joy..
“Do I nee-d to keep repeating that I love you???..I feels like writing it all over the wall and floor” she purred and held my palm softly..
“Karina is my life, she is my breath, anyone who hurts her hurts me…” He chuckled ma-king me blus-h..
“I had been waiting for you so we can ear, I can’t put a little portion into my mouth without you” she said ma-king me grin..
“Can I k!ssyou?” I said with a childish smile
“You can’t only k!ssme, s*ck my b00bs also” she said with a funny smile ma-king me laugh out ha-rd ly
“Let’s go and eat first…” I said and carried her into my arm in a bridal way leaving her laughing as she wra-pped her hand over my n£¢k
“You are just the best thing that had happened to me I swear!” I breathed as we head to the kitchen..
I dropped her as we got to the kitchen…
“You can leave while I make up something for us to eat..” She said and I giggled
“Go where??? other place has meaning without you there..” I shrugged and her cheeks flu-shed
“So even your comfy be-d???” She asked and I laughed shortly
“A bes without you to cudd-leis like slee-ping on a stone, plea-se let’s make the dish, just know that I’ll always be beside you like your shadow” I cooed ma-king her smile shyly..
I wra-pped my arm around her as we both sliced whatever she wants to shred…
After some time, we were done preparing the dish..
“Woah!! last” she breathed wiping the bead of sweat that formed on her forehead..
I made to dry mine but she quic-kly wiped line with her napkin..
It felt so sweet as she dried every p@rt of my face..
“So let’s go” I said with a smile carrying the tray
“You are now serving me??..give me that tray!!” She squeaked and I laughed leaving her talking to herself..
I dropped the tray on the dinning table and sat down while she sat beside me..
“Let me ask, why did you k!ssme?” I questioned and she arched her brow
“I was just walking on my own and you c@m£ out of no where and stole a k!ssfrom me..why?? badly wanted to marry me??” I smiled as I uncovered the food allowing the aroma to feel the whole room..
“That k!sswas a dare..I’ll keep on saying it, I don’t care if you ever believe or not..” She cackled
“So this is where the k!ssled you, marrying the even changed me..its still a mystery to me” I said and she rolled her eyes pla-yfully
“St©p talking let’s eat” she smiled and we started eating the jollof rice which couldn’t st©p being delicious..
“Wow, I can’t believe I’m this great in cooking..” I br@gged and she sneered at me
“Great cook©p stealing my glory Mr man..” She chuckled
“I was the one directing you..” I shrugged
“Direct who?? don’t even know how to slice the onion, I guess you were spoilt by your mother” she said with a sm-irk…
I laughed and packed the remaining rice in the plate…
She used my spoon and hit it off from my spoon..
“Don’t you know you should leave the last portion for me??” She said rolling her eyes..
“Why??? your stomach larger than mine?” I deadpanned
“Very soon we will know…” She said with a little laugh
“Ohh, like..when my baby starts growing in there” I grinned and she eyed me putting the last portion into her mouth…
“You haven’t even have se-x with me..” She laughed
“I’ll do that when you never expected, you would be in your dream when it would happen” he said with a funny smile..
“Wait, you want to have se-x with me when I am slee-ping…that’s r@p£!” She sneered
“No, I don’t want you to cry when I sl!pin” I purred and t©uçhed her cheek
“You are too precious to me..” I added and she held my palm and k!$$£d it…
“I never thought you would be this way, I thought my marriage was a curse, who would have known that the arrogant Prince is now the most ro-mantic man in this planet!” She said with a sweet smile ma-king me shy..
“I nee-d to take you out on a d@t£, we never had the chance to go in a d@t£ before marriage, plea-se let’s go out and enjoy ourselves” I said fondling her palm softly…
“You don’t nee-d to be begging me, just k!ssme and I’ll do all you wish” she chuckled and I didn’t hesitate to draw her up while she laughed…
I brou-ght her head closer and k!$$£d her de-eply with our eyes closed as we savour the moment..
King’s POV
I was sitting comfortably on my throne enjoying the cool air that was swirling in at that moment…
Just then, the head guard walked in…
“Sir, I have something to say…” He requested bowing his head..
“Go on!” I said waving my palm..
“I was going throu-gh the past prisoners and found out one man had been jailed for twenty years with ha-rd labour..” He said and my eyes wi-de-ned
“Oh no!!.. I had ordered his re-lease for a very long time, when he was just two years in there..” I exclaimed
“I was really surprised when i discovered that he stayed there all that years so I c@m£ to ask you of it, I know the king can’t do such…” He said bowing
“Ohh, god!!..why would he be left there??..” I breathed
“and..we can’t find his location, it seem he went to a very far country…” He added and I bite my lowerl-ip..
“Look for him, I nee-d to compensate him, he wronged me but the punishment is so much!” I sighed
“We would keep trying your Highness” he said and and bowed before leaving…..
Oh gosh!! could that happen, I didn’t even cared to know if my order was carried out..
Oh $h!t!!!
Just then, a message popped into my phone from anonymous…
📜Get re-ady to face my wrath, don’t regret your actions when the consequence befalls..I swear I’ll bring you down to nothing!!!
I re-ad and my whole b©dy trembled in horror…
Oh no!!!!
I am really terrified at the message that I didn’t know when the phone fell of my grip..
Who could this be??!!!!!
To be continued