To k!ssa prince Episode 19 & 20

🌠To k!ss
A Prince 💏
(Just one freaking mistake changed her life, FOREVER)
Written by Author Jedi
Chapter 19
👚 George 🤴
Karina last words got me trouble, I couldn’t really sleep throu-gh out the night. She can’t really be serious right, she can’t really want to file for a divorce. Like, why would she want to do that.
Wait! Why do I even care, if she wants to file for a divorce, this can only mean I will be free and nob©dy would point his/her f!ngersat me.
But do I really want her out of my life, I Know I didn’t really sign up for this or ever thought I would get married to Karina, but also I can’t lie to myself that I don’t have feelings for her or that I don’t find her attrac-tive. Argh.
I really have to st©p over thinking and sleep. I decided to check on Karina first before going to be-d, I walked into the room to find Karina slee-ping peacefully on the be-d. I can’t believe she would even go to be-d with everything that just happened, and why do I have a feeling she doesn’t know of the pictures in the internet. Ugh.
I quietly close the room door, then walked back to the couch and l@yon it. I guess I’ll be slee-ping on the couch tonight.
“Karina, are you in the bathroom.” I asked loudly. When I walked into the room the next morning, I couldn’t find Karina on the be-d or anywhere in the room.
“Karina.” I called again, but got no reply. I went on to open the bathroom door, but still no sign of Karina.
“Where could she have gone to.” I mutter. Wait a minute, I hope she’s not with that doofus. I matched out of the h0tel room, and head straight to that doofus room.
“What do you want….” I didn’t let the doofus finish his s£ntence before connecting my fist with his stupid charmingly handsome face that Karina seems to love.
“What the…” I still didn’t let him complete his s£ntence before landing another b!ow on his face.
“Where is Karina, where is she.” I yelled at him, throwing more punches at him.
“I don’t know okay, I don’t know man, I don’t know where she is.” He replies back, gro-an ing.
“If you don’t f!cking tell me where my wife is, I will make sure I disfigure your damn face. Where the heck is my wife doofus, do not make me repeat that question.” I shout at him getting really impatient.
“I said, I don’t know. I don’t know where your wife is. Isn’t she your wife, you should know where she is.” He yelled back. I could tell he was telling the truth, so I got up from his b©dy. If she’s not here then where could she be?
I walked out of the doofus room without saying sorry to him, why should I apologized to him. I’ve been wanting to hit his face since I did it the last time.
“Has my wife been here, I’ve been looking for her.” I said the minute I walked in on the king and queen discussing. PS, the guard who is been following me all around told me Karina is at the palace. But I want the king and queen thinking, I care a little bit to even worry about Karina. I actually don’t know why I want them to think I care but I just do want them to think so. I know, it’s weird.
“I can see my son hasn’t still changed one bit. Well, your wife just left, not to long.” King Anderson informs me, I was about walking out when the guard that’s always with Karina rushed in, breathing so heavily.
“What is the problem Rodger.” Queen Anna asked. His name is Rodger? Never knew that.
“Is the princess my queen, she’s been attacked by the people.” He says breathing so ha-rd . My eyes bulged out, oh my God, this is bad. I quic-kly ran out of the sitting room, out of the palace. I had to squee-ze myself in the middle of all the people attacking to get to Karina. I shouldn’t have followed the back gate to get into the palace.
I rushed over to Karina, and stood in front of her, taking all the hits for her. Geez, this is a bad idea, I should have left the guards, do their work cause this eggs are damn hurtful.
Karina looked up to stare at me and I grin then said, “So sorry I’m late pretty.” She smiled.
“St©p throwing the eggs, st©p! That’s prince George.” Someb©dy yells, and they all st©pped throwing the eggs.
“Wow, he is so caring. Even after his wife cheated on him, he is still taking care of her. That’s our prince.” A girl shouted. Ugh.
“My wife didn’t cheat on me, that guy was merely helping her out of the water and some stupid paparazzi must have taken a picture and forged it. The real pictures would be re-lease tommorow. So plea-se, people of monaco, do not throw things at her again.” I yelled out, they all bowed their heads in shame, on seeing they weren’t doing me a favour. They all started apologising, but I don’t have time to listen to all their apologise, I nee-d to get my wife inside to safety.
I carried Karina up in my arms, and got her into the palace. “Oh my goodness, she looks so terrible. Emerald prepare a bath for her, now. You nee-d to clean this disgusting smell of her.” Queen Anna, instructs immediately.
“Yes your highness.” Emerald reply. How is it possible the queen knows her name, this girl isn’t even her personal maid.
“plea-se George, follow her.” Queen Anna said, and I gladly follow emerald, Karina is becoming to much to carry. What is she eating.
I followed emerald to Karina room, I set her on the be-d, “What are you doing.” Karina asks weakly, hands holding go-wn ti-ghtly. Well, I was only helping her to re-move her go-wn, as a good husband.
“What do you think.” I asks her rolling my eyes.
“I think, I have enough stress to re-move my dress, so plea-se leave and thanks for saving me out there.” Wow, not even a k!ssfor a thank you. Geez, okay on a serious note what is going on with me.
After Karina finished bathing, emerald informed me. I walked back to Karina room, only to meet her slee-ping. I guess she is alre-ady really tired.
I crouched down next to the side of the be-d. I t©uçhed her sleepy face with my hands, staring at her de-eply. “What is this feelings developing inside of me.” I asked out loud.
“Why, have I refer to you as *my*
Wife, a lot today.” I asks, emphazing more on the *my*.
“Maybe it’s because you have feelings for me.” Karina says opening her eyes, oh my God, she’s been awake all this time. $h!t!.
Chapter 20
😉 Karina 😋
I wasn’t asleep when George walked into my room, I couldn’t faced him after all that has happened today, so I pretended to be asleep then he started talking, everything he said made my inner stomach tingled.
When he said *Why have I referred to you as my wife all day.* I blu-shed but the dark room helped me, so yeah, he couldn’t see it.
“Maybe it’s because you have feelings for me.” I said opening my eyes to stare at him. He opened his eyes wi-de in shock, staring at me.
“I.. I.. I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He stutters, not even looking at my face.
“Yeah, I believe you.” I said with an eye roll sitting up. “Well, that’s your business, I don’t care if you believe me, the main fact is I do not have feelings for you okay.” He denies flatly standing up.
“Oh really, then why don’t you say that to my face, huh?.” I asks sm-irking at him, getting up also to face him.
“Fine, if you want me to look you in the eyes, then I will do it.” He says turning to face me, “Great, now that you’re looking into my eyes, why don’t you go on and tell me that you don’t have feelings for me.” I said stubbornly staring into his eyes, his de-ep shades of black eyes, that I just realized I could get lost in. He has the de-epest shade of black, I have ever seen.
“Fine I will do that. Karina, I do not have any.” He st©pped right there, and I stood boldly waiting for him to continue with his words, he didn’t.
“So…. aren’t you going to complete your s£ntence.” I drawled with a bored look.
He took in a de-ep breath and glared at me, “I do not have any.” He st©pped.
“Why are you always st©pping at have, just complete the s£ntence by saying feelings. Here pronounce it, feel…ings.” I spelled out, smiling wi-dely at him. I knew it, the doofus have feelings for me, and he doesn’t want to admit.
“Ugh. I’m out of here.” George gro-an s, then walked out of the room, looking so embarras-sed. “Remember, it’s feel… ings.” I yelled after him laughing, ha. Prince George 0, Karina 2. Yup, that’s how much I just won against him. I’m a champion.
🙃 George 🙃
I walked out of Karina room angrily, I do not have feelings for her, why should I have feelings her. I don’t even find her attrac-tive or feel anything de-ep for her, cause I don’t.
Uhm, are you sure about that prince. Just yesterday, you were alre-ady thinking that you find her attrac-tive, and that you might have feelings for her. So what’s all this denial.
Shut up inner me, st©p siding her. You are my inner self, and you are supposed to be on my side. I growled at him.
Well, I’m your inner self stupid, and I nee-d self tells you the truth. He retorts.
Right now I don’t nee-d your truth. I retort.
Oh, you will soon nee-d it, cause very soon you will know I can only tell you the truth. He says in a bored tone.
On a serious note, this is absurd. You’ve got to st©p talking to yourself, and you do not talk to me again. I yelled at my subconsciousness then shut him off.
“Hey bro, I know it’s just been a week but seriously, it’s been long since we last saw you.” James says exchanging handshakes with me.
“I nee-d a drink.” I said, walking into his house. “Well, that’s rude.” He utters offended.
“I’m sorry if I sounded rude, but right now, I have a lot on my mind.” I apologise going over to his bar, I poured myself a bottle of red wine then sat down on the couch and drink.
James stares at me suspiciously then pours himself a drink, “what is going on. Is this in anyway about the picture on the internet.” He asked.
“No it’s not, I was on the beach that day when that happened, Karina didn’t k!ssthe guy, the picture is forged.” I clarified.
“I knew it, I just knew Karina wouldn’t do such a thing. Anyway, if this isn’t about the pictures then what is this about.” James asked looking really serious.
“Nothing, I just want to have a drink, and that’s all.” I said, there’s no way I’m telling him anything, I’m not doing that.
“So, you want me to believe, you left the palace and come to my house for just a drink.” He questioned, with the *what the heck do you take me for* look. Why he just be believe me when I’m lying.
” Fine, James. Do you think I’m capable of falling in love with Karina?.” I asks, taking a de-ep breath. James stares at me for some minutes, then starts to laugh, like, is he really laughing at me. Argh.
“Okay, let me get this straight. Prince George of Monaco is asking me if he is capable of having feelings for his own wife, his legally married wife. Wow. This is breaking news, this is what the paparazzi are supposed to be posting on the internet.” He says then started laughing again, his hands on the stomach. I glared at him angrily, gulping down the whole drink.
“Fine, I will answer your question, by asking you a question.” He says finally, after calming down.
“Well, that doesn’t exactly answer my question but anyway go ahead.” I said with an eye roll.
“Do you always feel jealous if you see her with another man.” He asked. Well I did feel jealous when I saw Karina with Josh, then my answer is…. “Yes, I do.”
“Do you have S-xual feelings towards her?.” He asked. Well, I do always want to k!ssher and gr-ab her from behind then f!ck her. I guess the answer is still….. “Yes, I kind of.”
“Do you miss her when she’s not around you?.” He asks. Well, when Karina stayed with Josh for a whole day, I really did miss her, I felt terrible. “Yes.”
“Hmm, now I would want you to close your eyes(I closed my eyes like instructed) think about love, think about what love means to you, then think about what you think love is.” He instructs and I did as he said.
“Now tell me what you see.” He whispered. Why is he whispering, this is not some creepy interview. ” I said angrily.
“Just answer the question George.” He drawls boredly.
“Fine, I see Karina.” Yup, that’s what I saw, Karina. Why do I have to see her, and not my beautiful ride.
“Well, you got your answer my prince. You are in love with Karina.” James says joyfully. He has to be kidding me.
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