To k!ssa prince Episode 17 & 18

🌠To k!ss
A Prince 💏
(Just one freaking mistake changed her life, FOREVER)
Written by Author Jedi
Chapter 17
😋Karina 😋
I angrily walked away from George. How dare he call me a slut, me, Karina Collins a slut. Is he alright. I am not a slut, I am a well respected girl in my town. Argh, I hate him.
“Hey, hey. Slow down there baby doll.” Josh says as I almost bu-mp into him.
“Oh my Gosh, I’m so sorry Josh. I wasn’t really looking at where I was going. I’m just so pissed off.” I said, hand on my forehead.
“It’s alright. Let me guess, your husband angered you.”Josh says with a knowing sigh. I shrugged my shoulders walking away, he followed.
“Yeah he did. He called me a slut.” I said in a bored tone, my fist ti-ght£ñed.
“Wow, that’s really harsh.” Josh says.
“Yup, that’s my husband. Says words, without thinking them throu-gh or what the person he is saying them to will feel. So inconsiderate.” I replied, anger surging throu-gh my vein.
“Do you know what, what do you think about hanging out in my room for a while. Like till you calm down.” Josh suggested.
“No, no Josh. I can’t stay in your room, with you. I might not be in good terms with my husband or that my husband is really inconsiderate, and loves to hate me. The fact is, I’m a married lady. I am married to prince George of Monaco, and that also makes me a princess. If I get seen with you all the time, people would start ma-king stories up and that would be bad for Monaco. So I’m sorry Josh, but I can’t come with you.” I c@m£ to a conclusion.
“Okay, I listened to your list of reasons and I do not find it reasonable enough for you to say no to me. Come on Karina, all I’m saying is for you to stay in my room for just a few minute. We are gonna be in the room, nob©dy will know you’re in there with me and I also promise I’m not going to do anything that would make me cross the friend limit. I just want to keep you company, and bring a smile on that pretty face of yours. Come on Karina, say yes to me. Pretty plea-se.” Josh pouts hisl-ips, ma-king him look really funny.
“Okay fine, I will come with you but seriously, you’ve got to st©p posting, You look really weird.” I said laughing.
“You see, I haven’t even started entertaining you and you’re alre-ady laughing.” He says with a grin. I rolled my eyes at him, “Whatever, can we just go to your room, before your ego grow more than a volcano.”
“Really, my ego could grow like the size of a volcano. Oh my, I never knew that. plea-se you gotta tell me, how do I make that happen.” He says leaning next to me, I shakes my head at him, smiling. “Let’s just go, Egocentric.”
“Wow, I love that name and I think it’s a perfect fit for a man with such ego. Egocentric.” He spells out.
“Seriously, gosh, I do not have your time right now, can we just go to your room.”
He takes a bow then says, “of course my lady, right this way plea-se.” I chuckled, he is such a charmer.
😕King George 😕
“So, what you’re saying Michael, is that we should distribute farming tools to the farmers.” I asks, my eyes solely on Michael, the chief accountant. I’m currently in a meeting hall attending to some matters that concerns my kingdom.
“Yes your majesty.” Micheal replies, I nod my head thinking, if what he suggested is a good idea, then all of a sudden, everyb©dy’s phone in the meeting hall started ma-king noise.
They all started taking out their phones from their pockets to see the message they just received.
“Your majesty, you nee-d to see this.” My personal advisor whispers in my ear. I narrowed my eyes at him, taking his phone from him. What I saw next on my advisor’s phone left me speechless. This cannot be happening.
😡 George 😡
I was pacing around the h0tel room in anger, wondering where Karina could be. Where could she and that doofus be hiding. Suddenly I had a notification on my phone, I unlocked my phone to check it out and I saw the worst news ever. This is bad, this is a really bad but what do I care, is between her and my family with the people of Monaco, I am not in anyway in the picture. Well, I’m just going to sit back and relax, then watch how she handles this situation.
I stare at my phone, feeling really happy. Oh I feel so good, why won’t I, princess Karina of Monaco, is caught with Josh an unknown stranger in the beach and let me just say, the picture doesn’t really say good things about her. Like, why would you let another guy k!ssyou, though I’m pretty sure he pe-cked her on the cheek cause that’s what Josh told me but my ph0togra-pher actually did a great job ma-king it look like they were k!ssing. Yup, this is all me. Now, let me see how you get out of this Karina. The royal family detest cheaters, and certainly they won’t let you remain married to their son. Julia 1, Karina 0.
“Wow, I can’t believe you k!$$£d a stranger, you’ve never met in your life before an to say you were in a country, you’ve never been before. Come on Karina, that was sick.” I said laughing out really ha-rd , Karina laughs also then sipped from the glas-s of wine she is holding.
” Well, I…. Better be going now, thanks Josh. Thanks for ma-king my day, I really appreciate.” Karina says getting up from the couch, and stands in front of me smiling.
“You’re welcome, Karina. Uhm, can I esc-rt you out.” I asked standing up abruptly, causing her to lose her footing. I quic-kly catch her before she falls, I stared de-ep into her eyes and she stares back at me, her heart beating ra-pidly against her che-st. Yup, I can hear it. I lowered my face down, getting re-ady to k!ssher but then prince George find it the right time to walk in. “What the heck, is going on here.” He growled. Oops.
Chapter 18
😞 Karina😞
I was in the arms of Josh, my heart beating wi-dely against my ribcage, he is going to freaking k!ssme. I can’t let him k!ssme, that would be totally wrong. I was about st©pping him when I heard George’s voice from behind me, “What the heck is going here.”
I quic-kly separate from Josh frightened, I didn’t get the chance to say anything cause George held me by my hand and dragged me out of Josh room then head straight to our h0tel room.
“I can not believe you were actually k!ss!ngthat guy.” George growls, pushing me into the room.
“I wasn’t k!ss!nghim and you know it.” I yelled, I wasn’t k!ss!ngJosh, he was almost k!ss!ngme and it’s totally different.
“Are you for real right now Karina, if I hadn’t barge in on you and that guy. The both of you would have definitely k!$$£d.” He yelled back.
“Do you know what George, I am stressed out. I don’t have the time of the day to argue with you. So I will just go into the room and have my rest.” I said sighing.
“Of course that’s what you’re going to do. And besides, why won’t you get tired when you spent your day f!cking that idiot.” My fist ti-ght£ñed angrily, as he said those words, I heaved a sigh, calming myself down then walked away.
“Oh so you’re not going to, try to deny it. I guess it’s true then, you really did spend your day f!cking him.” George snarled, his words really hurtful.
“St©p it George, st©p it!! Okay, I’m not f!cking anyb©dy, and I’m definitely not f!cking Josh. So st©p.” I yelled, turning around to face him.
“Oh yeah, so you want me to believe the both of you were just in there chatting, laughing huh?. What the heck do you take me for Karina?.” He yelled back, his face looking so monstrous, he looks really angry. For some reason, I know he isn’t mad at me because he thinks I had se-x with Josh but because I spent the whole day with Josh.
“Nothing, I do not take you for anything. I don’t see you as my husband, I don’t see you as anything George. You know what, I cursed the day I agreed to get married to you. Like, what the heck was I thinking. That we are going to fall in love and live happily ever after. Nah, I was just deceiving myself, cause the both of us. You and I George, are both totally two different people, we can never fall for each other. Do you know what I think, I think it’s high time we both st©p deceiving ourselves and file for a divorce, cause this marriage will never work. I’m off to be-d George.” With my heart poured out, I walked away leaving prince George standing in the sitting room with a shocked face. I’m done.
I woke up the next morning really early, had my bath, got dressed then ti-ptoed pas-sed a slee-ping George on the couch in the sitting room.
“Princess Karina, where are you going.” The b©dyguard who has been following me around asked as I stepped out of the h0tel room.
“The palace.” I replied him walking away, he follows.
“I’m sorry my princess but you can’t go to the palace, your honeymoon isn’t over yet.” The guard says walking behind me.
“I don’t think I ever asked for your opinion, is either you take me to the palace or I go there myself.” I said boredly, still walking.
Well, the guard ended up driving me to the palace and immediately request to see the king and queen.
“Karina, my dear Karina. Don’t tell me you c@m£ all the way from the h0tel, just to talk to us about the picture parading the internet. Well don’t worry about that, I and the king are well aware if the fact that picture is forged. So you have absolutely nothing to worry.” The queen says pe-cking me on both my cheeks, first of all. What pictures, is she talking about. Secondly, why do I have to worry.
“That is true my dear, we both know you would never do such a thing.” The king seconds.
“I don’t get you my queen, what pictures are you talking about.” I asked the queen with a confused look.
“What? Don’t tell me, you know nothing of the pictures on the internet.” The queen says, staring at me strangely.
“No, I don’t know of any pictures ma’am.” I replied her. The queen went on to take her phone from her purse, then she walked back to me and hands her phone over to me.
I took the phone from her, I g@sped in shock on seeing what is on the phone screen, a picture of me and Josh on the beach k!ssing. What the heck, I wasn’t even k!ss!nghim, Josh pe-cked me, who the heck did this. Arghhh.
“This is not true, he didn’t k!ssme.” I let out, staring at the king and queen in shock.
“Is okay my child, we know that. Anyway, since you said you didn’t know about the picture, so it can only mean you are here for a different reason and whatever that reason is, it has to be really important, cause you left your honeymoon for it. So, why are you here, my child.” The queen asks, staring at me intently.
I sighed then went on to explain everything that has been happening in the h0tel, every single detail.
“So, your majesties, I would love to file for a divorce. I can’t remain in this marriage.” I broke the news to them.
“Karina my dear, you can’t do that. You promised us remembered, you can’t break up with my son cause of his childish behavior and you should know that you’re also at fault here. Come, sit down beside me.” The queen says tapping the couch. I sighef then went on to sit next to her.
“I will leave the both of you to talk, cause I can see this is a ladies matter.” The king says then walked away.
“Karina, I know you don’t really have feelings for my son but as a married woman, and the princess of Monaco, you should learn how to also control your anger. You should also know that getting the prince jealous should be out of your list, anything could happen anyb©dy could see you. You are no longer that girl who lives in lake City.” She paused, staring at me affectionately.
“Karina, if you decide to divorce my son now, with this news parading the internet. You will only end up ma-king everyone believe that you’re the pr©st!tût£they think you are. And also if you divorce my son, you won’t be able to get that small life you once had at lake City. Karina, if you want to go ahead with the divorce, I won’t st©p you, I can only beg you not to.” She pats me on the back, smiled at me sadly then left the room.
As I walked out of the palace, I thought of what the queen says, argh my life is just so messed up.
I st©pped walking when I realized a lot of people where gathered in front of me, “You are a slut, and you don’t deserve to be married to our prince.” A voice yells from the crowd.
“You’re a prostitute.” Another voice yells. Then all of a sudden, they started throwing eggs at me. Oh geez, I shouldn’t have sneaked out of the palace without my guard, I just wanted to take a walk.
I tried dodging some of the eggs, but it was really Impossible, I tried heading back to the palace but it was also impossible, cause the idiots throwing eggs at me where alre-ady camped there.
I bent down there in the midst of angry citizens, not knowing what to do. I was still bending down, when a shadow fell upon me, I looked up to see who it was, “Sorry I’m late pretty.” My savior said. I smiled.
So guys, who do you think saved Karina?