Throne of Lucifer episode 23 & 24


(She’s the heiress she is a demon who will save her

Written by Toyin Jimoh

Don’t copy or repost ❎❎❎❎

Episode 23

Writer POV✍️✍️

“What did I do to deserve this insult Tina said.

“Are you asking me , you are nothing but a betrayal Theresa said”.

“Slivana and Chris comes there”.

“Oh I see, they are the one that are turning you against me Tina said”.

“Shut up j£rk I don’t think you get some manners, You think you can separate me and Theresa that can’t be possible slivana said”.

“It will be better you leave here before Theresa get more angry Tina said”.

“If anyone will leave it should be you Theresa said”.

“Theresa what’s going on with you Tina asked, don’t let them poison your mind against me Tina said”.

“What was that you did in the hall Theresa asked”.

“Oh that am really sorry Tina said”.

“I think you should be sorry for yourself because all your secret has been expo-sed to meTheresa said”.

“Which secret Tina asked?

” You think I don’t see you when you are signing to that man Theresa said”.

“Theresa I think you are stressing yourself let me help you explain things to her slivana said and face Tina”.

“You remember I told you I have your little secret slivana said”.

“I know you are after Xavier and you see that Theresa is very close to him that’s why you bec@m£ our friend in the first place slivana said”,

“is that a lie slivana asked”.

“That’s a cooked up story”,

“Theresa you know I don’t fancy guys mostly in this school Tina said”.

“That’s why both of us always have problem, you can’t do without lieing and you also br@gged what will you gain in that slivana said”.

” You are cooking up this lie Tina said”.

“You are cooking up this lie slivana mimicked”.

“Do I look like a cooker to you slivana asked”.

“Why prolonging this let go to the main point, because arguing with her is just like arguing with a mad fellow Chris said”.

“You bribe that man didn’t you Theresa asked”.

“Where are you getting all this ideas from, I didn’t know that man, how will I bribe him Tina defend herself”.

“Okay is this video also lieing Chris said bringing out his phone and show her the video”.

“Do you still have anything to say Theresa asked”.

“Theresa why are you behaving like a naive, you know they can edit this just to separate us Tina said”.

“You think am I fool like you, I also said the same thing when they show me the video but it bec@m£ clear to me when Chris take me to that man, and asked him to help us and pl@yalong with whatever that’s going happen in the hall”.

“He promised to give him the multi-ple of the money you gave him” Theresa said”.


“plea-se follow me just for some minute slivana said”.

“Theresa walked out of her”.

“Slivana went to meet Chris where he was standing”.

“She refused to listen slivana muttered”.

“If mountain did not come to me Mohammed, Mohammed will go to the montain Chris said”.

“So you mean we should go and show her the video slivana asked?

“Yes that’s the only way out”.

“What did you guys want from me Theresa asked?

“Nothing much Chris replied”.

“Theresa Tina is not a good girl slivana said”.

“She might not be a good friend but she’s more better than you Theresa said”.

“If you said so Chris said”.

“Tina is only trying to be close to you cause she want to get closer to Xavier slivana said’.

“You are a complete lier, but of us know Tina doesn’t fancy man not even in this school she has taste Theresa said”.

“That’s where you are getting it wrong I think you should calm down and believe what am saying slivana said”.

“Believed you, you said Theresa asked?

“Yes slivana answered ?

“Do you have any prove for everything you said Theresa asked?

“Yes the best thing am good at, solving problem with prove Chris said, and bring out his phone, he showed the video to Theresa”.

“I still don’t believe you, what do you count me for a naive, I know you guys can’t edit this Theresa said”.

“Theresa just try to think for ones slivana said”.

“Don’t bother yourself I have more prove. Both of you should come with me Chris said and they both follow him”.

“Chris brou-ght them to where the man was pas-sing throu-gh his magazine”.

“Oh you are the guy I met yesterday at the restaurant the man said”.

“Yes Sir, plea-se I nee-d your help, I will pay you handsomely Chris said”.

“What do you me to do for you the man said adjusting his Spectrum.

“Do you know this lady right here Chris asked no not at all the man said”.

Sir don’t tell me you are not re-ady to help me Chris said I promised to pay you multi-ple of the money she pays you Chris said”.

“Yes the lady that what to do exam for a guy named Xavier the man said”.

“How do you know that sir Theresa asked”.

“A lady named Tina c@m£ and told me about it she said she had you telling your friend you are going to sit for another person ,she told me this is not your first time of doing this that she will be happy if I expo-se you”,

“I refused to do that at first but she said she would pay me i do really nee-d money that’s the main reason I accept to do it”.

“That’s a total lie sir that girl name Tina is our friend and was the one that support her to sit for the person slivana said”.

“What can I do to help you guys now the man said”

Sir plea-se don’t let her know we c@m£ here to see you, let make the game real Chris said”.

“Okay is there is no problem I will do that without any offer the man said”.

Thanks sir they said and went out.

******End of flashback*******

“So everything you see that happened in the hall was just a game slivana said”.

“I made the best mistake of my life for listening to your advice to go and s£dûç£Xavier, I hate you”.

“What are you still doing here slivana said”.

“Tina leave there shamefully”.

Mrs marchall building

“Xavier you mean you are not a student Mrs marchall asked?

“Yes am not a student Xavier said”.

“Then what are you doing in school Admiral asked”.THRONE OF LUCIFER 👹👹

(She’s the heiress she is a demon who will save her

Written by Toyin Jimoh

Don’t copy or repost ❎❎❎❎

Episode 23

Writer POV✍️✍️

“What did I do to deserve this insult Tina said.

“Are you asking me , you are nothing but a betrayal Theresa said”.

“Slivana and Chris comes there”.

“Oh I see, they are the one that are turning you against me Tina said”.

“Shut up j£rk I don’t think you get some manners, You think you can separate me and Theresa that can’t be possible slivana said”.

“It will be better you leave here before Theresa get more angry Tina said”.

“If anyone will leave it should be you Theresa said”.

“Theresa what’s going on with you Tina asked, don’t let them poison your mind against me Tina said”.

“What was that you did in the hall Theresa asked”.

“Oh that am really sorry Tina said”.

“I think you should be sorry for yourself because all your secret has been expo-sed to meTheresa said”.

“Which secret Tina asked?

” You think I don’t see you when you are signing to that man Theresa said”.

“Theresa I think you are stressing yourself let me help you explain things to her slivana said and face Tina”.

“You remember I told you I have your little secret slivana said”.

“I know you are after Xavier and you see that Theresa is very close to him that’s why you bec@m£ our friend in the first place slivana said”,

“is that a lie slivana asked”.

“That’s a cooked up story”,

“Theresa you know I don’t fancy guys mostly in this school Tina said”.

“That’s why both of us always have problem, you can’t do without lieing and you also br@gged what will you gain in that slivana said”.

” You are cooking up this lie Tina said”.

“You are cooking up this lie slivana mimicked”.

“Do I look like a cooker to you slivana asked”.

“Why prolonging this let go to the main point, because arguing with her is just like arguing with a mad fellow Chris said”.

“You bribe that man didn’t you Theresa asked”.

“Where are you getting all this ideas from, I didn’t know that man, how will I bribe him Tina defend herself”.

“Okay is this video also lieing Chris said bringing out his phone and show her the video”.

“Do you still have anything to say Theresa asked”.

“Theresa why are you behaving like a naive, you know they can edit this just to separate us Tina said”.

“You think am I fool like you, I also said the same thing when they show me the video but it bec@m£ clear to me when Chris take me to that man, and asked him to help us and pl@yalong with whatever that’s going happen in the hall”.

“He promised to give him the multi-ple of the money you gave him” Theresa said”.


“plea-se follow me just for some minute slivana said”.

“Theresa walked out of her”.

“Slivana went to meet Chris where he was standing”.

“She refused to listen slivana muttered”.

“If mountain did not come to me Mohammed, Mohammed will go to the montain Chris said”.

“So you mean we should go and show her the video slivana asked?

“Yes that’s the only way out”.

“What did you guys want from me Theresa asked?

“Nothing much Chris replied”.

“Theresa Tina is not a good girl slivana said”.

“She might not be a good friend but she’s more better than you Theresa said”.

“If you said so Chris said”.

“Tina is only trying to be close to you cause she want to get closer to Xavier slivana said’.

“You are a complete lier, but of us know Tina doesn’t fancy man not even in this school she has taste Theresa said”.

“That’s where you are getting it wrong I think you should calm down and believe what am saying slivana said”.

“Believed you, you said Theresa asked?

“Yes slivana answered ?

“Do you have any prove for everything you said Theresa asked?

“Yes the best thing am good at, solving problem with prove Chris said, and bring out his phone, he showed the video to Theresa”.

“I still don’t believe you, what do you count me for a naive, I know you guys can’t edit this Theresa said”.

“Theresa just try to think for ones slivana said”.

“Don’t bother yourself I have more prove. Both of you should come with me Chris said and they both follow him”.

“Chris brou-ght them to where the man was pas-sing throu-gh his magazine”.

“Oh you are the guy I met yesterday at the restaurant the man said”.

“Yes Sir, plea-se I nee-d your help, I will pay you handsomely Chris said”.

“What do you me to do for you the man said adjusting his Spectrum.

“Do you know this lady right here Chris asked no not at all the man said”.

Sir don’t tell me you are not re-ady to help me Chris said I promised to pay you multi-ple of the money she pays you Chris said”.

“Yes the lady that what to do exam for a guy named Xavier the man said”.

“How do you know that sir Theresa asked”.

“A lady named Tina c@m£ and told me about it she said she had you telling your friend you are going to sit for another person ,she told me this is not your first time of doing this that she will be happy if I expo-se you”,

“I refused to do that at first but she said she would pay me i do really nee-d money that’s the main reason I accept to do it”.

“That’s a total lie sir that girl name Tina is our friend and was the one that support her to sit for the person slivana said”.

“What can I do to help you guys now the man said”

Sir plea-se don’t let her know we c@m£ here to see you, let make the game real Chris said”.

“Okay is there is no problem I will do that without any offer the man said”.

Thanks sir they said and went out.

******End of flashback*******

“So everything you see that happened in the hall was just a game slivana said”.

“I made the best mistake of my life for listening to your advice to go and s£dûç£Xavier, I hate you”.

“What are you still doing here slivana said”.

“Tina leave there shamefully”.

Mrs marchall building

“Xavier you mean you are not a student Mrs marchall asked?

“Yes am not a student Xavier said”.

“Then what are you doing in school Admiral asked”.