things you can’t see episode 47 & 48


Jordan wanted to go hold Anna and console her, but he held himself, he didn’t want Alex to use it against him that he has being sleeping with his wife so he stayed with his mum.

Alex is what she’s saying the truth? you did that to the woman you married? why?

Alex kept quiet, he was too ashamed to tell everyone seated here that he did what he did base on a bet…. his mother screamed at him and he startle and started to talk.

I messed up I know, I shouldn’t have listen to my friends when they said all woman are just after woman and se-x. it was the night of my bachelor’s eve, Ola with his craziness said hope I will continue hanging out with them even after my wedding, I told him I wasn’t sure because I will always he around my lovely wife… that was how the conversation started and we ended up betting.

Maybe Anna didn’t hear his explanation well, maybe her ears just deceived her and she didn’t hear what Alex was trying to explain to them all.

if I heard you correctly you and your friends made a bet to torture the woman you claim you love? like you are six or what?
(he said angrily)

why would you say something like that, that’s not what your brother is trying to tell us right?
(she asked looking at her son for answer)

mum I’m sorry, I truly love my wife and I swear it wasn’t my intention to hurt her, I only wanted to prove to my friends that Anna loves me not because of money or se-x

you married my daughter as a furniture and kept her in your house because you want to prove to your friends? oh poverty, poverty had made me lose myself, poverty had insulted me to the point that even my child didn’t think it’s wise to come to me for protection, …. Anna all this has being going on and you stayed quiet? why?

why ? you are asking her why? just like Anna said, we didn’t have money but you never denied me of my right, you treated me like a queen, everyone was envious of us, even though we were so broke our love was pure….. our daughter stayed because she didn’t want to disappoint us.

Her eyes were red like bloodshed, she was still trying to comprehend what Alex just said….

you treated me this way because I came from a poor family wasn’t it? would you and your friends go for a bet if you were marrying a rich man’s daughter? to you and your friends we we’re like gold diggers
(she laughed)
this is so funny isn’t it, I was busy praying and casting out demons, thinking evil for-ces were holding my marriage captive, I didn’t know my husband was sane, he was just toying with my feelings…. what of those time you slept with other woman was that part of the bet too? the times your side chicks had to stop me on the road to either insult me or tear my dresses… oh I guess Lucy never told you she has fought me twice, threatening me to leave you alone….. wait what about Tessy, I guess you know have heard how she came to the house here to beat me up, I’m sure the gate man told you…. did you actually set them up to it ? or they came on their own because you were actually having an affair with them…. Alex you bullied me mentally and emotional…. you should have just given me the divorce and let me to without knowing any of this…. how can I go on with my life knowing I was being played? how can I ever survive something as bad as this Alex? you are so mean Alex, you are so mean….

she got up and ran upstairs to lock herself in her room…. Jordan decided to use the opportunity to tell everyone that he loves Anna.

this is the height of it, I know I’m poor but I have self principle, if I knew that my daughter was pas-sing throu-ghall this I wouldn’t have let her stay, I don’t care what people would have said, I would have brou-ght my daughter back home because in my home love comes first…. what do you think my daughter is? a football that you pas-s on to one player to another? after marrying your brother and is treated this way, you want to marry her too? what a joke….. it’s a shame your mother didn’t give you children a good home training.

I beg your pardon Mr man, I won’t seat here and allow you to question my children upbringing…. you can take a horse to the river but can you for-ce it to drink water? I taught my children well, they decided to do what they feel is best to them.

if my daughter said she is no longer interested in the marriage, I’m begging you to give her the divorce she ask for…and as for you, you can not be in love with my daughter…. … if not because Alex doesn’t have sense, he wouldn’t have put his wife in a place where she becomes vulnerable for another man to admire.

Camila went upstairs and knocked on her sister’s door, Anna opened the door for her… she helped her sister to pack her things and took them to king’s car, she would be staying with them for the time being….. king approved of it, he wouldn’t allow his enemy’s daughter to stay in a marriage like this.

Camila brou-ght all her sister’s things downstairs while king packed them to his car…. Jordan didn’t want Anna to go but he had to let her go, it was the only way they could be together…. Alex begged, he pleaded from his wife to his in-laws but they all payed a deaf ear to his plead.

Anna’s parents refuse to follow king home, it was uncalled for, a man who has not married their daughter, for all they know they are just no two fornicators and they wouldn’t be a party to it.

King decided to book them for a six o’clock fight back to their place.

Mrs Patricia slapped her two children for brining disgrace to her

I trained you boys better than this, “I’m in love with Anna? have you lost your mind Jordan? how can you open your mouth and spit out ru-bbish? dot you know it’s a taboo?

taboo? says who? I don’t care how many times you slap me mom, I love that lady I’m going to marry her…. and for your information she feels the same for I feel for her too…. excuse me.

He said and walked away, went upstairs pack his things and left the house to an hotel.

Alex started to cry, he sat on the couch crying.

you had your chance with that lady and you blow it….. how did you let it get to this stage Alex? you know Jordan, once his mind is set towards something he never stops until he gets it…. you have caused me pain Alex, because this fight between two brother’s just begun.

she said, picked her hand bag and left Alex alone in his house.


Two days has pas-sed yet Jordan hasn’t heard from Anna, he tried to call her but her numbers were switched off, he knew only Rose could help him in time like this so he set out to go look for Rose.

He got to Rose’s office, the PA told him she was in a meeting with some clients, so he sat down and waited.

some minutes later the clients came out, the meeting was obviously over… the PA allowed him inside to see Mrs Rose.

hey, you….how are you? what brings you to my office? is my friend okay?
(she asked at once)

yeah, I was just pas-sing by, so I decided to drop by since I was here before with Anna

that’s very thoughtful of you, talking about Anna, it’s being a while i heard from her, I called her last night but her both lines were off…. is she okay?

that means she hasn’t told you she’s no longer with my brother

how do you mean?

she moved out of the house two days ago, ……

He suddenly remembered there was a day Anna told him roserose was the one who got Camila they job she’s doing and Camila and her boss were the ones who took Anna out of the house….so they would know were Anna is.

Anna left alex? is Alex back from the state?

yes, he came back some days back, Anna served him a divorce papers, but Alex wouldn’t sign it, obviously my brother has always loved his wife according go him, but was only pretending because of the bet he had with his friends.

really? Alex did all that? I’m sorry to say but are you sure you both are from the same mother? who does that? who puts the wan he loves in an emotional bullying like that? you guys should take your brother to the hospital and have his head checked

I came to plead with you to help me locate Anna, it’s being two days and I’m missing her so badly.

you were at home when she moved out, you didn’t follow her to know where she was going, then you come to my office to ask me of her location? who do you think I am? a detective?

it’s not like that, I would have followed her, but my mum was around, she was scolding us for not taking after our father, beside I never knew Anna was going to turn off her phone….. I remember her telling me before, that you know where Camila works, it was Camila and me King that took her away.

Rose didn’t un-derstand anything Jordan was saying, the only point she got was that her friend was out of that nonsense she calls marriage.

After so many pleading rose decided to take Jordan there and use the opportunity to see her friend.

They arrived at king’s house, the gate man told them to wait so he can go and inform Camila that people were there to see her….. immediately Camila heard “Rose” he asked the gate man to let her in.

Rose drove into the compound and parked her car, she came down and locked her door, Jordan followed from behind….. she went to the door and knocked

Camila came out to open the door, she was shocked when she saw who Rose came with.

She opened the door wider and walked back inside….. immediately Anna saw Jordan she jumped up from the couch shocked.

what are you doing here?

I came to see you, I have been calling but your phones are off.

I just wanted to clear my head for a few days.

(She hu-gged her friend)
I heard everything, I’m so sorry darling

(She hu-gged back)
I’m sorry I didn’t call you

don’t be silly, who would think of call at that moment…. how are you holdit up darling?

(She pulled from the hu-g)
I’m fine… how’s Bella?

she’s fine, she’s still in school

oh okay…. please seat down

What can I offer you people?

I’m okay, thanks

I will take a glas-s of water, please.

Camila went into the kitchen to bring water for rose, she gave her the water and excused them…. she went into her room to call king.

I was about to call you my love

we have the same spirit then, how are you my love?

I’m fine, just that I’m hungry

oh no, I wanted to pack lunch for you but you told me not to worry, now see you are hungry.

yeah, I thought I won’t he hungry, but I already sent my staff to get me something light, I will eat once I get home.

alright, I called to inform you that Rose and Jordan are here.

which of the Rose? the agent?

yes, rose the agent….. she came with my sister’s husband’s younger brother.

they are in our house right now? but what did that guy come to do? I thought….

I don’t know why his there, because I excused them and came upstairs…. but you know his in love with my sister right?

babe can I be honest with you?

of course baby, you can talk to me

Do you think your parents will approve of the love between Jordan and your sister? Alex might not have been entirely good to your sister but marrying his brother isn’t it way too much?

(She signed)
babe, you know me, and you know I too will never be a pertaker to evil, if I hadn’t seen it I wouldn’t have approved it…. you see Alex, my sister, juan and Jordan, they share the same destiny, their love lives are entangled…..I don’t know if you get what I’m trying to say, Jordan has always being the right one for Anna, while Juan has always being the one destined for alex…… but they were all too fas-ter than their shadow and missed their opportunity…. Juan was never good beside Jordan because she wasn’t meant for him, even if they had ended up as husband and wife, they wouldn’t have had any children….. because it wasn’t their destiny to be together…. as ridiculous as if may sound…… Anna and her husband Alex would faced worse than this if they continue to be in the marriage…….

Why didn’t you tell them then? I mean when Alex came to marry your sister, why didn’t you stop the marriage?

how could I have? I told you yearly a get blessed with a new gift, a new ability, when my sister was marrying Alex, I didn’t have the gift to see into the future, so I didn’t know….. i remembered the first day I set my foot into my sister’s house, I saw demons alot of them in that house….i wanted to talk about it but kept it to myself… I mean her husband already sees me as witch…. telling him something as outrageous as this would only make him comfrim his doubt about me.

King nodded his head, so every man is made for his own woman…. could that be the reason why Ella never gave him peace? because they weren’t meant to be?

He was proud of his woman though, it take a God to see the future, but she is blessed by that same God to see into the future……

“if this is not blessing I don’t know what else to call it”

he thought inwardly
