The way to a man’s heart final Episode

The Way To A Man’s Heart💌💌
💌💌By Hossana Isaac O.
(Hossy Short Story Series)
Chapter 10💌💌
After that day, I fell ill. I managed to go to work for one week but after that I couldn’t help myself anymore. I had to call on my Doctor who said my blood pressure had sh0t up. I got admitted to the hospital and spent another one week there.
I attended thera-py afterwards and the thera-pist kept telling me to believe she’ll come back.
After I got better, I phoned her dad and was hoping she’d be there. But to my dismay, he began to ask if Louisa was doing fine with me and if I liked her cooking. I then knew she wasn’t with him because he was this honest old man and he wouldn’t lie.
I just pla-yed along with him and told him she was fine because he had a heart problem.
I checked at her school but couldn’t find her. The Head of her dep@rtment didn’t even pay attention to me. Turned out he was Alyson’s new be-dmate.
I had lost all hope of seeing Louisa and I was so scared. I didn’t know how I would account for her. I was scared she’d get hurt
I just wanted to l@ymy eyes on her again
I didn’t even get the opportunity to apologize to her. I tried to text her but that line was no longer existing. She changed her phone number.
One day, after a busy day at the company, I returned home with a severe headache. I went straight to the kitchen and gulped down a bottle of cold water to help relieve the ache.
I returned to the living room and sank into my couch.
Pure hunger was written on my face. Ever since Louisa left I’ve been skipping meals despite the hunger. I just preferred to sleep over it. Whenever I could, I went to a restaurant. I mostly take crackers and coffee for breakfast and it began to affect me because it wasn’t a balanced type of diet.
All I wanted was Louisa. I nee-ded her as a matter of fact. I loved her and hoped she’d come back even if it was for a second.
That fateful day, I had sle-pt off in my living room. I re-moved my suit and la-id down on the couch. I was still slee-ping soundly when the sound of the doorbell jingled throu-gh my br@in. I got up immediately. I ru-bbe-d my eyes and walked to the door then opened it without looking throu-gh the pinhole.
My eyes wi-de-ned immediately I set them on Louisa. At first I couldn’t believe it, I thought it was my imagination.
She was crying
“Jes… Jesse” she called out
Oh my God it’s truly her. That’s my Louisa. Hallelujah!
I began to walk towards her till I filled up the space between us
“I… I’m sorry… I..” she st©pped talking as I got way to close.
I gently placed my hands on her arms and she stiffened. I looked at her face, the face I had been dying to see for over a month. I missed Louisa so much.
She sniffed and I bent my head and gently placed myl-ips on hers. I closed my eyes and k!$$£d her like they held the cure to the headache I had. I was gentle on herl-ips and I took my time to let her know I’m not letting her go again.
When I finally dis£ngaged, I looked her in the eye
“why did you leave me?” I asked. Tears dropped down her eyes. She opened her mouth to speak but the words didn’t come out, only tears flowed out.
I placed my hands on her n£¢k gently and began to k!ssher again. Her mouth was still open and I let my ton-gue ru-b on hers.
She didn’t k!ssme back and I didn’t care. I wanted to k!ssher and it wasn’t my concern if she responded or not. The most important thing was that I could hold her again.
I st©pped the k!ssand looked at her face. She looked at the floor and I hvgged her to myself
“why did you leave me Louisa?” I asked
I felt her arms surrounding my w@!st then she began to cry
“I’m sorry… I’m so sorry Jesse. I was stupid. plea-se forgive me” she cried out.
I dis£ngaged from her, took her hand and led her inside. I sat her down on the couch and clutched her hands in mine.
“Jesse plea-se I’m really sorry for leaving like that. I was ashamed of myself for what I did that night. I’m sorry for getting drun!kat the p@rty. I’m sorry for forcing myself on you. I’m sorry for running away after I caused everything. I just couldn’t face the shame Jesse. I’m so sorry. plea-se forgive me” she said with tears flowing down. Does this girl have a waterfall behind her eyes?
I re-leased her hands and placed them on her face, I wiped her tears off
“it’s not your fault princess. It was mine. I couldn’t control myself. I wasn’t supposed to do that to you while you were in that state. I took advantage of you Louisa and I regret it. I’m sorry. I’m really sorry” I apologized and ru-bbe-d my thumb on her smooth we-t cheek
She gulped down and sniffed
“does that mean you’re not angry with me?” she asked
“well, I was angry with you. Trust me, I was. I wasn’t happy with the idea that you left me and didn’t even let me see you. But I still blamed myself. And right now, I’m not angry anymore. I miss you” I said and she smiled
“thank you Jesse” she appreciated and I nodded. I let go of her face and held her right hand then squee-zed it
“but…. There’s.. Something I have to tell… You” she said
“what’s that?” I asked. She shifted back. Oh no! She doesn’t want to come back and live with me. Or she wants to warn me not to k!ssher again. Or she wants to tell me she’s d@t!nga stupid college boy. No way! I’d skin that boy and make it into a shoe that I’d use whenever I’m walking in mud.
“I…. Jesse I’m… I….”
“tell me” I said and held both her hands again
“I’m pregnant Jesse” she said and another batch of tears fell down
“I’m sorry. This is all my fault. I only drank much that night because I was panicking. Alyson had made jest of me and I saw other people doing same. I couldn’t help drinking to cool me down, only for me to get drun!k. Jesse plea-se don’t hate me. plea-se” she said and knelt down begging
I know Louisa and I had unprotected S-x but how can I forget to use the withdrawal method.
Louisa is pregnant. Oh my God what have I done!
Louisa is pregnant…. Wait… She’s pregnant… for me. She’s carrying my baby. She’s going to be the mother of my baby. The woman I love is going to make me a father.
This is a way to victory
I knelt down but I couldn’t say anything anymore. I didn’t know if I should beg him to bring me back to his house, or if I should beg him to take responsibility of the baby. Or if I should beg him to let me get rid of it.
“Louisa” he finally called out after a minute of silence
“stand up” he said and gently pu-ll-ed me up
“Louisa, don’t hurt my baby. plea-se I want you to keep it” he said to me
“what about my studies?” I asked
“I’ll take care of that” he said
“don’t stress yourself okay? plea-se you have to be strong for my baby… Our baby” he said and placed my face in his palms. I smiled and nodded. He smiled back and hvgged me.
So I’m going to be a baby mama to Jesse. Things have taken a whole different turn. I wasn’t expecting this when I c@m£ to work here that day.
I’m so happy right now. I can’t wait to tell Courtney that Jesse accepted the pregnancy.
But something baffles me…. Why did Jesse baptize myl-ips with k!sses earlier?
I dis£ngaged from her and smoothed her hair
“uh Louisa… Are you… going back?” I asked. I wanted to know if she was still going to stay with me
“I don’t know… Whatever you want. Do you want me to go back?”
“no. Stay. Stay with me. Let’s take care of our baby together” I said and ru-bbe-d her tummy. She chuckled quietly and nodded
“but where were you staying?”
“at my friend’s place. Her name’s Courtney”
“is she decent?” I asked because university girls can be a little cranky sometimes or most times as a matter of fact
“haha, yes she is. She doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, doesn’t club, and she’s straight. She’s not lesbian”
“thank God you added that last p@rt because I was gonna ask about her S-xuality” I said and she laughed
“plea-se do me a favour” I said to her
“what is it?” she asked
“well, ever since you left I’ve been…. Hungry. Really hungry. I nee-d food Louisa. I want to eat your food again” I said and tickled the back of her ear
She laughed and re-moved my hands
Shared on whatsapp by Martino.
“okay I’ll get dinner re-ady.” she said
I sighed and sat down. I still had that headache
“and while you’re at it, could you plea-se get me some ice for my head? It’s so h0t and achy” I said and closed my eyes
“sure” she said
“be careful. Don’t do anything in a hurry. My baby shouldn’t be stressed”
“as you wish!” she said in a yell. Seems she’s alre-ady past the dinning table.
I la-id down and smiled. My Louisa is back. All that’s left is for me to tell her I have feelings for her. And if possible, make her my girlfriend. Anything can happen from there.
Few minutes later she c@m£ back and she sat beside me. I opened my eyes and she was carrying a bowl of ice with a clean towel.
“I’ll mas-sage your head for you” she stated and poured some of the ice into the bowl. She wra-pped it up and placed it on my head
“ahh, that feels good” I gro-an ed and she chuckled. She let it stay there for a few seconds before lifting it and ru-bbing her index f!nger and middle f!nger together on my forehead and temple.
“Louisa… Do you why I k!$$£d you earlier and why I actually care about you a lot?” I asked
“I don’t know, I was actually wondering” she replied
“Louisa… I’ve had feelings for you for three months now. I love you Louisa”
She paused and left the towel in the bowl where she was to pick it from and put it on my head
“st©p joking me” she said and I held her hand
“I love you. Even before the anniversary. I fell for you” I said and sat up
“I’m sorry if this news sounds sudden to you but I don’t want to keep it till tomorrow. I want you to know now that Jesse Mariano is in love with you, has always been in love with you” I said and used my f!nger to tint her face to look at me
“can I k!ssyou… again?” I asked and she moved her eyes to myl-ips and to my eyes again. She didn’t answer me but I knew that meant yes.
I brou-ght my face closer and tenderly k!$$£d her. To my surprise, Louisa k!$$£d me back.
Few minutes later, after she went back to the kitchen, I went upstairs for a shower but immediately I entered my room I turned on my music.
“I feel gooood…. Tanananananana!” I screamed as I jumped around and danced
Few weeks after I c@m£ back to Jesse, Mrs Mariano c@m£ for a visit and Jesse and I decided to tell her we were expecting a baby.
We were sitting in the backyard un-der the apple tree. We just finished a light lunch and were enjoying the breeze. Winter was approaching and so was Christmas.
“mum, there’s something we would like to tell you” Jesse started. He held my hand and we both looked at each other then looked at her
“yes, tell me” she said and drew her chair closer. She was sitting close to Jesse.
“mum… Louisa and I are expecting a baby” Jesse said with a smile. I was also smiling.
The next thing that happened was three sound sl@ps that landed on Jesse’s cheek in three seconds. Each sl@p was a second away from the other
My eyes wi-de-ned. Even Jesse was surprised
“how dare you!” she yelled at him
“I knew it! I knew you couldn’t keep your trou-sers Zi-pped! Look what you’ve done to my beautiful Louisa.” she said
“mama! I love your beautiful Louisa” he said and held his cheek
“and does my beautiful Louisa love you too?” she asked and they both looked at me.
I really like Jesse now but…. I don’t know if I love him. I looked at his face and ap@rt from the pain from the sl@p, I saw a new kind of pain forming. It hurts to love and not be loved back.
I smiled and squee-zed his hand.
“I love you Jesse” I said and a bright smile formed across his face
“k!ss! k!ss! k!ss! k!ss!” Mrs Mariano chanted
I laughed. This old woman is crazy, isn’t she?
I looked at Jesse who was looking at me, he wants me to make the first move. I leaned over, held his face in my palms and k!$$£d him pas-sionately. Maybe I do love Jesse. There’s always been a bond between us and I might have st©pped myself from ma-king it find its expression back then. But right now, I’m gonna let it flow
Jesse’s hands sli-pped around my w@!st throu-gh the space between the chair handle.
“hey that’s enough! Enough of that alre-ady! Don’t remind me of my youth” she said and we laughed and dis£ngaged from each other
“I’ll come back here for Christmas. We’ll have a splendid family time. I’ll come with Lucas, Marcel and Pablo” she said joyfully
She stood up and began to walk towards the house
“I hope it’s a boy. I want a healthy boy who I can tell all my ancient R0m-n folktales to as be-d time stories” she said as she walked
Jesse and I chuckled. He leaned over to my side and placed his hand over my shoulder.
“plea-se promise me you’ll make dinner today. Yesterday’s dinner was horrible” he said
“no it wasn’t Jesse. Her cooking yesterday was perfect. I loved it”
“yeah yeah. I know it was good but I just miss your cooking. I want you to cook for me tonight. Don’t worry, I’ll as-sist you so you don’t stress my baby too much”
I shook my head and laughed at him.
“Foodie!” I tea-sed and he laughed and bent his head to k!ssme
“I said enough!” Mrs Mariano yelled and hit him on the back with a fruit bowl
When did she get back here?
“Louisa my love, here eat all of these fruits. You nee-d a lot of vitamins and a lot of strength to carry out your daily activities” she said and handed me the fruit bowl
“awwn. Thank you Mrs Mariano” I said and took a pear 🍐 from the bowl
“call me mama” she said and I smiled
“mama” I repeated and we laughed.
“I have good news. From today until I go back to Italy, I’ll be preparing all the meals to save Louisa’s time and energy and no one, will make me change my mind” she said
“what?!” Jesse shouted
The End
Written by Hossy
re-aders, have you ever wondered why some men cheat on their wives with housemaids? One of the reasons is because those maids cook their food, and even serve them at the table. When the wives are away, they conveniently leave their husbands for the maids to feed morning, afternoon and night. The men keep seeing these maidens offering them food and water and clearing their plates. Automatically, there’s an attra-ction. A magnetic attra-ction that attra-cts the stomach to the hands that feed him. Don’t you know that it is the hands that feed a man that the heart of the man would serve?
Ladies, before you get married or even in marriage, learn how to spoil your spouse with good food. Give your spouse a reason not to miss meals at home.
Learn from far and wi-de, don’t let your food be the local dish you grew up with. Learn not only Nigerian delicacies, learn South African, learn c@m£roonian, Ghanaian, etc. It won’t take anything from you to learn other foreign dishes. Italian and American dishes are not too ha-rd . You can learn with just your phone.
Give your kids a reason to run to the dinning table when it’s time for meals. You too would be happy
Also, you can make your delicacies divers. You don’t have to repeat one food all the time that your family alre-ady knows what you’ll cook before you even start cooking. Take them by surprise.
Even poor people can do different things if they have the ideas with their little farm produce.
Non of my re-aders would be poor, so my ladies in the house, don’t allow your dinning table to look poor during meals
With this advice of mine, I hope I’ve been able to purposely convince you and not confuse you that one of 💌THE WAY TO A MAN’S HEART💌 is 💌HIS STOMACH💌
The end