The unpredicted love Episode 3 & 4

che-ster was as handsome as Wisdom with a dark complexion. He was born with a silver spoon and everything that concerns him must be carefully taken care of. Though, he was in the same SS3 with Wisdom but in different clas-s. He waited patiently un-der a tree for him to come outside from the principal’s office. The morning wind blew his shi-t continuously reminding him that he ought to be inside his clas-sroom. Suddenly, he saw Wisdom coming out of the office, then he ran to him.
“Xup bro”
“Guy, I’m gonna make this girl’s life miserable in this school”.
“Take it easy bro, things are not done that way”
“Imaging this girl sl@pped me!”
“I’m sorry, but you shouldn’t use it against her. I guess she’s a new comer”
“Yes, she is”
“Take heart bro, I’m going into my clas-s now”
They shook hands and che-ster left into his clas-s.
As Wisdom wanted to enter to his clas-s too, he stumbled on Melody who was also walking out.
“Watch where you are going!” She shouted. Before Wisdom could react, she hissed and walked away.
Wisdom entered and found Calista and Jennifer staring at him smiling. Other students seemed unconcern as they were having conversation.
“Why are you staring at me like that?” Wisdom asked Calista and Jennifer before others attentions were drawn.
“I’m sorry, sir” Calista replied but Jennifer didn’t say a word. After Wisdom sat on his seat with his face down on his locker, sooner did he feel a soft delicate hand on his shoulder, then he faced up just to see the owner of the hand.
“Sorry for the insult exhibited by that local girl” Jennifer said with a low voice still with her hand on his shoulder. “But who is the girl?” she asked..
Esther, Melody and che-ster were in the same clas-s, SS3B while Wisdom, Calista and Jennifer were in SS3A. Meanwhile, Tochi was in SS2B.
Esther saw how angrily Melody walked into the clas-s then she was moved to ask why but she didn’t say a word to her.
“I wonder what her problem is” She told che-ster.
“Me too” he replied.
“Imaging how Wisdom was embarras-sed this morning by that girl” she changed the t©pic.
“Yeah, and he’s really angry about it”
“Who’s the girl by the way?”
“I don’t know, i think she’s a new comer. I saw her walking into SS2 clas-sroom”
Esther bec@m£ quiet and spaced out in thought. She was also wishing to have Wisdom everyday. che-ster noticed her quietness, then he asked, “Are you okay?”
She realised herself and smiled. “I’m okay” she replied.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I’m okay” she adjusted her seat still smiling,
Jennifer was still expecting Wisdom to answer her question looking straight into his eyes.
“According to the principal, she’s a new student that just resumed school” Wisdom replied.
“Are you upset about her attitude?”
“Why not? And i must make sure she pays!”
Jennifer smiled nd gently sat down beside him still with her hand on his shoulder. Calista stood at a distance watchin her movement. Even Wisdom was surprised of d way Jennifer behaved. So he stared at her.
“Do you know what?” Jennifer began. “I will help you make her life miserable”
“No, i don’t nee-d your help”
“I’m only trying to help you”
“Is it a crime now to help a friend?”
Wisdom kept quiet looking at her in amazement.
“Can i ask you something?” she demanded staring at him.
“What is it?”
“Will u..” Jennifer wanted to respond but the pres£nce of a teacher who entered interrupted her. “Never mind” she concluded and went to her seat. Before she stood up, she gave him an attrac-tive look, then Wisdom bec@m£ surprise.
On the other hand, Tochi sat quietly in her seat when Mr Anuma entered with only a packet of chalk. They greeted and sat down. He was surprised to see Tochi in the clas-sroom.
“Hey, stand up” he pointed her.
“Me?” someone beside Tochi asked.
“No, i mean the green horn”
“Are you talking to me, sir?” Tochi asked.
“Yes, stand up”
“But sir, i don’t have a green horn. I’m not an animal” all the clas-s laughed.
“That’s not what i meant. A green horn simply means a new person. Aren’t you a new comer?”
“I am sir”
“What’s your name?”
“My name is Tochi, sir”
“Your full name?”
“Desmond Tochukwu”
“Well, i hope you know what it takes to be in this clas-s?”
“Yes, sir”
“Alright, who is a bacteriologist?”
Tochi began to scratch her head. It was obvious she didn’t know the answer. Then Mr Anuma turned to other students. “Who is a bacteriologist?” he asked again.
Suddenly, Tochi raised up her hand.
“Okay, tell us Tochi”
“A bacte…”
“Bacteriologist” Mr Anuma helped.
“It is someone who studies battery” Tochi answered and Mr Anuma smiled. He could see boldness on her face and b©dy. Though, she could behave like an illiterate but she wasn’t. Seeing her make an attempt to the question encouraged Mr Anuma d more.
“My dear” he began. “A bacteriologist is a person who studies bacteria not a battery, okay?”
“Okay, sir”
“You may sit down”
Tochi smiled.
She had an amazing beauty hidden inside her. The funniest p@rt of her is that nob©dy around her becomes bored and she is very social without minding who you are. Tochi is her name.
The clas-sroom was so quiet as Mr Anuma put down his knowledge on the board. After he was throu-gh, he turned and looked at the quiet students. He could see Tochi seriously ma-king sure that she write down something. Then he gently walked to her with his hands behind him. His footsteps was the only sound that echoed in the clas-sroom.
“What position did you take in your previous school?” Mr Anuma asked Tochi.
“I was always taking last sir” she replied without looking at him.
“But why? I can see you are serious to learn”
“Yes sir, and i must make sure i don’t take last position again”
“Do you really want that?”
“Yes sir”
Mr Anuma kept quiet. He saw the pas-sion in her to achieve her goal. As he looked at her book, his eyes caught her voluminous b—-t dangling above her br@. He walked away instantly to avoid further temptation.
“Clas-s, see you later, make sure you don’t evolve yourself with nefarious activities” Mr Anuma began to walk out.
Of course the students were used to his grammar. Some giggled while some wondered the meaning of ‘nefarious’. Even Tochi st©pped writing when she heard the unfamiliar word.
“Excuse me sir!” she interrupted Mr Anuma from going out and all the students looked at her.
“Yes, Desmond, any problem?”
“Sir, what is..” she scratched her head. “..what is.. ne-fa-ri-ous?” she stressed it and Mr Anuma smiled and was surprised at the same time because no student had ever asked him the meaning of any of his grammar.
“Nefarious simply means wickedness or not moral. So i told you not to evolve yourself with wicked or immoral activities. un-derstood?”
“Yes sir!” Tochi smiled and sat down while Mr Anuma also smiled out shaking his head.
“This your teacher will kill someb©dy with grammar oh!” Tochi told Linda, her next p@rtner.
“Hmm..” Linda began. “You are yet to hear grammars and nob©dy will tell you to get a dictionary by f0r磔
“This your teacher will kill someb©dy with grammar oh!” Tochi told Linda, her next p@rtner.
“Hmm..” Linda began. “You are yet to hear grammars and nob©dy will tell you to get a dictionary by f0r磔
“Yes oh!”
“I must learn from him”
“Are you serious?”
“Yes nah. And i like him too”
“Everyb©dy likes Mr Anuma”
“What’s your name?”
“My name is..”
“Tochi” Linda interrupted smiling.
“How do you know?”
“Your name rings bell. Just today you started school, everyb©dy knows your name” they laughed.
“But wait oh” Tochi st©pped and Linda looked at her in anticipation.
“What is it?” she asked.
“There is no bell on my name o. How can you say dat my name is ringing bell? St©p it oh!” Tochi joked smilin and Linda laughed uncontrollably even some students who heard her.
Students hung around the school compound while others strolled with their friends. Linda sat with Tochi un-der a tree watching boys pla-ying football and others ri-ding bicycles. Tochi saw Wisdom walking gently with che-ster. They were the most handsome boys girls admired. In fact, Calista had her eyes on che-ster.
“I hate that boy!” Tochi told Linda pointing at Wisdom.
“You mean Wisdom?”
“Hmm.. Someone that girls are dying for”
“Can’t you see how handsome he is?”
“Just that?”
“Nons-en-se!” Tochi hissed and opened her book.
On the other hand, Wisdom and che-ster also sighted them from afar. They stood at a sp©t gazing at them.
“I hate that girl!” Wisdom told che-ster.
“You mean Tochi the green horn?”
“Yes. She’s so annoying! I told you i must make her life miserable”
“Calm down, bro” che-ster made use of his inner eyes. “But guy” he called.
“The girl no bad oh”
“What do you mean?”
“She’s beautiful, you know”
“That’s nons-en-se!” Wisdom walked out moving towards them.
“Hey bro, where are you going to?!” che-ster followed him. As they walked to Tochi and Linda, Esther and Jennifer monito-red them from a distance-but they weren’t together.
Wisdom slowed down when he got to the pres£nce of Tochi and Linda expecting them to greet him.
“Good day, s£niors” Linda greeted and looked at Tochi who frowned her face.
“Should i remind you that you suppose to greet?” Wisdom referred to Tochi but she kept quiet.
“Tochi, greet nah!” Linda exclaimed. “He has the right to punish you if you don’t greet him” yet Tochi kept quiet.
“I can see you are stubborn. I demand that you kneel down now” Wisdom said. He ran out of patience and called other s£nior prefects to make her kneel down. They dragged off her stool in a away she fell on the ground.
“Come on kneel down!” one of them shouted raising the stool up to hit her. Tochi wanted to fight back but the pressure from the angry boys made her to obey instantly after she had received sl@ps.
“s£niors plea-se, forgive her” Linda pleaded ru-bbing her palms together.
“What you are doing is not good oh!” Tochi shouted from the floor and another s£nior student gave her a sl@p which she couldn’t bear anymore. She stood up angrily to fight back but another person hit her back on the ground.
“You must learn how to obey!!”
The drama attra-cted several people, even Calista, Jennifer and Esther. Of course, Melody saw what was happening but she refused to go.
Tochi was made to carry her stool up as she knelt down by f0rç£. When people gathered around pleading for Wisdom to forgive her, tears ran down her eyes.
“You have to re-lease her” Esther told him.
“He will not re-lease her! This girl is insultive!” Jennifer opposed standing beside Wisdom and Esther looked at her angrily standing behind Tochi.
“plea-se, Wisdom, tell her to stand up” she pleaded again.
“Don’t try it Wisdom!” Jennifer defended again.
“Jennifer st©p!” Esther bec@m£ more angry.
“And if i don’t what will you do?!”
They gazed at each other silently without saying a word.
“I will leave her in one conditions” Wisdom began. “In a condition that she greets politely and do frog-jump”
Hearing that, Tochi’s tears increa-sed. Esther could see how her hands were vibr@ting longing to go down from the heavy wooden stool. She gazed at Wisdom in a way she shows; Do you really want to do this?
“Bros, let the girl be” che-ster also pleaded but Wisdom stood by his words.
“Come on, stand up and greet him!” a prefect shouted at Tochi.
Everyb©dy watched her stood up and dried her tears. She stood before Wisdom and said, “Good day”
“Good day who?” Jennifer asked.
“Good day s£nior” Tochi corrected.
“Now the frog-jump!”
“Jennifer is okay!” Esther shouted at her but she kept quiet waiting for Tochi to carryout the punishment.
“Frog-jump” Wisdom also insisted and Tochi began to jump with her hands on her ears and tears in her eyes. As she jumped, Wisdom walked out followed by Jennifer and che-ster. Everyb©dy dispersed leaving only Tochi, Esther and Linda.
“plea-se, stand up” Esther rushed and helped her up semutanuoisly with Linda. “Is okay, st©p crying”
“I warned you to greet them but you wouldn’t listen” Linda said.
“I will also become a s£nior one day oh” Tochi cried.
“Yes, you will” Esther smiled and all got seated. “I want to be your friend” she added, then Tochi stared at her.
“No problem” she replied.