The unpredicted love 2 Episode 15 & 16

The following day, Maria gently opened che-ster’s ap@rtment with a paper in her hand. She stretched it forward to che-ster who was lying face-up in the be-d with only a trou-ser and singlet without saying a word. He gently collected it and re-ad it for few seconds then glanced at Maria just to see her staring at him. He quietly gave her back the paper and closed his eyes for a nap with his two hands crossed on his che-st then Maria climbe-d on the be-d too.
“I’m really sorry, it will never happen again. plea-se, forgive me” she said but che-ster kept quiet.
“I have finally gotten what i wanted from you which is the pregnancy result that proved negative so i have nothing against you” he finally replied.
“Thank you, i love you so much”
“Well, you have to un-derstand that i have a girl i love”
“Esther? You know that even our parents can’t allow that to happen”
“What are we?! Tell me!” che-ster stood up. “We aren’t betrothed to each other so leave our parents out of this!”
“So, my love for you doesn’t mean anything to you, right?”
“Yes! you nee-d to un-derstand that” he entered into the bathroom…
Esther has been disturbe-d by boys who she had always rejected and sometimes talked to her mother about her feelings. Of course her mother always gave her the right advice and encourage her to follow her heart. She just c@m£ out from the lecture hall and a boy met her.
“Excuse me, beauty?” he said then Esther looked back.
“Hi” she replied smiling which she had never forgotten to do.
“Can we gr@bb£d some coffee tonight? I mean just both of us”
“I’m sorry, my b©yfri£ndis taking me out tonight” she replied then the boy bec@m£ disappoint. “plea-se, don’t be upset, I’m occu-pied, okay?” Esther added and smiled out.
When she got home, she quic-kly called che-ster..
che-ster was still in the bathroom when his cell phone vibr@ted. Maria saw the name of the caller to be Esther then she picked it up.
“Hello my heart” Esther said on the phone.
“Well, I’m sorry your heart isn’t here” Maria replied.
“Who are you?” she asked with a low voice standing up.
“If you can recall back when you were introduced as a clas-smate you will know who i am”
Esther was heartbroken. She remembered the very girl Mrs Silva c@m£ with on the very day she went to visit che-ster.
“I thought he’s your clas-smate then why calling him your heart?” Maria continued. “Well, I’m sorry, he’s my own fiance”
“You heard me right”
Just then, che-ster c@m£ out with just a towel round his w@!st. Meanwhile, Esther had cut the call with a broken heart.
“Who are you talking to with my phone?!” che-ster gr@bb£d the phone from Maria to check the last caller. “Oh my God, don’t tell me you picked Esther’s called!” he shouted but Maria kept quiet. He called Esther again severally but she didn’t pick up. “What did you tell her?!” he asked angrily.
“I thought, she’s your clas-smate” Maria replied.
“And so?”
“And i told her what she nee-ded to know”
“My goodness! I swear if i lose this girl you won’t like what i will do to you! Now, get out of my ap@rtment!”
Maria stood up. She wanted to calm him down with a ro-mantic t©uçh and voice but he pushed her away.
“I said leave!”
“Well, we shall see how your mum will feel about this” Maria went out.
“I don’t care, you can tell my mum anything!” che-ster concluded angrily and ban-ged the door closed, then called Esther again.
Esther sat in her small be-d with her legs stretched forward shedding tears seriously. She actually believed what Maria said because it sounded so real. “How can che-ster do this to me?!” she cried and glanced at her phone which was ringing then she picked up…
Tochi was now a graduate waiting for her result. She was at their backyard trying to left up a big bucket of water alone wearing a leggings and a black t©p. Suddenly, she heard a female voice coming out throu-gh the pas-sage then turned sharply and shouted, “Linda!” she hvgged her. “I can’t believe you c@m£ all the way from your house to see me!”
“What are friends for” Linda replied smiling. She wore a short jean Sk-irt with a yellow t©p. “What are you doing?” she asked.
“My dear, I’m trying to left up this big bucket of water”
“Yes nah”
“It seems like you want to break your small w@!st for Wisdom” she said and they laughed. “Oya, let me help you”
“Chai, thank you oh. You were my protector in school, now you are my helper at home. What would i have done without you?”
“Abeg, let’s carry this thing! Ibiakwala. Small thing now you will start crying” Linda replied and they laughed again before she helped her out.f
“Esther plea-se, don’t mind whatever Maria told you” che-ster sounded on the phone. “We aren’t doing anything, even d@t!ng” he added.
“Then how come she was in your ap@rtment? You never told me you would be travelling with a girl. Now, i believe she’s your fiance”
“No, she’s not, believe me!”
“I don’t believe you anymore, che-ster” Esther cut the call in tears…
Esther wore a pajamas re-ady to sleep. Before she sle-pt, she flashed che-ster who called back immediately.
“Hello my love” she said to che-ster’s surprise.
“plea-se i..”
“Wait let me finish” she interrupted him. “I called you my love because i love you so much but my mum always tell me one thing, that if a man is not meant for a girl, he will not stay. So i believe you were not meant to stay despite my love for you..”
“I will always stay and stand by you” che-ster interrupted. “You are the only one i love and I’m not gonna leave you”
“What about your fiance?”
“She’s not my fiance. She’s only forcing herself to me and she probably told you that for you to break-up with me. plea-se trust and believe me”
Esther remained quiet for a while and said, “I believe you and i think i trust you too”
“That’s my girl, i love you so much”
“I love you too, Bye”
“Bye my sweetheart”
Esther smiled and cut the call. She was relieved from the heart broken because she heard him out.
On the other hand, Vivian called Wisdom which she had been doing recently but warned by him to st©p calling but she persisted.
“Hi love” Vivian began on the phone. “I only want to hear your voice. Very soon, i mean very soon, i will join you over there” she waited for him to replied but Wisdom remained mute. “Are you still upset with me? plea-se, I’m sorry for all the lies i told you. It’s because i love you so much”
“But i don’t love you! How many times will i say it?!” Wisdom shouted.
“When i come over to London you will develop it, okay?”
Wisdom exhaled de-eply and cut the call then Vivian began heartbroken and angry. She looked at herself in the mirror and said silently, “So, is because of Tochi that Wisdom is behaving like this” she gently la-id in her be-d staring at the ceiling in thought. “If only Tochi remain in existence, i don’t think Wisdom will ever accept me. That means if Tochi dies i will have all the freedom to take over his heart especially when i finally travel to London. But wait oh, what if Tochi make nine As? Hmm, i won’t allow that to happen. I will poison her instantly” she concluded in thought.
Most of the waec candid@t£s gathered in front of the principal’s office to know the outcome of their result. Linda stood closely with Kingsley with her hands round his arms looking at the office in anticipation.
“Relax!” Kingsley told her.
“I will not oh until i see my result” she replied.
“Then why didn’t you check online”
“I don’t have money”
“Then relax”
Linda held him ti-ghtly while Tochi stood behind them also waiting patiently and sometimes smiled at Linda’s behavior. She turned her head just see Vivian seating quietly operating her phone and looking clas-sic. Their eyes caught together but none of them said a word rather possessed a disdainful look. Suddenly, Mr Anuma and the principal c@m£ out from the office which made everyb©dy to concentrate.
“I’m proud of you all” Mr Nelson began. “Is not easy to obtain a ‘C’ in waec examination note to talk of an ‘A’ but today, i have the list of candid@t£s who will be going to London to have a quality and a better education”
Hearing that, Vivian and Tochi glanced at each other while Linda’s heart nearly jumped out from her che-st. Only Kingsley was smiling.
“Here are the names” the principal opened a paper and adjusted his eyeglas-ses. “Santo Kingsley” he called and students shouted and cl@pped for him as he climbe-d the pavement.
“Oh Lala! This boy is loquacious but also brilliant!” Mr Anuma shouted.
“The second person is lvster Vivian” the principal called and the students shouted in amazement then Tochi’s heart sank into her stomach. Vivian looked at her in a mockery way as she climbe-d the pavement too.
“The last person is Desmond Tochukwu”
“Oh Lala! Oh Lala!!” Mr Anuma shouted continuously as he watched Linda embr@ced Tochi happily before she climbe-d up too. She could see Vivian frowning her face but didn’t care.
“Now, Listen” the principal closed the paper. “All of you credited your results, some even had up to five to six As. So never to worry, I’m proud of you all” he concluded.
“I saw it coming!” Mr Anuma shouted. “Who would have believed that Desmond will make it? But she has made it because she had the zeal and pas-sion to learn and study! plea-se, a round of applause for them” students started cl@pping.
After sometimes, Vivian began to look for a way to carry out her plans to poison Tochi. So she met her with Linda and Kingsley. They were surprised to see her.
“What are you doing here?!” Linda shouted at her.
“I have come to apologize” Vivian replied with a low voice.
“Well, apology not accepted!”
“Linda!” Tochi called.
“Hapu’m aka biko! I don’t like her!” she defended.
Vivian wanted 2 leave but Tochi called her back and forgave her likewise Linda and Kingsley then she invited them to her house for a celebr@tion p@rty in order to carryout her plans..
Mr Thompson’s house, Linda’s father was a bungalow but well furnished and designed. He was a local business man who had closed connections with men of integrity. One could see electric light bulbs shone all over the compound and darkness that took over distance places. The flowers in front of the compound rattled together by an unseen f0rç£ ma-king it looks like the dead were about to come among the living.
Linda la-id quietly asleep in her room. The room didn’t have enough materials in it except her clothing and be-d. She was covered with a blanket but one could see her b—-t standing upright. Suddenly, she began to move her legs gently and shook her head reluctantly with her mouth moving. The act continued until tears began to drop from her eyes. One could all hear her murmuring in a dream..
Linda stood before Tochi knowing that she was dead and couldn’t move or t©uçh her. Both were in tears crying seriously.
“The world is so wicked” Tochi began crying. “I will miss you so much, Linda”
“No, plea-se, don’t leave me”
“But i cannot stay. I can’t live among the living”
“Then take me with you”
“No, stay and fight for me” blood rushed out from her mouth. “plea-se, take care of Wisdom for me. Tell him i will always love him even in death” she began to walk into the darkness.
“No!” Linda shouted and wanted to move but couldn’t. “Tochi come back! I promise to always protect you!” she cried.
Tochi looked back at her in tears and blood all over her. She waved at her and disappeared into the darkness.
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“Noooo!” Linda shouted awake and found tears all over her face then began to cry physically after she tried Tochi’s number but was switched off. “What is the meaning of this dream?” she murmured in tears.
Mr Santo’s house, Kingsley’s father was also a bungalow but wasn’t furnished like Linda’s. There was no electricity which gave everywhere a completes darkness. One could feel the gras-ses dangling by an unknown f0rç£. Suddenly, a gentle wind began to b!ow. Kingsley la-id face down in his be-d moving his legs and tears dropping from his eyes too-he was dreaming..
He stood far away from Linda who wore white go-wn bleeding from her mouth and crying bitterly.
“Linda, stay with me, plea-se”
“I’m sorry my love i can’t. The world is so wicked. plea-se, don’t cry for me but be strong”
“Take me with you”
“No, you have a better life to fulfil” she began to walk away. She looked back and waved at him then disappeared into the darkness.
“Nooo!” Kingsley shouted and woke up in a hurry. He could see himself sweating and shedding tears. The father, who heard his.voice knocked at his door.
“Who is there?” Kingsley asked.
“Is your father, son. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine Daddy”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, Daddy”
Mr Santo went back into his room then Kingsley stood up and looked throu-gh the window. He couldn’t see anything but darkness, so he gradually closed it and la-id awake thinking about the dream.
Vivian had planned her evil act. She was only waiting for the time to cli-ck 4:00pm after calling Wisdom and told him that she wasn’t having issues with Tochi or him anymore which got Wisdom surprised. She went into the kitchen to meet her mother wearing a bu-mbshort and a handles t©p.
“My darling, you really made me proud. I can’t believe you are going to London on a scholarsh!p”
“Believe it Mum! When is Daddy coming back from his trip?”
“I don’t know my dear, that reminds me, you said you are throwing a p@rty with your friends today”
“Yes, Mummy”
“But remember that you have a result to defend”
“That isn’t a problem, mummy”
“Okay, make sure you have fun”
Vivian went back to her room to call Wisdom again because she actually enjoys hearing his happy voice.
Mrs Desmond had never been so happy like the way she was since the previous day. All the neighbourhood heard her voice when Tochi delivered the good news to her. Now, she was in the kitchen preparing food when Linda entered.
“Good evening, Mama” she greeted.
“Ehen, my daughter. How are you?”
“I’m fine, Mama”
“I can see the way you dressed. I hope you are going to the same p@rty my daughter told me about.
“Yes, Mama, where is she?”
“I’m here” Tochi c@m£ out looking beautiful in a black leggings. “Let’s go” she added.
“Make una have fun oh, but remember not to come back late!” Mrs Desmond shouted.
On their way following the address. Linda occasionally glanced at Tochi who always reminded her of the dream she had. Tochi didn’t notice any sign of sadness in her. As they wanted to cross the main road, Linda shouted, “Wait!”
“What?!” Tochi asked.
“Are you not seeing a vehicle coming?”
“Haaa, my protector. Keep protecting me oh!”
“The Lord is with you” Linda replied and they giggled. “Don’t worry, i will always safeguard you, God has made it 2 be so” she added and they crossed successfully..
Her name is Tochukwu Desmond. She has a meek heart that makes her cry and forgives easily. She ha-rd ly think of any person to be evil or dangerous because she is pure in heart. How would she had known that she was about to be killed by a friend whom she forgave and trusted only because she’s a good and kind hearted girl? With joy, she entered in the resident of Mr lvster with her friend, Linda whose mind never dep@rted from the horrible dream she had. They saw other students and people who also c@m£ for the p@rty when they finally entered into the sittingroom sparkling with beauty. Vivian c@m£ around and hvgged them looking clas-sic and beautiful too.
“Thank God you finally c@m£” she said smiling at Tochi while Linda stared at her smiling unwillingly.
“What are friends for? Tochi replied.
“Do you want to talk to Wisdom? I can call him for you”
“No, i have done that alre-ady. You can’t believe how happy he was to know that i pas-sed my exams”
“Yes, that’s how it should be” they smiled and stared at each other. Suddenly, Mrs lvster c@m£ out well dressed with a car key in her hand. Vivian introduced her to her friends then she went out immediately to Women’s Meeting. One could see a disc joker (DJ) at a corner getting re-ady with the music and drinks on the table. Linda sat closely with Tochi glancing at her wrist watch and the door occasionally, anticipating to see Kingsley.
“Don’t worry, he will come” Tochi told her.
“I’m missing him alre-ady” she replied.
“I said don’t worry, Kingsley can’t disappoint us. Why don’t you try calling him?”
“He’s number isn’t going throu-gh”
“Then relax”
Few minutes later, the p@rty began by Tochi standing close to Vivian before all the people. Linda’s mind wasn’t there, she kept staring at the door hopping to see Kingsley walked throu-gh it. Meanwhile, Vivian had poured a wine into a special glas-s cu-p where she added the poison and handed it to Tochi who smiled at her when collecting it. Everyb©dy in the building also had their wine in their hands with exact glas-s cu-p and quantity of wine. Even Linda and Vivian.
“First i want to thank God for a successful result” Vivian began. “I’m so happy that i and my friend Tochi made it at last. Sorry, one of us, Kingsley Santo is not yet here but i believe he is on his way coming”
Hearing that, Linda glanced at the door again.
Vivian continued, “I’m using this medium to say sorry to any person i have offended especially my friends, Tochi and Linda even Kingsley. I also thank you all for coming. May God bless you all” she concluded and people cl@pped.
“I also give thanks to God for ma-king me who i am today” Tochi began. “It all started like nothing but has ended like someone. I give credit to all my friends and teacher’s especially Mr Anuma for his big big grammars”
Hearing that people began to giggle.
Tochi continued, “I also thank my b©yfri£nd, Wisdom who is schooling abroad. I will never forget Linda who had always encouraged and stood by me in times of difficulties and sorrows. All contributed for who i am today. So i say God bless them and bless you all in Jesus name”
“Amen!!” people responded and began to cl@p.
“So, lets toast for success and the p@rty to begin” Vivian said raising up her glas-s of wine likewise other people in the building. “For success!”
“For success!” all shouted and began to drink their wine then the DJ scratched a h0t music…
In London, having the feelings that something bad was about to happen to Tochi, Wisdom’s books fell from his hands immediately he stood up to go home after lectures. He tried to pick them up severally but they kept falling from his hands. For the last time he gently picked them up but stumbled at the door.
“Oh, my God!” a lady shouted and help him up.
“Thank you” Wisdom said.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine”
The lady began to help him park his fallen books with smiles on her face. She was a complete black American.
Wisdom didn’t have an idea what was happening to him so he bec@m£ sad as he went home.
Mrs Desmond, having the same feelings, a cu-p of water fell from her hand and poured all over her wra-pper when she wanted to drink it. “Chim oh!” she shouted. “What is the meaning of this?!” she added angrily and went inside to change up.
Still with the same feeling, Mr Anuma started his car occasionally but refused to kick off. Then he c@m£ out with his hands on his w@!st staring at it. He was wearing a voluminous trou-ser and shi-t which he tucked-in looking like a professor.
“I just c@m£ back with this car few hours ago. Why does it want to give me a ha-rd time with all the sophisticated p@rts i changed in it yesterday?” he murmured in silence then entered to start the car again but all to no avail.
Back in the resident of Mr lvster, girls and boys drank and shook their w@!st to the Timaya music blasting out of the speaker. Yet Tochi had not taken her drink.
“You are not drinking. Drink your wine” Vivian told her.
“Okay” she replied and put the cu-p towards her mouth.
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