The unpredicted journey episode 9 & 10

Episode 9


“Mama” crystal called. She stood in front of one elderly woman. “Mama, what are you doing here?”

Mama smiled. “My little princess has grown up to a beautiful lady” mama smiled at her

Crystal smiled back. “This place is so beautiful, I wish I could stay here” crystal said

Mama shook her head. “You can’t stay here. I called you here”

“Why?” crystal grew confused.

“You ought to be careful. Your enemy is within you. Your secret must not be reveal to anyb©dy else and crystal be caution” mama warned.

“But mama, I don’t un-derstand”

“You and kelvin are meant to be but there’s this giant squid in front of you. You have to be careful, crystal be careful” mama warned and disappeared

“Mama….” Crystal shouted and woke up. She looked around and met herself on the be-d with some machine beside her with oxygen in her noise.

Kelvin mother rushed inside and saw her p@n-ting. “Crystal, are you okay?” she asked worriedly.

She re-move the oxygen. “I’m fine. Where am I?” she asked back

“Calm down, you’re in the hospital. Let me call you the doctor” she walked out

Within a minutes, they come back with the doctor. He examine her b©dy and put stethoscope on her che-st. “She’s fine, nothing to worry about” the doctor said smiling

“Thank God. Crystal, you scared me” she faced the doctor. “Thank you so much doctor, I really appreciate your effort” kelvin mother said

“I’m sorry,ma” crystal said as tears welled up her eyes.

“Hey, come on. No nee-d to cry,okay?” kelvin mother hvgged her.
“Kelvin, where are you going?” coral asked as kelvin walked out of the room.

“None of your business. You’re my friend and plea-se st©p acting like my wife. You’re frustrating my life” kelvin shouted at her.

“But I’m still talking about our marriage”

“You and who? We are not d@t!ngand we can’t marry. St©p dreaming. it’s impossible” kelvin said to her

“Then we shall see that” coral said and walked inside angrily.

“Idiot girl” kelvin mumbled as he got into his car and drove away.

“Welcome sir” Sharon greeted kelvin as she collected his bag.

“Hey, man you c@m£ at last” George said as he was coming out of the room.

“Yeah, man. I just thought maybe I should come and check your maid that was sick coz if anything happen to her…you know the government” kelvin said as he sink himself on the couch.

“Or you c@m£ here to see her beauty” George narrowed his eyes at him.

kelvin glared at him. “Do I have time for all that nons-en-se.

“My lovely son” his mother c@m£ out if the room and hvgged his son. “You did not even bother to come and see me”

“Mom, it’s your fault. How can you be dictating for me?

“It’s for your own sake. I thought since you two are together since kid, so you will know each other behavior. And trust me, the girl is good for you”

“Mom, you have started again. And plea-se, tell her to leave my house or else I’ll leave for her” kelvin said. “Where’s that your maid? I’m going back tonight”

“Kelvin, it’s late alre-ady, how about you sleep here?” his mother offered

“So, you can come to me in the midnight and be begging me to marry coral, I don’t think so”

“She’s in front of your room” George said as he gr@bb£d one apple.

Kelvin walked away. “Why can’t you persist your friend on his wedding with coral?” mother said sitting down beside George

“Mom, kelvin did not like her. I think kelvin is your son, right? Why can’t you follow his decision? If he marry coral by f0rç£, he won’t be happy for the rest of his life. Though, coral love her but one side love is not enough,mom. The both p@rty must love each other which kelvin did not. Try and un-derstand your son heart. plea-se” George said

mother smiled. “Okay but does he love anyb©dy?”

“He use to tell me that, he’s waiting for her but I don’t know the person he’s talking about”

“Okay. Confused him to stay tonight, I’ll ask him about the girl and I won’t f0rç£ him to marry coral anymore”

“Now you’re talking mom” George said pla-yfully

Kelvin knocked on the door.

“Come in” an angelic voice said

He walked in. “Hello, I’m your boss son…and..I wanted to … ” his voice trailed off when crystal looked up.

Crystal looked shocked also. “Crystal…” kelvin mumbled

“Kelvin from Seoul” crystal said

Without any further notice, kelvin rushed to her and hvgged her ti-ght. “I miss you so much. I can believe that this is you”

Crystal hvgged him back. “I never believe I can see you again” crystal said

“Kelvin, don’t disturb….” mother voice trailed off as she saw them hvgging each other.

They quic-kly pu-ll-ed back. “What’s happening here?” mother asked

“Em…mom, this is the girl that save me the other day” kelvin said

mother eyes wi-de-ned. “Wow, so crystal, this is the man you talked about the other day?” crystal could not talk, she just nodded.

“No more investigation. Let me quic-kly excuse you” Mother giggled and walked out. While kelvin smiled.

They looked at each other and bur-st into laughter, then hvgged again. “I miss you so much, princess

“I miss you too, friend” crystal said. Kelvin remember the day he told her that word. I won’t let you go again, kelvin thought.

🎈🎈🎈Unpredicted Journey🎈🎈🎈

🐳🐙There’s a million fish in the🐡🐟
❄❄But I’m a mermaid❄❄

🌀🌀Becca mermaid logic🌀🌀

🌹🌹Episode 10🌹🌹

“I’m sorry all this happened because of me” Kelvin apologize as crystal explained why and how she c@m£ to the human world.

“It’s not you fault. It’s fate, which cannot be changed” crystal said

“But I’m glad you c@m£ to the human world” kelvin said. Crystal glared at him. “Oh, sorry but I’m still happy. I have been looking for a way to find you but something just keep telling me that we are going to meet again” kelvin said

“I did not even though of that until my father found out. I had no choice that to fled from his anger” Crystal said

“So, what next now?” kelvin asked

“I don’t know. I’m just working here” Crystal looked at him. “Where’s your wife and children or girlfriend?” She asked

Kelvin looked surprised at her question. “I don’t have any girlfriend talk less of wife or children” kelvin answered

Crystal nodded in relieved. But why did she grew happy right now. She nodded.

“So, what of you, any b©yfri£nd?” kelvin asked

Crystal did not know what to do. If she talk, kelvin will faint but if she did not, kelvin will thought she had any. She smiled and shook her head.

Kelvin smiled in relieved. He looked at her for a while. “it’s true that some mermaid with special power has an angelic voice that if they are happy, whenever they talk to man, he will faint?” kelvin asked

Crystal eyes wi-de-ned at the question. “H…” she close her mouth back. she began to scratched her head in frustration. She wanted to talk but she can’t unless kelvin will fainted.

“This is past twelve” coral looked at the wall clock as it was tickling. “And kelvin is not yet back. Where did he go afterall? Or did he went to check on that maid that was sick in the morning? But he did not care for any maid. I had a bad feeling about this. What really happened in the morning with that maid? Maybe, George has impregnate her. I would be glad if that can happened coz I can’t afford her to get near kelvin” she stood up and walked to the window. “But something isn’t right” Coral mumbled. “I have to find out” she said

In the Ocean

The queen suddenly woke up and began to p@n-ting. “Something is not right. Someone is trying to use magic to find my daughter” the queen said.

“I can’t kept silent” She stood up and went into her magical room. She picked up one n£¢klace and put it in a pot contain water. Something ruffled out and she saw coral trying to work magic on where kelvin is. But because kelvin is with crystal, that’s why it felt like she was trying it on crystal.

“Coral, Lisa daughter” the queen g@sped as she saw one evil sigh on her forehead. She looked further and saw crystal and kelvin smiling at each other “I can’t allow you to destroy my daughter happiness. You’re just like your mother” the queen said. “I haven’t forgive your mother for killing my own mother, now you wanted to harm my daughter, never”

The queen began to cast some spell and chant it loudly. Instantly, the red light in coral hands die.

The queen smiled. “That’s just a warning to you” the queen looked at where crystal are. “Take care my love daughter. I can see that you’re okay and happy. The only thing that can handle that power is a k!ssfrom the right owner. I wish you best of luck” the queen said and walked out.

The human world

Coral looked at the light in her hand, it was not working anymore. “What’s happening?” she mumbled.

“Why can’t I use my magic? What the heck is happening? She mumbled again “$h!t! this guy escape today, you won’t be so luck next time” she said and walked back to the be-d.

Crystal was looking at kelvin. She can’t say anything despite the fact that she has a lot to say and to ask. She just kept mute.

Kelvin was looking at her. He smiled. Unconsciously, his eyes landed on herl-ips. He felt the urge to k!ssher but he was scared. What if she grew angry? What if she pushed him away or sl@pped him? Kelvin, get hold of yourself. I haven’t felt like this for a woman before. That means crystal is the right woman for me. But what if she doesn’t feel that way?

He looked at her eyes and then back to herl-ips. He move slowly towards her. Crystal felt what was coming her way. She has saw it in a movie many time but what was scaring her was that the k!ssturn into something else. But whatever is it, they felt like they are enjoying it.

Before she knew it, she felt a warm k!sson herl-ips. She looked shocked but quic-kly recovered from it. She opened her mouth and k!$$£d him back. Kelvin move closer to her and began to taste every corner of her mouth. Crystal l@yon her back as kelvin l@yon her. This feel good. This new feeling in her, she like it. But she grew scared as kelvin hand was moving towards her br£@st down to ti-ght. What’s happening? Kelvin, st©p. She feel like st©pping him but her mouth won’t open even though kelvin was still k!ss!ngher.

T. B. C
🎈🎈🎈Unpredicted Journey🎈🎈🎈

🐳🐙There’s a million fish in the🐡🐬
❄❄But I’m a mermaid❄❄

🌹🌹🌹Episode 11🌹🌹🌹

🌀🌀Becca Mermaid logic🌀🌀

The next morning, kelvin was looking at crystal with tense. He remember last night when he k!$$£d her. They k!sswas getting tense and he began to t©uçh her b©dy in a lvstful way. He was tou-ching her br£@st down to her ti-ght. Crystal wanted to st©p but he knew that so he didn’t bother to move away his mouth.

Crystal struggle to get free but the grip was too strong for her but not that strong she did not want to hurt kelvin that’s why she gave up and kelvin satisfy his de-sire.

Crystal eyes fli-pped open and tears was the first thing that rolled out. Kelvin Del bad. He remember they way she was begging him that it was paining her but he can’t st©pped himself. It been a long time he had S-x last so being so close to the woman he has feelings for, he can’t control himself. Despite the fact that Crystal can killed him or overcome him but yet she did nothing but she wasn’t her wish to get disv!rg!nlast night.

“Kelvin…” she called

Kelvin wasted no time in kneeling down. “Crystal…I don’t know what to say or do but I’m so sorry for what happened last night. plea-se, I know it’s unforgivable but just try and find a place for me in your heart” kelvin pleaded.

Crystal manage to sat up. “Kelvin, I’m not angry at you neither will I hate you. Though, I don’t want what happened last night buy I gave up because….” her voice trailed off

Kelvin looked up at her. “Because, what, crystal?”

She flu-shed. “Never mind” she said

“plea-se, say it, crystal” kelvin begged

She looked at him. “Nevermind. Let’s forget what happened last night. We both don’t want it but we can’t control our de-sire. Let pretend nothing happened between us” crystal said as tears rolled down her cheek.

Kelvin was shocked. He took away her dignity and she said they should act like nothing happened, why?. “Crystal, what are you trying to say?”

“I’m trying to say that, we are just friend nothing more. Let forget what happened last night” she said as she was about to stand up.

Kelvin gr@bb£d her hand. He was still in his kneel. “Crystal, I know I made a mistake last night. But trust me, I don’t only want your b©dy, but I want you of all. plea-se, be my girlfriend” kelvin said

Crystal was shocked. “Girlfriend? ” crystal looked thoughtful for a while. “What about coral?” she said

Kelvin was stunned. “w-what do you mean?”

“Last time, she c@m£ here and your mother was talking to her about your marriage with her” crystal said as tears welled up her eyes

“I swear, we are not d@t!ng. She was just forcing herself unto me. My mom was just doing her own but I’ll stand on my own decision. plea-se, be my girlfriend”

Crystal shook her head. “Though, I c@m£ here looking for you but not in this way. We are just friend. And your mom is my benefactor, I can’t betray her. She mustn’t know about what happened last night. I don’t want her to hate me. Kelvin, we can’t be together” Crystal said and wanted to go but saw kelvin mother at the door looking at them.

“What do you mean, crystal? You two had something together last night and you said you should pretend like nothing happened? I don’t think so. I was here since morning listened to all your conversation. Yes, coral c@m£ here to speak about their wedding but she has off the hook now. You aren’t leaving kelvin. Your mother saved his life when she was about to come to the world. You, daughter saved his life when he was about to drown. You, only deserve kelvin no one else did. And after whatever happened between you two last night, which I’m happy about, you aren’t going anywhere. You’re marrying kelvin and nothing else will change” kelvin mother said

Kelvin stood up and ran towards his mother then hvgged her. “I love you so much, mummy” he k!$$£d her both cheek.


“No but crystal. You’re now my daughter in law. And you won’t disobeyed me, will you?”

Crystal shook her head. “No, ma”

Kelvin mother smiled. “Good girl. Let me go and prepared you a meal to renewed your strength since kelvin has drained everything away” the mother laughed.

“mom” kelvin called. Crystal blu-shed.

Mother b!ow kelvin a k!$$£d and walked out. Kelvin move closer to crystal and took her hand.

“Crystal…” he called

Crystal looked up and smiled. “Yes, I’ll be your girlfriend” she said happily and Kelvin hvgged her.

“I love you, crystal”

“I love you, too kelvin”

After an hour, kelvin and their family were eaten in the dining room.

“So, since kelvin case has solved, it up to you now George” mother said

George liked up and smiled. “It has alre-ady solved” he said

“What do you mean?” mother asked

Sharon blu-shed where she was eaten slowly. “There she is” George said looking at Sharon who felt like disappeared

“Wow! this is good then. I now have two daughter in law. You’re welcome my dear” mother said

“Yes, ma” Sharon said shyly

Kelvin eyes George. “There’s no nee-d to eyed me. I was about to go to her but something just st©pped me and I made a move toward my darling” George said smiling as he looked at Sharon

“God save you that you didn’t come to her, I would have beheaded you by now” kelvin said jokily

“What are you going to do about coral at your house” George said

“She will have to leave or be living together with us if she doesn’t want to leave” kelvin said

“But don’t you thing its dangerous to be leaving her alone with crystal?” George said

“She won’t harm her. She not that wicked” Mother said

“She will harmed her if care is not taken” Sharon bu-tted in. Everyb©dy looked at her. “She isn’t look like what she is, she is not a human but I don’t know who she was but definitely not a human” Sharon said again

“Then she have to go” mother said

“Exactly” kelvin said

“Why at you not talking, crystal?” George asked her.

Crystal looked at kelvin. “Em..she…”

“You’re free to talk, kelvin has overpower it” Sharon said cut off kelvin

“Huh?” kelvin said

“Yes. She can still use it but it can now be control able. If she decide to use it then” Sharon said

“Okay” crystal said lowly and looked at the boy in their midst. Nothing happened to them, she smiled. “Wow, I’m now happy fully” she said happily.

“Oh, you’re a mermaid” George said not surprised

“How did…?” kelvin wanted to ask but George st©pped him

“You’re not that secretive. You’re mumbling something in your sleep the day we found you at the seashore. So, I guess a mermaid save you coz my mom use to tell me their story. But I don’t know that it was crystal” George said

“You’re sick” kelvin said

They all laughed.


T. B. C