The unknown creature Episode 1 & 2

🖤 The Unknown
Creatures 🌫️
( Who are they?)
Written By SUMMER GOLD. W 🖊
17 Years Ago 🌗🌗
👮🏻‍♀️Detective Ana 👮🏻‍♀️
” What do you mean by you can’t find any of them??!! When will you ever be serious?? These people keep on killing everyone,, do you know how many dead bodies we’ve found this week?? ” The boss screamed
” Ten sir ” Felix, my work p@rtner said and I sigh
” Can you just listen to yourself?? Ten!!! ” he yelled again
” Sir,, I think those people are not humans,,, ” I tried to explain
” Shut thefu-ck up ” he said
” Sorry sir ” I said with a bow
” Am giving you guys just two weeks to get them all!!! ” He said
” Okay sir!! ” We shouted in salute
” Leave! ” He yelled and we rushed out immediately
” What do you think it’s happening? Am really fed up ” I said with a sigh
” You can’t give up,, we have to do this ” he said patting my back
I am Ana Rowan,, 25 years old and am a detective . Am a pretty one though, but I really enjoy my work. And now am having a ha-rd time finding out who this unknown creatures are, am very sure they are not humans. They can’t be humans,,,,
” How about we meet tomorrow evening? ” Felix asked
” Of course sure ” I smiled
” Okay,, till then ” He said and went out
I walked into the dressing room,, put off my uniform and wear a trou-ser and a t©p with my trainers on, I used a face cap also. After that,, I took my gun and put it in my back pocket. I went out of the room and walked out.
Damn,, I wish I have a car. I checked the time and it’s 9:20pm,, am not sure am gonna find a taxi.
I started walking with my two hands in my jacket,, it’s starting to get more cold right now,, I continue walking until I get to the wood and I suddenly got scared.
This wood is the most scariest place here, so many dead bodies have been found here. I decided to calm down and continue walking,,, suddenly the wind started b!owing more than normal.
It was really bad that I have to bend down using my hands to cover my face,,,,,,, after it st©ps I sigh and stood up only to find a lady around my age in front of me.
I knew it,, she’s not human. I immediately brou-ght out my gun and point it at her.
” Hands up!!! ” I yelled and adjusted the gun properly with my two hands
” Humans doesn’t seize to amaze me ” She said and point her hand at me,, immediately my gun began to melt.
” Oh my God ” I said and re-leased it
I faced her and folded my fist at her even though I was scared.
” Am not gonna let you go away this time ” I said somehow in a scream
She walked closer to me,, we started fighting. I keep on using my best skills with every power in me but she’s far more stronger than me, in no time I was on the ground.
She sm-irk and brou-ght her hand up,, I saw fire coming out of it. I g@sped and swallowed,,,,
” Cella!! St©p!! ” I heard a voice shouted,, he rushed to her,, I g@sped inwardly.
The guy is h0t!!!
” What thefu-ck are you doing?? ” he half yelled at her
” I hate humans,, am going to kill her ” she said and turned to me
” Cella st©p this ” He said and stood in front of me
” Harry, stay out of this!! ” She yelled angrily and there was a loud thun-der
” You Are getting more angry,, calm down she’s got nothing to do with,,,,,,, ”
” She’s afu-cking detective, probably searching for us. So stay out ” She said
I gulped down as I watch them,,,
” Okay,, Cella just look at me. Calm down a little,, let her go. plea-se ” Harry said
She gr0@nand walked away,,, the guy turned to me with a little smile.
I wanted to say thank you but it skip myl-ips,, he went off without looking back.
” Thank you ” I muttered un-der my breath to no one
I can’t believe a nonhuman saved me,,, they are dangerous but he’s different. He saved me,,,
I immediately took to my heels,,,, I ran until I got home. I went straight into the kitchen, took a bottle water and gulped down everything.
I can’t believe I saw this,, her hand was bringing out fire. It’s not a dream,,,,,,,
I remember his name Harry,,, so cute. Ana st©p thinking and sleep,, but I can’t even sleep.
8:00am 🕗🕗🕗
I wear my tank t©p and a trou-ser,, I put on a face cap and my snickers. I smile at myself in the mirror,, am so pretty.
I took my bag and walked out of the room,,, I finally c@m£ out of the house. I suddenly remembered what happened last night.
But why does his name keep on ringing in my head?? Harry, Harry. He’s so handsome, too bad he’s not human.
Am lucky to find a taxi almost immediately,, I got in and sigh. Amfu-cking tired.
Should I tell Felix about what happened?? No I can’t, he can do something silly.
I finally got to the station,, I just can’t wait for tonight. I wanna calm my br@in a little, am glad Felix asked us to go somewhere fun.
8: 12pm 🌑🌑
Secret Hideout
❤️ Harry’s Pov ❤️
” Seriously, I still don’t un-derstand why you saved that girl. You’ve always hurt humans like her, so why is she different?? ” Cella asked angrily
” Am sorry,, I was just attra-cted to her ” I said with a sigh
She’s my sister and the only family I have,, I just wonder when this hide stuff will be over. I wish I could live like the normal humans,, but it’s not possible.
This is nature,, we are just gifted.
” I don’t wanna hear that word again Harry, attra-cted?? She’s a damn human!! ” she yelled
” St©p yelling Cella, am not gonna see her again. You don’t have to be angry,, you scared the hell outta her last night ” I said with a pout
” Her!! You’re talking about her again ” she said
I rou-ghed my hair and stood up,
” Am going to the city,, don’t kill anyone before I come back. ” I said and took my jacket
” I don’t think I can become calm that way ” she hissed
” Cella,, st©p. Don’t kill any innocent being today,, stay calm ” I said and walked out
How long will I walk before I get to the city? I sigh and disappeared, that is the best way.
The sound of music filled up every where when I appeared,, wow this place is beautiful. I sat down and look around,, I don’t even have any cash with me, what do I do?
My eye caught with the money beside the cashier,, I sm-irk inwardly. Am sorry but I have to do this,,,
I closed my eyes, thinking directly that the money is in my pocket alre-ady. I opened my eyes and smiled,,,,,
” Sir,, what do you want?? ” The attendant asked
I told him and he went off,,,, I turned to the other side and saw the girl from last night.
She c@m£ in with a guy,, is that her b©yfri£nd?? I hope not,, damn. She’s so beautiful, she’s the first human I will ever notice anyway.
They sat down,,,,
” Here sir ” The guy said, I nodded and turned to the girl again
They are chatting and laughing,,,, he even tried to k!ssher,, and I suddenly bec@m£ angry.
There was a loud thun-der,,
No Harry calm down,, calm down. But the more I wanna calm down the more I get angry.
The people are screaming alre-ady,fu-ck what have I done??
Chapter 2
♠ Ana ♠
We were both having a nice time,, I really enjoy his company. And then he lean closer to me,,,
” can I k!ssyou?? ” he asked and I swallowed?
What? k!ss??
He was about k!ss!ngme when we heard a loud thun-der strike.
The thun-der continued,, people were running helter skelter. I can s-en-se it,, one of them is around here.
” Ana what do we do?? This is more serious than I thought, the people are scared ” Felix said
” Listen Felix,, nob©dy is aware that we are cops here. So calm down and let’s find a way to get out of here ” I said
He nodded and held my hand,, the thun-der strike ha-rder this time that I was f0rç£d to re-lease his hand.
Am really scared right now,,,, I began starring around the whole bar house, everyone is scared. Just then I saw him,,, my heart skip a beat the moment I saw Harry. But he’s eyes are different from what I saw last night,, he’s angry.
Oh no,, he’s the reason for the wild thun-der. He continue starring at me,,,
” I will be back ” I said to Felix
” Where are you going? Its dangerous ” he said
” Don’t worry about me Felix ” I said, before he could say more I was gone.
I walked to Harry and took his hand dragging him into the inner room,, I left his hand and look into his eyes.
Why is he so angry?? The thun-der keep on increasing, even with lightening. Am so sacred right now.
” Harry,, what’s wrong?? ” I asked and he seem shocked
” Am sorry to call your name,, but plea-se. St©p it,,I dont know why you are angry, but it’s too much and,,,,,,, ” before I could finish my statement,, he pu-ll-ed me closer by my w@!st and hisl-ips landed on mine.
What is he doing??? I stood still and allowed him do his thing anyway,, he left me and to my surprise the thun-der st©pped.
I looked out and then back to his face,,, I wanted to say something but he was gone.
What happened just now?? I don’t get myself right?? I breath in and out and went out,,,,
” I’ve been searching for you ” Felix said
I kept quiet,, am still shocked right now. I can’t believe he k!$$£d me,, he’s a great k!ss£r. I can’t forget the way his softl-ips felt on mine,, damn
” Ana,, what are you thinking of?? Are you okay?? ” Felix asked
” Am fine, can you drop me home plea-se ” I said and took my bag
” Sure ” he replied
I smiled and walked out with him behind me,, what is wrong with me right now?? What am I thinking about? He’s not human, don’t you get??!!!
Secret Hideout
🖤 Harry’s Pov 🖤
” And you k!$$£d her?? ” Cella asked. I sigh and nodded
” You Are insane Harry, how could you do that. You can’t possibly fall in love with that damn human, it’s dangerous ” She yelled
” that’s the best I could do,,, to st©p the thun-der ” I said
” You shouldn’t have got angry in the first place,,,, she’s got a b©yfri£nd!! Forget the damn feelings ”
” He’s not her b©yfri£nd” I said
” How did you know that?? ”
” I went into her mind when I k!$$£d her,, she doesn’t even like her ” I said calmly
” But still,, forget about her. Humans,, she’s a human plea-se. I don’t want you to get hurt ” She said and patted my back
I nodded with a smile,,,
⚜️ Ana’s Pov ⚜️
A smile escape myl-ips when I remember Harry,, oh no. It’s been one week now and I haven’t even set my eyes on him. What’s going on??
I got out of my uniform and walked out of the office,, am I missing him? Come on, why will I miss someone I don’t even know?
But that’s the fact,, I missed him. I don’t even know what’s wrong with me, am crazy alre-ady.
O decided to walk, maybe he’s gonna appear in front of me or something. I started walking and finally got to the wood,, it was calm and gentle.
I bec@m£ scared,, did something happen to Harry? This place is too calm,,, I hope he’s fine. I never knew when I started weeping,,,,,,,
” What’s wrong?? Why are you thinking about me so much?? ” A voice asked from my back
I turned to him and hvgged him immediately,,,
” Harry ” I said still hvgging him ti-ghtly
” You think something bad happened to me,,, I only c@m£ here to tell you am fine ” he said and rou-ghed my hair
I shook my head
” I missed you ” I said and he look shock
” I know it sound crazy,, but I really miss you a lot. I always think about you,, I can’t even sleep. Why did you left me after you did that,,,, it hurt so much ” I said in tears
He wipe my tears with his palm and k!$$£d me,, I k!$$£d him back with our ton-gues fighting for entrance. Damn, am in love with this creature.
” You can’t love me ” he said after we broke the k!ss
” Why?? You’re not human? ” I asked
” Yeah,, it’s dangerous. Just forget about me ” He said
” Am sorry,, I can’t ” I replied
” Don’t be stubborn,,, I can protect myself but can’t,,,,,, ”
” I am strong, who said I can’t protect myself?? ” I asked
” With a gun? ” he asked
” I don’t care,,, plea-se don’t leave me. I love you ” I said and hvgged him
” It’s getting cold,, I will walk you home ” He said
I nodded and we both went off,,,,
Its been weeks now,,, Harry and I bec@m£ really close that we can’t do without each other. O really love him a lot,,,, no one knows about this anyway. Not even Felix, I can’t afford to tell anyone.
I got to the wood and there he is alre-ady waiting for me,, I smiled and rushed to him. I k!$$£d him pas-sionately,,,,
” You look so beautiful today ” he said causing me to blus-h
” Thank you ” I said
” Let’s go, it’s getting cold ” he said
I nodded and he held my hand,,,
” Close your eyes baby ” he said
” What?? Why?? ”
” Just close your eyes ” He said
I nodded and closed my eyes,,,
” Now open ”
I opened my eyes and I was shocked,, we are inside my room. I turned to him with a confused face
” What happened?? How,,, did we get here?? ” I asked looking around
” That’s me ” he said and sat down
” Wow,, that’s amazing ” I said
” Come here ” he said
I smiled and went to him,, he pu-ll-ed me closer and hisl-ips landed on mine. I chuckle between the k!sses,,,
” I want you ” he whispers into my ear and shiver went down to my spine.
He pu-ll-ed me to the be-d immediately taking off my clothes one after the other,, I couldn’t even st©p him. I also want him no doubt about that,,,,,,
We are getting closer to the real drama