The twin sisters episode 22 & 23


[The vicious💋 and the caring



Gabriela POV

I opened my eyes and I smiled happily as I watched Sebastian slee-ping. I looked at the ring in my f!nger and I smiled more. It’s really beautiful yet simple just the way I like it.

Can’t believe we did it last night!! It doesn’t matter at least I gave my pride to someone who loves me.

I placed my head on his che-st as I kept staring at the ring. It fits in perfectly like it was made just for me…Can’t wait to be called Mrs Sherman…I brou-ght it to myl-ips and k!$$£d it…

“I’m getting jealous of that ring, its beginning to steal your attention away from me”

I looked up at him and smiled…

“Don’t be silly,,, it will never steal away your attention. The thing is that I still can’t believe that I’ll be getting married”


“You know when I was convicted,,, all hope were lost. I thought I will remain there forever. I’m glad all that is over”

I pu-ll-ed him closer and snuggled with his che-st inhaling his scent. It suddenly dawned on me that I had to go to work today.

“Oh no,,, I’m late for work”

I made to stand but he pu-ll-ed me back to him and said…

“Don’t tell me you want to go to work when you’re like this?! You’re still so-re, just stay with me for today. Only today..”

I then asked…

“How about you, aren’t you going to be late?”

“How can the boss be late for work? Besides I’ll just ask my secretary to do the work.”

I scoffed as I remembered that her nosy and rude secretary…

“You mean that rude secretary?”

He chuckled and pinched my cheek then said…

“Nope, I fired her yesterday. She tried to s£dûç£me and I just hate it. Beatrix is my new secretary”

“Really? That’s cool,,,I prefer her than that Ivy”

I closed my eyes when suddenly my phone began ringing….Sebastian handed it to me and picked the call….

📞 Hello,,,who’s this??”

📞 It’s me Miranda

📞 Oh,, cool so is the job done??

📞 Yep,,I babe the video as you demanded

📞 Cool s£nd it to me right now…

I hung up the call and almost immediately the video c@m£ in. I smiled satisfied with my plan….

I heard Sebastian ask…

“What are you planning??”

I handed him my phone and I could see the angry look on his face as he watch the video…

After the video ended, I then spoke…

“I paid that pr©st!tût£to s£dûç£Jayden and make him sleep with her. I asked her to record it and s£nd it to me. I’ll show it to Daniela on the eve of their wedding day. You can re-ad more of these from unlimited story platform, fresh stories kingdom, house of story room, sweet and nice story room throu-gh ohene ome on+23354 can’t possibly let my sister marry this man who-re”

“Me too sunshine,,, I don’t want to have my future sister in law marry this useless man”

I took my phone and placed it on the stand and said…

“Let’s not ruin the moment with this idiot…”

“You’re right,,,let’s make some babies!!”

I looked at him and said…

“Babies?? It’s still aching down there…”

He c@m£ on t©p of me and said…

“I’ll be gentle don’t worry”

He pe-cked myl-ips and I felt him slid in…

Eleanor POV

I looked at my self in the mirror and my dress looks okay…

I walked out of the small ap@rtment that I rented then I hailed a cab which took me to the Evans collection. Today will be my first day of work….

I arrived at work and walked straight to Mr Shane’s office.

Shane’s POV

I was typing notes, signing do¢v-ments. Ever since the world discovered that Gabriela is Nicole,,, I have being busy with work with everyone wanting her to advertise their company….

Suddenly I heard a knock on the door and without looking I answered….

“Come in!”

The door opened and I looked up to see it was Eleanor,, the girl Gabriela recommended me…

“I c@m£ for the test sir”

“plea-se,,call me Shane and also be patient let me fnish with all these files…

She sat down and I continued with my job. After some minutes I heard her speak…

“Um sir, I can help if you want to”

I looked at her and said…

“Alright,,,here help me select the best profit earning company while I schedule some events”

I continued my work and within 45 minutes,,I was done. I fell tiredly on the chair and then my gaze landed on Eleanor.

I don’t know why but she’s really pretty today though in her simple go-wn she still looks good. My gaze landed on herl-ips and at that time she li-cked it ma-king my breath hitch…

I suddenly felt the urge to k!ssher…No,, what I’m I thinking?! I am never going to k!ssa girl without her permission never again. Last time I did it Gabriela almost ruined my face with sl@ps….

She looked up at me and caught me staring. I looked into her green eyes, I didn’t know when I smiled while staring at her…

“Boss,,,anything wrong?”

I quic-kly adverted my gaze and said….

“Umm,, nothing. You have pretty eyes”

She smiled and said…

“Thank boss”

I found myself staring at her face with that cheeky smile on her face. I quic-kly said…

“plea-se call me Shane”

“Alright Shane”

She handed me the file and I smiled satisfied with the choice she made. I looked at her and said…

“How about I hire you as my personal as-sistant. The pay will be higher, I as-sure you… You’re qualified for this job”

She thought for a while before saying…

“Alright. I agree”

She brou-ght up her hand and we shook hands. I held her hand not wanting to let go…


I realized what I was doing and I quic-kly re-leased her hand..

“I’m sorry”

She nodded with a smile and said…

“So when do I start working?”

“Tomorrow at 8am”

She nodded and said…

“Alright,,,I’ll be leaving now. Goodbye Shane”

With that said she walked out of the room while swaying her h!ps. I sl@pped myself at my per-verted thought. Maybe I’m just tired that’s why. I stood and brewed myself a mug of coffee…

Daniela POV

I sat down while watching TV when suddenly Jayden arrived…

“Good morning baby”

“Don’t baby me,,, you were gone the whole of last night”

“I’m sorry,, I was just busy. You know my life as doctor right?”

I nodded still feeling very guilty for what I did. If I could turn back time and erase all what I did with Adrien,,, I will do it without thinking… I never wanted to cheat, I was just too frustrated…

I quic-kly wiped off my tears before he could notice it, I then replied…

“It’s okay, I forgive you”

He smiled and pe-cked my cheek before walking upstairs.

I covered my face with my palm as I felt nothing but regret…

[The vicious💋 and the caring😇]


Daniela POV

I buried my face in my palms as I felt nothing but regret…

“Miss Daniela”

I lifted my head up and I saw the last person I ever wanted to see today…

“What do you want Adrien?”

He sat down beside me before continuing,,

“I just want to apologize for what happened last night. I’m sorry,,,I should have pushed you away but I gave in”

“Its okay,,now plea-se leave me. I want to be alone”

I placed back my head on my palm then I heard him say…

“I’m sorry about what I did but I never regretted doing that”

I looked up at him and asked…

“What do you mean by that?”

He tucked a br@nd of my hair behind my ears which made me shiver before he continued….

“What I meant to say is that I love you”

I quic-kly sl@pped his hand off my hair and stood up then said…

“What are you talking about?”

“What I’m saying is that,, I love you Danie…”

“Shut up!! Don’t you have any shame? Not only I’m I engaged to Jayden but my wedding day is in four days”

I walked to the stairs before saying…

“I will give you only a chance. Next time you say this $h!t to me again, you’ll be fired”

I made to walk upstairs but I halted on my tracks as I heard him say…

“I hope you’ll realize who the person you’re engaged to is really is, before it’s too late”

I scoffed and walked upstairs….


Gabriela POV

“Sebastian,,plea-se could you help me with my Zi-pper?”

“I’m coming!”

I felt him Zi-p on my go-wn and then he placed a k!sson my shoulder that’s just what he does every time.

I turned to him and said…

“How do I look?”

“You look gorgeous as always…”

I held his tie and I fixed it properly while saying…

“You nee-d to look good,,,it’s your sister’s wedding today”

He leaned in slowly while saying…

“I know,,,but why do I feel like undressing you back again”

I rolled my eyes and hit him pla-yfully then said…

“Quit it,,, I’m not going to be late to my future sister in law wedding day because of you”

He pouted and said…

“You’re so mean”

I chuckled and said…

“Yeah,,,I know. Now let’s go”

“Not even a k!ss?”

I sighed at his persistency and walked up to him then I pressed myl-ips on his. As I made to pu-ll away he held me and de-epened the k!ss.

I almost gave in but I regain back myself and pushed him away…

“You,,, you’re so cunning”

He smiled and held my hand and then we walked out of the room heading outside.

Immediately we stepped foot out of the house,reporters began flashing their lights at us…One of the disadvantages of coming from a wealthy family and also being engaged to someone famous…

I turned to face Sebastian and said…

“I’ll be leaving now. I’ll see you at the wedding ceremony”

He pouted again and said…

“Alright,but I’ll miss you”

“It’s just for some hours Sebby”

“That changes nothing”

I picked hisl-ips and waved at him before away.

I boarded the limo which drove me to Violet’s house.

As I arrived there, reporters where still everywhere. The b©dyguard cleared way for me and I walked there while waving at them. When did I bec@m£ this famous??

I reached towards the entrance and I smiled as I saw my former b©dyguard, Adrien.


He turned and looked at me and smiled before saying…

“Greetings Miss Gabriela”

I scoffed and said…

“There’s no miss Gabriela with me, come here”

I spre-ad my arm and he reluctantly hvgged me…

“I missed you Adrien”

“Me too Gaby”

Adrien is like a big brother to me. Of course I know he has a crush on Daniela but he has always being too coward to express his feelings to her…

I broke the hvg and said…

“So do you still work for my dad?”

He nodded and said…

“Of course I do, I can’t leave Daniela with that man who-re”

“So you also found out his true nature”

He nodded and continued…

“I caught him fv¢king with one of the maids there. Not once,but thrice”

“I can’t let him marry my sister. I’ll have to do something about that”

I waved at him and walked in heading to her room. I opened the door and she was sitting there with makeup artist doing her makeup.

She sp©tted me and she stood up and walked towards me then hvgged me….

“You look so beautiful today Violet,,,

She chuckled and said…

“Thanks Gaby,,, you look good too.”

She g@sped as she saw the ring in my hand…She said…

“Did he propose to you?”

I nodded and she began jumping happily…

“I’m so happy for you Gaby”

“Thanks, now enough about me let’s get you re-ady. We are getting late”

She sat back down and they continued with her makeup.

After an hour, they were done fixing her hair…She picked her bouquet of flower and I helped her with her dress as we walked out of the room…

We boarded the car which drove us to church…

We arrived there and I arranged her long go-wn on the aisle.

I bowed in greetings as I saw Sebastian’s dad. He suddenly pu-ll-ed me in for a hvg and said…

“Thanks for ma-king my son happy”

“You’re welcome dad”

He re-leased me and gestured Violet to hold his arm and she did. I heard him say to Violet…

“If only your mother was alive, I’m sure she’ll be very proud of you”

She pe-cked his dad cheek. The music began pla-ying and they began walking to the alter…I followed them shortly…

As they arrived at the alter and I walked to Sebastian and I sat down beside him as we interlocked our f!ngers…The ceremony began…

I placed my head on Sebastian shoulder as I watched them exchange their vows…

“I now declare you husband and wife. You may know k!ssyour bride”

We all stood up and cl@pped as they k!$$£d themselves…


After the wedding ceremony we went to the reception. Many personality were pres£nt including Shane and I think I also saw Daniela and Jayden.

I placed my head on Sebastian che-st as we were swaying to the rhythm of the music.

“I love you Sebby”

“I know and I love you more”

The music st©pped and I heard Violet speak on the mic…

“plea-se gather here all the ladies, its time to throw the bouquet”

I looked at Sebastian and he nodded. I shrugged and walked to where the bouquet was supposed to be thrown. I saw someone I think it’s Eva (Daniela’s best friend). She pu-ll-ed Daniela here. She looked at me and quic-kly diverted her gaze…

Violet then spoke…

“Alright 3, 2, 1…go!!”

She threw the bouquet and it flew across me to land into Daniela’s hand. She looked surprised. I smiled at her and said…

“Nice catch sis,,”

She looked away and muttered silently…

“Thank you”

I have the feeling that she is beginning to regret what she did and I’m going to help her change no matter what…

We all went to our former positions. I held Sebastian hand and we went and sat down on an empty seats…

After some hours, the reception ended and we said our goodbyes to our newly wedded couple and then we went home…

I took a quic-k bath and changed into my pajamas then I c@m£ and la-id down beside Sebastian… I then said…

“Tomorrow is the eve of Daniela’s wedding day.”

“You’re going to expo-se him right?”

“Yes, I can’t let him marry my sister”

I cudd-lewith him and snuggled with his che-st before saying…

“Goodnight Sebby”

“Night my love”

He stro-ke my head and like that I drifted off to sleep….


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