The twin sisters episode 14 & 15


[The vicious💋 and the caring😇]


Daniela POV

I stood there clued on the sp©t with my eyes wi-de. What just happened now? Did I just the cold hearted CEO k!ssNicole.

That guy is the riche-st man in this country but he’s also cold hearted. How come he just smiled and k!$$£d Nicole?

This only seemed to add to my anger, not only does she makes me look incompetent in front of Shane, but she also succeeded in having the riche-st man in the country wra-pped around her f!nger.

“Hey, let’s go baby”

I turned and glared at Jayden. He’s a doctor by profession and today was his day off but I haven’t even seen him today.

“Where were you Jay?

“Can’t I just stay on my own for some minutes without you being angry?”

He said those words and walked to the car, as he reached for the door to the door to car, he said without looking at my direction…

“Are you coming or you’re gonna stay there like a statue”

I scoffed and walked to the car then boarded it, not only is she with the riche-st man in the country but the man is ro-mantic. I looked at Jayden and rolled my eyes.

He then drove off….

Gabriela POV

I was staring at him as he drove us to who knows where. It’s now that I realize just how gorgeous he is, perfectly sculpted nose with his masculine jawline and his de-ep pene-trating hazel eyes let’s not talk about his k!ssablel-ips and his inky dark hair.

I then looked at myself and I suddenly felt down the mood, I’m not worthy of such a man like him. What did he sees in me that he doesn’t see in other women? What if one day he tired of me and then leaves me just like Jayden did. Nob©dy will want a convict like me as girlfriend talk less of wife…

The car suddenly st©pped jo-lting me out of my thought. I looked out and it looks like he drove us to a kind of forest.

I alighted the car with a dull expression which he seemed to notice.

“Hey Gaby what’s wrong? You look sad all of a sudden”

I faked a smile and said…

“It’s nothing, I’m fine”

But he wasn’t buying any of those as he said…

“I know there’s something bordering you. plea-se tell me, is it because you don’t like it here?”

“No, it’s not it the thing is that I’m feeling unsecured. Like you would leave me for another girl. I’m a convict, what good things can I possibly offer you”

I looked down and took myl-ips in while fidgeting with my f!ngers

He then lifted my head up and smiled then he said…

“You want to know what good you offered me? You gave me a new reason to smile ever since my mother’s death and Juliet dep@rture I haven’t being the same. Then on that fateful night when you clumsily bu-mped into me, did you know what I saw in your eyes…”

He lifted me in the air and twirled me around while saying…

“I saw a house beside the beach, you as my wife and our little twins running round the house”

He put me down and I giggled before saying


He nodded and continued.

“And from that day, you were always in my mind at one point I thought I was going crazy. I even thought you cast a spell on me”

I laughed at his silliness…He then continued…

“You are the br@vest, most beautiful and the most sweet woman I’ve ever seen in my life. I admire you, because if any other person went throu-gh what you went that person could have being shattered into pieces. I call you sunshine for a reason because you are the one that makes me wake up, that brightens my day”

He pu-ll-ed me closer by the w@!st and wiped off my tears before continuing…

“I love you Gabriela and there’s no other woman on this earth that I can imagine my future with, you will and forever remain my one and only”

He gently k!$$£d myl-ips which made my heart flutter. This k!ssis definitely the best k!ssI’ve received because it was out of love.

He broke it and then said….

“Are you clear now?”

I nodded with a smile and then wra-pped my hand round his w@!st and said…

“I love you”

“Love you more”

He help my hand and said..

“Come let me show you something”

We began walking throu-ghout the forest and I g@sped at what I saw. This place is so beautiful, I sp©tted a fountain not far and there was all kinds of birds.

I looked up above me and I could see fireflies everywhere. It was so beautiful with flowers of different kinds everywhere.

I looked at Sebastian and he was holding a basket in his hand. He then said….

“This place is where I come when I’m sad, angry or depressed. It calms me down when I see all these birds and creatures. There’s a wolf not far from here, trust me it’s very friendly and nice. I named it Baxter. Come on let’s have a picnic”

We began setting the different nee-ded for the picnic. After that we sat down in each other arms.

I saw a strawberry and I picked it from the bowl and stuffed it in my mouth. Strawberries are my favorite

I picked another one and directed it at Sebastianl-ips.

“Open ahh”

He chuckled and opened his mouth then took a bite of the strawberry. He then said…

“No wonder you always taste like strawberry”

“They’re my favorites”

I smiled and happily munched on my strawberry.

I looked at the sky, with the stars and the moon, so beautiful. He then spoke jo-lting me out of my thought…

“You promised me something”

I ached a brow at him….

“I don’t remember ever promising you something”

He looked at me like he would eat me up and then he said….

“You promised me we will do it later”

My eyes wi-de-ned as I remember what I said in the morning…

“No, no I didn’t mean it that way. What I meant was….”

He pushed me on the gras-s and said with a smile…

“Too late”

He k!$$£d me wildly and I found myself lost in the k!ss.

He then trailed his f!ngersfrom my shoulder to my arm and then he interlinked our hands still while k!ss!ngme.

My b©dy began trembling and he seemed to notice it as he broke the k!sswith a worried look…

“What’s wrong Gaby”

I looked down embarras-sed and shy before muttering…

“I’ve never done it before”

He lifted my head so that I could look into his eyes. I could see shock in them… He then said…

“You mean you’re still a vir-gin?”

I nodded and bite myl-ips. He leaned towards me and k!$$£d my forehead before smiling at me and saying…

“Don’t worry I’ll wait till when you’re re-ady”

I nodded and then he la-id down his back beside me. I placed my head on his che-st and we both starred at the starry night. This is surely the first time in history where someone is having a picnic at night…

After some while, we stood up and arranged all the things we took for picnic into a basket and then we boarded the car and drove home…

We arrived home and the maids took the basket and went in. We interlinked our hands and walked in together.

As we entered the living room, noise could be heard. Beatrix and Jade were pla-ying some video games while Eleanor was sitting on the couch with a book in her hands.

I chuckled as I saw them, they’re always as noisy and as lively as I imagined…

I turned to Sebastian and he had a look of surprise on his face, probably wondering what they’re doing in his house.

“Um, Sebastian. Remember in the morning I told you we had some visitors, well here they are. Meet my co prisoners.”

“How the hell did they get here?”

I pouted myl-ips like a kid and did my best puppy face

“They are amongst the four people they didnt succeed to apprehend. They don’t have a place to stay so I decided to bring them here. plea-se don’t be mad at me, plea-se”

He sighed and smiled at me…

“Alright I’m not mad, I was just surprised. They can stay as long as they want since you trust them then I’ll have to do same”

I jumped and said

“Thanks Sebby”

He looked at me with a funny look…

“Sebby,,, since when did Sebastian become Sebby.”

I wra-pped my arm round his n£¢k and said…

“Since when I decided it”

We heard someone speak which brou-ght us out of our thought…

“Hey girls the lovey dovey are back”

We looked at that direction and it was Jade who spoked. The three of them looked at us and began smiling like fools. I looked back at Sebastian and we both laughed. We entered the living room and they the three of them held Sebastian arm and dragged him to a corner before they began speaking to him

“Hey, listen our Gaby is head over heels for you so you better mind the way you treat. Love her with all you heart and you better not break her heart because if you do well break your bones the same way you did to her heart”

Sebastian nodded with his hands up in surrender and now they left him and continued with their games…

Eleanor then spoke….

“Sebastian, you better begin to work ha-rd because I want tons of babies in this house”

I face palmed myself at her words. I then said

“Alright I’ll go change. I’ll be back”

With that said, I walked up to my room to take a bath…

Sebastian POV

I stood by the door while watching at how they pla-yed their video games. I think I’ll bailed them out of jail…That’ll be for another day…

I smiled and walked upstairs to my room. I st©pped at Gabriela’s room and smiled as I looked at the door to her room. She really changed my life for the better…

I reached my room and opened the door and what I saw startled me.

“What the fv¢k!!”

[The vicious and the caring😇]


Sebastian POV

I walked in my room and what I saw startled me…

“What the fv¢k!!”

That new maid, Michelle was standing in front of me wra-pped in a towel…

“Wh…What are you doing here?”

She suddenly let go off the towel and it fell one the floor revea-ling n-ked b©dy…

I swallowed on nothing and turned to leaving the room but she held my hand and made me look towards her.

I turned and looked at her, trying ha-rd for my eyes not to look at her b©dy…

With innocent eyes she said…

“I know what I’m doing is not decent for a woman like me. I know I’m desperate and I admit it, I’m desperate. The truth is I love you Sebastian, and I know you don’t love me but plea-se just grant mean this wish and I’ll leave you alone. plea-se Sebastian plea-se satisfy me, make me feel like a woman, plea-se”

I closed my eyes trying to suppress the headache that this woman is giving me. She suddenly held my left hand and placed it on her brea-st.

I yanked off my hand from her br£@st and took the be-d sheets and gave it to her while saying…

“Take this, cover yourself and leave before I harm you. I’m serious about it, I will harm you if you don’t leave”

As stubborn as she is, she took the cover and threw it away then she wra-pped her hands round my n£¢k and k!$$£d me while crashing her n!ppl!s on my che-st…

I tried pushing her away but I don’t want to t©uçh her b©dy.

The door suddenly bur-st open revea-ling the last person I ever wanted to see this.

Gabriela looked at us with tears brimming at the corner of her eyes. She said with a hurt filled voice…

“All men are the same. I thought you were different but I guess I was wrong”

With that said she ran away. At that moment Michelle re-leased me and said…

“I’m…I’m sorry I”

Without caring about her gender, I sl@pped her and she fell on the be-d. I gr@bb£d her by the hair and said….

“Just start praying because if I lose her, you’re dead meat”..

I re-leased her and marched outside then locked her in my room. I searched for the whole mansion but she wasn’t there.

I began to worry more, what if she tries to harm herself. I ran my hand in my hair frustratedly, trying to calculate where she could be….

I then remember that there’s a river not far from here. Oh God!! I hope she didn’t try what I’m thinking….

I ran out of ng house heading to the gate. Without caring to take a car, I ran out of the gate heading to the river.

I arrived there in some minutes and checking for her. I walked along the borders of the river but I didn’t see anything.

I made to turn and leave but I sp©tted something that looks like someone’s hand. No it’s a hand.

I quic-kly re-moved my shi-t and plunged inside the river swimming to her. I sp©tted her inside water as her long blonde hair was sprawled in the water.

I caught her with an arm and with the other I swimmed to the surface. I breathed in the air as I reached the surface.

I carried her in my arm and walked out of the water.

I la-id her down on the soil and re-move her we-t hair that sticked on her face.

I placed my ear on her che-st and her heartbeat were becoming shallower.

I quic-kly pressed her stomach to see if she could spill out the water but it was unsuccessful…

Tears began flowing out of my eyes as I continued pressing here stomach…

“plea-se Gaby, plea-se don’t leave me, plea-se? I’m sorry!!”

I continued pressing her stomach but still no reaction…

I did mouth-to-mouth resuscitation but still no reaction. I then placed her my ear on her che-st and it was getting shallower… I’m loosing her!!

With tears flowing out of my eyes I did back the mouth to mouth resuscitation and I felt her move.

I pu-ll-ed away from her as she coughed out the water.

I took her into my arm and cried while saying…

“Thank goodness you’re safe Gaby”

She pushed me away and yelled in tears…

“Why did you save me, you could have let me die. I’m tired of this world, I’m really tired. Why do I keep loosing what is precious to me!! Why? I’ve never done anything wrong to anyone then why I’m I always loosing what I love the most…”

I held her firmly by the shoulder and k!$$£d her in order to make her st©p talking.

After some seconds,I pu-ll-ed back and I looked at her…

“I’m so sorry Gaby, what you saw earlier wasn’t what it looked like. She wanted me to satisfy her physically but I refused and then I asked her to leave but then she k!$$£d me and that’s what you saw. I would never cheat on you Gaby, I love you too much for that”

I gently ca-ressed her we-t hair as she kept looking at me with those cute blue eyes…. I then asked…

“Gaby,,,do you trust me??”

She nodded and then I said…

“Then why do you think I could possibly cheat on you? Whenever you are mad or hurt because of me, hit me, sl@p me, punch me, I won’t st©p you from doing that but plea-se never you do what you just did today. Believe me when I say you are my life. If you die then I’ll surely follow you. plea-se, don’t harm yourself because of me.”

I looked down, not wanting her to look at me crying….

She then lifted my head up and wiped off my tears before she said…

“I’m…I’m sorry Sebastian, I’m sorry I hurt you because of my action, I was just so hurt. I trust you Sebby,, don’t doubt that. I promise I’ll never try to harm myself again. I promise…..

She wra-pped her tiny arms round my w@!st and then she placed her head on my che-st and curled her b©dy like a kid…

I smiled at her cute action then I took my shi-t and wra-pped it around her b©dy before picking her up then I walled back to the house

I arrived at home and everyb©dy were just staring at us but I didn’t Care about the stares.

I walked into her room since I locked that thing in my room…

I placed her on the be-d and began un-bu-ttoning her shi-t. I looked at her face and she was blu-shing. I then said with sm-irk pla-ying around myl-ips…

“Hey I just want to change you we-t dress, don’t imagine anything else”

“I wasn’t imagining”

I k!$$£d her forehead and finished un-bu-ttoning her shi-t.

I swallowed ha-rd as I unZi-pped her jeans and re-moved it leaving her in her lingerie. I closed my eyes in order to surpress the de-sire building up in me…

I felt her fidget and I smiled as I wasn’t the only one being tortured here…

I looked up at her and she had her eyes shut ti-ghtly while b!tt!g herl-ips…

I placed a k!sson herl-ips and she opens her eyes and looked at me…

“You’re h0t!!”

She blu-shed and muttered…

“Thank you”

I stood up and went and picked something comfortable for her to wear…

I walked back to her and said…

“Um,,your un-derwears is also we-t.”

She stood up shyly and said…

“No nee-d thanks I can do it.”

I she placed her foot on the ground, she wo-bbled and fell back on the be-d

I walked up to her and said…

“You’re still weak. Let me help you”

She nodded while b!tt!g herl-ips out of nervousness.

I unstra-pped her br@ and re-moved it still while swallowing ha-rd . I could see the goosebu-mps that alre-ady formed on her b©dy. I placed a k!sson her shoulder which made her shiver and I smiled, satisfied by the effect I have on her.

I helped here wear the shi-t I picked for her then I placed a k!sson her cute ñ@v£l which made her b©dy ache. Everything in her in her is cute.

I re-moved her p@n-tie in one go ma-king her g@sp in surprise then I walked to her wardrobe and took out new one then wore it on her before putting her jean on.

I covered her properly with the duvet and placed a k!ssone her forehead turn her cheek followed by her nose and finally on herl-ips…

“Goodnight sunshine”

She pouted and said…

“Won’t you sleep right by me?”

“I’ll be back, I just nee-d to go and change”

She nodded and covered herself properly with only her head visible…

I walked out of her room and breathed out…That was puret torture.

My face ha-rd ened and then I called Mathilda the head maid.


“Yes, master”

“Call out for all the maid in this house including the b©dy guards”

She nodded and walked away. I opened back my room and I saw Michelle in tears, crocodile tears!!!

She had only the be-dsheet wra-pped round her b©dy. I gr@bb£d her hand and dragged her out of the room heading downstairs where everyone except Gabriela was pres£nt.

I threw her to the floor and then said to everyone pres£nt

“Because of this stupid thing there, Gabriela almost died if not for me she would have being dead. I want this to serve as a lesson to everyone pres£nt here, if you dare try any $h!t on me most importantly Gabriela you’ll regret it.”

I snap my f!ngersand two hvge muscular men c@m£ in the living room.

I looked at Michelle and said…

“You wanted to be satisfied right? Well I’ll be happy to do that. These two men here are going to do the job for me”

Her eyes wi-de-ned and she began begging…

“No, plea-se spare me. plea-se I’m sorry I won’t do it again”

I smiled at her and said…

“Remember when I told you to go or else you’ll regret it? Now is the time for regret”

I turned and looked at the two men and said…

“Boys,,take her away and do what you want with her and remember you guys won’t st©p till she faints”

They nodded with smiled on their faces and then they picked her up and walked away with her.

I glared at rest and said…

“Be warned!!!”

I walked away and as I made to enter my room, someone call me…


I turned and it was Eleanor. I said with a smile..

“Anything wrong?”

She nodded and said…

“I want to tell you who Michelle really is…”
