The twin sisters episode 12 & 13





[The vicious💋 and the caring




Gabriela POV


I hung up the call with a confused expression. How does he know my real name? How is he involved in what happened to me.


I looked around and no one was watching me. How does he know where I’m standing…


I said a silent prayer before entering the cafeteria.


I took a seat at a secluded area and ordered two mugs of coffee. I sipped on mine with my eyes scanning round the cafeteria.


Suddenly a man walked up to me and sat opposite me then took the other mug of coffee and drank it… He then said with a husky voice….


“Nice meeting you miss Gabriela McRae”




I looked at him suspiciously while sipping on my coffee. He then shifted a video tape on my side. I discreetly took it and put it in my purse.


He then said….


“In that tape you can see what really happened to ru-by but unfortunately the face of the murderer isn’t clear”


“Thanks anyways. I have a question. Why are you helping me?”


He began trembling and then he said as tears trickled in his eyes….


“ru-by was my niece. You might not believe me because of our differences in status. I’m a cleaner and her parents are rich. I was heart broken when I heard she was dead, so I hacked into the security c@m£ras and I succeeded in retrieving that scene before it was deleted. plea-se help me, I want justice for my niece,my poor niece”


He began crying loudly….


I held his palm and began ru-bbing it to sooth his pains. I then said to him….


“I’m sorry for your loss mister. Even I, I never wished for anything of such to happen. I’ll do everything in my power to catch those responsible. It’s a promise”


He nodded and we stood up then we shook hands and went our separate. I called for the driver and he drove me home.


I arrive at my destination and I alighted the car then marched to the house while beaming with a smile. I then remember the punishment I gave Michelle.


I entered the living room and the head maid together with Michelle stood while waiting for me to inspect the work done.


I t©uçhed a furniture and I smiled at Michelle before saying…


“Good job Mich,,,maybe you were born to be a maid after all”


She glared at me and I win-ked knowingly at her before going upstairs.


I took a quic-k bath and changed into something comfortable before sitting on a table. I re-moved a br@nd new l@pt©p that Sebastian gifted me. Must be from their company.


I inser-ted the cas-sette tape and cli-cked on pla-y. It began pla-ying…


The first scene showed when ru-by was staggering while holding the wall till she pushed the restroom door and went inside.


Then a man walked while buckling his trou-ser belt then he entered the restroom ru-by entered…


He c@m£ out after a short while and walked away. I couldn’t see the face I’d the person.


I rewind it and cli-cked on pause as he was placed his hand to open the door to the restroom.


I then zoomed it and I could see a sort of tattoo drawn on his arm


I quic-kly picked a page and a pen then I sketched out the tattoo he had.


I searched for the different forms of tattoo but I couldn’t see one that had this form.


I gro-an ed and fell on the be-d, guess I’ll have to wait for Sebastian to get back before continue….


If my as-sumption is true then this guy R@p£d ru-by and killed her before going, but why could he have done that. How was ru-by involved in this….


My phone began to ring and I picked it happily as I saw Sebastian name on the screen


📞 Babe?


📞 Sunshine, I have good news for both of us. The contract was rescheduled for next week so hopefully I’ll be back by next week.


📞 That’s great!! I really missed your t©uçhes


📞 Someone is getting n@ûghty,,,,


I laughed and said…


📞 I also have something for you. I am a step closer to finding who really killed ru-by.


📞 How did you do it?


📞 I’ll explain everything to you once you’re back. Goodbye love you


📞 Same pinch here my angel…


I hung up the call and smiled. So this is how love feels like!!


I got out of be-d and walked downstairs to take my meal. After a delicious meal, I walked upstairs and did some researches before drifting off to sleep






I woke up feeling refreshed and energetic. Today I think I’m gonna visit Violet and Nick since today is my day off.


I crawled out of be-d and went and did my business before settling in a white shi-t and a black jean with some white sneakers.


I brushed my hair and allowed it to fall freely then I picked up my bag and walked out. I saw Michelle and we glared at each other before pas-sing. If only I could report her to the police, unfortunately I can’t because she will report me too and I’ll end up in jail again….


I decided to go to their house on foot since it wasn’t that far. My phone began ringing and I rolled my eyes as I saw Shane’s number.


📞 Hello?


📞 Um, Nicole can we have lunch together?


📞 Last time I had lunch with you it didn’t end well…


📞 I know, this one I want to tell you something important…


📞 Okay just this one but we’re not meeting at a restaurant. I’ll meet you at the company, find by you?


📞 Okay. See you in two hours time…


I hanged up and continued my way. Suddenly someone held my n£¢k and I could feel something sharp pointing on my back. I held my hand up high…


“Give me all the money you have and I’ll leave you alone”


This voice sounds really familiar. I quic-kly elbowed her on the stomach and held n£¢k then pinned her on the wall, when you’re in prison you learn all this kind of tactics.


I re-moved the face mask that she was putting on and I g@sped as I saw who it was…




She looked at me surprisingly…


“There’s only one person in this world that calls me that”


“Beatrix, it’s me. Gabriela”


Her eyes wi-de-ned in shock and disbelief.


“How do I know if you’re not lying to me?”


I re-leased her n£¢k and lifted up my shi-t. She g@sped as she saw the tattoo…


“Gabriela, its really you? You’re alive?”




We hvgged each other and she began crying…


“Thank goodness you’re alive. I was so sad when I thought you died”


“I’m save Trixie”


We broke the hvg and she said worriedly…


“Gaby, you have to help me. Eleanor is not well, she’s really sick I nee-d some money so I can buy some drugs for her”


I g@sped and said….


“Come on quic-k lead the way”


She began walking and I followed her. Guess I’ll visit Violet some other time.


We walked I’m an abandoned building, the roof was alre-ady decaying. No wonder she fell sick.


She led me into what looked like a room and I saw Eleanor lying on a mat while coughing profusely. I suddenly felt really bad for them.


I walked there and said to Beatrix….


“quic-k come and help me pick her up we’re leaving from here”


We held both of her hands and stood up then began walking to the exit.


As we walked out of the building, I saw Jade walking towards us. I’m so glad they’re alive and well.


She carried her from me and I re-moved my phone and called one of Sebastian driver. Not long after he drove to us


“Let’s go girls”


We boarded the car which drove us back to Sebastian mansion and the driver helped us carry Eleanor to a vacant room.


I dialed the family doctor’s number and he c@m£ in a jiffy.


I walked and sad down beside Beatrix and said…


“Hey calm down she’ll be alright. Trust me”


She nodded and then said


“How did you get here, I mean this place is so so luxurious!!”


I chuckled and said…


“Well do you remember that guy that visited me in prison. He saved my life and now I live here”


She g@sped and said…


“That’s so cool of him. Where is he, I haven’t seen him”


“He’s out of the country for now. He’ll be back in some days time”


She nodded and smiled then said…


“So you like him right?”


I blu-shed and simply nodded. She g@sped and squiled


“Oh thats so cute!! Our little Gaby is in love. I’m happy for you”


I laughed and I g@sped as I checked the time on my phone.


“Oh no I have to go now. We’ll chat later”


I walked out of the house and drove off to the company. I arrived there quic-kly and I met Shane standing outside.


I walked out of the car and marched towards him.


“Good morning Mr Evans”


He sighed and said…


“Nicole, are you still mad at me?”


“What you did was really not cool but I’m nor mad at you”


“I admit it, it wasn’t really nice what I did. I’ll suppress whatever thing I feel for you but plea-se do forgive me”


I smiled at him and said…


“I’ve forgiven you Shane but there’s still someone you nee-d to ask for forgiveness”


“Yeah, Sebastian. I’ll wait till he’s back”


“Cool. So now friends?”




We shook hands then we chatted a little before he said..


“Oh and I almost forgot, ever since you c@m£ to this company the capital has been increasing. So I want the two best model of this company to take p@rt in the big contest that’ll take place next month”


I g@sped. Ever since I was a kid that has always being my dream.


“I… I don’t know what to say…”


“Just say yes you agree”


I nodded with a smile… He then said


“Thats fantastic news, so you and danilea

will begin your training tomorrow”


I ached a brow and said…


“Daniela,,,she’ll also take p@rt?”


“Yes, each modeling agency gets to choose two models from their company. The only disadvantage is that there’s only one winner so the models will have go compete. Here’s on this company, we’ve chos£n you and Daniela”


I smiles inwardly. This is an opportunity to humiliate her…


We chatted a little and then I said my goodbye then drove back home.


I reached home and I saw Beatrix and Jade had a surprise look on their face. I walked up to them and said…


“Why the weird face?”


Jade spoke…


“We just saw Michelle wearing a maid uniform”


“Well she’s the maid here. Its a long story”


I told them all what transpired between Michelle and I….


Beatrix spoke…


“Ohh I’m sorry Gaby, now you have to live with that bit-ch for some time”


“I’m used to that”


We heard a weak voice speak..


“Where am I?”


We rushes inside the room and saw Eleanor sitting up on the be-d.


She’s being unconscious for two hours now.


“Thank goodness you’re awake Elle”


She looked and me suspiciously and said…


“Who are you?”


Oh, I forgot that I’m still wearing this stupid mask. I peeled it off and smiled at her. She g@sped as she saw my face.




“Yes, its me. I’m alive”


She took me into her arm and cried out of happiness.


“I’m so happy you’re alive.”


“Hey, don’t cry. You’re still weak”


I wiped her tears and I smiled at her. We then discussed till it was time for be-d.


I walked up to my room, then took a long relaxing bath while thinking of ways to know who killed ru-by.


I c@m£ out of the room dripping we-t then applied my b©dy cream before drying my hair. Then I wore my pajamas and climbe-d on my be-d and closed my eyes but I wasn’t feeling sleepy.


After alot of rolling in be-d, I stood up frustratingly. I climbe-d down from be-d and walked out of the room towards the kitchen maybe with a glas-s of milk I’ll feel sleepy.


Suddenly a hand held my arm and pu-ll-ed me then pinned me on the wall…


“Who’s….who’s this?”




[The vicious💋 and caring😇]




Gabriela POV


“Who’s….who’s this?”


Places were dark, I couldn’t see the face of the person holding me.


Suddenly the person held my w@!st and pu-ll-ed me closer. From the look of it, it’s a male. I was too scared to move an inch…


“Did you miss me?”


My eyes wi-de-ned as I recognized the person’s voice.




He took in myl-ips and k!$$£d me hungrily. I smiled in the k!ssthen wra-pped my arm round his n£¢k then de-epened the k!ss.


We broke it and I said…


“I missed you so much”


He re-moved the piece of clothing that was on my shoulder then he trailed k!sses from my shoulder to the crook of my n£¢k which made my knees weak…


He then said with his face buried in my shoulder and said.


“You also said you missed my t©uçh, right?”


I bit myl-ips as I realized what he meant by that. He brou-ght his face to mine and said…


“I want to hear it one more time,tell me you love”


“I love you Sebastian and I’ll always do. All I want is you not breaking my heart.”


He chuckled and said…


“I love you too much. How will I break your heart?”


I smiled and buried my face in his che-st inhaling the scent that I missed so much.


He suddenly picked me up from the ground and marched to his room while saying…


“Its late, you nee-d to rest”


I smiled and placed my head on his che-st. He entered his room and placed me on the be-d before walking to his wardrobe probably to change.


I turned my head away so as to give him some privacy. I heard him chuckle then he said….


“Don’t you want to see your b©yfri£nd’s gorgeous b©dy”


I rolled my eyes still while Looking away from him…


I felt him climb up the be-d and finally I turned to face him. I smiled at him


“St©p looking at me like that, I know I’m gorgeous but also st©p s£dûç!ng me”


I scoffed and said….


“Look who’s talking about se-duction.”


“What did you mean by that?”


I shrugged and said…




I closed my eyes trying to sleep but I was just not feeling sleepy. I peeped at him and he had his eyes closed, maybe he’s asleep.


I stared at his face. It’s true, he’s really cute when he sleeps…


I brou-ght my hands to his face and I traced my my f!nger from his forehead to his nose then to hisl-ips. I then shifted closer to him and pe-cked hisl-ips.


“I want to sleep Gaby, quit tempting me”


“Ohh,,I’m sorry”


I retracted my hands from his face and turned to the other side then closed my eyes but still I couldn’t sleep.


Suddenly I felt him wra-p his arm round my tiny w@!st then he pu-ll-ed me closer him then he placed a k!ssat the crook of my n£¢k which made me shiver. He then whispered in my ear….


“Maybe like this you’ll be able to sleep”


He k!$$£d my cheek and like that we drifted off to sleep….






Sebastian POV


I opened my eyes slowly and I was welcomed with Gabriela’s slee-ping face.


I really missed her more than I could imagine. Feels so good to finally have her as mine.


I k!$$£d her forehead and that seemed to wake her up.


“Good morning Sebastian, what time is it?”


“Morning sunshine, I think it’s 10am.”


She g@sped loudly and rose up from be-d then rushed to my bathroom. She said while running the shower….


“plea-se, could you be a darling and go get me my clothes in my room? I’m late for work”


I chuckled and walked out of the be-d room and collected an outfit from her wardrobe before going back to my room.


I walked in and I g@sped at what I saw. She was only in a towel that ba-rely covered anything. As she saw me she st©pped drying her hair and walked up to then took her dresses from me.


She pe-cked myl-ips and said….


“Thanks, you’re an angel”


She rushed back into the bathroom and after a while she c@m£ out of the bathoom while bu-ttoning her shi-t


“I have to go now babe,you’ll come pick me up right?”


I nodded with a smile. She made to walk out of the room but I dragged her back in and said…


“You’re forgetting something…”


She stood on her ti-ptoes and k!$$£d myl-ips. I wra-pped my arm round her w@!st and de-epened the k!ss.


The k!sswas getting too intense that I didn’t even know when my hand began un-bu-ttoning her shi-t.


She broke the k!ssand said…


“I’m late for work, well do this later”


My face brightened as I heard what she said….


“I’ll leave now, and also they’re some visitors you’ll meet later. I’ll explain everything to you once I come back”


I nodded and she ran out of the room….


Gabriela POV


The car st©pped me infront if the studio and I ran in. I met Daniela and Shane.


“Good morning guys”


Shane nodded with a smile and Daniela rolled her eyes. Looks like she knows alre-ady that we’ll be competing.


Shane then spoke….


“Alright let the training begin. You guys have to win this contest at all cost. Not only will it help the Company but it’ll boost your carriers”


We nodded and then Shane said…


“Alright let the training begin”


We went our separate ways to change and after some minutes we were re-ady. I sat down on a chair beside Shane and we watched Daniela.


Each time she began cat walking on the stage, Shane must say….


*It’s not that good, try better!!

*Give me some emotions

*Try ha-rder Dany…


I smiled happily as I heard all the critics she was receiving. She looked my way and discreetly glared at me but I saw that,,,looks like she hates me alre-ady…Who cares!!


It was now my turn. I climbe-d the stage and breath in and out then my mind drifted to that day, the day I was kidnapped.


I cat walked on the stage and at some point, I strike a pose.


After some time Shane asked me to st©p. I climbe-d down the stage and walked to them.


“Wow Nicole, that was simply fantastic, I’ve never seen anything like that before. Good job if you continue like that you will definitely win the contest, that’s for sure”


I smiled and glanced at Daniela she is alre-ady fuming in anger. I’m just starting and you’re fuming in anger??….Just wait till when I’ve fully cleared my name, there you’ll know what it feels like when someone takes away everything from you…


I walked to the changing room and I changed in my former clothes then I went to the restroom to fix back my makeup.


Suddenly Jayden entrees the bathroom. Anger rose from the pit of my stomach but I suppressed it with a smile. Let the fun begin…


I turned to him and said…


“What are you doing here? Last time I checked this is the ladies room”


He walked towards me with a lvstful gaze…Then he placed his hand on my shoulder and ca-ressed it, I felt disgusted by his t©uçh but I had to pl@yit cool.


He then said….


“I thought you’ll nee-d some company, you see what I’m saying?”


I smiled at him and said…


“I’m sorry but you’re not my type, I prefer handsome and most importantly I prefer a man who has something down there”


I win-ked and patted his cheek before walking out of the bathroom.


I walked out of the company and as I expected Sebastian was leaning on his car waiting for me.


I turned my head to the left and I could see Daniela staring at him surprise…Probably thinking what a celebrity like him is doing here.


I climbe-d down the stairs and I ran into his arms… I then said…


“Did you miss me?”


“Of course. Let me take you somewhere”


I nodded and made to get in the car but he held my hand and pouted hisl-ips like a kid.


I rolled my eyes as I know alre-ady what he wants. I walked closer to him and wra-pped my arm round his n£¢k then I k!$$£d him tenderly and as usual her wra-pped his arm round my w@!st and de-epened the k!ss.


I broke it and said…


“Alright let’s leave”


He held my w@!st and said…


“Just a little more. plea-se?”


With that said he claimed myl-ips again and after some minutes he broke the k!ssreluctantly and said…


“I can never get enough of yourl-ips”


I chuckled and made to walk enter the car then I glanced at Daniela and her mouth was hanging down. Oops I forgot she was looking…


I shrugged and boarded the car then we drove away

