The things girls do episode 15

[Girls do crazy things things and these girls are the craziest of them all??]
: Johnny Légendary✍️

Note: 18+ ? adult contents ❌ not for re-aders un-der the age of 18




Gloria’s POV:

Lying on my be-d, I heard the be-droom door creaking opened. I started up, scared of who it was barging into my room.

Adeola stepped in with a f!nger to hisl-ips. ” Don’t make a sound, Gloria,” he whispered. ” It’s just me.”

” What are you doing here?” I asked, relieved to know it was just him but also curious what he was doing in my room.

Adeola shut the door and walked over to my be-d. At first, I thought he was planning to sleep with me but instead he sat on the be-d away from me.

” I’m sorry about what happened today Cynthia. I forgot to mention but my son is kind of a spoilt br@t just like his mother.”

” He’s just a kid,” I said, angry at myself for saying that. If he wasn’t a kid, I’d have made him suffer.

” Yes I know but he’s also suffering silently. You might want to be a little patient with him. He can be very annoying at times,” Adeola said, looking uneasy.

” Why are you here?” I asked, deciding it was about time he tells me why I’m here to act as a maid in his house.

” I told you,” Adeola replied. ” When the time is right, I’ll tell you.”

” No you’re not,” I insisted. ” I’m not going ahead with this if you don’t tell me why I’m here.”

He stared at me in the darkness. It was a long stare that reminded me of Junior.

” Alright,” he began. ” I want to divorce my wife.”

I drew back my face. ” Divorce your wife? Is that all?”

He shooked his head. ” I want to divorce her but I also want to keep Junior.”

I began thinking really fast. It’s not my business if he chose to divorce Linda. The bit-ch deserves it but then again, I saw no reason why he should be crazy about keeping Junior.

” I don’t un-derstand. At first you said you wanted to make your wife jealous, now you’re talking about a divorce. What side are you, anyway?”

Adeola nodded. ” I’ll explain. You see, I’m fed up with the insults and humiliation Linda mounts upon me. I’m sick and tired of it all. The only solution is to file for a divorce but in doing so, I’ll lose Junior and I don’t want that to happen.”

” I don’t see how possible that sounds,” I said, rolling my eyes. ” That boy won’t leave his mother for you nor would she let you have him.”

” It’s possible,” Adeola smiled, drawing closer to me. ” With you, anything is possible.”

My eyebrows sh0t up and my hands ti-ght£ñed. ” I’m not a god, Adeola. I can’t work miracles.”

” I want you to win over my son to my side,” Adeola leaned over to me, smiling as he disclosed his plans. ” I’ve been watching him ever since you got here. He likes you, I can see that.”

I pu-ll-ed a face. ” I don’t think so. He hates me as much as he hates you, else, why would he take my ph0tos and show them to his mom.”

” He’s just trying to have some fun,” Adeola said. ” Don’t be too taken with his nas-ty behavior. It’s his mother’s fault. She spoilt him Soo much but that is to be expected since I wasn’t given the chance to discipline him.”

” And now you want me to turn him against his own mother?”

” Bingo,” Adeola snapped a f!nger. ” See, once Junior begins to hate his mother and then turn his eyes back to me, it’d be easier for me to file a divorce and fight for the right to own him.”

” But what for?” I asked, suspecting him. ” Since you know his mother wouldn’t let you have him without a fight, why not go ahead with the divorce, settle her up and take another wife? I’m sure you can have as many sons and daughters as you wish.”

Adeola shooked his head sadly. There was that gleaming look on his face that disturbe-d me. ” I can’t have anymore children.”

” What do you mean?”

He sighed. ” I have a condition. The doctor says it’s low sp-erm count. It began after having Junior. Junior is the only son and child I have. All these money and the big businesses I have would all crumble to pieces without a son.”

” That’s nones-en-se,” I ch!pped in, surprised at what he’s saying. ” Didn’t you make a will or something? I’m sure Linda would be plea-sed to see her son inherit all your wealth.”

Adeola laughed but it was a low bitter laugh. ” That’s what you think but unfortunately, Linda is not like that. She says Junior isn’t going to Inherit a single thing from me. She believes all my wealth were gotten throu-gh money rituals. She’s that religious and her suspicions about me are strong. So you can see, all my wealth would go to waste without Junior there to inherit all of it before I die.”

” That’s the most craziest thing I’ve ever heard,” I said. ” If she doesn’t want her son to inherit your wealth, then what is she still doing in your house? She’s rich and has her own business so why waste time at your house?”

Adeola snapped his f!ngersat me. ” There you go, that’s an excellent question. She believes she can make me confess the truth, that I was responsible for the death of our three daughters. She keeps bringing prophets to my house on a daily basis to pray for my downfall and death. She’s after revenge, you see.”

” This your wife must be nuts,” I said, feeling I was missing something in that story of his. ” What makes her think you’re a ritualist?”

” Coincidence and superstitious beliefs I think,” Adeola shrugged. ” The trouble is that all these prophets of hers keeps feeding her lies against me.”

” And you think turning Junior against her and winning him over to you is the right thing to do?”

” Once I get Junior to like me back, then I’d sign a divorce. You’ll help me, won’t you?”

I wasn’t sure if I liked this plan of his. There’s just too much out of place for me to un-derstand.

” I don’t see how possible that can be but let’s see how things goes first,” I said.

Adeola stood up, smiling broadly. ” I can’t say how much I appreciate this.”

The next thing I expected him to do was to get on the be-d with me but he moved away from me and stood before the door. ” Well goodnight, Gloria.”

And he left me, staring at the door like a person that’s just seen a ghost.


Cynthia’s POV:

” I don’t like this,” I said as Bella fixed my eyelashes. ” I don’t think this is what I meant by fashionable.”

” Nones-en-se, you look beautiful,” Bella said, eyeing the long glossy wig I had put on. ” That your fiance is going to go crazy when he sees you like this.”

I took a de-ep breath and let it go. Bella had taken me shopping, bought me clothes and had st©pped me by a make up saloon where she and her girls surrounded me, fixing my nails, applying make ups on my face and eyelashes. It was just too much. I couldn’t breath. But at the back of my mind, I knew it was worth it somehow.

” Done,” Bella stood back, letting me view myself before the mirror.

I ba-rely recognized me. This wasn’t me. This was a stranger. My fake eyelashes improved features as well as the thick redl-ipstick and pancakes that was plastered to give me that attrac-tive looks.

” Wow,” I t©uçhed my face.

” Do you like it?”

I blinked myself into focus. ” Isn’t this too much? I mean, the bills won’t–”

Bella and her girls laughed. ” Don’t be silly. I’m the one paying for everything.”

I was shocked. ” You are? But I thought I paid you–”

” The money wasn’t enough,” Bella interrupted me. ” I had to add mine. Come on, st©p giving me that look. It’s nothing. I just want you to look good for your man.”

I couldn’t believe my eyes. Bella went all the way like that for me?

” I don’t know what to say.”

Bella sm-irked. ” How about you take me to see this lucky guy of yours?”

” You want to see him?” I asked, wondering if it was ok to take her with me to see Paul.

” Why not,” Bella said, pu-lling out her phone from her pocket. It was ringing noisily. ” Hello? Hey, baby. No I’m free now. That’s not a problem. It’s not your fault. Alright, I’ll be on my way.”

” Who’s that?” I asked.

” One of my money spending b©yfri£nds,” Bella answered, picking her bag. ” He wants me to pay him a visit but I’m not going there now. I’d prefer I see your b©yfri£ndfirst before going over to meet my man.”

” Sounds nice,” I said, standing up, trying my best to steady myself from falling. I hated wearing high heels. This one was too high for my liking but Bella had insisted I wore it.

” You’ll get used to it,” Bella said, referring to my high heels. ” Come on, let’s see this fiance of yours.”

We boarded a taxi and drove in silence towards Paul’s house. Bella was busy on her phone, chatting someone up. She didn’t even know when we arrived at the estate where Paul lived.

The moment she looked up and saw the environment, her countenance changed and her face grew darker.

I noticed this. ” Is there something wrong, Bella?”

” This is where my man lives,” Bella said.

I laugh uneasily. ” What a coincidence. I didn’t know.”

” How strange,” Bella frowned. ” And your fiance lives around here too?”

” Yes,” I answered, alarm b!owing at the back of my mind. ” Maybe both our man lives in the same estate.”

Bella saw the logic in what I was saying and she relaxed. ” Yeah, maybe. That’s good anyways. Come on, let’s see this fiance of yours first before I leave.”

Eric was at the gates to welcome us. The moment he saw me, his face changed and bec@m£ stormy.

” Hi, Eric,” I waved at him.

He grimaced. ” What are you wearing?”

I slowly brou-ght down my hand. He seemed mad and sad at the same time.

” I’m wearing clothes,” I said, trying to figure out what’s his problem.

” I meant, what are you putting on? This isn’t you. What happened to you?”

I honestly don’t know what’s wrong with this gate keeper. He’s freaking me out. Just then, Bella c@m£ over after paying for the taxi.

” Who’s this?” Eric asked, glaring at Bella.

” My roommate, why?”

He continued to glare at Bella.

” Is this guy giving you any trouble?” Bella asked.

” Not really,” I said.

” Then let’s go,” Bella brushed past him and moved towards the stairs.

As I made to follow her, Eric drew me back. ” Cynthia, are you going to see your fiance with that lady?”

I didn’t like the way he held me. I had to pu-ll myself away from his grasp. ” What’s your problem?”

” You’re hear to see your fiance isn’t that right?”

” Ofcourse I’m here to see him, what has that got to do with you?”

His face fell and he took a step back. ” It would end in tears. I can see that alre-ady.”

” What would end in tears?” I asked, growing mad at this guy.

” I won’t say anything,” he walked away. ” But I’m going to warn you, it’d end in tears.”

What was his problem? Why was he looking Soo concerned about me?

Returning back to myself, I ran up the stairs to join Bella.

The moment I c@m£ to Paul’s veranda, I st©pped in my track.

What I saw caused my blood to chill and my face to be drained of it’s color.

Right before my eyes, standing infront of Paul’s door was Bella and Paul, k!ssing.




I couldn’t believe it, myl-ips were shaky and my b©dy quavered from shock and disgust.

The moment they saw me, they immediately broke free. Paul to-re away from Bella as he gaped at me in shock.

Bella, surprised at what just happened, turned to me. ” Sorry about that, Cynthia. I didn’t see you coming. I guess I got carried away with my man.”

” Your man?” I didn’t recognize my voice. It was Shaky and tiny.

” Yes na,” Bella laughed, drawing Paul closer to her. ” My Superman.”

Paul pushed her away. ” Who’s your Superman?”

I closed my eyes then opened them again. ” Paul, tell me what’s going on?”

” Cynthia, I can….I–I can explain.”

” What’s your explanation, then?” I said, feeling my eyes going Misty. ” That you’ve been cheating on me with my roommate?”

” Your roomma–” Paul’s eyes darted to Bella. ” She’s your roommate?”

” Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,” Bella spoke sharply to me. ” You know this guy?”

” Yeah,” I glared at her. ” He’s my fiance.”

Bella said nothing. The atmosphere suddenly bec@m£ tensed and quiet.

Suddenly, Bella made a small laugh. ” Now this is getting awkward. What’s happening here?”

I didn’t wait to hear the rest. I ran off, crying as my emotions got the best of me.




I ran past the gates. I didn’t see Paul but his words were there to stab me.

” It’d end in tears.”

I pu-ll-ed out the wig and threw it away. I re-moved my high heels and threw them away as well.

I was mad. I was sad. I was heartbroken. Gloria had warned me, Lucy had warned me and so had Eric but I was too blind, too stupid to listen.


Bella’s POV:

She was gone. My roommate.

So this was Cynthia’s fiance and I have been Soo fly about slee-ping with him.

I watched him as he paced up and down the veranda, swearing and cursing.

” Damn, fv¢k! fv¢k! fv¢k! fv¢k!” He punched the wall.

I still stare at him and my jaws moved as I continued chewing my gum.

He was Soo mad and confused he walked up to me with an accusing f!nger. ” This is all your fault!”

I stared at him, saying nothing. My jaws were still moving slowly on my gum.

” If you had told me earlier that she was your roommate, this wouldn’t have happened.”

My hands moved fast and I sl@pped him ha-rd in the face.

He held his cheeks and yelled at me. ” You sl@pped me!”

I sl@pped his other cheeks this time ha-rder.

He stared at me in shock and it was with an effort I tried not to claw his face with my nails.

Still chewing my gum, I walked out of his sight and ran down the stairs in search of Cynthia.
