The things girls do episode 14

[Girls do crazy things things and these girls are the craziest of them all🥴🤪]
© Johnny Légendary✍️

Note: 18+ 🔞 adult contents ❌ not for re-aders un-der the age of 18




Gloria’s POV:

Standing before Linda and Adeola, I felt sweats streaming behind my n£¢k down to my back.

Not that I was afraid of them or anything but the sight of Linda scrolling throu-gh the ph0tos Junior had taken of me made me scared to my wits.

What a disgrace. This time I really felt it.

Turning her face away from the iPad, she diverted her eyes to me. Those eyes scared me for the first time since I got here.

” Can you give me a logical explanation for this?” She asked.

Adeola was sitting opposite her in an arm chair. He had his eyes fixed on me but they were cold unfriendly eyes.

How was I supposed to tell this woman that I cannot cook simple yam porridge? How do I say it, where do I start from?

” She can’t cook, mom,” it was Junior he was sitting far away from his father, his eyes jeering at me. ” You should have seen what she prepared. It was soo disgusting and ewwish. I nearly threw up. She’s the worse maid you’ve ever hired, mom. Fire her.”

I gritted my teeth bitterly. Someday, just someday, I am going to give that little rascal a heavy knock on the head.

” Junior,” it was Adeola. ” You should mind how you speak to your elders. Gloria is not your mate.”

” He wasn’t talking to you, old man,” Linda snapped at him.

” I was trying to correct him,” Adeola said. ” That boy Should watch how he address people. It’s bad manners and it’s not going to help him in the future.”

” He doesn’t nee-d your correction,” Linda barked, pointing an accusating f!nger at him. ” This meeting doesn’t nee-d your pres£nce so you can get out of here if you don’t have anything reasonable to say.”

Adeola remained quiet and so was Junior. I noticed Junior was frowning at him.

” Back to you Gloria,” Linda said. ” Is it true you can’t cook?”

” It’s true, madam.”

” How old are you?”

I decided I wasn’t going to give her my actual age so I lied. ” Twenty-one.”

” And you can’t cook at twenty-one?”

” Yes madam.”

” Then you must be ashamed of yourself,” Linda yelled. ” How can a full grown woman like you don’t know how to prepare a simple food like porridge yam? Just take a look at these ph0tos. This image is very irritating. The yam you prepared wasn’t well pealed and it was half boiled. The water looks brown and messy with onions that weren’t even diced. I mean for crying out loud, of all things to waste at this difficult times, my onions? Then you packed my cray fish and loaded them in the pot Makin the food look like something a pig just pas-sed out.”

I closed my eyes ti-ghtly. The humiliation was just too much. Even Adeola was embarras-sed.

” What a world,” Linda lamented. ” I can’t believe of all girls I had to hire for a maid, I picked my self a big for nothing. With this bad cooking problem of yours, how do you expect to get married? And even if you managed to find a husband, would you feed him and his children with this ru-bbish you prepared? You cannot manage a home. I will not be surprised if you can’t keep a home clean. I’m very disappointed in you. What a disgrace. You are disgrace to woman-hood. You don’t deserve to own brea-sts and a v@g!n@ .”

It was just too much to bear. I’ve never been scolded like this before. I could feel my eyes going Misty.

” God forbid,” Linda spat. ” Young girls of nowadays. All they know how to do best is sleep around with men, spend time on make up and walk around the streets.”

Adeola wasn’t saying anything. It was that bad enough.

” Gloria, to be honest with you, I’m gravely disappointed in you. What a fool I had been to have hired you. I’m not sorry to say this. I can’t have you in my house. Pack your things and leave. You’re fired.”

Well, I was expecting that wasn’t I? This was it. I had ba-rely spent ten hours in this house and I’m receiving the sack alre-ady.

” I’m sorry madam,” I said my voice tiny and weak.

” Sorry for yourself,” Linda hissed. ” Come on, get your filthy face out of my sight.”

And I turned to leave. Just when I was about leaving, Junior began.

” Mom, don’t you think it’d be better if you let her stay at least for the night? Remember you have some guest coming tomorrow. She might be of use after all.”

Linda laughed. ” My son, what use would a maid be to me whan she can’t cook? I have no use for her. I will find another maid.”

” And who is going to take me to school tomorrow?” Junior asked.

” Why, I’ll take you to school.”

” And still bring me back home? Remember you have a very important meeting tomorrow. Why can’t Gloria pick me up from school. I can get something to eat from the refrigerator.”

Linda was silent. She seemed to be thinking. ” Junior, do you want us to keep her?”

” Well not for long,” Junior laughed. ” She would be useful for a while but after some time, when you are able to get a better maid, we can get rid of her.”

My eyes ha-rd ened and if looks could kill, Junior would have been dead by now. What was he planning?

Linda called me back. ” Gloria, you heard what my son said. He’s right. You may not be good in the kitchen but there are some few important things that I cannot leave behind. So I’m going to give you a three days grace. In three days time I’ll be looking for a maid so in the meantime, be prepared for anything.”

I turned to face her. I didn’t want her to change her mind. After all the insults and humiliation, she still expects me to stay in this godforsaken house of hers?

I wanted to tell her that no, I’m not going to stay but Adeola stood up immediately and stretched his back, backing his wife.

” I’m off to be-d now,” he yawned then win-ked secretly at me. He must’ve suspected I was going to quit and he didn’t want me to quit so he gave me the sign.

Nob©dy answered him and we all watched him climb the stairs to his be-droom where he shut himself in.

” Foolish man,” I heard Linda scoffed. ” You were about saying something, Gloria?”

My eyes returned back to Junior. He still had that jeering looks on his face but behind that look, I saw him pleading for me to stay.

” Alright madam,” I said. ” I am going to stay.”

That’s right, I’m going to stay. Not because of Adeola but because I’m going to make sure I teach that little rascal a lesson before I leave.


Priscilla’s POV:

Frank was shocked when he saw me arranging my clothes in his wardrobe. He closed the door behind him, his eyes scre-wed up in confusion.

” What is going on here? How did you get into my room?”

I didn’t say anything. I dropped my shoes and hanged my clothes neatly in the wardrobe.

” Hey,” Frank yelled. ” I’m talking to you, aren’t I?”

After putting away the last clothes, I moved away from him into the kitchen. ” Hungry? I made dinner.”

He grimaced. ” Dinner?” Then he sniffed the air. The delicious aroma from the jollof rice I placed on the fire from the kitchen reached his nose.

Turning off the g@s, I brou-ght down the pot and began dishing out dinner.

Frank watched me without moving a muscle. There was that shocking look in his eyes that made him looked like an astonished fool.

After dishing the food in his pres£nce, I placed the two plates on a tray and brou-ght out a stool. I placed his plate for him on the stool and wandered away to the be-d and began eating my dinner in peace and quiet.

Frank didn’t t©uçh the food. He still stood there, looking surprised, confuse and shocked.

I glanced at him. ” You haven’t t©uçhed your food.”

” What are you doing here?” He snapped.

” You said I should always visit you whenever you want and cook for you just as I usually do with Rollins, didn’t you? Well, instead of visiting you from time to time without reasons, I figured it’d be better if we lived together. That way, you can have as many S-x as you like with me and whenever you’re hungry, food will always be re-ady for you. Isn’t that what you want?”

Frank couldn’t say anything. He wanted to say something but he ended up saying something different. ” What are you planning, Priscilla?”

” I’m tired,” I said, taking my plates to the kitchen and covering the food with another plate. ” I nee-d to rest. I’ve been unpacking since afternoon.”

Then to his horror, I began str!pping myself before his face. I drew out my p@n-ties and threw them on the be-d. I also took out my br@ leaving myself as n-ked as Adam and Eve.

Climbing on the be-d, I covered myself with the blanket and closed my eyes. ” After you’re done eating and you’re hor-ny, there’s no nee-d to t©uçh me in my sleep. I’m alre-ady n-ked and waiting for you.”

Throu-ghout that night, to my greatest surprise, Frank didn’t t©uçh me. He didn’t even sleep on the be-d. I had thrown a scare in him. Just as I expected, he was suspicious of me. He had to be because soon, very very soon, he is going to pay back for all the bad things he’s done to me.


Cynthia’s POV:

” Guide us and protect us in Jesus name?” I prayed.

” Amen,” Lucy answered, rising to her feet.

” I’m Soo happy you stayed with me to pray, Lucy,” I said, feeling happy. ” I’ve got to tell you, I feel very lonely doing midnight prayers on my own.”

Lucy bite herl-ips. She had applied al-ipgloss and arranged her hair before doing midnight prayers with me. Initially, I had wondered why she did that but as we prayed and re-ad the Bible together, I realized she went all that way to look good for my benefit.

Nob©dy has ever done that for me before.

Lucy was soo engrossed in our prayers tonight that I started to feel she has truely repented from her sins.

” I’ll do anything for you,” Lucy said.

I laughed, careful not to wake slee-ping Bella. ” Well, can you do something for me?”

” What?”

” Which p@rt of the scriptures is your favorite?”

She thought for a while. Then she uttered. ” I think it’s the one that has to do with Judas betraying Jesus with a k!ss. There’s also another story in the Bible where a woman anointed Jesus with an expensive perfume and k!$$£d his feet. I can’t really remember all the details.”

” Yeah I know that story,” I laughed. ” You’re catching on. But why are those your favorite scriptures?”

” I don’t know,” Lucy shrugged. ” Maybe because of the k!ss!ngI guess.”

I wasn’t comfortable with that but I didn’t tell her so. ” I see.”

” So,” Lucy began as she tied her night go-wn lace around her w@!st. She wore no br@ which made her n!ppl!s visible to me throu-gh the flimsy material of the night go-wn. ” You’re going shopping tomorrow with Bella because you want to impress your fiance, right?”

” I’m doing it because it’s what he likes,” I said, feeling she’s being a bit jealous of Paul

” He doesn’t like you as you are?” Lucy asked, removing the scarf from her head.

” Well, he likes the more fashionable type,” I said. ” We’re getting married soon so I figured we might as well get to un-derstand each other persons preferences.”

Lucy paused for a while. Then spoke to no one in p@rticular. ” He doesn’t know what he’s missing. Left to me, you’re beautiful just the way you are.”

I tried to laugh it off but I only ended up being all the more uneasy. ” Paul doesn’t see it that way, Lucy.”

Lucy turned to me and her big eyes enveloped me. I felt my cheeks burning.

” That’s because he’s blind to see the hidden beauty in you, Cynthia. It’s something I see every single time I’m with you.”

” Lucy, can we not get into that,” I asked, not sure I want to hear her saying that she loves me.

” Yeah you’re right,” she looked away. ” Well, I guess this is goodnight.”

” Yeah,” I said. ” I guess.”

Before I knew it, Lucy leaned over to me and k!$$£d me on the cheek near to my ear-lobe.

It was a light innocent k!ssbut it shooked me tremendously like an electric shock.

She moved away from me. ” Goodnight, Cynthia.”

And she ran off to her be-d and covered her face with a blanket.

I couldn’t move. I couldn’t breath and my heart was pounding. What is this? What is this?!
